Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Basarios: Weakness and Drops

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Basarios Guide

This is a hunting guide for Basarios, a Large Monster in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Read on to learn Basarios' weaknesses, forgeable weapons and armor, drops, and attack patterns for Master Rank!

Basarios Guide
Weapons IconBasarios Weapons Armor IconBasarios Armor

Basarios Weakness and Notes

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Basarios Returning Monster
Type Flying Wyvern Previous Games MH, MHF, MHF2, MHFU, MH4U, MHGU
Threat Level 3/10 Rampage Type MH Rise - Gate Crasher Rampage TypeGate Crasher
Major Weakness Other Weakness
Blight / Elemental Damage Abnormal Status
These juvenile Gravios are famous for their rock-hard carapaces. They often burrow underground, mimicking rocks and savaging oblivious miners. Because their carapaces are tougher than that of a full-grown Gravios, they'll attack a threat by charging at it. They are also known to emit a poisonous gas.

How to Unlock Basarios

Complete Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath in Master Rank

MH Rise Sunbreak - Pent-up Frustrations

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Pent-Up Frustrations (Key Quest)
Basarios Image Basarios
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath"

Master Rank Basarios is unlocked after reaching MR 2 and finishing the Urgent Quest Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath.

MR Grinding Guide:
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast

Complete The Restless Swamp in High Rank

MH Rise Sunbreak - Miner Problem

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Miner Problem
(Key Quest)
Basarios Image Basarios
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Restless Swamp"

High Rank Basarios is unlocked after finishing the Urgent Quest The Restless Swamp and reaching HR 5.

Hunter Rank Farm Guide:
How to Get from HR 7 to HR 100 Fast

Complete Dead Ringer in Low Rank

MH Rise Sunbreak - Blasted Basarios!

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Blasted Basarios!
(Key Quest)
Basarios Image Basarios
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Dead Ringer"

Low Rank Basarios is unlocked after finishing the ★2 Hub Quest Dead Ringer.

Basarios Weakness and Resistance

MH Rise - Slash Damage MH Rise - Blunt Damage MH Rise - Bullet Damage MH Rise - Fire Damage
20 20 21 10
MH Rise - Water Damage MH Rise - Thunder Damage MH Rise - Ice Damage MH Rise - Dragon Damage
13 10 10 16

Bold are the recommended Weapon Type and Elemental Damage.

Basarios Weapon Damage Breakdown

Part Sever Symbol (MH Rise).png Blunt Symbol (MH Rise).png Ammo Symbol (MH Rise).png
Head 20 20 20
Lower Neck 15 20 20
Abdomen 24 25 30
Back 15 20 20
Wing 20 20 20
Leg 25 26 30
Lower Tail 15 15 15
Tail Tip 28 15 15
Overall 20 20 21

Basarios Elemental Weakness Breakdown

Part Fire Symbol (MH Rise).png Water Symbol (MH Rise).png Thunder Element (MH Rise).png Ice Element (MH Rise).png Dragon Element (MH Rise).png
Head 10 15 10 10 18
Lower Neck 10 15 10 10 18
Abdomen 10 10 10 10 15
Back 10 15 10 10 18
Wing 10 15 10 10 18
Leg 10 10 10 10 10
Lower Tail 10 15 10 10 18
Tail Tip 10 10 10 10 15
Overall 10 13 10 10 16

Higher numbers indicate higher potential damage to the monster.

Basarios Hunting Tips

MH Rise - Basarios

Its thick, hardened shell is impervious to most attacks, making it tricky to approach, but if you can break its abdominal plating, you should be able to rip off its shell and deal some heavy hits. Attacks that produce heat will soften up the hide and make the job easier.

Status Effect Vulnerabilities

Poison Stun Paralysis Sleep
Blast Exhaust Fireblight Waterblight
★★ ★★
Thunderblight Iceblight

If an ailment has more stars it means that it has better effectiveness.

Item Vulnerabilities

Pitfall Trap Shock Trap Flash Bomb
Sonic Bomb Meat Effects Dung Bomb

◯ = Vulnerable; ✕ = Fully Resistant; ▲ = Situational

Kinsect Extracts

Monster Part Extract
Head Red Extract
Lower Neck Red Extract
Abdomen Orange Extract
Back Orange Extract
Wing White Extract
Leg White Extract
Lower Tail Red Extract
Tail Tip Red Extract

Red = Attack Increase, White = Movement Boost, Orange = Anti-knockback When Attacking

Kinsect Extract Guide

Basarios Locations and Quests

Basarios Known Habitat

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Sandy Plains.pngSandy Plains 7 / 8 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 11 2
Lava Caverns.pngLava Caverns 4 / 5 1 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 6 / 10

Basarios Quest Appearances

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Anomaly Quest A★2 Anomaly Research: Basarios
Hub Quest M★2 Pent-Up Frustrations
(Key Quest)
Hub Quest M★2 Skulking Among the Sand
Follower Quest M★3 Basarios Buzzkill
Hub Quest M★3 Desert Lost and Found
Support Survey M★3 Operation Double Basarios
Event Quest M★4 Wild Growth
Hub Quest M★4 A Request From Your Superior
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Hub Quest ★5 Hone Your Heavy Bowgun
Hub Quest ★5 Miner Problem
(Key Quest)
Event Quest ★6 Knight in Shattered Armor
Arena Quest ★7 Arena 06
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Hub Quest ★2 Blasted Basarios!
(Key Quest)
Village Quest ★4 Off Your Rocker
(Key Quest)

How to Beat Basarios

Green Sharpness is Mandatory

MH Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Green Sharpness

Unless you're using a Gunlance, we recommend that you use weapons that have Green Sharpness or higher against Basarios—anything lesser will be ineffective.

Avoid Hitting the Wings

MH Rise -  Avoid Basarios
Basarios' wings are incredibly hard and can deflect the attacks of most weapon types regardless of sharpness.

It is recommended that you focus attacks towards the legs, abdomen, lower tail, and head (when it's molten) instead.

Keep an Eye Out for Molten Parts

MH Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Molten Part

Basarios heats up specific body parts to perform various attacks. You can use this to identify which attack Basarios can use through the fight:

Molten Part Possible Attacks
Head & Lower Neck Breath Attacks
Abdomen Fire Gas

Another thing to note is that molten parts are softened, meaning you can dish out maximum damage towards these parts without the fear of bouncing!

Take Advantage of Its Slow Speed

MH Rise - Basarios Slow Speed
Similar to most heavily armored monsters, Basarios suffers from having slow attack animations. Take advantage of this by landing heavy attacks of your own as they play out!

Bring Antidotes and Energy Drinks

MH Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Energy Drink

As previously mentioned, Basarios' Gas Clouds can either inflict Poison or Sleep status ailments. Always bring Antidotes or Herbal Medicines to nullify Poison. Energy Drinks, on the other hand, can negate the Sleep ailment!

Alternatively, you can also check your base camp's Supply Box once you start the hunt for any free Antidotes or Energy Drinks.

Item Effects / How to Get
A cure for poison/venom.
Crafted or bought from the Merchant.
Antidote Herb
Boosts stamina and prevents sleep.
Crafted using Materials.
Nitroshroom + Honey

Barrel Bombs Interrupt Its Burrow Attack!

MH Rise - Interrupting Basarios
Basarios' burrow attack can be lured into Large Barrel Bombs. Not only will this damage the Basarios, it will also unburrow it and stun it for a few seconds!

Basarios Master Rank Attack Patterns

In addition to its attacks in Low and High Rank quests, Pukei-Pukei uses the following attacks in Master Rank.

Name Description
Double Roll Basarios ups the ante and rolls twice.
Triple Flame Volley Basarios rapidly spits out three fireballs.

Double Roll

Double Roll Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Double Roll
Double Roll: Basarios now rolls twice instead of once when hunting it in Master Rank. If you are on its way, watch out on where you will dodge roll, as you may still end up getting rolled over by Basarios' second roll!

Triple Flame Volley

Triple Flame Volley Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Triple Flame Volley
Triple Flame Volley: Basarios spits up three fireballs in succession. The third fireball comes out almost instantaneously.

Keep an eye out on where you will be dodging as the rest of the fireballs may end up at the location where you are heading.

Basarios General Attack Patterns

Basarios uses the following attacks in Low and High Rank quests.

Name Description
Burrow Attack Basarios burrows underground, leaves a trail that will hurt the hunter, and will emerge under the hunter.
Breath Attacks Basarios breathes fire. This attack has two variations.
Gas Cloud Basarios releases a gas cloud, ranging from fire, poison, or sleeping gas.
Slow Roll Basarios rolls towards the hunter.
Rush Attack Basarios charges at the hunter.
Tail Attacks Basarios swings its tail.
Hip Check Basarios uses its hips to charge sideways.

Burrow Attack

Burrow Attack Information
MH Rise - Basarios
Burrow Attack: Like Diablos, Basarios can bury itself underground and come up underneath the hunter. Unlike Diablos, however, Basarios damages you through the trail it creates as well!

Breath Attacks

Basarios can unleash flames from its breath whenever its head is molten. This particular attack has two variations.

Breath Attack Variations
MH Rise - Basarios
Flame Breath: Basarios unleashes a massive beam of flame from its mouth in a straight line. Avoid this attack at all costs!
MH Rise - Basarios
Flame Volley: Basarios ejects a series of fireballs towards its target. It is fairly easy to avoid as long as you're not too far away.

Gas Cloud

Basarios ejects a dangerous gas from its underbelly, damaging anyone caught in the attack and applying specific status effects depending on the gas itself.

Gas Cloud Variations
MH Rise - Basarios
Fire Gas: Basarios releases a red mist from its abdomen before igniting it in a fiery stream. This particular gas attack can have two patterns.

The first pattern is a stationary attack that releases all of the gas in one sitting. The second pattern is a series of short gas bursts while Basarios moves forward three steps.
MH Rise - Basarios
Poison Gas: Basarios unleashes a purple mist that inflicts Poison to anyone caught in the attack.
MH Rise - Basarios
Sleep Gas: Basarios releases a blue mist that inflicts Sleep to anyone caught in the attack.

Slow Roll

Slow Roll Attack Information
MH Rise - Basarios
Slow Roll: Basarios postures up before crashing down to the ground in a slow barrel roll. This attack is very easy to avoid due to its slow animation.

Rush Attack

Rush Attack Information
MH Rise - Basarios
Rush Attack: Basarios flexes its wings before running towards its target. Once again, this attack is easy to avoid due to its very slow animation and large telegraph.

Tail Attacks

Basarios can use its tail to slap hunters who stay behind it for too long. This attack has two possible patterns.

Tail Attack Variations
MH Rise - Basarios
Tail Spin: Basarios spins its tail around for two times, each one swinging its tail 180 degrees.
MH Rise - Basarios
Backwards Tail Sweep: Basarios steps backwards while slapping its tail diagonally two-to-three times.

Hip Check

Hip Check Attack Information
MH Rise - Basarios
Hip Check: Basarios flings its massive body sideways, dealing damage launching anyone who lingers on its sides for too long. This attack is surprisingly quick, so be prepared to dodge or block at all times.

Basarios Materials and Drops

Master Rank Basarios Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Cortex IconBasarios Cortex [67% (Head), 25% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Pectus+ IconBasarios Pectus+ [55% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Fellwing IconBasarios Fellwing [40% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monster Slogbone IconAfflicted Monster Slogbone [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Eltalite Ore IconEltalite Ore [35% (Back x2), 25% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monster Bone IconAfflicted Monster Bone [35% (Anomaly Quests)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monster Hardbone IconAfflicted Monster Hardbone [35% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Conflagrant Sac IconConflagrant Sac [20% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Deadly Poison Sac IconDeadly Poison Sac [20% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Tears IconBasarios Tears [10% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Lash IconBasarios Lash [80% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monster Slogbone IconAfflicted Monster Slogbone [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Cortex IconBasarios Cortex [38% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monster Bone IconAfflicted Monster Bone [35% (Anomaly Quests)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monster Hardbone IconAfflicted Monster Hardbone [35% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Pectus+ IconBasarios Pectus+ [28% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Deadly Poison Sac IconDeadly Poison Sac [18% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Eltalite Ore IconEltalite Ore [12% (Body), 17% (Tail x2)]

High Rank Basarios Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Carapace IconBasarios Carapace [70% (Head), 35% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Pleura+ IconBasarios Pleura+ [55% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Carbalite Ore IconCarbalite Ore [40% (Back x2), 25% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Wing IconBasarios Wing [25% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Inferno Sac IconInferno Sac [20% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Toxin Sac IconToxin Sac [20% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Tears IconBasarios Tears [10% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Tail IconBasarios Tail [70% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Carapace IconBasarios Carapace [37% (Body), 17% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Pleura+ IconBasarios Pleura+ [26% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Toxin Sac IconToxin Sac [19% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Carbalite Ore IconCarbalite Ore [10% (Body), 10% (Tail x2)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Tears IconBasarios Tears [7% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Wyvern Gem IconWyvern Gem [1% (Body), 3% (Tail)]

Low Rank Basarios Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Shell IconBasarios Shell [24% (x2)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Poison Sac IconPoison Sac [16%]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flame Sac IconFlame Sac [14%]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Shell IconBasarios Shell [80% (Head), 25% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Pleura IconBasarios Pleura [55% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Wing IconBasarios Wing [40% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Machalite Ore IconMachalite Ore [35% (Back x2), 25% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flame Sac IconFlame Sac [20% (Head)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Poison Sac IconPoison Sac [20% (Chest)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Tail IconBasarios Tail [80% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Shell IconBasarios Shell [40% (Body), 13% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Basarios Pleura IconBasarios Pleura [27% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Poison Sac IconPoison Sac [21% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Machalite Ore IconMachalite Ore [12% (Body), 7% (Tail x2)]

Basarios Dropped Materials

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Monsters Partial Banner
All Monster Guides

All Basarios Guides

All Basarios Related Articles
Basarios.pngBasarios Guide Weapons.pngBasarios Weapons Armor Icon.pngBasarios Armor

Sunbreak Monsters

Sunbreak Monster Lists
Sunbreak Monsters List Monster Subspecies List Sunbreak Small Monsters List

Large Monsters

Sunbreak Large Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo Hermitaur IconDaimyo Hermitaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten IconBlood Orange Bishaten MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm IconGarangolm MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth IconAurora Somnacanth
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur IconShogun Ceanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron IconLunagaron MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos IconAstalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Seregios IconSeregios
MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron IconMagma Almudron MH Rise Sunbreak - Gore Magala IconGore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Espinas IconEspinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki IconPyre Rakna-Kadaki
MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno IconMalzeno MH Rise Sunbreak - Shagaru Magala IconShagaru Magala

MR6+ Large Monsters

MR6+ Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gaismagorm IconGaismagorm
MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang IconFurious Rajang
MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo IconScorned Magnamalo

Title Update 1 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 1 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething Bazel IconSeething Bazelgeuse MH Rise Sunbreak - Silver Rathalos IconSilver Rathalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian IconGold Rathian MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Narga IconLucent Nargacuga

Title Update 2 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 2 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Monster Partial BannerFlaming Espinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Chameleos Monster Partial BannerRisen Chameleos MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune Monster Partial BannerViolet Mizutsune

Title Update 3 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 3 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Chaotic Gore Magala Monster Partial BannerChaotic Gore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Kushala Daora Monster Partial BannerRisen Kushala Daora MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Teostra Monster Partial BannerRisen Teostra

Title Update 4 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 4 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Velkhana IconVelkhana MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax IconRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Title Update 5 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 5 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak Amatsu BorderAmatsu Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala

Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi IconBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur IconCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat IconGowngoat
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur IconHermitaur MHRise Sunbreak - HornetaurHornetaur MHRise Sunbreak - PyrantulaPyrantula
MHRise Sunbreak - VespoidVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey IconVelociprey

Other Large Monsters

Other Large Monsters
MH Rise - Great Izuchi IconGreat Izuchi MH Rise - Arzuros IconArzuros MH Rise - Great Baggi IconGreat Baggi MH Rise - Lagombi IconLagombi
MH Rise - Aknosom IconAknosom MH Rise - Tetranadon IconTetranadon MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku MH Rise - Barroth IconBarroth
MH Rise - Great Wroggi IconGreat Wroggi MH Rise - Royal Ludroth IconRoyal Ludroth MH Rise - Khezu IconKhezu MH Rise - Bishaten IconBishaten
MH Rise - Somnacanth IconSomnacanth MH Rise - Barioth IconBarioth MH Rise - Rathian IconRathian MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi
MH Rise - Volvidon IconVolvidon MH Rise - Basarios IconBasarios MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei MH Rise - Magnamalo IconMagnamalo
MH Rise - Nargacuga IconNargacuga MH Rise - Zinogre IconZinogre MH Rise - Anjanath IconAnjanath MH Rise - Mizutsune IconMizutsune
MH Rise - Rathalos IconRathalos MH Rise - Almudron IconAlmudron MH Rise - Goss Harag IconGoss Harag MH Rise - Tigrex IconTigrex
MH Rise - Diablos IconDiablos MH Rise - Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus MH Rise - Rajang IconRajang MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki IconRakna-Kadaki
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse

Elder Dragons

Elder Dragons
MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother IconNarwa the Allmother
MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi IconWind Serpent Ibushi MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa IconThunder Serpent Narwa MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax IconCrimson Glow Valstrax
MH Rise - Chameleos IconChameleos MH Rise - Kushala Daora IconKushala Daora MH Rise - Teostra IconTeostra

Apex Monsters

Apex Monsters
MH Rise - Apex Arzuros IconApex Arzuros MH Rise - Apex Rathian IconApex Rathian MH Rise - Apex Mizutsune IconApex Mizutsune
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos IconApex Rathalos MH Rise - Apex Diablos IconApex Diablos MH Rise - Apex Zinogre IconApex Zinogre

Other Small Monsters

Small Monsters
MH Rise - Altaroth IconAltaroth MH Rise - Anteka IconAnteka MH Rise - Baggi IconBaggi MH Rise - Bnahabra IconBnahabra
MH Rise - Bombadgy IconBombadgy MH Rise - Bullfango IconBullfango MH Rise - Delex IconDelex MH Rise - Felyne IconFelyne
MH Rise - Gajau IconGajau MH Rise - Gargwa IconGargwa MH Rise - Izuchi IconIzuchi MH Rise - Jaggi IconJaggi
MH Rise - Jaggia IconJaggia MH Rise - Jagras IconJagras MH Rise - Kelbi IconKelbi MH Rise - Kestodon IconKestodon
MH Rise - Ludroth IconLudroth MH Rise - Melynx IconMelynx MH Rise - Popo IconPopo MH Rise - Rachnoid IconRachnoid
MH Rise - Remobra IconRemobra MH Rise - Rhenoplos IconRhenoplos MH Rise - Slagtoth IconSlagtoth MH Rise - Uroktor IconUroktor
MH Rise - Wroggi IconWroggi MH Rise - Zamite IconZamite

Small Monsters


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