Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Weapons List: All Weapon Guides

★ All Title Updates now available for ALL PLATFORMS!
Title Update 4 | Title Update 5 | Bonus Update
┗ Check out all our Best Builds For Every Weapon!
┗ TU4 Monsters: Velkhana | Risen C.G. Valstrax
┗ TU5 Monsters: Amatsu | Risen Shagaru Magala
┗ Bonus Update Monster: Primordial Malzeno

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Weapons List: Weapon Types and All Weapon Guides Banner

This is a list of all 14 weapon types in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Check here for a breakdown of all available weapon types, controls, and Switch Skills in MH Rise: Sunbreak.

Weapon Related Guides
MH Rise Sunbreak - Weapon Tier ListWeapons and Weapon Types MHRise Sunbreak - Builds for All Weapon Top BannerBuilds for Each Weapon Type
MHRise - Base Game Weapon Tier List Top BannerWeapon Type Tier List
(Base Game)
MHRise Sunbreak - Sunbreak Expansion Weapon Tier List Top BannerWeapon Type Tier List
(Sunbreak Expansion)

List of Weapons and Weapon Type Guides

Melee Weapon Guides

Melee Weapons
MH Rise - Great Sword IconGreat Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Long Sword Icon Long Sword
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Sword & Shield IconSword and Shield
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Dual Blades IconDual Blades
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Lance IconLance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Gunlance Icon Gunlance
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hammer Icon Hammer
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn
Guide | Weapon Tree | Melodies
MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
Guide | Weapon Tree | Kinsects

Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree

All Monster Weapons

Aknosom.pngAknosom Almudron.pngAlmudron Amatsu.pngAmatsu Anjanath.pngAnjanath
Arzuros.pngArzuros Astalos.pngAstalos Aurora Somnacanth.pngAurora Somnacanth Barioth.pngBarioth
Barroth.pngBarroth Basarios.pngBasarios Bazelgeuse.pngBazelgeuse Bishaten.pngBishaten
Blood Orange Bishaten.pngBlood Orange Bishaten Chameleos.pngChameleos Chaotic Gore Magala.pngChaotic Gore Magala Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax
Daimyo Hermitaur.pngDaimyo Hermitaur Diablos.pngDiablos Espinas.pngEspinas Flaming Espinas.pngFlaming Espinas
Furious Rajang.pngFurious Rajang Gaismagorm.pngGaismagorm Garangolm.pngGarangolm Gold Rathian.pngGold Rathian
Gore Magala.pngGore Magala Goss Harag.pngGoss Harag Great Baggi.pngGreat Baggi Great Izuchi.pngGreat Izuchi
Great Wroggi.pngGreat Wroggi Jyuratodus.pngJyuratodus Khezu.pngKhezu Kulu-Ya-Ku.pngKulu-Ya-Ku
Kushala Daora.pngKushala Daora Lagombi.pngLagombi Lucent Nargacuga.pngLucent Nargacuga Lunagaron.pngLunagaron
Magma Almudron.pngMagma Almudron Magnamalo.pngMagnamalo Malzeno.pngMalzeno Mizutsune.pngMizutsune
Nargacuga.pngNargacuga Primordial Malzeno.pngPrimordial Malzeno Pukei-Pukei.pngPukei-Pukei Pyre Rakna-Kadaki.pngPyre Rakna-Kadaki
Rajang.pngRajang Rakna-Kadaki.pngRakna-Kadaki Rathalos.pngRathalos Rathian.pngRathian
Royal Ludroth.pngRoyal Ludroth Scorned Magnamalo.pngScorned Magnamalo Seething Bazelgeuse.pngSeething Bazelgeuse Seregios.pngSeregios
Shagaru Magala.pngShagaru Magala Shogun Ceanataur.pngShogun Ceanataur Silver Rathalos.pngSilver Rathalos Somnacanth.pngSomnacanth
Teostra.pngTeostra Tetranadon.pngTetranadon Thunder Serpent Narwa.pngThunder Serpent Narwa Tigrex.pngTigrex
Tobi-Kadachi.pngTobi-Kadachi Velkhana.pngVelkhana Violet Mizutsune.pngViolet Mizutsune Volvidon.pngVolvidon
Wind Serpent Ibushi.pngWind Serpent Ibushi Zinogre.pngZinogre

New Weapons in MH Rise

No New Weapons

Weapons in MH Rise

While we would love to see more weapons in MH Rise, there are currently no announcements about new weapons in the game. The addition doesn't seem likely at this point, but we're keeping our eyes peeled in future DLCs!

It might be hard to imagine new weapons added into the roster, but some weapons existed in spin-off Monster Hunter games that never made it into the main games. There was the Tonfa, the Magnet Spike, the Accel Axe, and the Medium Bowgun.

Which weapon would you like to see in MH Rise?

Tonfa 27
Magnet Spike 8
Accel Axe 8
Medium Bowgun 2
Completely new weapon! 59

Got other weapon ideas?
Let us know in the comments!

All Weapon Controls and Switch Skills

Weapons Directory
▼ Great Sword ▼ Long Sword ▼ Sword and Shield ▼ Dual Blades
▼ Hammer ▼ Hunting Horn ▼ Lance ▼ Gunlance
▼ Switch Axe ▼ Charge Blade ▼ Insect Glaive ▼ Bow
▼ Light Bowgun ▼ Heavy Bowgun

Great Sword Controls and Switch Skills

Great Sword
MH Rise - Great Sword Title Card
Its hard-hitting damage makes up for its slow movement.
Great Sword 1Trees & Full List Great Sword 2How to Use Great Sword 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X
Left Click
Left Click
Vertical Slash
Buttons X
Left Click
Left Click
Charge Slash
Buttons Y
Sideward Slash
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Upward Slash
While Charging,
Buttons A
While Charging,
Right Click
Right Click
Button zR
M4 Click
Button zR
M4 Click
Falling Thrust
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Hunting Edge
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Power Sheathe

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons A
while charging
Right Click
Right Click
while charging
Guard Tackle
Switched with Tackle
Left Analog + Buttons X
Change direction using L Analog while charging
Left Stick + X
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Left Click
Change direction using WASD while charging
Directional Button + Left Click
Rage Slash
Switched with True Charge Slash
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Adamant Charged Slash
Switched with Hunting Edge

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Long Sword Controls and Switch Skills

Long Sword
MH Rise - Long Sword Title Card
Beginner-friendly, quick movements with a moderate to great damage output.
Long Sword 1Trees & Full List Long Sword 3How to Use Long Sword 2Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X
Left Click
Left Click
Overhead Slash
Buttons A
Right Click
Right Click
While attacking,
Left Analog + Buttons X + Buttons A

Left Stick + X + A
While attacking,
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button +
Left Click + Right Click

Directional Button + Left Click + Right Click
Directional Fade Slash
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Fade Slash
Button zR
M4 Click
Spirit Slash
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + A
Foresight Slash
Button zR+ Buttons B

zR + B
M4 Click + Space Button

MB4 + Space
Special Sheathe
While in Special Sheathe,
Buttons X
While in Special Sheathe,
Space Button
Iai Slash
While in Special Sheathe,
Button zR
While in Special Sheathe,
M4 Click
Iai Spirit Slash
Buttons ZL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Soaring Kick
After Soaring Kick hits,
Button zR
After Soaring Kick hits,
M4 Click
Helmbreaker/Falling Thrust
Buttons ZL +Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Serene Pose

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
(Draw weapon while sheathed)
Left Click Left Click
(Draw weapon while sheathed)
Drawn Double Slash
Switched with Step Slash
Button zR zR
after Spirit Blade II
M4 Click MB4
after Spirit Blade II
Spirit Reckoning Combo
Switched with Spirit Roundslash Combo
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Silkbind Sakura Slash
Switched with Soaring Kick

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Sword and Shield Controls and Switch Skills

Sword & Shield
MH Rise - Sword and Shield Title Card
Easy to learn and use. Recommended for beginners for its mobility and moderate damage output.
Sword and Shield 1Trees & Full List Sword and Shield 2How to Use Sword and Shield 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Lateral Slash
Left AnalogButtons A

Left Stick + A
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Right Click

Directional Button + Right Click
Shield Attack
Buttons XButtons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Advancing Slash
Button zR + Buttons X

zR + X
M4 Click + Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
Rising Slash
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
Guard Slash
During a combo,
Left Analog ↓ +Buttons A

Down + A
During a combo,
Hold S Button + Right Click

S + Right Click
During a backstep, hold
Buttons A
During a backstep,
hold Right Click
Right Click
Charged Slash
After a backstep,
Buttons X
After a backstep,
Left Click
Left Click
Leaping Slash
After a Leaping Slash or Guard Slash,
Buttons X
After a Leaping Slash or Guard Slash,
Left Click
Left Click
Perfect Rush
Button zRButtons Y

zR + Y
M4 Click or Middle Click + E

MB4 or Middle Click + E
Use Item
Buttons zLButtons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Falling Shadow
Buttons zLButtons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons A A
after Shield Bash
Right Click Right Click
after Shield Bash
Drill Slash Combo
Switched with Hard Basher Combo
Draw Attack when sheathed.
Buttons X + Buttons A when unsheathed.

Pressing A while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash.
X + A
Draw Attack when sheathed.
Left Click + Right Click when unsheathed.

Right Click while sliding changes attack to Jumping Rising Slash.
Left Click + Right Click
Sliding Slash
Switched with Advancing Slash
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + A
Metsu Shoryugeki
Switched with Metsu Shoryugeki

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Dual Blades Controls and Switch Skills

Dual Blades
MH Rise - Dual Blades Title Card
Fast movements and barrage attacks, it can perform a lot of combos.
Dual Blades 1Trees & Full List Dual Blades 2How to Use Dual Blades 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Double Slash
Buttons X + Buttons X

X + X
Left Click + Left Click

Left Click + Left Click
Double Slash Return Stroke
Buttons X + Buttons X + Buttons X
X (x3)
Left Click + Left Click + Left Click
Left Click (x3)
Circle Slash
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Lunging Strike
Buttons A + Buttons A

A + A
Right Click + Right Click

Right Click + Right Click
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Demon Mode
Buttons ZLButtons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Miiddle Click + Left Click
Silkbind Attack: Piercing Bind
Buttons ZLButtons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Silkbind Attack: Shrouded Vault

Demon Mode Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Demon Fangs
Buttons X + Buttons X

X + X
Left Click + Left Click

Left Click + Left Click
Twofold Demon Slash
Buttons X + Buttons X + Buttons X
X (x3)
Left Click + Left Click + Left Click
Left Click (x3)
Sixfold Demon Slash
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Demon Flurry Rush
(Spinning Move)
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Demon Mode Cancel
Buttons XButtons A

x + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Blade Dance (Demon Mode)
Demon Mode (midair or ledge)+

Buttons A A
Demon Mode (midair or ledge) +

Right Click Right Click
Midair Spinning Blade Dance

Archdemon Mode Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Demon Fangs
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Demon Flurry Rush
(Spinning Move)
Buttons XButtons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Demon Flurry I (Press again for II and III)

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons A A
while in Demon or Archdemon Mode.

Draw attack while in Archdemon Mode.
Right Click Right Click
while in Demon or Archdemon Mode.

Draw attack while in Archdemon Mode.
Demon Flight
Switched with Demon Flurry Rush
Button zR zR
to enter Feral Demon Mode
M4 Click MB4
to enter Feral Demon Mode
Feral Demon Mode
Switched with Demon Mode
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Tower Vault
Switched with Piercing Bind

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Hammer Controls and Switch Skills

MH Rise - Hammer Title Card
Great damage output but slow in movement. It can easily stun monsters with its hits.
Hammer 1Trees & Full List Hammer 2How to Use Hammer 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X
Buttons XButtons X
X (x2)
Left Click
Left Click
Left ClickLeft Click
Left Click (x2)
Overhead Smash
Buttons XButtons XButtons X
X (x3)
Left ClickLeft ClickLeft Click
Left Click (x3)
Buttons A
Right Click
Right Click
Side Smash
Button zR
M4 Click
Release while Charge Lv 1
Button zR
Release while Charge Lv 1
M4 Click
Charged Side Blow
Rrelease while Charge Lv 2
Button zR
Release while Charge Lv 2
M4 Click
Charged Upswing
Release while Charge Lv 3
Button zR
Release while Charge Lv 3
M4 Click
Charged Big Bang
Release while Charge Lv 3
Left Analog + Button zR

Left Stick + zR
Release while Charge Lv 3
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + M4 Click

Directional Button + MB4
Spinning Bludgeon
While charging
Buttons A
While charging
Right Click
Charge Switch
Button zR
M4 Click
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Impact Crater

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons A A
as you are about to be hit. Then press A or X to follow-up with an upswing.
Right Click Right Click
as you are about to be hit. Then Right Click or Left Click to follow-up with an upswing.
Water Strike
Switched with Side Smash
Buttons zL + Buttons X
Hold zR to charge before launching the attack.
zR + X
Middle Click + Left Click
Hold MB4 to charge before launching the attack.
Middle Click + Left Click
Dash Breaker
Switched with Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon
Buttons A A
while charging. Press again to disengage.
Right Click Right Click
while charging. Press again to disengage.
Charge Switch: Courage
Switched with Charge Switch: Strength

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Hunting Horn Controls and Switch Skills

Hunting Horn
MH Rise - Hunting Horn Title Card
Great for support and capable of light to moderate damage output too.
Hunting Horn 1Trees & Full List Hunting Horn 2How to Use Hunting Horn 3Best Builds
Songs and Effects

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Left Swing
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Right Swing
Buttons XButtons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Backwards Strike
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Button zRButtons X

zR + X
M4 Click + Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
Magnificent Trio
Buttons ZLButtons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Silkbind Attack: Slide Beat
Buttons ZLButtons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Silkbind Attack: Earthshaker

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Left Analog + Buttons X + Buttons A

Left Stick + X + A
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Left Click + Right Click

Directional Button + Left Click + Right Click
Melodic Slap
Switched with Overhead Smash
Button zR zR
after lining up notes
M4 Click MB4
after lining up notes
Melody Mode: Echo
Switched with Melody Mode: Performance
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Bead of Resonance
Switched with Earthshaker

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Lance Controls and Switch Skills

MH Rise - Lance Title Card
Balanced as it is able to perform both defensive and offensive moves.
Lance 1Trees & Full List Lance 2How to Use Lance 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Mid Thrust
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
High Thrust
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Wide Sweep
Button zR + Left Analog + Buttons X

zR + Left Stick + X
M4 Click + W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Left Click

MB4 + Directional Button + Left Click
Guard Dash
Button zR + Buttons X + Buttons A

zR + X + A
M4 Click + Left Click + Right Click

MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
Dash Attack
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + A
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Twin Vine (Kunai Jab)
Buttons zL + Buttons B

zL + B
Middle Click + Space Button

Middle Click + Space
Twin Vine (Launch while guarding)
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Anchor Rage

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Spiral Thrust
Switched with Anchor Rage
Hold Button zR, press Buttons X + Buttons A

Hold zR + X + A
Hold M4 Click, press Left Click + Right Click

Hold MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
Shield Charge
Switched with Dash Attack
Button zR zR
right before you get hit
M4 Click MB4
right before you get hit
Switched with Guard

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Gunlance Controls and Switch Skills

MH Rise - Gunlance Title Card
Great offensive capablities but lacks in range, mobility is better compared to the Lance.
Gunlance 1Trees & Full List Gunlance 2How to Use Gunlance 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons XX Left Click Left Click Lateral Thrust
Buttons A A Right Click Right Click Shelling
Buttons A A
Right Click Right Click
Charged Shelling
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Rising Slash
After Rising Slash,
Buttons X
After Rising Slash,
Left Click
Left Click
Overhead Smash
After Overhead Smash,
Buttons X
After Overhead Smash,
Left Click
Left Click
Wide Sweep
Button zR zR M4 Click MB4 Guard
Button zR + Buttons X

zR + X
M4 Click + Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
Guard Thrust
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
After an attack,
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
After an attack,
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
Quick Reload
Button B B Space Button Space Backstep
After Overhead Smash,
Buttons A A
After Hail Cutter,
Buttons A A
After Overhead Smash,
Right Click Left Click
After Hail Cutter,
Right Click Left Click
Full Burst
After Wide Sweep, Buttons X or Buttons A
X or A
After 2 Shelling,
Buttons A
After Full Burst,
Buttons A
After Guard Edge,
Buttons A
Buttons X + Buttons A (x2)
X or A
After Wide Sweep, Left Click or Right Click
Left Click or Right Click
After 2 Shelling,
Right Click
Right Click
After Full Burst,
Right Click
Right Click
After Guard Edge,
Right Click
Right Click
Left Click + Right Click (x2)
X or A
Wyrmstake Cannon
Button zR + Buttons X + Buttons A

zL + X + A
M4 Click + Left Click + Right Click

MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
Wyvern's Fire
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Hail Cutter
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Guard Edge

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Hold Buttons A

When in mid-air: Button zR + Buttons A
zR + A
Hold Right Click
Right Click

When in mid-air: M4 Click + Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
Blast Dash
Switched with Charged Shelling
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Ground Splitter
Switched with Hail Cutter
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
Guard Reload
Switched with Quick Reload

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Switch Axe Controls and Switch Skills

Switch Axe
MH Rise - Switch Axe Title Card
Can morph between an Axe and a Sword, capable of fluid movement and hard-hitting damage.
Switch Axe 1Trees & Full List Switch Axe 2How to Use Switch Axe 3Best Builds

Axe Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Overhead Slash
(Rapidly Press)Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Wild Swing
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Rising Slash
Left Analog + Buttons X

Left Stick + X
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button
+ Left Click

Directional Button + Left Click
Forward Slash
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Buttons ZL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Invincible Gambit
Buttons ZL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Switch Charger

Sword Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Overhead Slash
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Double Slash
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Element Discharge
Button zR zR
M4 Click

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Left Analog + Buttons X

Left Stick + X
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Left Click

Directional Button + Left Click
Forward Overhead Slash
Switched with Forward Slash
Buttons X X
after Element Discharge
Left Click Left Click
after Element Discharge
Compressed Finishing Discharge
Switched with Finishing Discharge
Buttons zL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Soaring Wyvern Blade
Switched with Invincible Gambit

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Charge Blade Controls and Switch Skills

Charge Blade
MH Rise - Charge Blade Title Card
Mobile with great damage output and a high skill ceiling.
Charge Blade 1Trees & Full List Charge Blade 2How to Use Charge Blade 3Best Builds

Sword Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Weak Slash
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Forward Slash
During a combo
Left Analog + Buttons A

Left Stick + A
During a combo
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Right Click

Directional Button + Right Click
Fade Slash
Button zR + Buttons X

zR + X
M4 Click + Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
Morph Slash
Button zR + Buttons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Buttons A A
Right Click Right Click
Charged Double Slash
Buttons ZL + Buttons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Morphing Advance
Buttons ZL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Counter Peak Performance

Axe Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Rising Slash
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Element Discharge
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
Left Click + Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
Amped Element Discharge
Button zR zR
M4 Click
Morphed Slash

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Hold Buttons X X
while charging and release at the right time
Hold Left Click Left Click
while charging and release at the right time
Condensed Spinning Slash
Switched with Condensed Element Slash
Sword Mode:
Button zR + Buttons X
Axe Mode:
Button zR

Sword mode:
zR + X
Axe Mode: zR
Sword Mode:
M4 Click + Left Click
Axe Mode:
M4 Click

Sword mode:
MB4 + Left Click
Axe Mode: MB4
Counter Morph Slash
Switched with Morph Slash
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Axe Hopper
Switched with Counter Peak Performance

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Insect Glaive Controls and Switch Skills

Insect Glaive
MH Rise - Insect Glaive Title Card
Fluid and aerial movement, extracting kinsects provides status buffs on Hunter.
Insect Glaive 1Trees & Full List Insect Glaive 2How to Use Insect Glaive 3Best Builds
Best Kinsects and How to Upgrade Them

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons X X
Left Click
Left Click
Rising Slash Combo
Buttons A A
Right Click
Right Click
Wide Sweep
Button zRButtons X

zR + X
M4 Click + Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
Kinsect: Harvest Extract
Button zRButtons A

zR + A
M4 Click + Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
Kinsect: Recall
Button zRButton R

zR + R
M4 Click + Shift Button

MB4 + Shift
Kinsect: Fire
Button zR
M4 Click
Kinsect: Mark Target
Button zRButtons B

zR+ B
M4 Click + Space Button

MB4 + Space
Buttons X
Left Click
Left Click
Aerial Attack
Buttons A
Right Click
Right Click
Jumping Advancing Slash
Buttons B
Space Button
Midair Evade
Buttons ZLButtons X

zL + X
Middle Click + Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
Silkbind Attack: Silkbind Vault
Buttons ZLButtons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Silkbind Attack: Recall Kinsect

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Left Analog + Buttons A with your weapon unsheathed.

zL +A
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Right Click with your weapon unsheathed.

Directional Button + Right Click
Advancing Roundslash
Switched with Leaping Slash
With Red Extract loaded, perform a Leaping Slash and press
Buttons A A
With Red Extract loaded, perform a Leaping Slash and press
Right Click Right Click
Tetraseal Slash
Switched with Tornado Slash
Buttons zL + Buttons A

zL + A
Middle Click + Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
Diving Wyvern
Switched with Recall Kinsect

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Bow Controls and Switch Skills

MH Rise - Bow Title Card
Most agile in movement of all the ranged weapons with a great damage output.
Bow 1Trees & Full List Bow 2How to Use Bow 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons ZL
Right Click
Right Click
Button zR
Left Click
Left Click
Buttons A
M4 Click
Melee Attack
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
M4 Click + M5 Click

MB4 + MB5
Dragon Piercer
Button LButtons X or Buttons B

Hold, L + X or B
Ctrl + M4 Click or M5 Click

Hold Ctrl + MB4 or MB5
Select Coating
Buttons X
M5 Click
Load/Unload Coating
Button R + Buttons A

Hold, R + A
Shift Button + M4 Click

Shift + MB4
Herculean Draw
Button R + Buttons X

Hold, R + X
Shift Button + M5 Click

Hold, Shift + MB5
Focus Shot

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
After loosing an arrow, press
Buttons A
After loosing an arrow, press
M4 Click
Absolute Power Shot
Switched with Power Shot
Left Analog + Buttons B while aiming.
Buttons B during a combo.

Aiming: Left Stick + B
In Combo: B
W ButtonA ButtonS ButtonD Button + Space Button while aiming.
Space Button during a combo.

Aiming: Directional Button + Space
In Combo: B
Switched with Charging Sidestep
Button R + Buttons X

R + X
Shift Button + M5 Click

Shift + MB5
Aerial Aim
Switched with Focus Shot

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Light Bowgun Controls and Switch Skills

Light Bowgun
MH Rise - Light Bowgun Title Card
Agile and provides good damage from afar.
Light Bowgun 1Trees & Full List Light Bowgun 2How to Use Light Bowgun 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons ZL
Right Click
Right Click
Button zR
Left Click
Left Click
Buttons A
M4 Click
Buttons X
M5 Click
Button LButtons X or Buttons B

L + X or B
Ctrl + M4 Click or M5 Click

Ctrl + MB4 or MB5
Select Ammo
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
M4 Click + M5 Click

MB4 + MB5
Melee Attack
Button R + Buttons X

R + X
Shift Button + M5 Click

Shift + MB5
Silkbind Glide
Button R + Buttons A

R + A
Shift Button + M4 Click

Shift + MB4
Fanning Vault

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
While unsheathed Buttons X
While unsheathed M5 Click
Elemental Reload
Switched with Reload
Buttons B
Space Button
Quickstep Evade
Switched with Forward Dodge
Button R + Buttons A

R + A
Shift Button + M4 Click

Shift + MB4
Fanning Maneuver
Switched with Fanning Vault

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Heavy Bowgun Controls and Switch Skills

Heavy Bowgun
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun Title Card
Poor mobility but has great damage output.
Heavy Bowgun 1Trees & Full List Heavy Bowgun 2How to Use Heavy Bowgun 3Best Builds

Basic Controls

Switch PC Action
Buttons ZL
Right Click
Right Click
Button zR
Left Click
Left Click
Buttons A
M4 Click
Load Special Ammo
Buttons X
M5 Click
Button LButtons X or Buttons B

L + X or B
Ctrl + M5 Click or M4 Click

Hold Ctrl + MB5 or MB4
Select Ammo
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
M5 Click + M4 Click

MB5 + MB4
Melee Attack
Button R + Buttons X

Hold, R + X
Shift Button + M4 Click

Hold Shift + MB4
Free Silkbind Glide
Button R + Buttons A

Hold, R + A
Shift Button + M5 Click

Hold Shift + MB5
Counter Shot

Switch Skills

Switch PC Action
Buttons X + Buttons A

X + A
M5 Click + M4 Click

MB5 + MB4
Switched with Melee Attack
Button R + Buttons X

R + X
Shift Button + M5 Click

Shift + MB5
Counter Charger
Switched with Counter Shot
Press Buttons A to enter Wyvernsnipe.
(Press A again to stop.)
Press Button zR to fire.

Press A for Wyvernsnipe. (A again to cancel) Press zR to fire.
Press M4 Click to enter Wyvernsnipe.
(Press MB4 again to stop.)
Press Left Click to fire.

Press MB4 for Wyvernsnipe. (MB4 again to cancel) Press Left Click to fire.
Healing Mech-Wyvernsnipe
Switched with Mech-Wyvernsnipe

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Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise and Sunbreak Banner.png

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All Monster Hunter Rise Guides

Hunting & Equipment
Monsters.pngMonsters Weapons.pngWeapons Armor Icon.pngArmor
Petalace Icon.pngPetalaces Layered Armor Icon.pngLayered Armor Quests.pngQuests
Talismans.pngTalismans Skills.pngSkills Dango Icon.pngDango
Decorations.pngDecorations Best Armor.pngBest Builds Buddies Icon.pngBuddies
Gathering & Exploring
Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMaps and Locations Materials.pngItems and Materials Endemic Life Icon.pngEndemic Life
Cohoot Icon.pngStory Walkthrough Updates.pngNews and Game Info Game Mechanics.pngGame Mechanics
Characters Icon.pngCharacters and Voice Actors Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards Spiribird Icon.pngTips & Tricks


15 Anonymous2 months

Machine gun that fires spikes

14 Anonymous4 months

A whip


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