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Apex Rathalos Guide: Weakness, Armor, Drops, and Weapons | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Apex Rathalos Guide

This is a hunting guide for Apex Rathalos, a Large Monster in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to learn Apex Rathalos's weaknesses, forgeable weapons, forgeable armor, drops, and more!

Apex Rathalos Guide Rathalos IconRathalos Guide Silver Rathalos IconSilver Rathalos Guide

Apex Rathalos Weakness and Notes

Apex Rathalos
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Apex Rathalos New Monster
Type Flying Wyvern
Threat Level 9/10 Rampage Type MH Rise - Major Threat Rampage TypeMajor Threat
Major Weakness Other Weakness
Blight / Elemental Damage Abnormal Status
A Rathalos so mighty, it was crowned an Apex. It is eternally possessed by wrath and terror, possibly due to the myriad wounds that cover its body. Its every breath releases flaming jets that singe the very air. The call of an Apex unleashes its tortured anger on nearby beasts, driving them into a frenzy.

How to Unlock Apex Rathalos

Reach Anomaly Investigation Lv 161 in Master Rank

Apex Rathalos can only be encountered as an additional target monster in Anomaly Investigations starting at Level 161. Defeating it rewards a base of 280 Anomaly Research Points. Unlike most monsters in Master Rank, Apex Rathalos doesn't gain any new moves.

Anomaly Research Level:
How to Get Max Level Fast

Update 3.0: Solo Quest Unlocked at HR 90

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
Apex Rathalos Image Apex Rathalos
Unlock Conditions:
Complete an Apex Rathalos Rampage Quest and Reach HR 90

Once you update to Version 3.0, reach HR 90, and have fought Apex Rathalos in a Rampage at least once, you can take on Apex Rathalos in his own slay quest!

Update 3.0 Patch Notes

Unlocked in Rampage Quests When You Reach HR 8

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Quests in Rampages

Apex Rathalos will start appearing in High Rank Rampages when you reach HR 8 after the 2.0 Update. Like all Rampage Quests, you can run Apex Rathalos rampage quests an unlimited number of times. Do note, however, that monsters appearing in Rampages are completely random so check the Quest Counter regularly!

Rampage Guide and Tips: How to Get S-Rank

Apex Rathalos Weakness and Resistance

MH Rise - Slash Damage MH Rise - Blunt Damage MH Rise - Bullet Damage MH Rise - Fire Damage
35 35 22 1
MH Rise - Water Damage MH Rise - Thunder Damage MH Rise - Ice Damage MH Rise - Dragon Damage
6 12 6 16

Bold are the recommended Weapon Type and Elemental Damage.

Apex Rathalos Weapon Damage Breakdown

Part Sever Symbol (MH Rise).png Blunt Symbol (MH Rise).png Ammo Symbol (MH Rise).png
Head 55 55 30
Neck 38 38 20
Abdomen 24 24 10
Back 21 21 45
Wing 30 45 10
Leg 30 30 20
Tail 45 35 20
Overall 35 35 22

Apex Rathalos Elemental Weakness Breakdown

Part Fire Symbol (MH Rise).png Water Symbol (MH Rise).png Thunder Element (MH Rise).png Ice Element (MH Rise).png Dragon Element (MH Rise).png
Head 0 5 10 5 20
Neck 5 10 15 10 15
Abdomen 0 5 8 5 10
Back 0 5 8 5 10
Wing 0 10 20 10 25
Leg 0 5 10 5 15
Tail 5 5 10 5 15
Overall 1 6 12 6 16

Higher numbers indicate higher potential damage to the monster.

Apex Rathalos Hunting Tips

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos

A Rathalos so mighty, it was crowned an Apex. It is eternally possessed by wrath and terror, possibly due to the myriad wounds that cover its body. Its every breath releases flaming jets that singe the very air. The call of an Apex unleashes its tortured anger on nearby beasts, driving them into a frenzy.

Status Effect Vulnerabilities

Poison Stun Paralysis Sleep
-- -- --
Blast Exhaust Fireblight Waterblight
-- --
Thunderblight Iceblight

If an ailment has more stars it means that it has better effectiveness.

Item Vulnerabilities

Pitfall Trap Shock Trap Flash Bomb
Sonic Bomb Meat Effects Dung Bomb

◯ = Vulnerable; ✕ = Fully Resistant; ▲ = Situational

Great Way to Farm Defender Ticket 8

Defender Ticket 8's are useful as Talisman Melding materials and late game weapon Ramp-Up! An Apex Rathalos Rampage Quest is a great way to farm for them!

Defender Ticket 8 Uses

Apex Rathalos Locations

Apex Rathalos Known Habitat

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Lava Caverns.pngLava Caverns 9 / 11 / 12 2 / 3 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 14 12
Infernal Springs.pngInfernal Springs - - -
Shrine Ruins.pngShrine Ruins 11 3 / 4 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 12 3 / 11

Apex Rathalos Quest Appearances

High Rank
Low Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Event Quest ★7 Trouble in Paradise
Event Quest ★7 Apex Rathalos Emergency
Hub Quest ★7 The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
Hub Quest ★7 Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
No Quest in This Rank

How to Beat Apex Rathalos

Increase your Fire Resistance

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Fire Resistance

Apex Rathalos survived hunter encounters because of its strong, fiery attacks. We suggest building around increasing your Fire Resistance using Fire Res jewels or eating dangos with Fire Res (Hi). Take note, reaching Fire Resistance 20+ grants you immunity against Fireblight!

Gunners are Recommended

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Gunner Weapons Recommended

Apex Rathalos will always fly in the air so gunners are recommended over blademasters. Gunner weapons are listed below:

Light Bowgun Heavy Bowgun Bow

Use Flash Bombs While Apex Rathalos is Hovering In the Air

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Use Flashbombs

Like a normal Rathalos, Apex Rathalos is very much susceptible to Flash Bombs while flying in the air. Use it to ground the King of the Skies!

Cut the Tail

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Cut the Tail

If you're a Blademaster or a gunner with Sever ammo, aim for the tail. This effectively lowers Apex Rathalos' reach whenever it executes tailspins!

Beware of the King's Ascension Attack!

MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Beware of King

Apex Rathalos' King's Ascension ultimate attack also exists in the solo quest. Map Locales has significantly smaller areas so it would be especially harder to evade this once you have your back against the wall!

Apex Rathalos will fly to the sky and shoot fireballs on the ground. The fireballs will explode in a huge sphere that can one-shot any hunter inside! Use Emergency Evade to save yourself!

Apex Rathalos General Attack Patterns

Apex Rathalos has all the attacks of a normal Rathalos but is stronger and more agile as well as access to more powerful fire breath attacks. Check a list of the new moves here!

Name Description
Double Chomp A dual bite attack from Apex Rathalos that can flinch hunters!
Linear Fire Explosions An aerial fire breath attack in a vertical line
Apex Talon Grab
A grab attack that can send hunters flying. Followed up by a fire breath attack.
King's Ascension
Apex Rathalos ascends above the horizon while targeting installations and the gate with explosive fireballs. The fireballs create a spherical explosion on impact!
All of Apex Rathalos's moves in the Rampage are also present when hunting it in the Hub Quest!

Double Chomp

Double Chomp Attack Information
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Double Chomp
Double Chomp: Apex Rathalos' response to hunters that stay on his face for too long, Double Chomp are quick bite attacks in succession that can flinch hunters!

Linear Fire Explosions

Linear Fire Explosions Attack Information
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Linear Fire Explosions
Linear Fire Explosions: Another airborne attack that shoots fireballs in a straight line. When Apex Rathalos hovers in the air, expect this attack to come through! Use Emergency Evade or roll to the side when you see Apex Rathalos inhaling for a fire breath attack!

Apex Talon Grab

Apex Talon Grab Attack Information
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Apex Talon Grab
Apex Talon Grab: Looks like a variation of normal Rathalos' claw attack but this time Apex Rathalos grabs you with one of its claws then throws you airborne. Once you're above ground, Apex Rathalos will breathe fire in a straight line towards you!

If you find yourself being grabbed and thrown up, we suggest using Wirefall before the follow-up fire breath attack connects!

King's Ascension

Considered as Apex Rathalos' ultimate attack, King's Ascension is a move that all hunters must be cautious about. This attack also has a variation when used by Apex Rathalos during Rampage quests.

King's Ascension Variations
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Beware of King
King's Ascension: Apex Rathalos will fly high in the sky then target hunters and installations with huge fireballs. The fireballs explode in a sphere as it touches the ground, incinerating even those not in the center!
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Kings Ascension in Rampages
King's Ascension in Rampages: In Rampages, Apex Rathalos charge for a while then fly up the sky. Once up there, it will target installations then finally gates! It is virtually untargetable so the only way to mitigate this is to try and stagger Apex Rathalos while it is charging. Use the Splitting Wyvernshot to easily do this!

Apex Rathalos Materials and Drops

Master Rank Apex Rathalos Materials

Broken Parts
You cannot capture this monster!
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rath Wingripper IconRath Wingripper [70% (Wing)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Shard IconRathalos Shard [38% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Apex Blaze Sac IconApex Blaze Sac [30% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Fellwing IconRathalos Fellwing [30% (Wing)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Cortex IconRathalos Cortex [27% (Head), 98% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Mantle IconRathalos Mantle [5% (Head), 2% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Lash IconRathalos Lash [75% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Shard IconRathalos Shard [38% (Body), 20% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Cortex IconRathalos Cortex [27% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Fellwing IconRathalos Fellwing [21% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Apex Blaze Sac IconApex Blaze Sac [12% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Mantle IconRathalos Mantle [2% (Body), 5% (Tail)]

High Rank Apex Rathalos Materials

Broken Parts
You cannot capture this monster!
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rath Wingtalon+ IconRath Wingtalon+ [70% (Wing)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Carapace IconRathalos Carapace [65% (Back), 21% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Apex Blaze Sac IconApex Blaze Sac [35% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Scale+ IconRathalos Scale+ [32% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rath Medulla IconRath Medulla [30% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Wing IconRathalos Wing [30% (Wing)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Plate IconRathalos Plate [7% (Head), 4% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Ruby IconRathalos Ruby [5% (Head), 1% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Tail IconRathalos Tail [65% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Scale+ IconRathalos Scale+ [36% (Body), 18% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Carapace IconRathalos Carapace [24% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Wing IconRathalos Wing [19% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Apex Blaze Sac IconApex Blaze Sac [12% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rath Medulla IconRath Medulla [7% (Tail), 5% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Plate IconRathalos Plate [5% Tail, 3% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Ruby IconRathalos Ruby [5% (Tail), 1% (Body)]

Apex Rathalos Dropped Materials

Master Rank
High Rank
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Shard IconRathalos Shard [39%, 50% (Wyvern Riding)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rathalos Cortex IconRathalos Cortex [30% (Wyvern Riding)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Rath Wingripper IconRath Wingripper [19%, 20% (Wyvern Riding)]

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Monsters Partial Banner.png
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Monster Guides by Rank

Village Rank ★2

2-Star Large Monsters
Great Izuchi Icon.pngGreat Izuchi Arzuros Icon.pngArzuros Great Baggi Icon.pngGreat Baggi Lagombi Icon.pngLagombi

Village Rank ★3

3-Star Large Monsters
Aknosom Icon.pngAknosom Tetranadon Icon.pngTetranadon Kulu-Ya-Ku Icon.pngKulu-Ya-Ku Barroth Icon.pngBarroth
Great Wroggi Icon.pngGreat Wroggi Royal Ludroth Icon.pngRoyal Ludroth Khezu Icon.pngKhezu

Village Rank ★4

4-Star Large Monsters
Bishaten Icon.pngBishaten Somnacanth Icon.pngSomnacanth Barioth Icon.pngBarioth Rathian Icon.pngRathian
Tobi-Kadachi Icon.pngTobi-Kadachi Volvidon Icon.pngVolvidon Basarios Icon.pngBasarios Pukei-Pukei Icon.pngPukei-Pukei

Village Rank ★5

5-Star Large Monsters
Magnamalo Icon.pngMagnamalo Nargacuga Icon.pngNargacuga Zinogre Icon.pngZinogre Anjanath Icon.pngAnjanath
Mizutsune Icon.pngMizutsune Rathalos Icon.pngRathalos

Village Rank ★6

6-Star Large Monsters
Almudron Icon.pngAlmudron Goss Harag Icon.pngGoss Harag Tigrex Icon.pngTigrex Diablos Icon.pngDiablos

High Rank Hub Quests

High Rank Large Monsters
Jyuratodus Icon.pngJyuratodus Rajang Icon.pngRajang Rakna-Kadaki Icon.pngRakna-Kadaki Bazelgeuse Icon.pngBazelgeuse

Elder Dragons

Elder Dragons
Narwa the Allmother Icon.pngNarwa the Allmother
Wind Serpent Ibushi Icon.pngWind Serpent Ibushi Thunder Serpent Narwa Icon.pngThunder Serpent Narwa Crimson Glow Valstrax Icon.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax
Chameleos Icon.pngChameleos Kushala Daora Icon.pngKushala Daora Teostra Icon.pngTeostra

Apex Monsters

Apex Monsters
Apex Arzuros Icon.pngApex Arzuros Apex Rathian Icon.pngApex Rathian Apex Mizutsune Icon.pngApex Mizutsune
Apex Rathalos Icon.pngApex Rathalos Apex Diablos Icon.pngApex Diablos Apex Zinogre Icon.pngApex Zinogre

Small Monsters

Small Monsters
Altaroth Icon.pngAltaroth Anteka Icon.pngAnteka Baggi Icon.pngBaggi Bnahabra Icon.pngBnahabra
Bombadgy Icon.pngBombadgy Bullfango Icon.pngBullfango Delex Icon.pngDelex Felyne Icon.pngFelyne
Gajau Icon.pngGajau Gargwa Icon.pngGargwa Izuchi Icon.pngIzuchi Jaggi Icon.pngJaggi
Jaggia Icon.pngJaggia Jagras Icon.pngJagras Kelbi Icon.pngKelbi Kestodon Icon.pngKestodon
Ludroth Icon.pngLudroth Melynx Icon.pngMelynx Popo Icon.pngPopo Rachnoid Icon.pngRachnoid
Remobra Icon.pngRemobra Rhenoplos Icon.pngRhenoplos Slagtoth Icon.pngSlagtoth Uroktor Icon.pngUroktor
Wroggi Icon.pngWroggi Zamite Icon.pngZamite

Small Monsters


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