Starfield Shattered Space

Main Quest List and Walkthrough

Starfield - List of All Main Quests
This is a list of all the main quests and missions in Starfield. Learn how many main quests there are, walkthroughs for all main quests, how long is the main story, and all main quest rewards.

List of All Main Quests

All Main Quests and Rewards

Quest Name Location Rewards
One Small Step Vectera, Moon of Anselon EXP: 400
Credits: 8000
The Old Neighborhood Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 400
Credits: 8000
The Empty Nest Akila, Cheyenne System EXP: 350
Credits: 7200
Back to Vectera Vectera, Moon of Anselon, Narion System EXP: 350
Credits: 7200
Into the Unknown Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 400
Credits: 9500
All That Money Can Buy Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 400
Credits: N/A
Starborn Volii Alpha, Volii System EXP: 300
Credits: 5000
・ Calibrated Constellation Space Helmet (x1)
Further Into the Unknown Random Planet, Random System EXP: 750
Credits: 7200
Med Pack (x2)
Short Sighted Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 700
Credits: 4000
No Sudden Moves Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 750
Credits: N/A
The Collector's Outfit (x1)
High Price to Pay Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 800
Credits: 11000
Unity Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 800
Credits: N/A
In Their Footsteps Oborum III, Oborum Prime System EXP: 750
Credits: N/A
Final Glimpses Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 800
Credits: 11800
・Refined Constellation Spacesuit
Entangled Freya III, Freya System EXP: 800
Credits: 11800
Experimental Nishina Helmet (x1)・Experimental Nishina Spacesuit (x1)
Unearthed Oborum III, Oborum Prime System EXP: 4500
Credits: 10200
Missed Beyond Measure Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 750
Credits: N/A
Revelation Earth, Sol System EXP: 5100
Credits: N/A
One Giant Leap Masada III, Masada System EXP: N/A
Credits: N/A
New Game Plus
Among the Stars Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 440
Credits: 8000
Foreknowledge Jemison, Alpha Centauri EXP: 350
Credits: 14800
Constellation Pack

Main Quest Rewards

All Main Quest Rewards

New Game Plus

New Game Plus is a unique mode that you'll unlock after beating the main storyline of the game. This mode allows you to carry over your character level, skills, and traits, while also having the ability to replay the main story.

New Game Plus Explained: Everything That Carries Over to New Game+

Starborn Guardian Ship

Starfield - Starborn Guardian

You'll get access to the powerful Starborn Guardian Ship at the beginning of New Game Plus. Succeeding completions of New Game Plus will improve the ship and show how many times you've reached the Unity in the ship name (ex. Starborn Guardian II).

How to Get Starborn Guardian Ship

Starborn Spacesuit

Times Cleared Reward Defensive Stats
1 Starborn Spacesuit AstraStarborn Spacesuit Astra 149
2 Starborn Spacesuit MateriaStarborn Spacesuit Materia 159
3 Starborn Spacesuit LocusStarborn Spacesuit Locus 170
4 Starborn Spacesuit TenebrisStarborn Spacesuit Tenebris 181
5 Starborn Spacesuit SolisStarborn Spacesuit Solis 192
6 Starborn Spacesuit GravitasStarborn Spacesuit Gravitas 203
7 Starborn Spacesuit BellumStarborn Spacesuit Bellum 214
8 Starborn Spacesuit TempusStarborn Spacesuit Tempus 224
9 Starborn Spacesuit AvitusStarborn Spacesuit Avitus 235
10 Starborn Spacesuit VenatorStarborn Spacesuit Venator 246

You'll get the Starborn Spacesuit Astra upon first stepping foot in New Game Plus, which has strong protection against all damage types. This will be replaced with stronger versions such as Materia, Locus, and so on each time you return to the Unity.

There are 10 of these suits in total, so you'll need to clear the game 10 times to get the strongest armor, the Starborn Spacesuit Venator.

How to Get All Starborn Armors

How Long is the Main Story?

Around 20 Hours for the Main Quest

Starfield - Around 20 Hours for the Main Quest

The main questline of Starfield will take you around 20 hours to finish depending on the game difficulty you chose.

Game Length and How Long to Beat

Story Overview

Main Quests Story Overview

Starfield - Main Story Setting
The world of Starfield is set in the year 2330 amongst the stars, where humanity has settled in new planets and live their lives as spacefaring people.

You play as a member of the Constellation, an organization of space explorers seeking rare artifacts throughout the galaxy.

You can customize your character's background and traits, giving you the opportunity to role-play as a different character for each playthrough.

Plot Summary and Lore Explained

Starfield Related Guides

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Starfield Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

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Starfield - EnemiesEnemies Starfield - Research ProjectsResearch Projects
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