Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Frost Islands Map and Sub-Camp Locations | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Frost Islands banner

This is a guide and map for the Frost Islands locale in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn what materials can be found here at each mining and gathering location, and the locations of all sub-camps and relic records!

Frost Islands Maps

Gathering Map

Upper Level Lower Level

Endemic Life Maps

Other Endemic Life (Upper Level) Other Endemic Life (Lower Level)
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Other Endemic Life Surface Level Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Other Endemic Life Underground Level
Permabuffers (Upper Level) Permabuffers (Lower Level)
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Permabuffers Surface Level Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Permabuffers Underground

List of Endemic Life

Frost Islands Sub-Camps

Sub-Camp 1 Area 6
Sub-Camp 2 Area 8

Unlock Conditions

Area 6 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Frost Islands Sub-Camp Security after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Slay 8 Zamite in the Frost Islands
Area 8 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Frost Islands Sub-Camp Materials after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Deliver the following items:
Warm Pelt x2
Monster Bone S x4

Camp Guide: How to Unlock Sub-Camps

Zamite Locations in the Frost Islands

Zamite Locations

Zamite Locations and Material Drops

Frost Islands Shortcut

Place All Great Wirebugs in the Center

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - all great wirebugs in the center of frost islands
There are eight Great Wirebugs in the Frost Islands that allow you to go around the map in a circle. If you place all of them, you can navigate the map much easier and get where you want to quicker!

The Great Wirebug North of Area 9 is Essential

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - great wirebug at area 9
The Great Wirebug that's just above Area 9, on top of the mountain, is essential for getting a Relic Record.

Frost Islands Relic Records Locations

Relic Records Locations in the Frost islands

Locations are numbered by the Notebook entries.

How to Find Frost Islands Relic Records

Frost Islands Buddy Recon Locations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Frost Islands Buddy Recon Locations

How to Unlock

  1. Unlocked automatically.
  2. From the high plateau at the northmost point of Area 9, wirebug up to find a mountain with a single side which can be climbed. From there, you'll find two platforms leading across the gap; wirebug across, but be careful as you can't climb on the walls here normally. On the second platform, you'll find a shrine with the Buddy Recon Point inside, and Jewel Lilies on the far end.

Note that Buddy Recon is only available with the Sunbreak DLC.

Buddy Recon Locations Guide

Rare Endemic Life Location


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - monksnail

The Monksnail is a rare endemic life that can be found in the Frost Islands. To be able to document this creature, you need to climb the top mast of the shipwreck in the southeast. A large roar will then sound out followed by the Monksnail appearing a few seconds later.

Monksnail Location

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Monksnail Location

How to Find Monksnail

List of Frost Islands Items and Materials

List of Account Items

List of All Account Items

List of Bones

List of All Bones

List of Fish

List of All Fish

List of Ore

List of All Ores

List of Other Materials

MH Rise - Blue MushroomBlue Mushroom MH Rise - Dragonstrike NutDragonstrike Nut MH Rise - DungDung MH Rise - ExciteshroomExciteshroom
MH Rise - FelvineFelvine MH Rise - FlamenutFlamenut MH Rise - FlashbugFlashbug MH Rise - FlowfernFlowfern
MH Rise - FlowfernFlowfern MH Rise - Gloamgrass BudGloamgrass Bud MH Rise - HerbHerb MH Rise - HoneyHoney
MH Rise - HuskberryHuskberry MH Rise - IvyIvy MH Rise - LatchberryLatchberry MH Rise - MandragoraMandragora
MH Rise - NulberryNulberry MH Rise - SlashberrySlashberry MH Rise - Sleep HerbSleep Herb MH Rise - Snow HerbSnow Herb
MH Rise - Spider WebSpider Web MH Rise - Sunscorned GrassSunscorned Grass MH Rise - ThunderbugThunderbug

List of Items and Materials

List of Frost Islands Endemic Life

Brewhare.pngBrewhare Butterflame.pngButterflame Clothfly.pngClothfly
Escuregot.pngEscuregot Felicicrow.pngFelicicrow Firebeetle.pngFirebeetle
Fortune Owl.pngFortune Owl Gold Wirebug.pngGold Wirebug Golden Spiribug.pngGolden Spiribug
Great Wirebug.pngGreat Wirebug Green Lampsquid.pngGreen Lampsquid Green Spiribird.pngGreen Spiribird
Lanternbug.pngLanternbug Marionette Spider.pngMarionette Spider Orange Spiribird.pngOrange Spiribird
Peepersects.pngPeepersects Poisontoad.pngPoisontoad Puppet Spider.pngPuppet Spider
Red Lampsquid.pngRed Lampsquid Red Spiribird.pngRed Spiribird Rock Lizard.pngRock Lizard
Ruby Wirebug.pngRuby Wirebug Scale Lizard.pngScale Lizard Sleeptoad.pngSleeptoad
Snowbeetle.pngSnowbeetle Starburst Bug.pngStarburst Bug Stinkmink.pngStinkmink
Thunderbeetle.pngThunderbeetle Trapbugs.pngTrapbugs Tricktoad.pngTricktoad
Vigorwasp.pngVigorwasp Wirebug.pngWirebug Yellow Lampsquid.pngYellow Lampsquid
Yellow Spiribird.pngYellow Spiribird

List of Endemic Life

List of Frost Islands Large Monsters

Aknosom.pngAknosom Apex Mizutsune.pngApex Mizutsune Aurora Somnacanth.pngAurora Somnacanth
Barioth.pngBarioth Bazelgeuse.pngBazelgeuse Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax
Goss Harag.pngGoss Harag Great Baggi.pngGreat Baggi Great Izuchi.pngGreat Izuchi
Khezu.pngKhezu Kushala Daora.pngKushala Daora Lagombi.pngLagombi
Lunagaron.pngLunagaron Magnamalo.pngMagnamalo Mizutsune.pngMizutsune
Rajang.pngRajang Somnacanth.pngSomnacanth Tetranadon.pngTetranadon

List of Large Monsters

List of Frost Islands Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Altaroth Small Monster IconAltaroth Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Anteka Small Monster IconAnteka Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Baggi Small Monster IconBaggi
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bnahabra Small Monster IconBnahabra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Felyne Small Monster IconFelyne Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Gajau Small Monster IconGajau
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Izuchi Small Monster IconIzuchi Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Melynx Small Monster IconMelynx Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Popo Small Monster IconPopo
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Remobra Small Monster IconRemobra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Zamite Small Monster IconZamite

List of Small Monsters

Frost Islands Unique Features

Dragon Nest of Old

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Dragon Nest of Old

The Frost Islands is was said to be a nesting ground for Dragons. Many heroes would travel to these lands in an attempt to slay the beasts but to no avail. What is left of these times are but remnants of battle. Capsized ships that are forever trapped in ice and dragon bones that are scattered throughout, forever in decay.

Wide Expanse

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Wide Expanse

Though the harsh bitter cold is not the only enemy of the Frost Islands, for they boast empty caverns that feel like a crypt awaiting a corpse. These empty spaces are viable places to engage in fights with monsters. Be wary, however, for the stalactites might be the last things you see.

Hot Drinks Are Gone

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Hot Drinks Are Gone

It was confirmed by Director Ichinose in a tweet that hot drinks are gone in Monster Hunter Rise. No more cold effects for you and your hunter!

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Maps Locations Partial Banner

List of Maps and Locations

All Sunbreak Maps and Locations

Locales and Other Locations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

All Base Game Maps and Locations

MH Rise - Shrine RuinsShrine Ruins MH Rise - Frost IslandsFrost Islands
MH Rise - Sandy PlainsSandy Plains MH Rise - Flooded ForestFlooded Forest
MH Rise - Lava CavernsLava Caverns
Other Locations
MH Rise - Kamura VillageKamura Village MH Rise - Infernal SpringsInfernal Springs


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