Starfield Shattered Space

Best Cyber Runner Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Cyber Runner Background in Starfield. Find out the best Cyber Runner build, the best traits for Cyber Runner, its starting skills, and how to play as a Cyber Runner!

Best Cyber Runner Build

Best Skills for Cyber Runner

Starfield -  Commerce Skill
Starfield -  Marksmanship Skill
Starfield -  Persuasion Skill
Starfield -  Security Skill
Starfield -  Sharpshooting Skill
Starfield -  Sniper Certification Skill
Sniper Certification
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
Starfield -  Theft Skill
Starfield -  Weight Lifting Skill
Weight Lifting

As experts in breaking digital locks and stealing their contents, Cyber Runners already know the Theft and Security skills. You'll want to get Weight Lifting, so you can carry more items and Commerce to sell the goods at a higher price.

Cyber Runners are knowledgeable in Stealth, which is great for sneak-attacking enemies. Pick up the Sniper Certification along with the Sharpshooting skill to perform stealth kills and eliminate enemies from a safe distance. On top of these, you can also acquire the Marksmanship Skill to increase your Critical Hit Chance and to gain the ability to Knock Down enemies using weapons with scopes.

Cyber Runners have also been shown to get unique dialogue options when persuading. Having the Persuasion skill can help increase your chances of success so you can avoid fighting altogether.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Cyber Runner

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Magsniper Magsniper Rifle Phys 6.5mm MI

Cyber Runners operate best by stealing goods quickly without getting detected. If you're not going for the persuasion route, you'll want to get rid of enemies silently with a scoped weapon, particularly the Magsniper so you can work uninterrupted.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Cyber Runner

Since you'll want to maximize how much you can carry, it's probably best to wear light armor with decent protection. This way, you can reserve the rest of the weight for items you'd want to sell later.

Best Armor Sets

Cyber Runner Best Traits

Best Traits for Cyber Runner

Starfield -  Dream Home
Dream Home
You own a luxurious, customizable house on a peaceful planet! Unfortunately it comes with a 125,000 credit mortgage with GalBank that has to be paid weekly.
Starfield -  Introvert
You really need your alone time. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring alone, but more when adventuring with other human companions, (Can't be combined with Extrovert.)
Starfield -  Neon Street Rat
Neon Street Rat
You grew up on the mean streets of Neon. You gain access to special dialogue options, and better rewards from some missions on Neon. Crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased. (Can't be combined with any other faction allegiance trait.)

As a Cyber Runner, you'll most likely be working alone if you want to stay stealthy, meaning you should consider the Introvert trait. You might also want a safehouse by having Dream Home, and thanks to your skills, you should be able to pay off the mortgage in no time.

You could also select the Neon Street Rat trait, which will give you special dialogue options and bonus rewards for missions on Neon. However, this will make you inherently at odds with both the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies.

Best Traits

Cyber Runner Starting Skills and Overview

Cyber Runner Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Security Skill
While the standardized digital locking mechanism is renowned for its security, any code can be broken with the proper training.
Starfield -  Stealth Skill
For a combatant who values discretion above all else, the ability to approach a target while undetected and kill with a silenced weapon is as terrifying as it is effective.
Starfield -  Theft Skill
While not entirely honorable, and certainly not legal, it is nonetheless occasionally necessary to discreetly remove property from someone's person.

Cyber Runner Description

Cyber Runner Flavor Text
From Neon to New Atlantis, the megacorps stand as monuments to power, prestige and profit. You've worked both for and against them, on the inside and out, often sacrificing conscience for credits.

List of All Backgrounds and Starting Jobs

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