Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Update 15.0: Sunbreak Title Update 5 Patch Notes

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 15 Patch Notes Banner

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Version 15.0 releases on April 20, 2023! Check here for the latest information including new monsters, new additions, and features, patch notes, and download size!

Version 15.0 Release Date and Size

Title Update 5 Was Released on April 20, 2023!

MH Rise Sunbreak - Title Update 5 Release Date

Update 15.0 is now downloadable together with the Free Title Update 5 from April 20, 2023!

Nintendo Switch
PC (Steam)
April 20, 2023

Free Title Update 5 (TU5)
Release Date and Monsters

Download Size

Nintendo Switch
(Version 15.0.0)
0.8 GB
2.0 GB

Update 15.0 comes at around 0.8GB for Nintendo Switch and 2.0GB for PC. Make sure you have enough storage space in your device on release day!

Version 15.0 Main Additions

What's New in Title Update 5

New Monsters and Equipment

Monster Guide Armor Weapons
MH Rise Sunbreak - AmatsuAmatsu Armor IconTempest Weapons IconAmatsu Weapons
MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala Armor IconVirtue / Prudence Risen Shagaru Magala has no weapons.

New Armor Skills

New TU5 Armor Skills
Frenzied Bloodlust
(Risen S. Magala)
Shock Absorber
(New Decoration)

List of Armor Skills

New Decorations

We will update this section when we find more decorations!
New TU5 Decorations
Bloodlust Jewel 4 IconBloodlust Jewel 4 Shockproof Jewel 1 IconShockproof Jewel 1
Capacity Jewel+ 4 IconCapacity Jewel+4 Challenger Jewel+ 4 IconChallenger Jewel+ 4
Bladescale Jewel+ 4 IconBladescale Jewel+ 4 Trigger Jewel+ 4 IconTrigger Jewel+ 4
Embolden Jewel+ 4 IconEmbolden Jewel+ 4 Intrepid Jewel+ 3 IconIntrepid Jewel+ 3
Attack Jewel+ 4 IconAttack Jewel+ 4 Expert Jewel+ 4 IconExpert Jewel+ 4
New TU5 Rampage Decorations
Guardbash Jewel 2 IconGuardbash Jewel 2 Supercharge Jewel 2 IconSupercharge Jewel 2
Demon Rage Jewel 2 IconDemon Rage Jewel 2 Stun Jewel 1 IconStun Jewel 1
Growth Jewel 2 IconGrowth Jewel 2 Wirebug Jewel 1 IconWirebug Jewel 1

List of Decorations

New Afflicted Materials

New Afflicted Materials
MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen SlogboneRisen Slogbone MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Dragon BloodRisen Dragon Blood
MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Dragon PurebloodRisen Dragon Pureblood MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Dragon ThickbloodRisen Dragon Thickblood

Sunbreak Afflicted Materials:
How to Get and Uses

New Skills for Qurious Armor Crafting

New Skills for Qurious Armor Crafting
Frostcraft Dragon Conversion

Qurious Crafting Guide:
How to Get Gear Augments

More TU5 Changes

Anomaly Quest & Investigations
• Anomaly Investigations cap increased to 300.
• Anomaly Quest A9★ added.
• Special Investigations unlock at Anomaly Research Level 300.
• Pure Amber Essence added to the game.
Other Additions
• More paid DLC added.
• More weekly event quests to be released.

Free Title Update 5 (TU5)
Release Date and Monsters

Roadmap Update

Roadmap Update

• An additional Bonus Update will release on June 8, 2023 which will feature the new variant monster Primordial Malzeno!

Sunbreak Free Title Updates & Roadmap

New Monsters

MH Rise Sunbreak Amatsu

TU5 New Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak Amatsu BorderAmatsu Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala

Two new monsters are added in Update 15.0! Face the howling winds of the fearsome elder dragon Amatsu, and take on the frenzy attacks of Risen Shagaru Magala as it overcome affliction and rise again!

New Anomaly Quest Level: A9★

MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Investigations Level 300 Cap

Higher level anomaly quests is also available as of this update! Higher level anomaly quests will see the Risen Elder Dragon Shagaru Magala join the roster of Afflicted monsters in the game!

Raised Level Cap for Anomaly Investigations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Investigations Level 300 Cap

The level cap for Anomaly Investigations has also been raised by 80 and is now up to Lv 300!

Sunbreak Anomaly Investigations Guide: All New Features

New Paid DLC

MH Rise Sunbreak - Title Update 5 Paid DLC

A plethora of new paid DLCs are also added in this update! Improve your fashionhunting with these new sets!

Version 15.0 New Event Quests

MH Rise Sunbreak - Event Quest Title Update 5.png

New Event Quests are also available after the release of Title Update 5, which will net you with more unique rewards after completing them!

This list sorts Event Quests from newest to oldest!

Quest Name Monster/Locale
MH Rise Sunbreak - Brightly Shining DisasterBrightly Shining Disaster
Released: June 1st

Locale: Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Dual Threat Animose CrossingDual Threat: Animose Crossing
Released: May 25th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hazard Legendary StrikeHazard: Legendary Strike
Released: May 25th

Locale: Forlorn Arena
MH Rise Sunbreak - Ooooh Shiny...?Ooooh Shiny...?
Released: May 18th

Locale: Lava Caverns
MH Rise Sunbreak - A Mysterious Purr-esentA Mysterious Purr-esent
Released: May 11th

Locale: Flooded Forest
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hazard BuffoonHazard: Buffoon's Buff Baboon Swoon
Released: May 4th

Locale: Infernal Springs
MH Rise Sunbreak - A Fire to JyuratodouseA Fire to Jyuratodouse
Released: May 4th

Locale: Flooded Forest
MH Rise Sunbreak - And a Triple Scoop of Pain...And a Triple Scoop of Pain
Released: April 27th

Locale: Citadel

Event Quests List: Schedule and Roadmap

Version 15.0 Patch Notes

MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 15 Partial Banner

Release Date April 20, 2023
Nintendo Switch
(Ver. 15.0.0)
0.8 GB
2.0 GB

Source: Official Website

Main Additions / Changes

New Story Elements
・ A new monster has been added and will appear in Gathering Hub quests.
・ New afflicted monsters and a new Risen elder dragon have been added to the game.
・ New quests have been added.
・ The level cap for Anomaly Investigations has been raised.
・ Special Investigations have been added as the final difficulty level for Anomaly Investigations.
・ A wider variety of monsters now appear on Anomaly Investigations.
・ New weapons, armor, layered equipment, and skills have been added.
・ The level cap for armor upgrades has been raised.
・ New skills have been added to the pool of potential skills available during Qurious Armor Crafting.
・ New Melding Pot method added to the Market.
・ New prizes have been added to the Market's lottery.
・ New trinkets and hanging scrolls have been added.
・ New items have been added for trade at the Anomaly Research Lab.
・ New dialogue added for major NPCs at Kamura Village and Elgado Outpost based on your progress.
New System Elements
・ A new "afflicted materials" option has been added to the search criteria for "Anomaly Investigations" at the Quest Counter.
・ Added a category filter for forging decorations at the Smithy and for the "Set Decorations" option in the item box.
・ Added a "Wishlist" option to "Search/Sort" when forging armor at the Smithy.
・ Added a "Wishlist Order" option to "Search/Sort" when forging or upgrading armor at the Smithy.
・ Added a "Wishlist" option to "Search Decorations" when creating decorations at the Smithy.
・ Added a "Skill Pool Details" option when augmenting armor at the Smithy.
・ Added a filter function to the talisman management screen under "Change Equipment."
・ New Guild Card titles have been added.
・ Added an entry for Special Investigations on the Guild Card.
・ A new Badge of Heroes has been added.

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


・Increased the power and elemental correction value for the great sword's Falling Slash, Vortex Slash, and Rising Slash in the Surge Slash Combo.
・Increased the power of the great sword's Adamant Charged Slash.
・Reduced the amount of damage taken while charging the great sword's Rage Slash.
・The following adjustments were made to the long sword's Harvest Moon:
1. Increased the radius of the circle that spawns.
2. Removed 'sheathing your weapon' as a condition for canceling the effect.
3. Players will no longer be knocked back when touching the ring.
4. Decreased the cooldown time.
5. Slightly increased the height of the display position for the circle.
・Fixed a bug causing the sword & shield's Jumping Slash to combo into a Rising Slash instead of a Roundslash if performed right after landing.
・Increased the power and elemental correction value for the dual blades' Demon Flurry Rush and Lunging Strike.
・Increased the elemental correction value for the dual blades' Slide Slash Combo.
・Changed the effect duration of the lance's Anchor Rage from 20 seconds to 30.
・Increased the power of the the gunlance's Wyrmstake Cannon (normal, long, wide).
・Increased the power of the gunlance's shelling (wide only).
・Increased the elemental correction value for the hammer's Charged Big Bang and Big Bang I ~ Finisher.
・Changed the effect duration of the hunting horn's Silkbind Shockwave from 30 seconds to 45.
・Added a damage reduction effect to the hunting horn's Sonic Barrier.
・Adjusted the attack scaling upward when retrieving all 3 colors of extract with the insect glaive.
・Increased the amount of stamina for the insect glaive's Kinsect.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the Blue Swap Scroll from being reverted to the Red Swap Scroll when changing weapons at the base camp tent.
・Fixed a bug causing a regular draw even when performing a Special Draw, when using specific items in combination with control type 2.
・Fixed a bug causing the player to suffer from hellfireblight during the fadeout when entering a tent, if Lv. 4 Hellfire Cloak is activated.
・Fixed a bug where Followers appearing in the targeting reticle for long-range weapons would occasionally prevent it from displaying correctly.
・Some head gear will now remain on screen when having a meal at the canteen.
・ Fixed an issue occasionally causing Buddies to be displayed inappropriately at a Buddy Recon point.
・ Mitigated a bug occasionally preventing Buddies from participating in combat due to the fact that they keep attacking sleeping small monsters when they are on alert.
・Fixed a bug causing a Follower's Buddy's attack to hit the player as well when the Buddy tries to knock the Follower out of a status that prevents them from moving.
・Fixed a bug preventing dialogue between Followers from being played if the player is at camp when the quest is completed.
・Fixed a bug causing Followers to keep dodging for a while if the player returns to base camp right before Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax's comet attack hits the ground.
・Fixed a bug preventing Followers from dodging Magnamalo's explosion when it is in a turf war with Velkhana.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Followers from participating in battle and moving normally during an Anomaly Investigation.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing a Follower's quest completion dialogue from being played if they faint right after completing the quest.


・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Pyrantula from being displayed correctly on the guest's side when Pyre Rakna-Kadaki unleashes them.
・Fixed a bug preventing attack collision on Kushala Daora's backwards swipe.
・Fixed a bug causing Shagaru Magala to only stay down for a short period of time after certain toppling conditions.
・Adjusted the attack collision for Shagaru Magala's glide attack, and fixed it so that it doesn't hit at inappropriate times.
・Fixed a bug preventing Seething Bazelgeuse from getting caught in traps while on the ground when performing its gliding tail-dragging attack.
・Fixed a bug causing Violet Mizutsune's successful AoE attack explosion to appear as the explosion that occurs when the attack fails on the guest's side.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the visual effect of Violet Mizutsune's failed AoE attack from being displayed on the guest's side.
・Fixed a bug causing the actions of small monsters to shift Velkhana's current position.
・Fixed a bug causing Velkhana to drop account items when hit with a Wyvern Riding attack.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing attack collision on Risen Chameleos's sweeping poison projectile attack.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing Risen Chameleos from appearing in its Risen state on the guest's side.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing rocks and debris to appear at unusually distant locations when Risen Chameleos performs its ground slam attack near a ledge.
・Fixed a bug causing a ball of poison to remain in place for a while when Risen Chameleos hits a wall with its spherical poison attack.
・Fixed a bug preventing the sound effect from playing when Risen Chameleos uses its spherical poison attack twice in a row.
・Fixed an issue occasionally preventing Risen Kushala Daora's tornadoes from being displayed correctly during certain attacks.
・Fixed an issue occasionally causing fewer tornadoes to be displayed on the guest's side when performing specific attacks on Risen Kushala Daora while it's in its Risen state.
・Fixed a bug preventing Risen Teostra from being toppled for a prolonged period of time if it leaves its Risen state while in the Citadel's Resinmire.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing Teostra to perform attacks as if it's covered in dust, even when that is not the case. ・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the animation from being played correctly when Malzeno, Shagaru Magala, or Crimson Glow Valstrax crosses a ledge.
・Fixed a bug occasionally making it look as if Rajang and Furious Rajang perform a turf war in their normal state rather than their enraged state.
・Fixed a bug preventing players from contracting hellfireblight when Magnamalo is in a turf war with Velkhana.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing unintended attack collision to spawn when Magnamalo is in a turf war with Velkhana.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the visual effect for Magnamalo's hellfire veil from being displayed after finishing a turf war with Velkhana.
・Fixed a bug preventing some attacks from hitting players when Magnamalo is in a turf war with Velkhana.
・Fixed an issue occasionally causing Remobra to attack Velkhana while it is sleeping.

Locales and Environment

・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the screen from displaying properly if the player moves the camera while Wyvern Riding at a specific location in area 4 of the Sandy Plains.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the screen from displaying properly if the player moves the camera at a specific location in area 12 of the Citadel.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the hunter from moving if they perform specific actions with the hunting horn at a specific location in area 5 of the Jungle.
Endemic Life
・Fixed a bug preventing Scale Lizards in the Jungle from dropping Kulu-Ya-Ku materials, and Apex monster materials in a variety of other locales.
・Fixed a bug causing monsters to move in the direction of the Follower or player that used a Stinkmink, when using a Marionette Spider after said Stinkmink.

Base & Facilities

・Fixed a bug causing Chichae's dialogue at the Quest Counter not to match the player's progress in the game. ・Fixed a bug occasionally causing the cursor position memory for Master Rank at the Quest Counter to also affect other menu items.
・Added a confirmation message when the player tries to buy or trade the maximum number of items at the Market, the Argosy, or the Anomaly Research Lab.
・Fixed a bug preventing the ZL/ZR buttons from functioning on the screen for forging equipment/layered equipment at the Buddy Smithy if the top entry on the list of hired Buddies is empty.
・Fixed various minor UI bugs on all of the loadout screens.
・The number of pages for registering equipment loadouts, layered equipment loadouts, and hunter loadouts has been increased to 28.


・Fixed a bug during Gaismagorm quests preventing the player from moving to the lower level of the locale if they return to camp right as the quest moves to a new phase.
・Fixed a bug during Anomaly Investigations occasionally preventing player voices warning about attacks from being played for Apex monster attacks.
・Fixed a bug preventing afflicted materials from being awarded when breaking parts on Risen elder dragons during Anomaly Quests and Anomaly Investigations.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing quests received under certain circumstances when a guest joins an Anomaly Investigation to become invalid quests.
・Increased the number of Anomaly Research points the player can earn from Anomaly Investigations between level 1 and 220. (For quests between level 1 and 120, the increase in points is even larger than before.)
・Fixed a bug preventing Velkhana from appearing as a subtarget or wild monster during Anomaly Investigations.
・Fixed a bug causing the player to receive the same quest over and over when obtaining new Anomaly Investigations via specific steps.
・Fixed a bug causing an unintentional bias in selecting target monsters for Anomaly Investigations at the Citadel with 3 or more target monsters.
・Fixed a bug preventing bangs from being displayed for hairstyle type 01 when the player has a Lagombi Helm equipped.
・Fixed a bug preventing hairstyle 33 from being properly displayed when the player has a Scholar's Beret equipped.
・Fixed some mistakes with the default color settings for Pigment 2 of the Marine Braces layered equipment.
・Fixed some mistakes with the pigment settings of the Dusk Braces layered equipment.
・Fixed a bug preventing some hairstyles from being properly displayed when the player has the Face Scarf equipped.
・Fixed a bug preventing some hairstyles from being properly displayed when the player has the Sonic Cap equipped.
・Fixed a bug causing the shield of the Noble Ana Palas sword & shield to display in an unintended way.
・Fixed a bug causing the position and angle when sheathing the Pure Spear Osaki to be different from other lances in the Mizutsune tree.
・Fixed a bug causing weapons to display unnaturally when using a whetstone while having the Cloudburst Axe or the Wicked Niddoq switch axe unsheathed and in Axe mode.
・Fixed a bug in the design of some of the insect glaives on the Barioth tree.
・Fixed a bug causing the Moonlight Sparkflier heavy bowgun to display in an unintended way.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing the contents of the materials page on the large monsters list to display incorrectly following specific button inputs.
・Fixed a bug causing incorrect button prompts to display when opening the sorting window while pointing the cursor to fixed items whose display can be toggled in your item pouch.
・Fixed a bug causing the reward money amount to overlap or overflow from its display window when the amount exceeds 100,000z.
・Fixed a mistake in the system message for "Receive Items" in the Start Menu.
・Fixed a bug causing some NPCs to use dialogue that doesn't match the player's progress.
・Fixed a mistake in the explanation for the Regalfin.
・Fixed a mistake in the explanation for the Daimyo Hermitaur Statue.
・Fixed a mistake in the explanation text when accepting the "Running Out of Ideas" Event Quest at the Courier
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing NPC Canynes from still being audible even when the volume is turned down in the options.
・Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the game from saving if you try to save right after joining a Lobby.
・Fixed a bug occasionally causing the game to crash when completing a quest with a Follower.
・Fixed a mistake for the Housekeeper where "Elgado" was misspelled as "Elagdo."
・Fixed various text bugs.
・Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed a bug causing a "Could not save." message to appear if another player leaves the Lobby right when the game is saving in Multiplayer.
[STEAM ONLY] Mitigated the occurrence of error codes MHRS-0034-0036 and MHRS-0034-0002, which involve saved data becoming unreadable.
[STEAM ONLY] Fixed a bug occasionally causing a crash report to be created right after selecting "Quit Game" from the in-game menu.

Version 15.0.1 Patch Notes

MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 15.0.1 Partial Banner

Release Date May 18, 2023
Nintendo Switch Ver. 15.0.1
Steam Ver.

Source: Official Website

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments

・Fixed a bug causing the "Guard Bash" Rampage Decoration Skill to activate in response to things other than monster attacks, such as certain locale gimmicks and endemic life.
・Fixed a bug preventing the "Destructive Dragon Deity" quest from showing up in the Join Request search if players in the same lobby try to join this quest through the "Join Hub Quest" option.
・Fixed a bug causing an incorrect explanation to be displayed for the "F Jaggi Helm X" at the Buddy Smithy in Elgado.
・Fixed a bug preventing progress if the player gets hit with an attack during the Quest Completed animation.

Sunbreak Related Guides

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - News & Game Info Partial Banner
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Switch Release Time and Release Date All Game Editions and Bonuses
Preorder Bonuses Available Platforms
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All MH Rise Amiibo and Unlockable Rewards G Rank, Master Rank, and Expansions
How to Download the Game All Trailers and Pre-Release Videos
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Can You Use Voice Chat? Official Guidebook Details
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New Features
Free Rewards: How to Get Free Gifts
How to Download Updates How to Fix Failed to Save Error
PC Release Date and Features Best PC Graphic Settings
Cross-Play and Cross-Save PC vs Switch: Which is Better?
How to Transfer Save File --


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