Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Intrepid Heart Skill Effects

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This is a guide to the Intrepid Heart Skill in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn what the Intrepid Heart Skill does at each level, which Armor and Decorations have this skill, and our builds that use Intrepid Heart.

Intrepid Heart Skill Effects

Skill Effect
After filling the gauge by continuously landing attacks, negates damage reactions and reduces damage taken from a single attack that would knock you back.
Level Effect by Level
1 Activate effect.
2 When activated, damage received is further reduced and will detonate an explosion.

Can You Roll Intrepid Heart via Qurious Armor Crafting?

YES. Intrepid Heart can be obtained as an extra skill on your armor when you try rolling for skills via Qurious Armor Crafting.

Best Armor Augments and Armor Recommendations

Builds Up While Attacking

Intrepid Heart is a skill that needs to be charged by landing attacks. It will be activated once the gauge is filled and you are hit by an attack.

If you have the skill equipped, a blue gauge will be added at the top of your health bar. This will fill up as you land attacks on monsters and will glow once Intrepid Heart is ready.

Take note that once the gauge is filled up, Intrepid Heart's charge will not disappear until you get hit and the skill activates.

Build Up Time Varies Per Weapon

Great Sword's slow attack build more charge per hit compared to a single Light Bowgun shot.

The time it takes to fill Intrepid Heart's gauge will vary depending on the weapon, as the attack speed of the weapons in the game are different. During our tests, the average number of hits needed to fill up the gauge ranged from 35-45 hits.

Attacks from heavy weapons with slow windups like Great Swords and Hammers build up more charge per attack, while rapid-hitting weapons like Light Bowguns and Dual Blades gain less charge per hit but are more consistent.

Take note that the skill's charge does not depend on the damage the weapon inflicts per attack, so the damage output of your weapon is irrelevant when charging up Intrepid Heart.

Charges with Multi-Hit Attacks

Dual Blade's multi-hit Tower Vault Silkbind Attack can quickly fill up the gauge.

Using a weapon's multi-hit attack is an effective way to quickly build up Intrepid Heart's gauge, as this will allow you to charge the skill up faster than using standard attacks.

For example, connecting the Switch Axe's Zero Sum Discharge will fill up the meter faster than using the weapon's regular attacks. This also applies to Long Sword's Spirit Helm Breaker and other similar attacks.

As for long-range weapons, using Pierce and Spread attacks are more effective as these can hit a monster multiple times in a single attack.

Gauge Decreases When Not Attacking

Intrepid Heart's gauge will slowly deplete every two seconds if you are unable to land any attacks.

Additionally, the gauge will reset if you are knocked out and get carted out of battle. You need to build it up again once you get back in the hunt.

Reduces Damage When Activated

Intrepid Heart's main effect is reducing any damage received once the gauge is full. This handy effect allows you to tank any attack that could otherwise take you down entirely.

Intrepid Heart Damage Reduction
No damage reduction
About 50% damage reduced
About 75% damage reduced

Causes an Explosion at Level 2

Besides being able to reduce more damage, Intrepid Heart at level 2 will also cause an explosion that will damage any monster near you.

Note that this is ineffective against long-range attacks, as the explosion is rather small. If you want to maximize this level 2 effect, try to get stick really close to your target!

Useful Quality of Life Skill

What makes Intrepid Heart a good defensive skill, especially for those hunters that would like a bit of wiggle room when hunting, is that it essentially allows you to take a single big hit from a monster every time you fill up the meter.

If you have this skill equipped, you can comfortably hunt even the toughest monsters and you only need to worry about filling the meter every now and then!

Equipment with Intrepid Heart Skill


MH Rise - Intrepid Jewel 1 Decoration IconIntrepid Jewel 1 MH Rise - Intrepid Jewel+ 3 Decoration IconIntrepid Jewel+ 3


Master Rank

Armor Base Defense Skills
Arms IconFlaming Espinas Grip 122
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Razor Sharp Lv. 2
Spare Shot Lv. 2
Intrepid Heart Lv. 1
Legs IconFlaming Espinas Heel 122
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 2
Intrepid Heart Lv. 1

Builds with Intrepid Heart Skill

Master Rank Builds

Available Builds
Great Sword Image Fine Kamura Cleaver Dereliction Strongarm Build
Dual Blades Image Meta Elemental DPS Build
Gunlance Image TU3 Long Shelling Crit Build
Insect Glaive Image Dereliction Raw IG Build
Bow Image TU2 Critical Element Bow Build
Heavy Bowgun Image Endgame Sticky Ammo Climber
Switch Axe Image TU2 Exhaust Build
Sword and Shield Image TU4 Dragon Conversion with Dragonheart Sword and Shield Build
Sword and Shield Image Dragon Conversion Elemental Sword and Shield Builds
Hammer Image TU4 Frostcraft Velkhana Hammer Build
Hammer Image KO Hammer Bloodlust Build
Hammer Image KO Hammer Build
Gunlance Image TU4 Frostcraft Shelling Build
Gunlance Image Sneak Attack Shelling Build
Gunlance Image Long/Wide Shelling Climber
Switch Axe Image Exhaust Comfort Climber
Charge Blade Image TU4 Dragon Conversion Elemental Charge Blade Builds
Charge Blade Image Elemental Savage Axe Climber
Insect Glaive Image TU4 Dragon Conversion with Dereliction Build
Insect Glaive Image Aerial Blood Rite Climber
Bow Image Dragon Conversion Elemental Spread Bow Builds
Bow Image Bloodlust Elemental Spread Bow Builds
Light Bowgun Image Dragon Conversion Elemental Pierce Rapid Fire Build
Light Bowgun Image Endgame Raw Pierce Climber
Heavy Bowgun Image Raw Pierce Climber
Insect Glaive Image Dragon Conversion Elemental IG Builds
Insect Glaive Image Powder Mantle Elemental IG Builds
Insect Glaive Image Bloodlust Insect Glaive
Great Sword Image Frostcraft Amatsu Greatsword
Sword and Shield Image Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental SnS
Sword and Shield Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental SnS
Dual Blades Image Heaven-Sent, Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental DB
Dual Blades Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental DB
Hammer Image Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental Courage Hammer
Hammer Image Frenzied Bloodlust Blast Strength Hammer
Hunting Horn Image Dragon Conversion Elemental Horns
Lance Image Guard Bash Lance
Gunlance Image Amatsu Hail Cutter and Bullet Barrage Build
Switch Axe Image Heaven-Sent Dragon Conversion SA
Switch Axe Image Heaven-Sent Frenzied Bloodlust SA
Charge Blade Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental Savage Axe
Insect Glaive Image Heaven-Sent Status Insect Glaives
Light Bowgun Image Dereliction Rapid Fire Pierce
Heavy Bowgun Image Shield Spread HBG
Heavy Bowgun Image Dragonheart Dereliction Raw HBG
Long Sword Image Blood Awakening Master's Touch LS
Dual Blades Image Blood Awakening Dragon DB Comfort
Hammer Image Blood Awakening Blast Hammer
Great Sword Image Blood Awakening Status Frostcraft GS
Charge Blade Image Blood Awakening Elemental Savage Axe
Switch Axe Image Blood Awakening Elemental Switch Axe
Gunlance Image Silver Sploder Normal Shelling
Insect Glaive Image Heaven-Sent Blood Awakening Elemental Glaives

Builds and Best Armor for Each Weapon

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Skills Partial Banner.png

List of Skills

Rampage Skill List

Rampage Skill List: Best Rampage Skills

All Skills and Effects

Adrenaline Rush Affinity Sliding Agitator
Ammo Up Artillery Attack Boost
Ballistics Berserk Bladescale Hone
Blast Attack Blast Resistance Blight Resistance
Blood Awakening Blood Rite Bloodlust
Bludgeoner Bombardier Botanist
Bow Charge Plus Bubbly Dance Buildup Boost
Burst Capture Master Carving Master
Carving Pro Chameleos Blessing Charge Master
Coalescence Constitution Counterstrike
Critical Boost Critical Draw Critical Element
Critical Eye Defense Boost Defiance
Dereliction Diversion Divine Blessing
Dragon Attack Dragon Conversion Dragon Resistance
Dragonheart Earplugs Element Exploit
Embolden Evade Extender Evade Window
Fire Attack Fire Resistance Flinch Free
Focus Foray Fortify
Free Meal Frenzied Bloodlust Frostcraft
Furious Geologist Good Luck
Grinder (S) Guard Guard Up
Guts Handicraft Heaven-Sent
Hellfire Cloak Heroics Horn Maestro
Hunger Resistance Ice Attack Ice Resistance
Inspiration Intrepid Heart Item Prolonger
Jump Master Kushala Blessing Latent Power
Leap of Faith Load Shells Mail of Hellfire
Marathon Runner Master Mounter Master's Touch
Maximum Might Mind's Eye Muck Resistance
Mushroomancer Normal/Rapid Up Offensive Guard
Paralysis Attack Paralysis Resistance Partbreaker
Peak Performance Pierce Up Poison Attack
Poison Resistance Powder Mantle Power Prolonger
Protective Polish Punishing Draw Quick Breath
Quick Sheathe Rapid Fire Up Rapid Morph
Razor Sharp Recoil Down Recovery Speed
Recovery Up Redirection Reload Speed
Resentment Resuscitate Shock Absorber
Sleep Attack Sleep Resistance Slugger
Sneak Attack Spare Shot Special Ammo Boost
Speed Eating Speed Sharpening Spiribird's Call
Spread Up Stamina Surge Stamina Thief
Status Trigger Steadiness Stormsoul
Strife Stun Resistance Teostra Blessing
Thunder Alignment Thunder Attack Thunder Resistance
Tremor Resistance Tune-Up Wall Runner
Wall-Runner (Boost) Water Attack Water Resistance
Weakness Exploit Wide-Range Wind Alignment
Wind Mantle Windproof Wirebug Whisperer


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