Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Monster Variants

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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Variants

Variants are monster deviations from certain species in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn about the different types of variants revealed so far, plus speculations on what will appear in the future!

List of Monster Variants in Sunbreak

Overview of All Monster Variants
MH Rise Sunbreak - Chaotic Gore MagalaChaotic Gore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Crimson Glow ValstraxCrimson Glow Valstrax MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious RajangFurious Rajang
MH Rise Sunbreak - Narwa the AllmotherNarwa the Allmother MH Rise Sunbreak - Primordial MalzenoPrimordial Malzeno MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned MagnamaloScorned Magnamalo
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething BazelgeuseSeething Bazelgeuse

List of All Sunbreak Monsters

Chaotic Gore Magala

MH Rise Sunbreak - Chaotic Gore Magala
The Chaotic Gore Magala introduced in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is making its return! This 'chaotic' variant was denied its chance to evolve, so it will stop at nothing to express its rage and its pain.
Chaotic Gore Magala: Weakness and Drops

Crimson Glow Valstrax

MHRise Sunbreak - Crimson Glow Valstrax
With the Crimson Glow Valstrax, you won't see a bird or a plane when you look up at the sky; instead, you'll see a streak of glowing, red light speeding right at you, with every intent to destroy! This Elder Dragon is a much angrier version of its normal counterpart.
Crimson Glow Valstrax: Weakness and Drops

Furious Rajang

MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang
Returning from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne to traumatize players once again, Furious Rajang is back to show us all that he was just getting started! For those who found base Rise's version of Rajang to be too easy, Furious Rajang promises not to disappoint.
Furious Rajang: Weakness and Drops

Narwa the Allmother

MHRise Sunbreak - Narwa the Allmother
The Allmother is the fusion between Thunder Serpent Narwa and Wind Serpent Ibushi, able to command the powers of both! It is the final boss of the base game.
Narwa the Allmother: Weakness and Drops

Primordial Malzeno

MH Rise Sunbreak - Primordial Malzeno
This variant of Malzeno is its knightly form before being affected by the Qurio. It fights elegantly with its wings and tail, but its behavior changes once the Qurio are involved. It is the final monster released in Sunbreak.
Primordial Malzeno: Weakness and Drops

Scorned Magnamalo

MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo
For those who miss the deadly Magnamalo from the original Monster Hunter Rise Demo, Scorned Magnamalo is back to up the ante once again! Magnamalo now has blades attached to both of its forelegs, and is constantly covered in Hellfire.
Scorned Magnamalo: Weakness and Drops

Seething Bazelgeuse

MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething Bazelgeuse
Another monster from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Seething Bazelgeuse has returned in Sunbreak! Its scales now cause bigger and stronger explosions, so watch out!
Seething Bazelgeuse: Weakness and Drops

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Monsters Partial Banner
List of All Monsters

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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster VariantsMonster Variant List MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monsters Afflicted Monsters List
MHRise Sunbreak - Risen Elder DragonsRisen Elder Dragons List MH Rise Sunbreak - List of Small MonstersSunbreak Small Monsters List
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MH Rise - Elder Dragons Page BannerElder Dragons List MH Rise - Weakness Chart Page BannerMonster Weakness Chart


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