Starfield Shattered Space

List of All Ammo IDs (DLC Updated)

This is a list of all Ammo IDs in Starfield. Learn all Ammo IDs, codes, and how to spawn Ammo on PC with console commands.

List of All Ammo IDs

※ Search for a specific Ammo ID below.

Ammo ID Console Command
.27 Caliber 002B559C player.additem 002B559C
.43 MI Array 002B559A player.additem 002B559A
.43 Ultramag 002B5599 player.additem 002B5599
.45 Caliber ACP 002B5598 player.additem 002B5598
.50 Caliber Caseless 002B5597 player.additem 002B5597
.50 MI Array 002B5596 player.additem 002B5596
1.5KV LZR Cartridges 002BAE3F player.additem 002BAE3F
11MM Caseless 002B5595 player.additem 002B5595
12.5MM ST Rivet 002B5594 player.additem 002B5594
12G Shotgun Shell 000547A1 player.additem 000547A1
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell 002B4AFC player.additem 002B4AFC
20mm Particle Rocket
0102C475 player.additem 0102C475
3KV LZR Cartridge 0000E8EC player.additem 0000E8EC
40MM XPL 002B5592 player.additem 002B5592
6.5MM CT 002B5590 player.additem 002B5590
6.5MM MI Array 002B558F player.additem 002B558F
7.5MM Whitehot 002B558E player.additem 002B558E
7.62x39MM 002B558D player.additem 002B558D
7.77MM Caseless 0004AD3E player.additem 0004AD3E
9x39MM 002B559B player.additem 002B559B
Caseless Shotgun Shell 002B4AFB player.additem 002B4AFB
Heavy Particle Fuse 002B558B player.additem 002B558B
Light Particle Fuse 002B558A player.additem 002B558A

How to Use Ammo IDs

Use with Console Commands to Instantly Get Ammo

Command player.additem [item id] [value]
Example player.additem 0000E8EC 1

Ammo IDs are used in the Console Command. This feature is only available on the PC, so you can't get ammo with this method if you're playing on the Xbox.

Here's how to open the Console Command and put in your Ammo IDs:

  1. Press the tilde (~) key to open the console
  2. Type in the command and hit enter
  3. Exit the console with the tilde (~) key

Console Commands Guide

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Starfield - Console Commands List and Guide

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Console Command Guides

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Shattered Space DLC IDs -
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5 Anonymousover 1 year

Light fuse should be 002b558a. The one listed will produce them, but they are unusable.

4 Anonymousover 1 year

002B4AFC is correct code for the 15x25 CLL Shell


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