Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Knight in Shattered Armor Quest and Rewards | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Knight in Shattered Armor Quest Banner

This is a guide for Knight in Shattered Armor, a Quest appearing in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn about Knight in Shattered Armor's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the Quest here.

Knight in Shattered Armor Basic Information

Lv ★6 Locale Lava Caverns.pngLava Caverns
Type Event Quest
Time Limit 50 mins. Reward Money 14400
Objective Hunt all target monsters
Other Conditions Fail quest if reward hits 0 or time expires.

Monsters Appearing in Knight in Shattered Armor

Monster Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Basarios IconBasarios
(Lava Caverns)
4 / 5 1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 6 / 10
Rathalos IconRathalos
(Lava Caverns)
11 4 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 12 / 14
Volvidon IconVolvidon
(Lava Caverns)
12 / 13 4 / 5 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 10

Lava Caverns Map and Materials

Monster Weakness

Monster Fire Symbol (MHW).png Water Symbol (MHW).png Thunder Element (MHW).png Ice Element (MHW).png Dragon Element (MHW).png
Basarios.pngBasarios 10 13 10 10 16
Rathalos.pngRathalos 0 6 11 11 21
Volvidon.pngVolvidon 0 18 9 13 0

Higher numbers indicates higher damage potential for that element.

Knight in Shattered Armor Rewards

Unlock Arthur Special Layered Armor Set

After clearing this quest you shall be rewarded with Broken Knight Armor. This item lets you forge the Arthur layered armor set under the Special Tab in Smithy. Depending on RNG you may need to do this quest a couple of times to get enough pieces.

Making only one of the special layered armor piece with only four (4) Broken Knight Armor pieces, eight (8) points of Basarios+ Materials, and 7000 zennies lets you forge the whole Arthur special layered armor set.

List of Event Quest Rewards

Target Rewards

(High Rank)
Item Name Drop Rate (#)
Carbalite Ore 12% (x2)
Inferno Sac 15%
Toxin Sac 17%
Wyvern Gem 2%
Basarios Carapace 19%
Basarios Pleura+ 28%
Basarios Tears 7%
(High Rank)
Item Name Drop Rate (#)
Inferno Sac 15%
Rath Marrow 10%
Rath Medulla 7%
Rathalos Plate 5%
Rathalos Scale+ 15%
Rathalos Carapace 27%
Rathalos Wing 20%
Rathalos Ruby 1%
(High Rank)
Item Name Drop Rate (#)
Volvi Rickrack 9% (x2)
Stoutbone 11% (x2)
Monster Broth 18%
Beast Gem 7%
Volvi Carapace 14%
Omniplegia Sac 20%
Volvidon Claw+ 21%

Quest Rewards

Rewards Drop Rate
Broken Knight Armor
Hard Armor Sphere
Aquaglow Jewel
Bloodrun Jewel
Silver Egg
Advanced Armor Sphere

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