Starfield Shattered Space

Best Sculptor Build

This is a guide on the best build for the Sculptor Background in Starfield. Find out the best Sculptor build, the best traits for Sculptor, its starting skills, and how to play as a Sculptor!

Best Sculptor Build

Best Skills for Sculptor

Starfield -  Boost Pack Training Skill
Boost Pack Training
Starfield -  Botany Skill
Starfield -  Commerce Skill
Starfield -  Dueling Skill
Starfield -  Geology Skill
Starfield -  Martial Arts Skill
Martial Arts
Starfield -  Medicine Skill
Starfield -  Persuasion Skill
Starfield -  Surveying Skill

With your background as a Sculptor, your experience with a chisel can translate to Dueling in combat. Your knowledge of Surveying, Geology, and Botany also helped with selecting your sculptures' material and can now be used during your exploration.

Other skills that can work well are Boost Pack Training, so you can get better views from above, and Commerce to get discounts when buying and more credits when selling. Medicine is also vital for the effectiveness of different kits and Persuasion to deal with tough situations in a peaceful manner.

List of All Skills

Best Weapons for Sculptor

Weapon Type Damage Ammo Type
Starfield - Tanto Tanto Melee Weapon Phys N/A
Starfield - Va Va'ruun Painblade Melee Weapon Phys N/A
Starfield - Wakizashi Wakizashi Melee Weapon Phys N/A

With knowledge your in Dueling, it's best to take advantage of this ability by using melee weapons with high physical damage.

Best Weapons: Weapon Tier List

Best Armor for Sculptor

Any protective gear that can reduce all kinds of damage should help you survive as a sculptor since you will be fighting in close range most of the time.

Best Armor Sets

Sculptor Best Traits

Best Traits for Sculptor

Starfield -  Empath
You are deeply connected to the feelings of others. Performing actions your companion likes will result in a temporary increase in combat effectiveness. But. performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect.
Starfield -  Extrovert
You're a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions. but more when adventuring alone. (Can't be combined with Introvert.)
Starfield -  Raised Universal
Raised Universal
You grew up as a member of the Sanctum Universum. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the Sanctum Universum in New Atlantis, but lose access to the House of the Enlightened chest. (Can't be combined with any other religion trait.)

As a Sculptor, you can travel with companions to boost your combat effectiveness with Empath and reduce oxygen use with Extrovert. You can also take a religion trait like Raised Universal to gain their unique bonuses.

Best Traits

Sculptor Starting Skills and Overview

Sculptor Starting Skills

Starting Skills Description
Starfield -  Persuasion Skill
In the Settled Systems, the nuanced ability to listen and discuss can often accomplish far more than simply shooting first and asking questions later.
Starfield -  Medicine Skill
Only through advancements in medical training and technology has humanity been able to withstand the galaxy's many dangers.
Starfield -  Geology Skill
Newly discovered minerals mined from alien planets and moons have directly led to some incredible technological advancements.

Sculptor Description

Sculptor Flavor Text
With your knowledge of anatomy and skilled, steady hands, you could have become a surgeon. Instead, you followed your heart, and created works of art to amaze and inspire.

List of All Backgrounds and Starting Jobs

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield - Builds

List of All Builds

All Background Builds

Background Builds
Beast Hunter Bouncer Bounty Hunter
Chef Combat Medic Cyber Runner
Cyberneticist Diplomat Explorer
File Not Found Gangster Homesteader
Industrialist Long Hauler Pilgrim
Professor Ronin Sculptor
Soldier Space Scoundrel Xenobiologist

Other Builds

Stealth Sniper Space Pirate Space Cowboy
Unarmed Pacifist -


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