Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Update 14.0: Sunbreak Title Update 4 Patch Notes

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 14.0 Banner

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Version 14.0 has released on February 7, 2023! Check here for the latest information including new monsters, new additions, and features, patch notes, and download size!

Version 14.0 Release Date and Size

Title Update 4 is Released on February 7, 2023

Monster Hunter Rise - Free Title Update 4 Release Date

Update 14.0 is now downloadable together with the Free Title Update 4 from February 7, 2023! It arrived at 12:00AM UTC for both the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of the game!

Nintendo Switch
PC (Steam)
February 7, 2023

Free Title Update 4 (TU4)
Release Date and New Features

Download Size

Nintendo Switch
(Version 14.0.0)
0.7 GB
2.6 GB

Update 14.0 comes at around 0.7GB for Nintendo Switch and 2.6GB for PC. Make sure you have enough storage space in your device on release day!

Version 14.0 Main Additions

New Monsters

MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 14.0 New Monsters

TU4 New Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Velkhana No BorderVelkhana MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Valstrax No BorderRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Two new monsters are added in Update 14.0! Overcome the freezing winds of the returning elder dragon Velkhana, and take on the ever explosive Crimson Glow Valstrax as it overcome affliction and rise again!

New Anomaly Quest Level: A8★

Monster Hunter Rise - Afflicted Gore Magala on A8 Anomaly

Higher leel anomaly quests is also available as of this update! Higher level anomaly quests will see Chaotic Gore Magala join the roster of Afflicted monsters in the game!

Raised Level Cap for Anomaly Investigations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Investigation Lv 220

The level cap for Anomaly Investigations has also been raised by 20 and is now up to Lv 220!

Sunbreak Anomaly Investigations Guide: All New Features

New Skills and Decorations

New TU4 Decorations
Dragon Spirit 4 IconDragon Spirit Jewel 4 Element Exploit 4 IconElement Exploit Jewel+ 4
Embolden Jewel 2 IconEmbolden Jewel 2 Furor Jewel 4 IconFuror Jewel+ 4
Counterattack Jewel 4 IconCounterattack Jewel+ 4 Intrepid Jewel 1 IconIntrepid Jewel 1
Potential Jewel 4 IconPotential Jewel+ 4 Trigger Jewel 3 IconTrigger Jewel 3
Chain Jewel 4 IconChain Jewel+ 4 Foray Jewel 4 IconForay Jewel+ 4
Hard Cornerstone Jewel 4 IconHard Cornerstone Jewel 4 Backstab Jewel 4 IconBackstab Jewel+ 4

New Skills like Frostcraft from the Velkhana armor and Dragon Conversion from the new Risen Valstrax armor takes the stage in this update! There will also be new decorations to unlock so stick around!

Increased Anomaly Slots

MH Rise Sunbreak - Increased Anomaly Slot & Stat Bonus

Anomaly Slots will be increased by 1 in this update, reaching a total of 9 slots.

Anomaly Slot Bonuses

Increasing the anomaly slots of your weapon now also increases a specific set of its stats! These will surely make hunts more enjoyable!

New Prizes for Lottery

MH Rise - Regular Lottery

New prizes from the Kagero and Oboro has been added! Get new trinkets and hanging scrolls in TU4!

Sunbreak Lottery Prizes

New Paid DLC

MH Rise Sunbreak - Pup R Layered Armor DLC

A plethora of new paid DLCs are also added in this update! Purchase the wacky Hunting Guide hunter and buddy layered equipment as soon as you update!

Version 14.0 New Event Quests

MH Rise Sunbreak TU4 New Event Quest Rewards Preview

New Event Quests are also available after the release of Title Update 4, which will net you with more unique rewards after completing them!

This list sorts Event Quests from newest to oldest!

Quest Name Monster/Locale
MH Rise Sunbreak - Food FightFood Fight
Released: April 13th

Locale: Lava Caverns
MH Rise Sunbreak - Harvest BoonHarvest Boon
Released: April 6th

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Buddy Dress-Up PartyBuddy Dress-Up Party
Released: April 6th

Locale: Shrine Ruins
MH Rise Sunbreak - Rookie Hunters WelcomeRookie Hunters Welcome!
Released: March 30th

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Freezing FangsFreezing Fangs
Released: March 30th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Knights Show Thy ValianceKnights, Show Thy Valiance!
Released: March 23rd

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dance of the Cherry BlossomsDance of the Cherry Blossoms
Released: March 16th

Locale: Shrine Ruins
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dual Threat: Light and DarknessDual Threat: Light & Darkness
Released: March 16th

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hazard Dance of DisasterHazard: Dance of Disaster
Released: March 9th

Locale: Infernal Springs
MH Rise Sunbreak - Cooling the CavernsCooling the Caverns
Released: March 9th

Locale: Lava Caverns
MH Rise Sunbreak - Get Off My StageGet Off My Stage!
Released: March 2nd

Locale: Frost Islands
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dual Threat: Seething ChaosDual Threat: Seething Chaos
Released: February 23rd

Locale: Flooded Forest
MH Rise Sunbreak - I Need My Beauty SleepI Need My Beauty Sleep!
Released: February 16th

Locale: Shrine Ruins

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

Version 14.0 Patch Notes

MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 14.0 Partial Banner

Release Date February 7, 2023
Nintendo Switch
(Ver. 14.0.0)
0.7 GB
2.6 GB

Source: Official Website

Main Additions / Changes

New Story Elements
・ A new monster has been added and will appear in Gathering Hub quests.
・ New afflicted monsters and new Risen elder dragons have been added to the game.
・ New quests have been added.
・ The level cap for Anomaly Investigations has been raised.
・ A wider variety of monsters now appear on Anomaly Investigations.
・ New weapons, armor, layered equipment, and skills have been added.
・ Azure Star "Dragon Dance" and Azure Era "Soaring Dragon" have been added as layered weapons.
・ The level cap for armor upgrades has been raised.
・ New skills have been added to the pool of potential skills available during Qurious Armor Crafting.
・ You can now earn extra bonuses when expanding the Anomaly Slots on a weapon.
・ New prizes have been added to the Market's lottery.
・ New trinkets and hanging scrolls have been added.
・ New items have been added for trade at the Anomaly Research Lab.
New System Elements
・ New "Hunter Loadout" feature added to the item box. (To preserve the stability of the game data, this update will add 14 pages for the Hunter Loadout, with the next update expanding the number of pages to 28.)
・ New feature to enable/disable "Sale BGM" at the housekeeper.
・ New Guild Card titles have been added.
・ A new Badge of Heroes has been added.
[STEAM ONLY] New "3D Audio" option.

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


・Fixed an issue where the player could attract Hellfireblight while inside a tent.
・ Fixed an issue where the icons for Switch Skill Swap and Felyne Fireworks would not be crossed out on the Action Bar if they were unavailable due to a status ailment.
・ Added extra mitigation measures for an issue preventing certain weapon sound effects from playing if a lot of sound effects occur simultaneously.
・ Fixed an issue where the effect of the Wind Mantle skill would be canceled when using an item with the sword & shield unsheathed while jumping off a platform.
・ Fixed an issue for the longsword where the follow-up attack of a successful counter within the area of effect of the Harvest Moon skill would occur somewhere else, if performed after landing a counterattack on a monster sometime before.
・ Fixed an issue for the gunlance causing the Bullet Barrage attack to activate even if you only have 1 active Wirebug available, if you combo from a Lunging Upthrust into a Quick Reload.
・ If a monster was marked by a Bullshroud or Grancathar Kinsect and the player performed a Kinsect Slash > Kinsect Glide > Kinsect Slash > Kinsect Glide, the hunter would not fly in the direction of the Kinsect mark during the second Kinsect Glide. This issue has been fixed.
・ Fixed a bug occasionally causing two shots to be fired with a single button press when using the heavy bowgun's Crouching Shot.
・ Fixed a bug causing a line to be displayed in the center of the red alert symbol around the heavy bowgun's reticle gauge when it overheats during a Crouching Shot.
・ Fixed the percentage in the explanation text for the Lv 3 Spare Shot skill from 20% to 25%. (The actual in-game percentage has not changed.)
・ Fixed an issue causing the Palamute Silkbinder to be displayed during the Rush Jet drift animation when your Palamute is wearing the Rush Costume.
・ Fixed an issue preventing the player from using Felyne Fireworks under specific circumstances in multiplayer.
・ Fixed an issue causing certain Buddy equipment to clip through the Argosy submarines that can be seen floating past from the Gathering Hub in Kamura.
・ Fixed an issue with some Buddy armor not displaying correctly.
・Fixed an issue preventing a Follower from Wyvern Riding a mountable monster when the other Follower is performing the heavy bowgun's Crouching Shot, or the light bowgun's Mech Silkbind Shot.
・ Fixed an issue causing Followers to temporarily stop moving when trying to Wyvern Ride a monster that was forced into a mountable state by launching another monster into it.
・ Fixed an issue causing Followers to fail at launching a monster while Wyvern Riding, depending on the monster type and position.
・ Fixed an issue causing Utsushi's voice line for getting hit by the player to play during the Quest Completed sequence.
・ Fixed an issue causing Followers to return to the combat area when the player is at camp, if one of the special weapons becomes usable during the fight against Ibushi or Narwa.
・ Followers will now be able to correctly dodge Chaotic Gore Magala's backwards jump breath attack.
・ Followers will now be able to correctly dodge Apex Rathalos's special attack.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally preventing Followers from initiate Wyvern Riding if the player brings them along on a quest with an Apex monster.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally causing Followers to go looking for a monster to ride but returning without riding a monster when fighting an afflicted monster.
・ Fixed an issue causing Followers to keep going up and down elevated areas when they start Wyvern Riding under specific circumstances.


・Mitigated an issue occasionally causing Almudron to move up and down when knocked over on specific field geometry.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally preventing the effects for breaking Chaotic Gore Magala's parts from being displayed correctly.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally preventing Risen Kushala Daora's breath attack from activating properly.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally preventing the telegraph effect for Teostra's Super Nova attack from being properly displayed when joining a Risen Teostra quest as a guest.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally causing the monster's appearance to be different from its actual status when joining a Risen Teostra quest as a guest.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally causing the monsters to stop moving and disappear when Malzeno and Lunagaron are in a turf war.
・ Fixed an issue preventing the tail effect from being properly displayed during Scorned Magnamalo's intro movie.
・ Fixed an issue preventing part of the carapace on Scorned Magnamalo's right shoulder from being displayed properly.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally causing Violet Mizutsune to show unintentional behavior when it slides towards its target to attack it.
・ Fixed an issue causing the 8 eggs inside Narwa the Allmother's thundersac to stay on screen even after they have exploded when Narwa is defeated.

Locales and Environment

・Fixed an issue occasionally causing a monster or the terrain to disappear when moving the camera while launching the monster into a wall in area 9 of the Frost Islands.
[NINTENDO SWITCH ONLY] In Ver.3.1.0, an issue was addressed that prevented the player from carving a severed tail if the tail overlapped with the fence switch in the Arena. This fix was not properly reflected in Ver.10.0.2 and onward, so it has been fixed again.
[STEAM ONLY] In Ver., an issue was addressed that prevented the player from carving a severed tail if the tail overlapped with the fence switch in the Arena. This fix was not properly reflected in Ver. and onward, so it has been fixed again.
Endemic Life
・Fixed an issue causing two Marionette Spiders to be consumed when one is attached to a monster and the player tries to pull it back at the exact same time that the monster changes areas, also resulting in the player not being able to pick up additional Marionette Spiders.
・Fixed an issue occasionally causing Scale Lizards to drop materials they're not supposed to drop.

Base & Facilities

・A notification will now be displayed when you've reached the maximum number of locked quests for Anomaly Investigations at the quest counter.
・ Fixed an issue preventing the player from quickly skipping through pages by holding down the button on the Item Exchange screen at the Anomaly Research Lab.
・ Fixed an issue preventing notifications from popping up when the player has collected all of the necessary materials registered on the wishlist at the Anomaly Research Lab.
[NINTENDO SWITCH ONLY] Fixed an issue occasionally causing predictive text to display on the preview screen when changing the name of a layered armor layout with a keyboard attached to the Nintendo Switch.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed an issue preventing players from performing any other actions if they go through a specific sequence of steps after copying the Lobby ID at the Courier's Lobby Settings.


・Two features of Research Requests have been changed:
1. Just completing any Investigation at the specified level or above now counts as fulfilling a request.
2. If you also hunt the specified monster on the same quest, you will earn extra progress for the request.
・Lower required quest levels will now appear for Research Requests.
・Fixed an issue causing guests to obtain Anomaly Investigations when performing a specific set of actions.
・Fixed an issue causing incorrect rewards to be awarded when completing an Anomaly Investigation at a specific quest level for Bishaten and some A1★ monsters.
・Fixed an issue preventing Somnacanth from appearing at the Lava Caverns in Anomaly Investigations.
・A message saying, "Waiting for other players." will now be displayed when a quest fails due to a bad connection and the host is waiting in the Lobby.
・Fixed an issue preventing the game from saving if another player joins a Lobby when the game autosaves after completing a quest and before returning to the base.
・Changed the name of the Zinogre tree longsword from Oppressor's Abyss to Oppressor's Law.
・Fixed an issue causing the gun barrel of the Antique Machina GL gunlance to appear unnatural while in a tent.
・Fixed an issue preventing the Friede/Désastre charge blade from being carried diagonally on the player's back when it is sheathed.
・Fixed an issue causing the Monksnail Hat and the Ethereal Diadem layered armor to show up in the Special category.
・Fixed an issue causing the hunter's hair to be visible on the back of their head when looking at the preview on the pigment settings screen when the Shui Helm layered armor is equipped.
・Fixed an issue where the color of the ears of the Ethereal Diadem layered armor would look different from the character's skin color.
・Fixed an issue causing item names to remain on the Item Bar even if they were discarded from the Temporary Box.
・The Accept Praise gesture can now also be used while walking.
・Fixed an issue causing clipping for some hairstyles when using the Wild & Elegant 1 gesture.
・Fixed an issue causing poses to be displayed in an incorrect order when wearing the Akuma layered armor, having a sword & shield equipped, and using the Weapon Pose Set.
・Fixed an issue preventing a Buddy's weapon from being displayed when using certain poses in the Weapon Pose Set, if the Buddy weapon display is turned off.
・Added "Anomaly Research & Followers" to the Hunter Info.
・Adjusted the "Afflicted Monsters" entry in the Hunter Info.
・Fixed an issue causing a sound effect to be played when pressing the confirm button at the default cursor position on the Monster lists and Endemic Life list in the Hunter's Notes.
・Fixed the quest level numbers on the drop rate list for Afflicted Hardclaws and Afflicted Hardfangs in the Hunter's Notes.
・Fixed an issue causing an error when the player opens the Album from the Hunter's Notes at the same time as failing a quest.
・Mitigated an issue occasionally preventing profile pictures from being displayed correctly when receiving a Guild Card from another player.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed an issue occasionally preventing the "Obtaining Anomaly Research Points" entry from being unlocked in the Hunter Info.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed an issue preventing changes to keyboard settings from being reflected correctly for some menu items on the Guild Card's "Buddy Info," Awards," and "Hunting Log" pages.
・Fixed an issue in Russian where "Afflicted Dire Bone" and "Afflicted Dire Hardbone" were translated with the same term.
・Updated the Arabic photosensitivity warning message shown when launching the game.
・Fixed an issue occasionally causing crashes when the saved data is partially corrupted and the player changes where Chaotic Gore Magala's theme is played, or sets a song that they have not used before.
・Some Event Quests are now part of the application itself, rather than being downloadable separately.
・A notification will now be displayed in case of an error when corrupted saved data is loaded.
・Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed an issue causing motion blur to appear in some cutscenes when it has been enabled in the options.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed an issue causing an error when quitting the game if the graphics settings are set to "High," the framerate cap is set to "90," and V-sync is enabled in specific environments.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed an issue causing the screen mode to change from full screen to windowed on some monitors when using a DisplayPort cable and switching the monitors on and off.

Sunbreak Related Guides

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