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Endgame Guide: How to Get 100% Clear | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Post Game Guide: How to Get 100% Clear

This is an article on endgame content for Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here to learn about post game content and goals, the story ending, new Advanced Quests, Notebook completion, side quests end game tasks, and more.

Endgame Guides
Monster Hunter Rise - 100% Completion GuideBase Game MH Rise Sunbreak - Endgame Content for Partial.pngSunbreak

Current Endgame

The Story Ending

MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother Wind and Thunder Combo

With Update 3.0, we have finally concluded the story of Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Upon reaching HR50, you will be eligible to take on the quest The Allmother which will pit you against Wind Serpent Ibushi and Narwa the Allmother in the Coral Palace!

The story may be complete but your work as a hunter is not finished as there are still many tasks and hunts to complete!

Current Final Post Game Monster

MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax Crimson Beam

The story may be done but there are plenty more things to do in the Hub! When you reach HR 100, you will be tasked to complete an Urgent Quest against a Crimson Glow Valstrax.

After completing the urgent quest, you will unlock a plethora of difficult Advanced Quests that will test your skills as a hunter! Also, as of Update 3.0, all Apex Monsters are now huntable in their own solo quests!

Take on Advanced Quests

Advanced Quests are special types of quests that you unlock after finishing the Urgent Quest, The Crimson Glow. These quests are dubbed as Advanced because they are harder than the usual quests in the Hub. The monsters here are stronger and hit harder - you can consider the difficulty to be harder than High Rank but easier than Master Rank.

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Advanced: The Fallen Comet
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Crimson Glow"
Advanced: Scaredy-Cat
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Crimson Glow"
Advanced: Of Storm and Fire
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Crimson Glow"
Advanced: Monsters in Ink
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Crimson Glow"
Advanced: Dual Calamities
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Crimson Glow"
The Evil Star from Beyond
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "The Crimson Glow"

Two Final Quests in a New Arena

After taking on all the Advanced quests, you will unlock a pair of Advanced quests in a new arena called Infernal Springs. Both of these quests are no joke and are reserved only for those with an iron will!

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Advanced: Proof of Power
Unlock Conditions:
Clear the ff. Quests: Advanced: Dual Calamities, Advanced: Monsters in Ink, Advanced: Of Storm and Fire, Advanced: Scaredy-Cat, Advanced: The Fallen Comet
Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
Unlock Conditions:
Clear all advanced quests after Valstrax and Hunt every target monster individually (rampage or not)
Advanced: Crimson Calamity IconAdvanced: Crimson Calamity
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting February 4th
Advanced: Carnival Carnage IconAdvanced: Carnival Carnage
Unlock Conditions:
Talk to the Courier and select Add-On Content starting February 2, 2023
Special Rewards:
Crown-sized Monsters

Side Quests and Subquests

MH Rise -  Hub Quest Counter

Unless you've taken the time to complete every quest at every rank you are bound to have some unfinished business in both the Gathering Hub and Kamura Village.

Unlock all Switch Skills and Dango

MH Rise - Yomogi and Palicoes with Dangos

Be sure to unlock all Switch Skills from the Gathering Hub to ensure all of your weapons are at their full potential. Also, don't forget to pick up any Dango from sidequests that you may have missed as their effects could greatly influence the outcome of future hunts.

Challenge the Arena

MH Rise -  Master Utsushi Giving Arena Quests

Are you confident in your hunting prowess? Talk to Master Utsushi in the Gathering Hub and take on some Challenge Hunts and Arena Quests. Aim for S Rank with preset armor and weapons.

Hunter's Notes

MH Rise -  Hunter

Completing the Hunter's Notes is the perfect post game goal for completionists as there are many entries you may have missed along the way.

Small Monsters

MH Rise -  Hunter

Completing the Small Monsters entries is quite important as they may drop key items needed to unlock any missed armor or craft certain weapons. Finding all of the Small Monsters should be high priority.

Endemic Life

Finding all Endemic Life will not only fill your Hunter's Notes but will also ensure that you have complete knowledge of all the helpful critters that can help swing even the toughest hunts in your favor.

Rare Endemic Life

Completing the Rare Endemic Life list along with the Endemic life is also a challenge as the Rare Endemic Life are only cataloged in the Hunter Notes if you take a picture of them. Spotting them is not an easy feat either!

List of All Rare Endemic Life and How to Find

Noteboook Relics

MH Rise -  Relic Records Notebook

There are a total of 60 collectible Relics in Monster Hunter Rise that are hidden in various location in each of the Maps. Finding all the relics on a map will unlock various trinkets to display in your house.

How to Find All Relic Records (Notebook)

Craft Endgame Weapons and Armor

MH Rise - High Rank Armor

Finishing Weapon Trees and Armors will be consuming a large portion of endgame content as you'll want to begin future-proofing your hunter for the upcoming content updates.

Although the locations of many Monster Materials can be found by checking that Monster's entry in the Hunter Notes, be sure to check the Argosy and the Meowcenaries after every hunt as some armor and weapon key items cannot be obtained from hunts.

After all, there's nothing that says Monster Hunter like pushing your build to the limit!

Best Endgame Builds for Each Weapon

Decoration and Talisman Farming

MH Rise - Decoration Menu

What better way to prepare for future content than ensuring you have all the decorations needed to put together the perfect builds. Unlike Monster Hunter World, decorations in Rise are craftable from monster materials making them easy to collect.

Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations


MH Rise - Talismans Menu
Talismans, however, are melded similar to Monster Hunter World's decoration system and will require various monster materials for a more randomized result. The perfect talisman could be the key to unlocking extremely powerful builds.

Talisman Farming: How to Meld the Best Talismans

Guild Card Awards

MH Rise - Guild Card Awards

Guild Card Awards are basically the achievements or trophy system of MH Rise. Getting all of these is a must for any completionist! You can see which Guild Card Awards you've gotten by accessing your Guild Card, which is under the Multiplayer tab when you press + (Switch) or Esc (PC).

How to Unlock All Guild Card Awards

Learn a New Weapon

MH Rise - Weapons List

The 14 available Weapons in Monster Hunter Rise drastically change the flow of gameplay from one weapon to another. Each weapon functions almost as a separate class with differing attack animations, combos, and mechanics. Once you've cleared the majority of the content try mastering a new weapon and discover new ways to hunt the toughest monsters.

Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons

Event Quests

MH Rise - Sonic Wear Layered Armor

The last significant update was Update 3.0, which brought in Crimson Glow Valstrax. But CAPCOM is still regularly updating the game with weekly event quests that sometimes have cool rewards! These event quests might be enough to hold you over until Sunbreak releases.

Update Roadmap and Schedule: Free Title Updates

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Story Walkthrough Partial Banner Sunbreak WalkthroughHow to Unlock Master RankSunbreak Endgame Guide Base Game WalkthroughHow to Unlock High RankBase Game Endgame GuideHow to Break Hunter Rank Caps Game Length


2 Anonymousabout 3 years

Nice run down of things to do end game, thank you.

1 Anonalmost 4 years

Couple other things you can do! 1) Accomplish the game's awards (The things tied to trophies/achievements in World; nothing system level like that here, but still fun to do) 2) Customize your guild card (Rank the weapons, add a cool picture, etc) Sadly, I feel like I haven't played a ton, yet have accomplished ALL of this, well, apart from talisman farming, as that is pretty much an endless activity.


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