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Turf Wars | List of Monsters in Turf War

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Turf Wars | List of Monsters in Turf War Banner

This is an article about Turf Wars in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). If you want to know more about how Turf Wars work as well as the list of monsters in a Turf War, read on!

What is a Turf War?

A Battle Between Monsters

MH Rise - Turf War

Turf Wars are special battles between monsters in an area first introduced in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Monsters that fight in Turf Wars often unleash flashy and powerful moves to defeat the other monster!

These monsters fighting is a sight to behold and can help a hunter immensely so always try to instigate one!

Monsters Take Damage

MH Rise - Wyvern Riding from Turf War

In a turf war, monsters take a lot of damage from each other. Some monsters even have their stamina reduced by a large amount while some even get their parts broken. Hunters can surely take advantage of Turf Wars while hunting!

Easier Wyvern Riding

MH Rise - Wyvern Riding

One of the conditions for Wyvern Riding is monsters damaging another monster in which Turf Wars have an important role. In addition to broken parts and reduced stamina, the losing monsters will always be mountable after a Turf War. Keep an eye out!

How to Start a Turf War

Only Happens Between Certain Monsters

MH Rise - Tetranadon vs Arzuros

Turf Wars only happen between certain monsters. You would not see a Great Izuchi dare challenge a Magnamalo in a Turf War, right?

Also, knowing which monsters fight each other gives you the knowledge to better prepare for the other monster too. This allows you to utilize other monsters to help you in fighting.

Only Happens with the Hunter Present

MH Rise - Turf War 2

Monsters will just stare at each other when you aren't in the same area. This means you cannot lure a monster to another monster's area and leave them to fight - you have to be in the same area as them.

Instigate using Endemic Life

Endemic Life that can lure multiple monsters in the same area are great for starting Turf Wars. These Endemic Life are as follows:

Name Description
Hunting Helper
A weasel that sprays special pheromones that attract monsters.
Hunting Helper
A pheasant with a unique red sac. Its call draws in large monsters.

Monster Turf War List

Sunbreak Turf Wars

Monster Result Monster
MH Rise - Scorned Magnamalo Large Monster IconScorned Magnamalo Draw MH Rise - Malzeno Large Monster IconMalzeno
MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang Draw MH Rise - Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconBazelgeuse
MH Rise - Gore Magala Large Monster IconGore Magala Draw MH Rise - Seregios Large Monster IconSeregios
MH Rise - Furious Rajang Large Monster IconFurious Rajang W L MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos
MH Rise - Garangolm Large Monster IconGarangolm L W MH Rise - Lunagaron Large Monster IconLunagaron
MH Rise - Lunagaron Large Monster IconLunagaron L W MH Rise - Malzeno Large Monster IconMalzeno
MH Rise - Espinas Large Monster IconEspinas Draw MH Rise - Kushala Daora Large Monster IconKushala Daora
MH Rise - Astalos Large Monster IconAstalos Draw MH Rise - Mizutsune Large Monster IconMizutsune
MH Rise - Lunagaron Large Monster IconLunagaron Draw MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre
MH Rise - Blood Orange Bishaten Large Monster IconBlood Orange Bishaten L W MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos
MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang Draw MH Rise - Teostra Large Monster IconTeostra

Shrine Ruins Turf Wars

Monster Result Monster
MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo W L MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon W L MH Rise - Arzuros Large Monster IconArzuros
MH Rise - Aknosom Large Monster IconAknosom L W MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo
MH Rise - Almudron Large Monster IconAlmudron W L MH Rise - Bishaten Large Monster IconBishaten
MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos W L MH Rise - Bishaten Large Monster IconBishaten
MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos W L MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi Large Monster IconTobi-Kadachi
MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos W L MH Rise - Great Wroggi Large Monster IconGreat Wroggi
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconBazelgeuse W L MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo
MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga W L MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos

Flooded Forest Turf Wars

Monster Result Monster
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath L W MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre
MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre W L MH Rise - Mizutsune Large Monster IconMizutsune
MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre Draw MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian
MH Rise - Zinogre Large Monster IconZinogre Draw MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath
MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga W L MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath
MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga W L MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian

Frost Islands Turf Wars

Monster Result Monster
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon L W MH Rise - Goss Harag Large Monster IconGoss Harag
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon W L MH Rise - Lagombi Large Monster IconLagombi
MH Rise - Somnacanth Large Monster IconSomnacanth W L MH Rise - Aknosom Large Monster IconAknosom
MH Rise - Kushala Daora Large Monster IconKushala Daora W L MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo

Sandy Plains Turf Wars

Monster Result Monster
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath W L MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku Large Monster IconKulu-Ya-Ku
MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian L W MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang
MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian W L MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos W L MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos W L MH Rise - Rathian Large Monster IconRathian
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos W L MH Rise - Barroth Large Monster IconBarroth
MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei Large Monster IconPukei-Pukei L W MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos Random MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath L W MH Rise - Tigrex Large Monster IconTigrex

Lava Caverns Turf Wars

Monster Result Monster
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath L W MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon W L MH Rise - Volvidon Large Monster IconVolvidon
MH Rise - Tigrex Large Monster IconTigrex Draw MH Rise - Rathalos Large Monster IconRathalos
MH Rise - Teostra Large Monster IconTeostra W L MH Rise - Magnamalo Large Monster IconMagnamalo

*This list will be updated as we discover more monsters in turf wars! If you have any knowledge of monsters in Turf Wars with each other, let us know in the comments!

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Game Mechanics Partial Banner
All Game Mechanics Guides

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New Silkbind Attacks and Switch Skills How to Switch Skill Swap
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast Anomaly Research Level: How to Get Max Level Fast
How to Bring Followers - List of Followers Special Investigations: How to Unlock
Village Facility Guides
Room Guide: Things To Do Inside Your Room Training Area Guide
Canteen and Food Skills Gathering Hub Guide
Getting Started
Character Creation Guide List of Controls
Palico Guide Palamute Guide
Cohoot Guide List of Settings
Can I Change My Name? Can I Change Gender?
Hunter and Monster Stats
Explanation of Hunter Stats Monster Stats Explained
Attack and Elemental Attack Defense and Elemental Defense
Affinity and Negative Affinity Monster Size and Effects
Abnormal Status and Elemental Blight Guide Buff Duration: How Long Do Buffs Last?
Weapon and Armor-Related Guides
How to Rollback Weapons How to Forge Weapons and Armor
Damage Types: Difference Between Sever, Blunt, Projectile Damage How to Use Weapon and Armor Designs
How to Change Armor Pigment How to Hide Armor Pieces
How to Upgrade Kinsects How Does Sharpness Work?
Qurious Crafting:
Armor Augments
Chaotic Gore Magala Weapons Explained
Gameplay Features
Wirebug Moves and Controls Silkbind Attacks
How to Lock-On and Target Settings Switch Skills Guide
Wyvern Riding Guide Turf Wars
What is the Rampage? Hunter Rank (HR) Guide
Unchangeable Appearance Features How to Fast Travel
Fishing Guide Quest Completion Rewards
How to Carry Eggs Respawn Timers
Melding Pot Guide Solo and Multiplayer Guide
Crafting List How to Use Photo Mode
List of Lottery Prizes How to Save the Game
Character Edit Vouchers
Online Play
Multiplayer and Co-op Guide Hunter Connect and Like Function
How to use the Chat Feature How to Use Gestures
Join Requests Guide How Does Difficulty Scaling Work?


33 Anonymous8 months

i saw it

32 Anonymous8 months

Magna has turf wars against all flying monsters I think. I know it has them with rathalos, rathian, kushala, and malzeno. It fights in the air and jumps around and back on the monster with hellfire explosions if thrown off.


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