Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Heaven-Sent Skill Effects

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This is a guide to the Heaven-Sent Skill in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn what the Heaven-Sent Skill does at each level, which Armor and Decorations have this skill, and our builds that use Heaven-Sent.

Heaven-Sent Skill Effects

Skill Effect
Activates when not taking damage for a while during combat with a large monster. The effect is lost when you are knocked back or stray too far away from the monster.
Level Effect by Level
1 Decreases damage once and reduces stamina consumption while active. Performing a Switch Skill Swap will recover sharpness and reload ammo.
2 Reduces time until activation.
3 Also nullifies stamina and sharpness consumption. Performing a Switch Skill Swap removes or reduces status ailments.

Can You Roll Heaven-Sent via Qurious Armor Crafting?

NO. Heaven-Sent is not obtainable as an extra skill on your armor when you try rolling for skills via Qurious Armor Crafting.

Best Armor Augments and Armor Recommendations

Heaven-Sent Skill Activation

Fixed Activation Time

Skill Level Estimated Time (Melee) Estimated Time (Ranged)
1 30 seconds 60 seconds
2 15 seconds 30 seconds
3 15 seconds 30 seconds
Tested using 1-3x Amatsu pieces with Heaven-Sent. The rest the armor pieces are from the Kamura Legacy set.

This has been tested by starting the timer the moment the player runs past the large door into the Training Area.

The effects of Heaven-Sent are activated after a fixed period of time without taking damage during combat with a large monster. Conditions like weapon strikes and varied distance to the monster are found to have no effect on the timer.

However, activation time differs on weapon type. Ranged weapons have a longer time of activation than melee weapons.

Distance of Skill Effect Deactivation

Static Vertical Reference
MH Rise Sunbreak Heaven-Sent Vertical Point 1
Static Horizontal Reference
MH Rise Sunbreak Heaven-Sent Horizontal Point 1
Vertical Horziontal
4 Upward
Wirebug Dashes
6 Dodge Rolls

Testing center of reference is the Toadversary in the Training Arena.

On the horizontal plane, we found that the furthest point that the skill can stay active before deactivating can be observed at the foot of one of the four waterfalls away the Toadversary. Alternatively, it also disappears when exiting the Training Area doorway. Consecutive dodge rolls were used for measurement (without Evade Extender).

For the vertical plane, we observed the effect by using the infinite Wirebug option from Sekirei the Trainer by the item box. From the doorway, the effect can stay active at a distance of four (4) consecutive upward Wirebug dashes before disappearing. This can also be observed by Wirebug dashing upwards once from one of the two closest rope-like bridges.

In conclusion, this shows that there is ample room for moving around with the skill active, even with ranged weapons. This makes it even reliable for large boss arenas involving large monsters like Thunder Serpent Narwa and Amatsu.

Modifies Stamina, Sharpness, Damage Taken

Grants Infinite Stamina and Sharpness at Lv. 3

At Lv. 3, the skill prevents stamina drain and sharpness loss and gives you a one-time hit reduction while it is active. Lower levels decrease stamina use instead. This is equivalent to having both the Blue Scroll effect of Furious and Protective Polish. Make sure that you are at the highest sharpness level if you intend to get the most out of infinite sharpness!

Reduces Status Effects at Lv. 3

Using the Switch Skill Swap with Heaven-Sent Lv. 3 will give the Quick Breath effect, curing or reducing the effect of an abnormal status!

This has been observed to reduce the Frenzy bar and the duration of elemental blights like Fireblight. Helpful if you need to cure a abnormal status effect. Note that like Quick Breath, this also has a 10 second cooldown for some statuses.

This can be used to activate Coalescence quickly if you have it on!

Abnormal Status Effects

Restores Sharpness and Ammo with Switch Skill Swap

Using Switch Skill Swap with this skill active will also allow you to recover 50 points of sharpness and automatically reload your weapon. This also includes Gunlance shells and Wyrmstake/Erupting Cannon.

The skill's effects end and its activation timer is reset when the hunter is knocked back by a monster, strays too far away from the monster, or if the monster starts travelling to another area.

Synergizes with Other Skills

Skills Explanation
Maximum Might A great skill to pair with since Heaven-Sent Lv. 3 gives infinite stamina.
Intrepid Heart Negates damage reactions and reduces knockback, making Heaven-Sent much safer to keep active.

Have this at full bar to protect your Hunter and Heaven-Sent completely for one hit. Having it only partially full would still deactivate the Heaven-Sent Effect.
Defiance Negates interrupts like monster roars, tremors, and wind pressure. Ideal for making the skill effect also safer to keep active.
Coalescence Using the Switch Skill Swap with Heaven-Sent Lv. 3 can help trigger the effects of Coalescence faster.

When using Lv. 3 skill, using any sharpness and stamina skills become optional, since infinite stamina and sharpness makes them redundant. Prioritize using skills that raise raw damage, status, elemental, or affinity instead.

With traditional comfort skills filled in by Heaven-Sent, you can focus on improving your Wirebug performance with Wirebug Whisperer, Wind Mantle, or even Frenzied Bloodlust.

Best for Weapons Heavy on Stamina and Sharpness

Heaven-Sent is compatible with all weapon types, but it is highly suggested for weapons like the Dual Blades that are heavy on stamina consumption and sharpness degradation.

Having fast and mobile weapons with moves and Wirebug skills that can help you dodge monster attacks will also help you keep Heaven-Sent protected from deactivation!

Switch Skill Guide

Equipment with Heaven-Sent Skill


Master Rank

Armor Base Defense Skills
Legs IconTempest Hakama 125
Heaven-Sent Lv. 1
Torso IconTempest Robe 125
Heaven-Sent Lv. 1
Arms IconTempest Sleeves 125
Latent Power Lv. 1
Heaven-Sent Lv. 1

Builds with Heaven-Sent

Master Rank Builds

Available Builds
Sword and Shield Image Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental SnS
Sword and Shield Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental SnS
Dual Blades Image Heaven-Sent, Frenzied Bloodlust Elemental DB
Dual Blades Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental DB
Lance Image Guard Bash Lance
Gunlance Image Amatsu Hail Cutter and Bullet Barrage Build
Switch Axe Image Heaven-Sent Dragon Conversion SA
Switch Axe Image Heaven-Sent Frenzied Bloodlust SA
Charge Blade Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental Savage Axe
Insect Glaive Image Heaven-Sent Status Insect Glaives
Bow Image Heaven-Sent, Dragon Conversion Elemental Spread Bows
Sword and Shield Image Heaven-Sent Embolden Poison Build
Gunlance Image Silver Sploder Normal Shelling
Light Bowgun Image Silver Shooter Rapid Fire Pierce
Insect Glaive Image Heaven-Sent Blood Awakening Elemental Glaives

Builds and Best Armor for Each Weapon

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

Skills Partial Banner.png

List of Skills

Rampage Skill List

Rampage Skill List: Best Rampage Skills

All Skills and Effects

Adrenaline Rush Affinity Sliding Agitator
Ammo Up Artillery Attack Boost
Ballistics Berserk Bladescale Hone
Blast Attack Blast Resistance Blight Resistance
Blood Awakening Blood Rite Bloodlust
Bludgeoner Bombardier Botanist
Bow Charge Plus Bubbly Dance Buildup Boost
Burst Capture Master Carving Master
Carving Pro Chameleos Blessing Charge Master
Coalescence Constitution Counterstrike
Critical Boost Critical Draw Critical Element
Critical Eye Defense Boost Defiance
Dereliction Diversion Divine Blessing
Dragon Attack Dragon Conversion Dragon Resistance
Dragonheart Earplugs Element Exploit
Embolden Evade Extender Evade Window
Fire Attack Fire Resistance Flinch Free
Focus Foray Fortify
Free Meal Frenzied Bloodlust Frostcraft
Furious Geologist Good Luck
Grinder (S) Guard Guard Up
Guts Handicraft Heaven-Sent
Hellfire Cloak Heroics Horn Maestro
Hunger Resistance Ice Attack Ice Resistance
Inspiration Intrepid Heart Item Prolonger
Jump Master Kushala Blessing Latent Power
Leap of Faith Load Shells Mail of Hellfire
Marathon Runner Master Mounter Master's Touch
Maximum Might Mind's Eye Muck Resistance
Mushroomancer Normal/Rapid Up Offensive Guard
Paralysis Attack Paralysis Resistance Partbreaker
Peak Performance Pierce Up Poison Attack
Poison Resistance Powder Mantle Power Prolonger
Protective Polish Punishing Draw Quick Breath
Quick Sheathe Rapid Fire Up Rapid Morph
Razor Sharp Recoil Down Recovery Speed
Recovery Up Redirection Reload Speed
Resentment Resuscitate Shock Absorber
Sleep Attack Sleep Resistance Slugger
Sneak Attack Spare Shot Special Ammo Boost
Speed Eating Speed Sharpening Spiribird's Call
Spread Up Stamina Surge Stamina Thief
Status Trigger Steadiness Stormsoul
Strife Stun Resistance Teostra Blessing
Thunder Alignment Thunder Attack Thunder Resistance
Tremor Resistance Tune-Up Wall Runner
Wall-Runner (Boost) Water Attack Water Resistance
Weakness Exploit Wide-Range Wind Alignment
Wind Mantle Windproof Wirebug Whisperer


3 Anonymousover 1 year

Do blocked attacks (like Lance or GL guards) deactivate Heaven-Sent?

2 Anonymousalmost 2 years



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