Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak | How to Cook Well-Done Steaks: Best Timing

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How to Cook Steaks Banner.png

This is a guide to cooking Well-Done Steaks using the BBQ Spit and Raw Meat in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn the best timing to cook the Well-Done Steak, how to use the BBQ Spit and Raw Meat, and why you should cook Well-Done Steaks.

Well-Done Steak Basic Information

Name Well-done Steak ImageWell-done Steak
Name (JP) こんがり肉
Description Food that fully restores stamina.
Rarity 2 Type Food and Medicine
Sell Price 48 Hold Limit 10

How to Cook Well-Done Steaks

Location Summary
Cooked in the BBQ Spit.

As a Quest Reward

Type HR Quest Name Drop Qty (#)
Challenge Quest ★2 Challenge Quest 01 -
Event Quest ★2 Gotta Hoard Fast! -
Challenge Quest ★6 Challenge Quest 02 -
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 03 -
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 04 -
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 05 -
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 06 -

Item drop quantity marked as ''-'' have unknown / unconfirmed quantities.

Use the BBQ Spit with Raw Meat

BBQ Spit.jpg

1 Go on any Quest or Expedition Tour.
2 Confirm that you have at least one Raw Meat in your Item Pouch.
3 Select the BBQ Spit from the Action Bar or Radial Menu.
4 Press A with the correct timing to cook the Raw Meat into a Well-Done Steak.

To make Well-Done Steaks, you'll need to have Raw Meat. The player will start the game with 10 of these, which should be enough to practice cooking Well-Done Steaks.

The BBQ Spit is a Fixed Item which is available from the start of the game via the Action Bar. Players can also set it to the Radial Menu for easier access.

How to Get Raw Meat

If you've run out of Raw Meat, it can usually be found from herbivores and small monsters. Even if you hunt several Large Monsters, you generally won't find any Raw Meat, so search out some passive foes and take them down to gather more Raw Meat to cook.

Use Motley Mix to Cook Automatically

In the Gathering Hub, players can talk with the Felyne chef at the Canteen to access the Motley Mix option. Motley Mix offers a variety of unique recipes allowing players to cook an ingredient to produce another.

Motley Mix Advantages

With Motley Mix, players can simply select to cook Well-done Steaks from Raw Meat without the associated hassle. In addition, players are able to cook as many Well-done Steaks as they like at once. The Motley Mix is also the only way to cook Well-done Steak from the Village without starting any Quest.

Motley Mix Disadvantages

The Motley Mix function faces the disadvantage for its convenience of a cost of 65z or 25 points per Steak. The Motley Mix is also only available in the Gathering Hub, so players will not be able to use this feature mid-Quest via the Tent.

Canteen and Food Skills

Best Timing for Well-Done Steaks

Press A after Four Spins

MH Rise - Press A after Four Spins

As shown in the clip above, the easiest way to cook a Well-Done Steak is to simply watch the top of the meat as it cooks, and after completing exactly four rotations, press the A button to pull a freshly-cooked Well-Done Steak away from the fire.

Listen to the Music

While cooking meat, a short song will play which provides a hint to the player as to when they need to press the A button.

The player will need to press the button simultaneously with the last note of the song. If the player waits until the song has ended, the meat will already be burnt, so this method takes some practice. It's best to use the “four spins” method at first until you've heard the song enough times to easily recognize the timing.

All Meat Types and Effects

Meat Type # Rotations Effects
Raw Meat 3 or less Cannot be eaten.
Rare Steak 3 and 1/2 Moderate stamina boost.
Well-done Steak 4 Fully restores stamina.
Burnt Meat Over 4 May raise or lower stamina.

Cooking Raw Meat on the BBQ Spit can lead to one of four possible results based on the number of rotations the meat turns.

There's no distinct advantage to getting any result other than Well-Done Steaks, so it's best to simply aim for four rotations every time.

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

Related Food and Medicine

Other Related Items
MH Rise Ancient Potion IconAncient Potion MH Rise Antidote IconAntidote MH Rise Armorskin IconArmorskin MH Rise Burnt Meat IconBurnt Meat
MH Rise Catalyst IconCatalyst MH Rise Cleanser IconCleanser MH Rise Dash Juice IconDash Juice MH Rise Demon Powder IconDemon Powder
MH Rise Demondrug IconDemondrug MH Rise Deodorant IconDeodorant MH Rise Dust of Life IconDust of Life MH Rise Energy Drink IconEnergy Drink
MH Rise EZ Dust of Life IconEZ Dust of Life MH Rise EZ Meat Bait IconEZ Meat Bait MH Rise EZ Ration IconEZ Ration MH Rise First-aid Med IconFirst-aid Med
MH Rise First-aid Med+ IconFirst-aid Med+ MH Rise Gourmet Fish IconGourmet Fish MH Rise Hardshell Powder IconHardshell Powder MH Rise Herbal Medicine IconHerbal Medicine
MH Rise Herbal Powder IconHerbal Powder MH Rise Immunizer IconImmunizer MH Rise Lifepowder IconLifepowder MH Rise Max Potion IconMax Potion
MH Rise Mega Armorskin IconMega Armorskin MH Rise Mega Demondrug IconMega Demondrug MH Rise Mega Potion IconMega Potion MH Rise Potion IconPotion
MH Rise Rare Steak IconRare Steak MH Rise Ration IconRation MH Rise Raw Meat IconRaw Meat MH Rise Well-done Steak IconWell-done Steak

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket Glasses Ticket Thief's Calling Card
Black Winged Ears Ticket Torn Foreign Drawings Numerical Foreign Drawings
Canyne Mask Ticket Ancient Fragment Bandana Ticket
Fluffy Ticket Coastal Foreign Drawings Treasured Foreign Drawings
Small Flower Pot Noble Foreign Drawings Bunny Ears Ticket
Buff Badge Charming Foreign Drawings Heavenly Silk

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types


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