Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Monster Subspecies

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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Subspecies Banner
Capcom is starting to introduce monster subspecies into Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak! Read about the revealed monster subspecies and our speculations on what monster subspecies might appear.

List of Monster Subspecies in Sunbreak

Overview of All Monster Subspecies
MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten Partial BannerBlood Orange Bishaten MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth Partial BannerAurora Somnacanth MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron Partial BannerMagma Almudron
MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Partial BannerPyre Rakna-Kadaki MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Nargacuga Partial BannerLucent Nargacuga MH Rise Sunbreak - Silver Rathalos Partial BannerSilver Rathalos
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian Partial BannerGold Rathian MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Partial BannerFlaming Espinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune Monster Partial BannerViolet Mizutsune

List of All Sunbreak Monsters

Blood Orange Bishaten

MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten
A new feisty subspecies of Bishaten has been found in the new locale that will be available in Sunbreak. The Blood Orange Bishaten looks almost the same as the Bishaten we know but instead of fruits it will throw exploding pinecones at you!
Blood Orange Bishaten: Weakness and Drops

Aurora Somnacanth

MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth
An icy new Somnacanth subspecies has appeared in Sunbreak! Unlike the normal Somnacanth, the Aurora Somnacanth blasts cold air to freeze its surroundings. It will even use the ice to slide around the battlefield!
Aurora Somnacanth: Weakness and Drops

Magma Almudron

MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron
The Water Leviathan Almudron has been revealed to have a new subspecies in Sunbreak, the Magma Almudron. This monster is seen withstanding the intensity of lava and is shown to be living in the Lava Caverns, adopting a red glow when in a special heated state.
Magma Almudron: Weakness and Drops

Pyre Rakna-Kadaki

MH Rise Sunbreak -  Pyre Rakna Kadaki
If the original Rakna-Kadaki wasn't fiery enough for you, the devs must have read your mind! They came out with Pyre Rakna-Kadaki. We imagine this one hurts a lot more than the regular Rakna-Kadaki!
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki: Weakness and Drops

Lucent Nargacuga

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Nargacuga
Lucent Nargacuga has swooped in with Sunbreak's Title Update 1! It has appeared with a new map, Forlorn Arena, in tow.
Lucent Nargacuga: Weakness and Drops

Silver Rathalos

MH Rise Sunbreak - Silver Rathalos
The shining king of the skies, Silver Rathalos, makes it return in Monster Hunter Rise in Sunbreak's Title Update 1. Its attacks are more powerful than a regular Rathalos, and it has its fearsome Incandescent state!
Silver Rathalos: Weakness and Drops

Gold Rathian

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian
The dazzling queen of the skies, the regal Gold Rathian, has also arrived in Sunbreak in Title Update 1! It tends to use its poisonous tail more often and has several flashy attacks. Watch out for its Incandescent state!
Gold Rathian: Weakness and Drops

Flaming Espinas

MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas
Previously called Espinas Subspecies or Brown Espinas, Flaming Espinas makes its entrance in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's Title Update 2. Instead of Paralysis, it inflicts Defense Down on hunters and hits much harder than the regular Espinas.
Flaming Espinas: Weakness and Armor

Violet Mizutsune

MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune
Violet Mizutsune is the new fiery subspecies of a regular Mizutsune that will appear in Sunbreak's Title Update 2. This new monster can utilize flaming attacks, and its normal variant's bubble and jet moves now produce fire that can engulf the field!
Sunbreak Violet Mizutsune: Weakness and Armor

Monster Subspecies Speculations

Brute Tigrex

Brute Tigrex
Now that subspecies have been introduced to Rise, it's possible that we'll see the screamier version of Tigrex in Sunbreak, Brute Tigrex!
Tigrex: Weakness and Drops

Fulgur Anjanath

Fulgur Anjanath
It would be cool to see the thunderous version of the fiery Anjanath, Fulgur Anjanath! The armor is pretty cool, too.
Anjanath: Weakness and Drops

Viper Tobi-Kadachi

Viper Tobi-Kadachi
The poisonous version of Tobi-Kadachi also has a good chance of appearing in Sunbreak!
Tobi-Kadachi: Weakness and Drops

Stygian Zinogre

Stygian Zinogre
Not only does it look cool, it would also be fun to see the Rise version of Stygian Zinogre given that the Zinogre in-game is based more on the games before MHW.
Zinogre: Weakness and Drops

Coral Pukei-Pukei

Coral Pukei-Pukei
Given that the revealed monster subspecies all deviate from their original element, Coral Pukei-Pukei will fit right in! We look forward to fighting this watery monster again.
Pukei-Pukei: Weakness and Drops

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Monsters Partial Banner
List of All Monsters

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