Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Outpost Development Research Projects

Starfield - List of All Outpost Development Projects

Outpost Development Research Projects can be completed at a Research Lab in Starfield. Read on to learn the different Outpost Development Research Projects, how to complete and unlock them, the Resources and Skills needed to complete them, as well as what each project unlocks.

All Outpost Development Research Projects

All Outpost Development Research Projects
Manufacturing Resource Extraction Decoration
Horticulture Domestication Power Generation
Robots Outpost Defense -


Project Requirements Unlocks
Manufacturing 1 Sealant x3
Iron x3
Adaptive Frame x3
Zero Wire x

Skill: None
・Simple Fabricator
・Small Warehouse Modules
・Inter-System Cargo Links
Manufacturing 2 Sealant x8
Tungsten x8
Iron x12
Adaptive Frame x4
Lubricant x4
Reactive Gauge x2
Zero Wire x4

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
・Compound Fabricators
・Medium Storage
Manufacturing 3 Sealant x12
Tungsten x12
Iron x16
Adaptive Frame x12
Lubricant x4
Positron Battery x2
Reactive Gauge x4
Zero Wire x8

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
・Multiplex Fabricators Module
・Large Storage

Resource Extraction

Project Requirements Unlocks
Resource Extraction 1 Aluminum x30
Chlorosilanes x10
Copper x20
Adaptive Frame x10
Drilling Rig x5
• Mag Pressure Tank x8

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
・Commercial Extractors
・Industrial Extractors
Resource Extraction 2 Aluminum x16
Chlorosilanes x8
Caesium x8
Adaptive Frame x8
Aldumite Drilling Rig x2
Microsecond Regulator x3

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
・Industrial Extractors


Project Requirements Unlocks
Decoration 1 Fiber x3
Ornamental Material x2
Structural Material x3

Skill: None
・Additional Furniture and Decorations at Outposts.
Decoration 2 Aluminum x4
Adhesive x4
Fiber x4
Pigment x4
Structural Material x4

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
・Additional Furniture and Decorations at Outposts.
Decoration 3 Aluminum x12
Adhesive x12
Fiber x8
Nickel x8
Luxury Textile x2
Structural Material x12

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
・Additional Furniture and Decorations at Outposts


Project Requirements Unlocks
Horticulture 1 Tungsten x10
Adaptive Frame x10
• Mag Pressure Tank x8
Metabolic Agent x10
Nutrient x10

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
Botany (Rank 1)
・Commercial Greenhouse
Horticulture 2 Tungsten x8
Adaptive Frame x8
Amino Acids x4
• Mag Pressure Tank x4
Metabolic Agent x12
Nutrient x12

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
Botany (Rank 1)
・Industrial Greenhouse


Project Requirements Unlocks
Domestication 1 Aluminum x30
Sealant x10
Adhesive x10
Adaptive Frame x10
• Molecular Sieve x5

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
Zoology (Rank 1)
・Commercial Animal Husbandry Facility
Domestication 2 Aluminum x16
Sealant x12
Adhesive x12
Adaptive Frame x8
Hypercatalyst x4
Substrate Molecule Sieve x3

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
Zoology (Rank 1)
・Industrial Animal Husbandry Facility

Power Generation

Project Requirements Unlocks
Power Generation 1 Copper x20
Silver x30
Cobalt x10
Adaptive Frame x10
Isocentered Magnet x8
Zero Wire x10

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
・Advanced Wind Turbines
Power Generation 2 Titanium x12
Beryllium x12
Caesium x8
Power Circuit x1
Supercooled Magnet x1
Tau Grade Rheostat x2
Zero Wire x8

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
・Solar Domes
Power Generation 3 Lead x12
Tungsten x12
• Isotopic Coolant x4
Power Circuit x2
Supercooled Magnet x2
Tau Grade Rheostat x4
Paramagnon Conductor x4
Nuclear Fuel Rod x4
Control Rod x3

Outpost Engineering (Rank 3)
Power Generation 4 Lead x20
Tungsten x16
• Isotopic Coolant x8
Power Circuit x4
Tau Grade Rheostat x12
Control Rod x4
Tasine Superconductor x3
• Rothicite Magnet x2
Vytinium Fuel Rod x4

Outpost Engineering (Rank 3)
Special Projects (Rank 1)
・Advanced Reactors


Project Requirements Unlocks
Robots 1 Aluminum x3
Beryllium x3
Zero Wire x2

Skill: None
・Garden Mini Bot
・Sanitation Mini Bot
・Engineering Robot
Robots 2 Titanium x12
Chlorosilanes x12
Cobalt x12
Austenitic Manifold x3
Polymer x4
Positron Battery x3
Zero Wire x12

Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
・Logistics Robot
・Power Management Robot

Outpost Defense

Project Requirements Unlocks
Outpost Defense 1 Aluminum x30
Titanium x10
Fluorine x5
Copper x5
Positron Battery x3
Zero Wire x8

Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
・Security Mini Bot
・Turret Mk II
Outpost Defense 2 Aluminum x16
Titanium x12
Neon x4
Copper x4
Positron Battery x3
Power Circuit x1
Veryl-Treated Manifold x1

Outpost Engineering (Rank 3)
・Turret Mk III
・Security Robots

How to Complete Outpost Development Research Projects

Complete at a Research Lab

Starfield Research Lab Terminal

You can research Outpost Development Research Projects at a Research Lab. These can be found in your ship, outposts, and major settlements in the game like New Atlantis.

Once you're at the Research Lab, you can do the following.

  1. Access the Research Lab terminal and select the "Outpost Development" category.
  2. Next, choose a research project that you want to work on. Each project will have a list of requirements, such as the types of resources you need and the skills needed to complete it.
  3. Gather the resources and unlock the skills needed to complete the project, then go back to the Research lab to complete it.
  4. You can contribute resources to the project at any time, and you can also speed up the research by assigning crew members to the Research Lab. Once the project is complete, you'll be able to build different modules in your oupost.

How to Unlock Outpost Development Research Projects

Complete More Research Projects

There are eight Outpost Development Research Project trees in the game. The first tier of each tree is already unlocked the first time you access the Research Lab terminal.

You need to complete the pre-requisite Research Projects in a tree in order to unlock all succeeding Research Projects in that tree.

What Are Outpost Development Research Projects?

Unlock Outpost Modules

Starfield - Outpost Development

Outpost Development research projects unlock modules that you can construct for your outposts. Outposts are modular base camps you can build throughout the galaxy using the resources you collect. They can be used as storage, your home on different planets, a base to mine resources, or a crafting and research hub.

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Starfield - Research Projects

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All Research Project Types

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Pharmacology Food and Drink
Outpost Development Equipment


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