Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Lance Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Lance Guide Combos Controls and Moveset

This is a guide to the Lance, a weapon in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (MH Rise). Read on to learn about new Lance controls and combos, how to use the Lance charge and the Lance Dash Attack as well as details on Lance Switch Skills.

All Lance Guides
Lance 1Trees & Full List Lance 2How to Use Lance 3Best Builds

Lance Balance Changes

Update 15.0

Lance Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 15.0)
・Changed the effect duration of the lance's Anchor Rage from 20 seconds to 30.

Update 10.0

Lance Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 10.0)
・ Adjusted all of the following weapon actions:
・ Mid Thrust I & II: Attack power increased
・ Mid Thrust III: Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ High Thrust I & II: Attack power increased
・ High Thrust III: Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Wide Sweep: Attack power increased
・ Charged Wide Sweep: Attack power increased
・ Leaping Thrust (1st Hit): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased; Status effect scaling increased
・ Leaping Thrust (2nd & 3rd Hits): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased; Status effect scaling slightly increased
・ Dash Attack & Midair Dash Attack Loop: Elemental scaling slightly increased; Status effect scaling slightly increased
・ Cross Sweep (1st Hit): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Cross Sweep (2nd Hit): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Counter-thrust (Strong): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased

・ Insta-Block: The window of time for a successful Insta-Block has been increased.
・ Insta-Block: You can know combo into Silkbind attacks after a successful Insta-Block.
・ Twin Vine: Now only costs one Wirebug Gauge. Also, blocking power is increased and stamina consumption is reduced while the kunai is connected to the monster.
・ Twin Vine: Closed Jump (which is usable when the kunai connects you to a monster during Twin Vine) now aims for the point where the kunai is connected to the monster.
・ Anchor Rage: The attack power increase effect now lasts longer.
・ Anchor Rage: The amount of attack power increase is now determined by the power value of the attack you receive instead of the size of the guard reaction it causes.
・ Guard Dash: Fixed a bug where you couldn't perform a Guard Dash when your frame rate dropped due to the delay between Insta-Block and Guard Dash being too short.
・ Guard Thrust: Fixed a bug where sometimes you could not perform a Guard Thrust directly after moving while guarding.

Lance received a lot of buffs in this patch - from increased damage, elemental scaling, easier Insta-Block execution, and Twin Vine costing 1 Wirebug - Lance is awesome to use now!

It's now a very comfortable weapon to use damage-wise, albeit still can't keep up gameplay-wise with other weapons as all weapons have counterattacks now like the Lance.

Weapon Changes in Sunbreak

Lance New Sunbreak Attacks and Moves

Official Lance Preview Video

Silkbind Attack: Skyward Thrust

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lance Skyward Thrust Silkbind Atack

The hunter launches to the air with a Wirebug then thursts the Lance downward. The upward strike can also stun the monster. The downward thrust hits multiple times.

Switch Skill: Shield Tackle

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lance Shield Tackle Switch Skill

This Switch Skill allows the hunter to charge forward with the shield. This can immediately be followed up with thrusting attacks.

Silkbind Attack: Sheathing Retreat

MHRise Sunbreak - LANCE Sheathing Retreat

Not introduced in any trailer, Sheathing Retreat is an additional Silkbind Attack added to the Sunbreak Expansion.

This silkbind attack is a quick and easy way for Lance users to create a gap between the monster and themselves, especially when they're in a huge disadvantage.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Release Date and New Monsters

How Good is the Lance?

Tier List Ranking

MHRise Ranking Sunbreak Ranking
B Rank Icon
(S - A - B)
3 Level Tier
A Rank Icon
(SS - S - A)
3 Level Tier

The Lance received a significant damage buff across all its moves and that's a welcome addition but its new moves and Switch Skills however, have been lackluster at most.

The improvements on Insta-Block though gives Lance an easier wirebug-free option of countering moves. Shield Tackle gives the Lance a quick combo-reset tool that improves the weapon's overall DPS.

Weapon Tier List

Lance Strengths

MH Rise - Lance Strengths

Check IconOne of the best with guarding

Check IconCan counterattack

Check IconLong reach and can aim high places

One of the Best Weapons for Guarding

The Lance is top tier when it comes to guarding. It can tank almost all monster attacks with minimal damage to the hunter!

Can Counterattack After Guarding

The Lance can also counterattack after absorbing damage from a guard. Use this wisely for maximum damage!

Long Reach and High Aim

Being physically long gives Lance the advantage with reach. It can easily reach heads position high up like Anjanath or Jyuratodus!

This is further improved by the new Silkbind Attack for the weapon which was added in Sunbreak. Using Skyward Thrust sends the hunter high in the sky for more verticality and strikes down vertically, which can be used both as an evasion option and and as an attack!

Lance Weaknesses

MH Rise - Lance Weaknesses

Check IconVery poor mobility

Check IconDPS is not very high

Check IconCan be easily interrupted

A Poor Mobility Weapon

The Lance provides poor mobility while hunting. When unsheathed, the Lance will slow down the hunter to a crawl leaving him unable to properly reposition.

No High DPS Attacks

The Lance also does not have any attack that dishes high damage. It relies on consistent poke damage while guarding monster attacks.

Easily Interrupted by Allies

When playing with allies, Lance users can be tripped by certain attacks (from Long Swords and Gunlances, for example). Because of this, Lance users have to incorporate the Flinch Free skill into Lance builds.

Lance Controls

Controls Action
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Mid Thrust
XBOX - Y Button.png
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS4 - Circle Button.png
High Thrust
XBOX - B Button.png
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Triangle + Circle
Wide Sweep
NSW - X + NSW - A

X + A
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

Y + B
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Left Click

MB4 + Directional Button + Left Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

R2 + Left Stick + Triangle
Guard Dash
NSW - ZR + NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X

zR + Left Stick + X
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

RT + Left Stick + Y
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Triangle + Circle
Dash Attack
NSW - ZR + NSW - X + NSW - A

zR + X + A
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

RT + Y + B
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

R2 + Circle
NSW - ZR + NSW - A

zR + A
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

RT + B
MH Rise - M4 Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png
XBOX - Right Trigger.png
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Twin Vine (Kunai Jab)
NSW - ZL + NSW - X

zL + X
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Space Button

Middle Click + Space
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - X Button.png

L2 + X
Twin Vine (Launch while guarding)
NSW - ZL + NSW - B

zL + B
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - A Button.png
LT + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Anchor Rage

zL + A
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Useful Combos

Basic Combo
Mid Thrust I Mid Thrust II Mid Thrust III Backstep
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Space Button Space
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - X Button.png X
XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - A Button.png A
Closing Attacks While Guarding
Guard Dash Leaping Thrust Mid Thrust II Mid Thrust III
NSW - ZR + NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X
zR + Left Stick + X
MH Rise - M4 Click +
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button +
MH Rise - Left Click MB4 + Directional Button + Left Click
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
R2 + Left Stick + Triangle
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
RT + Left Stick + Y
XBOX - B Button.png B XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - Y Button.png Y
Endless Thrusting Combo
Cancel Thrust High Thrust I High Thrust II Cancel Thrust
NSW - ZR + NSW - A
zR + A
NSW - ZR + NSW - A
zR + A
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + B
XBOX - B Button.png B XBOX - B Button.png B
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + B

Lance Silkbind Attacks

Skyward Thrust

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lance Skyward Thrust

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

The user launches themselves with a Wirebug up in the air and falls straight down, dealing multiple hits to any monster that is unfortunate enough to catch the fall. This launch can be used to dodge vertically, which can save the user from hard-hitting swipe attacks.

This move costs one Wirebug charge and has a medium recovery speed.

Twin Vine

Twin Vine Attach

MH Rise - Lance Twin Vine Attach

Switch Controls

zL + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y

The first action of the Twin Vine Silkbind Attack tethers you and a target where you will be able to walk a few feet away from the monster. The wire will turn red upon reaching the max distance before it breaks.

Twin Vine Closed Jump

MH Rise - Lance Twin Vine Closed Jump

Switch Controls

zL + B
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Space Button

Middle Click + Space
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - X Button.png

L2 + X
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - A Button.png

LT + A

While connected, you can freely jump back towards the tethered monster to close the gap faster.

Anchor Rage

MH Rise - Lance Anchor Rage

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Anchor Rage is a Silkbind Attack that increases your attack damage when hit by a monster's attack. The attack increase also depends on the power of the attack received!

Spiral Thrust

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Spiral Thrust Switch Skill

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

A quick two-step move, Spiral Thrust allows the user to change their position and aim for a counterattack.

The attack starts with a counter, using the shield to parry an attack, then sends the user flying forward with the Wirebug. This can catch targets off guard and leave them vulnerable.

If an attack is successfully countered using Spiral Thrust then a temporary attack buff will be granted and the Lance will glow for the duration.

Sheathing Retreat

MHRise Sunbreak - LANCE Sheathing Retreat

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Lance users are not supposed to sheath their weapons because they need to guard everything. However, there are certain instances that you need to reposition and so that's when you'll use Sheathing Retreat. It's a very safe and quick retreat option for when your Guard is not gonna cut it anymore!

Lance Switch Skills

Switch Skills are unlocked with different conditions as you progress in the game. Base game MHRise provides Hunters with three (3) slots of Switch Skills, with the Sunbreak expansion adding two (2) more.

Note: Skills in red are exclusive to the Sunbreak expansion.

Skill Slot Switch Skill Choices
1 ・ Guard
・ Insta-Block
2 ・ Dash Attack
・ Shield Charge
3 ・ Guard Dash
Shield Tackle
4 ・ Anchor Rage
・ Spiral Thrust
Skyward Thrust
5 ・ Twin Vine
Sheathing Retreat

Switch Skills Guide: How to Unlock Switch Skills

Spiral Thrust

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Spiral Thrust Switch Skill

Switched With
Anchor Rage
Two-step maneuver to counterattack. Uses the shield to parry then uses Wirebugs to pull you forward. Sucessful counters will grant an attack buff and increase the damage of the follow up thrusts.
Reposition using the Left Analog after the first dash or halt altogether.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

A two-step Lance dash maneuver that blocks an incoming attack from the start and allows you to dash attack twice with your Lance. We recommend getting this because it helps with Lance's lack of mobility.

Shield Charge

MH Rise - LANCE Shield Charge: size:440x245

Switched With
Dash Attack
A charging attack with the shield up. Can only dash for a limited amount of time while fending off attacks with the shield. Crashing into a monster deals shield-based blunt damage.
Hold Button zR.pngButtons X.png + Buttons A.pngButtons X.pngButtons A.png
Hold MH Rise - M4 ClickMH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Right Click
MB4Left Click + Right ClickLeft ClickRight Click
Hold PS4 - R2 Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.png
R2Triangle + CircleTriangleCircle
Hold XBOX - Right Trigger.pngXBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - B Button.png

This skill replaces your usual Lance dash attack with a dash while holding your shield. Attacks met while dashing will be blocked and you will continue dashing. You can end the dash with a Shield Bash for big blunt damage. You can't use it for a long time like the Lance Dash though, and you can only dash for a short while with the shield.


MH Rise - LANCE Insta Block

Switched With
Swings your shield in an arch to parry attacks. Time your guard just before a monster hits you to follow-up with a Cross Slash. Great for countering right after blocking.
NSW - ZR, MH Rise - M4 Click, PS4 - R2 Button.png, or XBOX - Right Trigger.png
right as you are about to be hit.

After a successful Insta-Block, pressing X, Left Click, Triangle, or Y will lead into a Cross Sweep.

The greatest counterattack move by the Lance. Your hunter will swing the shield in an arch anticipating an attack. Time it properly before it hits and you can have the opportunity to follow it up with a Cross Slash (A or Right Click).

Shield Tackle

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lance Shield Tackle Switch Skill

Switched With
Guard Dash
A technique where you charge forward with your shield raised. You will be able to follow up with a variety of thrusting attacks afterwards.
NSW - ZR + NSW - X
zL + A
Press X afterwards for a Mid Thrust I
Press A afterwards for a Mid Thrust II
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click
MB4 + Left Click
Press Left Click afterwards for a Mid Thrust I
Press Right Click afterwards for a Mid Thrust II
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
R2 + Triangle
Press Triangle afterwards for a Mid Thrust I
Press Circle afterwards for a Mid Thrust II
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
RT + Y
Press Y afterwards for a Mid Thrust I
Press B afterwards for a Mid Thrust II

A shorter, guard dash with the shield up. This does not allow you to reposition as well as Guard Dash but the move can block attack and deal stun damage when it hits monsters. Use this skill when you're fighting slow monsters that does not move too much.

However, you can combo this move with Twin Vine to keep yourself near the monster without relying on Guard Dash.

Skyward Thrust

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lance Skyward Thrust

Switched With
Anchor Rage
A technique where a Wirebug launches you high into the air. Thrust your Lance towards the heavens and then pierce downwards. The falling portion of the attack inflicts multiple hits.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

A great damage tool from the Lance, this attack pulls you upward then pulls you back down the earth to deal multiple instances of damage. Use this to deal a great deal of damage to enemies!

Sheathing Retreat

MHRise Sunbreak - LANCE Sheathing Retreat

Switched With
Twin Vine
Automatically sheathes your weapon while using a Wirebug to pull you backwards out of harms way. Effective for strategic retreats.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Slow
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

Lance users are not supposed to sheath their weapons because they need to guard everything. However, there are certain instances that you need to reposition and so that's when you'll use Sheathing Retreat. It's a very safe and quick retreat option for when your Guard is not gonna cut it anymore!

Lance Attacks and Moves

High / Mid Thrust

MH Rise - Lance Thrust

Switch Controls For mid thrust, press
For high thrust, press
PC Controls For mid thrust, press
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
For high thrust, press
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS Controls For mid thrust, press
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
For high thrust, press
PS4 - Circle Button.png
Xbox Controls For mid thrust, press
XBOX - Y Button.png
For high thrust, press
XBOX - B Button.png

This is the bread-and-butter move of the Lance. As a Lance user, you can mix any of the two types of thrusts consecutively up to three times. After three thrusts, the motion will reset unless you cancel it using a cancel thrust (zR + A, MB4 + Right Click, R2 + Circle, or RT + B) or by dodging (B, Space, X, or A).

This is important to know this because when you don't cancel after three thrusts, the downtime before you can attack again is very long.

Improved Backstep Distance

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Backstep.gif

The Lance's Backstep distance has been improves in Rise and the distance covered by the move is increased. This helps in mobility and avoiding attacks.

Switch Controls
While weapons are unsheathed,
PC Controls
While weapons are unsheathed,
MH Rise - Space Button Space
PS Controls
While weapons are unsheathed,
PS4 - X Button.png X
Xbox Controls
While weapons are unsheathed,
XBOX - A Button.png A

Wide Sweep Charge Attack

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Wide Sweep Charged Attack.gif

Switch Controls
Hold NSW - X + NSW - A then release

Hold X + A then release
PC Controls
Hold MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click then release

Hold Left Click + Right Click then release
PS Controls
Hold PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png then release

Hold Triangle + Circle then release
Xbox Controls
Hold XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png then release

Hold Y + B then release

Doing a Wide Sweep with the Lance allows you to charge the attack before it releases automatically. This is Lance's most powerful attack so you should use it at all times when there is an opening.


MH Rise - Lance Guard

Switch Controls Hold
PC Controls Hold
MH Rise - M4 Click
PS Controls Hold
PS4 - R2 Button.png
Xbox Controls Hold
XBOX - Right Trigger.png

Hold zR, Mouse Button 4, R2 or RT to guard. You can slowly move around while holding your shield up high.


MH Rise - Lance Counter-thrust

Switch Controls While holding Guard or Power Guard,
PC Controls While holding Guard or Power Guard,
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS Controls While holding Guard or Power Guard,
PS4 - Circle Button.png
Xbox Controls While holding Guard or Power Guard,
XBOX - B Button.png

This is a charged counterattack against enemy attacks. Press A, Right Click, Circle, or B while guarding or Power Guarding to dish out a powerful counterattack after receiving an enemy attack.

If used while guarding, the attack will be executed after a short duration, unless you are hit with an attack wherein you will perform a High Thrust instead.

If used while Power Guarding, the attack will be immediately used.

Power Guard

MH Rise - Lance Power Guard

Switch Controls While charging Counter-thrust,
NSW - ZR + NSW - B
zR + B
PC Controls While charging Counter-thrust,
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Space Button
MB4 + Space
PS Controls While charging Counter-thrust,
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - X Button.png
R2 + X
Xbox Controls While charging Counter-thrust,
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - A Button.png
RT + A

The Power Guard is a returning move that allows you to greatly withstand and reduce the stun time of attacks. It is one of the best counter tools of the Lance against enemy monsters if timed correctly, although it uses up your stamina while it is active.

To Power Guard, charge up a Counter-thrust while guarding and press zR + B or Mouse Button 4 + Space.

Leaping Thrust

MH Rise - Lance Leaping Thrust

Switch Controls While holding Power Guard,
Buttons X.png
After Guard Dash,
Buttons A.png
PC Controls While holding Power Guard,
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
After Guard Dash,
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS Controls While holding Power Guard,
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
After Guard Dash,
PS4 - Circle Button.png
Xbox Controls While holding Power Guard,
XBOX - Y Button.png
After Guard Dash,
XBOX - B Button.png

While Power Guarding, press X, Left Click, Triangle, Y to execute a Leaping Thrust, which is good for closing gaps between you and the enemy.

Leaping Thrust can also be used after using Guard Dash by pressing A, Right Click, Circle, B. This can be used to execute combos.

Guard Dash

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Guard Dash.gif

Switch Controls
NSW - ZR + NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X
zR + Left Stick + X

Follow up with X for a Shield Attack or A for a Leaping Thrust.
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Left Click
MB4 + Directional Button + Left Click

Follow up with Left Click for a Shield Attack or Right Click for a Leaping Thrust
PS Controls
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
R2 + Left Stick + Triangle

Follow up with Triangle for a Shield Attack or Circle for a Leaping Thrust.
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
RT + Left Stick + Y

Follow up with Y for a Shield Attack or B for a Leaping Thrust.

One of the main mobility moves in the Lance's arsenal, Guard Dashing is an important move to know if you want to learn Lance. This not only closes the gap between you and the monster, but the initial Guard Dash motion (where the shield is in front of you) can also block enemy attacks!

Lance Dash Attack (Lance Charge)

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Charge or Lance Dash Attack

While in the air or unsheathed, you can execute a Lance Dash Attack (or Lance Charge as called by some) that enables you to dash forward. You can change direction ever so slightly using the Left Analog Stick and hop sideways using B.

You will consume stamina as you dash and will stop when you run out, hit a wall, or execute an attack by pressing X or Left Click.

Switch Controls While in the air,
While unsheathed,
zRX + A
You may turn slightly using the Left Analog Stick and to hop sideways press B.
PC Controls While in the air,
MH Rise - M4 Click
While unsheathed,
MH Rise - M4 ClickMH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
You may turn slightly using the WASD buttons and to hop sideways press Space.
PS Controls While in the air,
PS4 - R2 Button.png
While unsheathed,
PS4 - R2 Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2Triangle + Circle
You may turn slightly using the Left Analog Stick and to hop sideways press A.
Xbox Controls While in the air,
XBOX - Right Trigger.png
While unsheathed,
XBOX - Right Trigger.pngXBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
You may turn slightly using the Left Analog Stick and to hop sideways press A.

Recommended Combos for the Lance

Basic Thrust Triple Combo

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Bread and Butter Combo

Switch Controls

PC Controls
MH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Space Button

Left ClickLeft ClickLeft ClickSpace
PS Controls
PS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - X Button.png

Xbox Controls
XBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - A Button.png


This is Lance's bread-and-butter move. As a Lance user, you will use this combo more often than not. The consistency and frequency of using this combo will maximize your damage as a Lance main!

Attack While Guarding

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Attack While Guarding

Switch Controls
NSW - ZR + NSW - ANSW - BNSW - XNSW - ZR + NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X

zR + ABXzR + Left Stick + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Space ButtonMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button + MH Rise - Left Click

MB4 + Right ClickSpaceLeft ClickMB4 + Directional Button + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - X Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

R2 + CircleTriangleTriangleR2 + Left Stick + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - A Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

RT + BAYRT + Left Stick + Y

This is a combo that allows you to connect Guard Dash by striking after Power Guard. This can be used even when an enemy is attacking you!

Tips on How to Use the Lance

Check IconAlways stay beside the monster

Check IconUse Anchor Rage when possible

Check IconAlways Guard against attacks

Check IconAlways use Charged Sweep when possible

Check IconMake full use of the Counter Thrust

Check IconSheathe your Lance when you need to reposition unless you and the monster are connected via Twin Vine.

Stay Beside the Monster

MH Rise - Lance Stay Beside Monster

The power of the Lance relies on consistent poke damage so you must be beside the monster at all times. Learning to play very aggressively while knowing when to guard is the sign of a good Lance player.

Use Anchor Rage When Possible

MH Rise - Lance Use Anchor Rage

The Anchor Rage gives the Lance a much-needed attack boost. Use it whenever possible to mitigate the low DPS disadvantage!

Always Guard Against Attacks

MH Rise - Lance Always Guard Against Attacks

It is not advisable to sheathe your weapon every time you reposition yourself. Use Lance's guard to tank enemy attacks to maximize your DPS!

Make Sure to Always Use Charged Sweep When Possible

Monster Hunter Rise - Use the Lance Wide Sweep Charged Attack.gif

This is one of the highest damage moves from Lance. When there is an opening, charge up your Lance and sweep away! The DPS boost from this move is too good to pass up.

Make Full Use of the Counter-thrust

MH Rise - Lance Use Counter-Thrust

The Lance has the capability to counter-thrust after successfully guarding against an attack. As mentioned earlier, consistent damage is the key to using the Lance so counter-thrusting is one way to convert defense into offense!

Sheathe Your Weapon Only When Needed!

MH Rise - Lance Sheathe Only When Needed

If you need to reposition, always do it while the Lance is sheathed. When unsheathed, the Lance reduces you to a crawl making moving painfully slow. To reposition while unsheathed, use Twin Vine to dash towards the monster!

Changes from MHW: Iceborne

Backstep Distance After Attack

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Backstep.gif

The backstep distance after an attack is increased therefore you can reposition more easily.

You Can Execute a Charged Sweep

Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Wide Sweep Charged Attack.gif

Switch Controls Hold
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A
PC Controls Hold
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click + Right Click
PS Controls Hold
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle
Xbox Controls Hold
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B

A new move that opens up new high damage opportunities for the Lance. Use this whenever possible like when the monster is downed, trapped, stunned, or asleep.

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

MH Rise - Weapons Partial Banner

Weapon Type Guides
MH Rise - Weapons Page BannerWeapons and Weapon Types MH Rise - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Type Tier List MH Rise - Builds for Each WeaponBuilds for Each Weapon Type

Melee Weapon Guides

Melee Weapons
MH Rise - Great Sword IconGreat Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Long Sword Icon Long Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Sword & Shield IconSword and Shield
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Dual Blades IconDual Blades
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Lance IconLance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Gunlance Icon Gunlance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hammer Icon Hammer
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn
Guide | Weapon Tree | Melodies
MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
Guide | Weapon Tree | Kinsects

Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


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