Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Best Armor Augments and Armor Recommendations

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor Augments

Qurious Armor Crafting allows you to augment your armor pieces to improve its Skills, Defense, and Decorations slots. Read on for the best skills to roll for when augmenting armor, as well as a list of the best armor to augment!

Qurious Crafting Guides
Weapon Augmentation Armor Augmentation
Anomaly Research
Anomaly Investigations IconAnomaly Investigations Anomaly Research Lab IconAnomaly Research Lab Anomaly Research Level IconAnomaly Research Level

New Features in the Bonus Update

MH Rise Sunbreak Bonus Update Partial Banner

Bonus Update: Release Date and Monsters

Augment: Slots+ Option

A new way to augment armor is now available in the Bonus Update. The Slots+ option guarantees either extra slots or higher slot levels, making builds more flexible than before!

This option is available after updating to Version 16 and reaching Anomaly Research Level 221.

Frenzied Bloodlust Added To The Pool

Frenzied Bloodlust, which used to be exclusive to the Virtue / Prudence armor set, can now be rolled as a skill in Qurious Armor Crafting! It's also now available as a skill for Qurious Melding - Vigor.

Frenzied Bloodlust Skill Effects

Previously Added Skills

Skills Added in Title Update 5
Dragon Conversion Frostcraft
Skills Added in Title Update 4
Powder Mantle Wind Mantle Strife
Mail of Hellfire Intrepid Heart Dragonheart
Skills Added in Title Update 3
Bloodlust Adrenaline Rush Blood Rite
Sneak Attack Buildup Boost Element Exploit
Furious Status Trigger Guts
Chameleos Blessing Kushala Blessing Teostra Blessing

Best Armor Augment Skills

Best Armor Augment Skills to Roll For

Best Armor Augment Skills
Weakness Exploit Attack Boost Critical Eye
Critical Boost Burst Blood Rite
Bloodlust Element Exploit Buildup Boost
Mail of Hellfire Dragonheart Dragon Conversion
Frostcraft Powder Mantle Wind Mantle

Try to Get Offensive Skills

The best skills to get when augmenting your armor are mostly skills that boost your offensive potential, especially those that are difficult or impossible to add with decorations. Any skills that boost your Attack stat or Affinity are worth it as they allow you to deal more damage when hunting monsters.

Several armor pieces lack these skills, so it is a good idea to augment those armor and try to get one of the mentioned skills to free up decoration slots and allow the use of armor that normally can't have the skills.

Low Chance to Roll Offensive Skills

Unfortunately, the skills listed above also have a low chance of being rolled when augmenting armor pieces. If you want to obtain these skills, you need to keep rolling until you get them when augmenting, as well as getting a steady supply of the required materials to keep augmenting armor.

Rarity 8 Armor Augment Rate
(After 112 Augments)
Skill No. of Times Appeared
Weakness Exploit 0
Attack Boost 0
Critical Eye 1
Critical Boost 1
Burst 2
Rarity 9 Armor Augment Rate
(After 100 Augments)
Skill No. of Times Appeared
Weakness Exploit 0
Attack Boost 0
Critical Eye 0
Critical Boost 0
Burst 0
Rarity 10 Armor Augment Rate
(After 211 Augments)
Skill No. of Times Appeared
Weakness Exploit 1
Attack Boost 0
Critical Eye 0
Critical Boost 1
Burst 1

Optional Armor Augment Skills

Optional Armor Augment Skills
Redirection Quick Sheathe Focus
Offensive Guard Rapid Morph Artillery
Agitator Peak Performance Maximum Might
Razor Sharp Master's Touch Handicraft
Rapid Fire Up Ammo Up Spare Shot
Guts Adrenaline Rush Intrepid Heart
Strife Furious Frenzied Bloodlust

Consider Alternative Results

The skills listed above are some examples of commonly-used skills in builds that do not see much priority and rather support the featured skills in a certain build.

Consider keeping the armor when one of these skills pops up in your augments!

Aim For Additional Decoration Slots

Your augment rolls might give you additional decoration slots instead of a skill. In fact, you can guarantee this with the Slots+ augment.

Increasing an armor piece's Decoration slot can make it more functional than its original state, as you can insert more Decorations and add quality of life or safety skills to your build.

Unobtainable Armor Augment Skills

Unobtainable Armor Augment Skills
Capture Master Carving Master Carving Pro
Botanist Geologist Bombardier
Jump Master Fire Resistance Water Resistance
Thunder Resistance Ice Resistance Dragon Resistance
Stormsoul Wind Alignment Thunder Alignment
Bow Charge Plus Bludgeoner Dereliction
Berserk Heaven-Sent Shock Absorber
Quick Breath

After checking with the skill pool for Qurious Armor Crafting, we have confirmed that these skills cannot be rolled as of the Bonus Update.

If you do happen to obtain these skills in your augments, please do let us know in the comments!

How to Unlock More Augment Methods

How to Unlock The New Augment Methods

All three additional Augment methods, Stability, Skills+, and Slots+, are easily unlocked as you increase your anomaly research level or update the game.

These new ways of augmenting armor greatly reduce the RNG when rolling for stats by focusing on Defense, Skills, or Slots!

Method Unlock Condition
Augment: Stability Unlocked upon updating to Title Update 3
Augment: Skills+ Update to Title Update 3 and reach Anomaly Research Level 121.
Augment: Slots+ Update to the Version 16 and reach Anomaly Research Level 221.

Augment: Stability

Augment: Stability is a more stable way of augmentation that makes large defense boosts more likely to appear. Don't expect to get amazing skills for these!

This augment method assures huge defense boosts & skills not getting removed, but also prevents skills from being rolled at all.

If you're specifically looking for Skills to add to your armor, don't waste your essences here!

Augment: Skills+

Augment: Skills+ is another way of augmentation that results in more superior skills appearing! Use this if you're targeting armor skills rather than defenses.

This augment method assures more powerful skills show up more commonly but guarantees that one or more skills will be removed from the armor.

Be careful when you use Augment: Skills+!

Augment: Slots+

MH Rise Sunbreak - Augment Slots

Augment: Slots+ is the last additional option for armor augments and guarantees at least one slot upgrade. Additional skills can still be rolled with this method. However, defenses will likely drop, and you'll have to lose at least one of the skills on the armor.

How to Get Best Armor Augment Skills

Use Augment: Skills+ or Slots+

With Title Update 3, a new augment method called Augment: Skills+ was introduced in the game. This method makes more powerful augments appear more frequently but guarantees that one or more skills would be removed from your armor.

The Bonus Update adds Augment: Slots+, which gives better slots instead but can also add new skills. Like Skills+, this will also give up one of your skill levels. Use this if you're aiming for skills that have decorations.

Notably, Ibushi - Pure and Narwa - Pure armor sets can't use either method. If you want to keep all the skills in your armor, use the normal Augment method instead.

Do NOT Use Augment: Stability

As mentioned in the title, Augment: Stablility assures that your skills will be more intact but this also means you won't be able to roll any skills at all. This method focuses solely on Defense so skills won't be touched.

If you're rolling for skills, do not use this. We recommend using this for 'final armors' with your preferred armor skills though - I mean who doesn't like increased defense?

Keep Augmented Armor with Good Skills

If the armor you augmented came up with a skill that you think will be useful, accept the augment result and keep the armor, as it is better to have it in your inventory than to throw away a good roll.

If you want to keep rolling for better skills, simply create a new armor piece from scratch and use the newly-crafted item to continue your augment attempts.

Low Rarity Armor Get Better Augments

Augmenting Low Rarity Armor Augmenting High Rarity Armor

When augmenting armor pieces, the lower the rarity of your armor, the better the changes you can get after the process!

After making several armor augments, we have ascertained that the Defense stat changes for low-rarity armor are higher than the rarer ones.

Average Defense Increase Per Rarity

Average Defense Increase
Rarity 8 16
Rarity 9 5.8
Rarity 10 3.86

Farm Amber Essences in High-Level Anomaly Investigations

Armor augmenting may be relatively tedious as it relies on luck, so it is recommended to clear high-level Anomaly Investigations and obtain Amber Essence, Amber Essence+, Prime Amber Essence, Royal Amber Essence, and Pure Amber Essence to have a stock of materials to use when augmenting your armor.

Anomaly Investigations Guide

Best Armor to Augment

Armors suggested here either have really good base skills or have unnecessary skills.

Best Armor to Augment
MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor AugmentsHead MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor AugmentsTorso MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor AugmentsArms
MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor AugmentsWaist MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor AugmentsLegs

Best Head Armor to Augment

Armor Decoration Slots Skills
Head Arc Helm / Storge Helm
Rarity 9
Coalescence Lv. 2
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Head Kaiser Crown X
Rarity 9
Critical Eye Lv. 3
Head Malzeno Helm
Rarity 9
Head Lunagaron Helm
Rarity 9
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Head Chaotic Helm / Nephilim Helm
Rarity 10
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Head Risen Kaiser Horns
Rarity 10
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Head Archfiend Armor Cerato
Rarity 10
Resentment Lv. 2
Head Flaming Espinas Brain
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Razor Sharp Lv. 1
Spare Shot Lv. 1
Head Onmyo Toukan
Rarity 10
Head Valstrax Helm - Epoch
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Latent Power Lv. 2

Best Torso Armor to Augment

Armor Decoration Slots Skills
Torso Kamura Legacy Garb
Rarity 8
Critical Eye Lv. 1
Wall Runner Lv. 1
Torso Hermitaur Mail
Rarity 8
Ammo Up Lv. 1
Guard Lv. 3
Load Shells Lv. 1
Torso Barioth Mail X
Rarity 8
Torso Kaiser Mail X
Rarity 9
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Ballistics Lv. 2
Torso Kushala Cista X
Rarity 9
Ammo Up Lv. 2
Handicraft Lv. 2
Torso Pyre-Kadaki Mail
Rarity 9
Torso Malzeno Mail
Rarity 9
Partbreaker Lv. 1
Blood Rite Lv. 1
Torso Zinogre Mail X
Rarity 9
Latent Power Lv. 1
Torso Sailor Suit
Rarity 9
Evade Window Lv. 4
Torso Chaotic Mail / Nephilim Mail
Rarity 10
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Torso Risen Kushala Iram
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Razor Sharp Lv. 2
Spare Shot Lv. 2
Torso Rimeguard Mail
Rarity 10
Frostcraft Lv. 1
Torso Risen Kaiser Mail
Rarity 10
Critical Eye Lv. 3
Torso Archfiend Armor Baulo
Rarity 10
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Torso Silver Solmail
Rarity 10
Fire Attack Lv. 3
Torso Sinister Grudge Garb
Rarity 10
Torso Tempest Robe
Rarity 10
Heaven-Sent Lv. 1
Torso Primordial Mail
Rarity 10
Burst Lv. 1

Best Arms Armor to Augment

Armor Decoration Slots Skills
Arms Rhenoplos Braces X
Rarity 8
Artillery Lv. 2
Load Shells Lv. 1
Arms Velociprey Braces
Rarity 8
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Arms Barioth Vambraces X
Rarity 8
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Arms Barroth Vambraces X
Rarity 8
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Spread Up Lv. 1
Arms Ceanataur Braces
Rarity 8
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Pierce Up Lv. 1
Grinder (S) Lv. 1
Arms Jaggi Gauntlets X
Rarity 8
Attack Boost Lv. 3
Arms Utsushi True Braces (H) / Channeler's Hope (Spring)
Rarity 9
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Evade Window Lv. 1
Arms Malzeno Braces
Rarity 9
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Arms Lunagaron Braces
Rarity 9
Agitator Lv. 3
Arms Archfiend Armor Epine
Rarity 10
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
Arms Flaming Espinas Grip
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Razor Sharp Lv. 2
Spare Shot Lv. 2
Arms Chaotic Vambraces / Nephilim Vambraces
Rarity 10
Resentment Lv. 3
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Berserk Lv. 1
Arms Risen Kushala Grande
Rarity 10
Burst Lv. 2
Wind Mantle Lv. 1
Arms Risen Kaiser Braces
Rarity 10
Critical Eye Lv. 1
Ballistics Lv. 1
Arms Golden Lunebraces
Rarity 10
Burst Lv. 1
Arms Rimeguard Gloves
Rarity 10
Frostcraft Lv. 1
Arms Valstrax Braces - Epoch
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Latent Power Lv. 2
Arms Tempest Sleeves
Rarity 10
Latent Power Lv. 1
Heaven-Sent Lv. 1
Arms Virtue / Prudence Braces
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 3
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Arms Primordial Vambraces
Rarity 10

Best Waist Armor to Augment

Armor Decoration Slots Skills
Waist Rathalos Coil X
Rarity 8
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Windproof Lv. 3
Waist Anjanath Coil X
Rarity 8
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Waist Malzeno Coil
Rarity 9
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Partbreaker Lv. 1
Blood Rite Lv. 2
Waist Utsushi True Tassets (H) / Channeler's Obi (Spring)
Rarity 9
Agitator Lv. 2
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Waist Sailor Skirt
Rarity 9
Ballistics Lv. 3
Waist Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets
Rarity 10
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Waist Risen Kushala Cocoon
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Recovery Up Lv. 3
Waist Risen Kaiser Coil
Rarity 10
Ballistics Lv. 2
Waist Valstrax Coil - Epoch
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Waist Virtue / Prudence Coil
Rarity 10
Bloodlust Lv. 1

Best Leg Armor to Augment

Armor Decoration Slots Skills
Legs Astalos Greaves
Rarity 9
Razor Sharp Lv. 3
Spare Shot Lv. 3
Legs Gore Greaves
Rarity 9
Agitator Lv. 3
Speed Eating Lv. 1
Legs Utsushi True Greaves (H) / Channeler's Hakama (Spring)
Rarity 9
Agitator Lv. 1
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Evade Window Lv. 1
Legs Archfiend Armor Sceros
Rarity 10
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Legs Bazelgeuse Greaves X
Rarity 9
Agitator Lv. 1
Artillery Lv. 2
Guard Lv. 1
Legs Grand God's Peer Feet
Rarity 9
Flinch Free Lv. 2
Latent Power Lv. 1
Legs Silver Solgreaves
Rarity 10
Redirection Lv. 1
Legs Lambent Gaiters
Rarity 10
Ammo Up Lv. 2
Handicraft Lv. 2
Sneak Attack Lv. 1
Legs Onmyo Sashiko
Rarity 10
Flinch Free Lv. 3
Legs Chaotic Greaves / Nephilim Greaves
Rarity 10
Coalescence Lv. 3
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Berserk Lv. 1
Legs Risen Kushala Crus
Rarity 10
Burst Lv. 1
Wind Mantle Lv. 1
Legs Risen Kaiser Cuisse
Rarity 10
Fire Attack Lv. 2
Legs Rimeguard Greaves
Rarity 10
Ice Attack Lv. 5
Legs Valstrax Greaves - Epoch
Rarity 10
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Legs Tempest Hakama
Rarity 10
Heaven-Sent Lv. 1
Legs Virtue / Prudence Greaves
Rarity 10
Bloodlust Lv. 1
Strife Lv. 1
Legs Primordial Greaves
Rarity 10
Partbreaker Lv. 3

Choosing the Right Armor

Armor with Useful Original Skills

Armor pieces that already have useful skills, usually those commonly used in a variety of builds, can be improved even further when augmented.

It is possible to increase the level of an armor piece's skill which can make a big difference in hunts, especially if it is a skill that you are trying to maximize but do not have enough Decoration slots to do so.

Additionally, you may also add more Decoration slots or raise its Defense after augmenting.

Armor with Unnecessary Skills

Some builds have armor pieces that possess skills that do not contribute anything to the build. You can augment these armor pieces and try to replace the unnecessary skill with something else that may improve your build.

Furthermore, you can also improve its Defense and add additional Decoration slots to further improve the armor, especially if your build includes low-rarity armor.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

Skills Partial Banner.png

List of Skills

Rampage Skills Partial BannerRampage Skills MH Rise Sunbreak - Weapon AugmentsQurious Crafting Weapon Augment Skills
MH Rise Sunbreak - Armor AugmentsQurious Crafting Armor Augments

All Qurious Crafting Augment Skills

Qurious Crafting Skill List
Attack Boost Qurious CraftingAttack Boost Affinity Boost Qurious CraftingAffinity Boost Element Boost Qurious CraftingElemental Boost Status Effect Boost Qurious CraftingStatus Effect Boost
Sharpness Boost Qurious CraftingSharpness Boost Rampage Slot Upgrade Qurious CraftingRampage Slot Upgrade Shelling Boost IconShelling Level Boost Add Anomaly Slot IconAdd Anomaly Slot


17 Anonymous11 months

I was able to obtain heaven sent when augmenting armor

16 Anonymousabout 1 year

The best has to be the very first kind of roll, I’ve found epic things like dragon heart and strife, no lost skills only defense, or blood lust and handicraft. No skill loss there also. The problem is that the chance of getting somthing like that is really bad. I spent over 600 rolls to find those and most of the other rolls were mediocre. But since it’s a very long time till anomaly level 300 quests come… it’s worth some time.


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