Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Hunting Horn Builds (Master Rank)

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Master Rank Hunting Horn Builds
This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn about the best Hunting Horn for Master Rank, and the best Skills and Armor pieces to use with the Hunting Horn for Master Rank from the early game until the end game!

All Hunting Horn Guides
Hunting Horn 1Trees & Full List Hunting Horn 2How to Use Hunting Horn 3Best Builds
Songs and Effects

Hunting Horn Builds List & Progression

This is a quick section summarizing all the Hunting Horn builds in this page. It is arranged from newest to oldest, and MR build progression is from bottom to top.

Click on the build name to see the build!

Master Rank Title Update Build Name
MR160+ Bonus Update Blood Awakening Elemental Horns
MR180+ TU5 Dragon Conversion Elemental Horns
MR160+ TU4 Elemental Hunting Horns
MR140+ TU3 Poison Buildup Boost
MR140+ TU3 Rooksearer Dereliction Raw
MR10+ TU3 Dereliction Elemental Healing Horns
MR10+ TU3 Sharpness Regeneration Elemental Horns
MR6+ Base Fine Kamura Flute Raw Climber
MR3-6 Base Frostmoon Sharpness Regeneration
MR3-6 Base Teostra Agitator Raw
MR1-2 Base Fortissimo+ Raw Slugger

Ultra Endgame MR Build: MR 100+

Blood Awakening Elemental Horns

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
OpheliaOphelia's Grace
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 45
Blue Melody
Elemental Attack Boost
Red Melody
Sonic Wave
Green Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Autumn LuteAutumn Lute
Autumn Lute Hunting Horn Sharpness
350 0 -25%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 47
Blue Melody
Elemental Attack Boost
Red Melody
Health Regeneration
Green Melody
Blight Negated
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Skytremor RumbleSkytremor Rumble
Skytremor Rumble Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 60
Blue Melody
Stun Negated
Red Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Green Melody
Health Regeneration
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard FluteFlicker Blizzard Flute
Flicker Blizzard Flute Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 68
Blue Melody
Stamina Use Reduced
Red Melody
Health Regeneration
Green Melody
Stun Negated
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Silver SmasherSilver Smasher
Silver Smasher Hunting Horn Sharpness
300 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 40
Blue Melody
Blight Negated
Red Melody
Attack and Defense Up
Green Melody
Sharpness Loss Reduced
Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EpochValstrax Helm - Epoch ④②ー
Valstrax Mail - EpochValstrax Mail - Epoch ④④ー
Primordial VambracesPrimordial Vambraces ④④②
Valstrax Coil - Epoch Valstrax Coil - Epoch ④①①
Primordial GreavesPrimordial Greaves ④④ー
Talisman Furious Lv. 2 with a ②② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Use Element Exploit if monster has a 25 Element Hitzone (may require Rampage Slot Upgrade).
Element Attack Lv.5 | Attack Boost Lv.5
Critical Boost Lv.3 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Stamina Surge Lv.3 | Dragon Resistance Lv.3
Partbreaker Lv.3 | Dragon Conversion Lv.3
Latent Power Lv.2 | Protective Polish Lv.2
Blood Rite Lv.2 | Furious Lv.2
Element Exploit Lv.2 | Burst Lv.2
Blood Awakening Lv.2 | Horn Maestro Lv.1
Inspiration Lv.1 | Bloodlust Lv.1
Fire Only:
Teostra Blessing Lv.1
Ice Only:
Handicraft Lv.2 | Element Exploit Lv.1
Kushala Blessing Lv.1
Dragon Only:
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Critical Element Lv.2
Coalescence Lv.2

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Latent Power
Stamina Surge

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Powder Mantle
Kushala Blessing Lv.2 (for Water and Ice builds, may replace Inspiration)
Teostra Blessing Lv.2 (for Fire builds, may replace Inspiration)
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Speed Sharpening (can also use Whetfish)
Blood Rite
Recovery Up
Intrepid Heart
Shockproof (add as decoration, multiplayer only)
Build Merits and Notes
This build offers a safer way to play the Hunting Horn without having to rely on Dereliction and healing songs. This build can achieve comparable power with the new Blood Awakening skill which boosts both raw and element when healing with Blood Rite or Bloodblight. Also new to the Bonus Update is the Inspiration skill, which boosts attack anytime you play a melody that buffs the party. It even works when hunting solo!
For the Fire, Water, and Ice builds, consider replacing Inspiration for Teostra Blessing or Kushala Blessing if you want an extra boost to elemental damage. The decoration may be added again once you gain a slot or the Blessing skills through armor augments.
Like our other elemental builds, most of the elemental damage will come from Silkbind Shockwave. Element can be boosted really high with Dragon Conversion while taking advantage of the resistance boosts from the Blue Scroll, Furious, and Elemental Resistance Dango. The Furious talisman can only be rolled with Qurious Melding - Vigor, and while Lv.1 is usable, higher levels are ideal.

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TU5 Dragon Conversion Elemental Hunting Horns

Fire Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Horn of the Indomitable+Horn of the Indomitable+
Horn of the Indomitable+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 -15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 34
Blue Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Red Melody
Health Recovery (S)
Green Melody
Attack Up

Water Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Autumn LuteAutumn Lute
Autumn Lute Hunting Horn Sharpness
350 0 -25%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 47
Blue Melody
Elemental Attack Boost
Red Melody
Health Regeneration
Green Melody
Blight Negated

Ice Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard FluteFlicker Blizzard Flute
Flicker Blizzard Flute Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 68
Blue Melody
Stamina Use Reduced
Red Melody
Health Regeneration
Green Melody
Stun Negated

Thunder Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Skytremor RumbleSkytremor Rumble
Skytremor Rumble Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 60
Blue Melody
Stun Negated
Red Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Green Melody
Health Regeneration

Recommended Armor Loadout

Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EpochValstrax Helm - Epoch ④②ー
Valstrax Mail - EpochValstrax Mail - Epoch ④④ー
Divine Ire KoteDivine Ire Kote ④ーー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Furious Lv. 1
Valstrax Coil - Epoch Valstrax Coil - Epoch ④①①
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Furious Lv.2; with ②② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster. Alternatively, use Elembane Jewel 3 to acquire Elemental Exploit for monsters with body parts of 25 or higher elemental weakness.
Elemental Attack Lv.5 | Attack Boost Lv.4
Weakness Exploit Lv.3 | Stamina Surge Lv.3
Dragon Resistance Lv.3 | Dragon Conversion Lv.3
Furious Lv.3 | Maximum Might Lv.2
Critical Eye Lv.2 | Latent Power Lv.2
Protective Polish Lv.2 | Resentment Lv.1
Horn Maestro Lv.1 | Dereliction Lv.1
Bloodlust Lv.1
Speed Sharpening Lv.3 (can replace with Whetfish)
Fire Build:
Stun Resistance Lv.3 | Teostra Blessing Lv.2
Burst Lv.1
Water Build:
Stun Resistance Lv.3 | Kushala Blessing Lv.1
Thunder Build:
Handicraft Lv.2 | Intrepid Heart Lv.1
Ice Build:
Protective Polish Lv.3 | Handicraft Lv.2
Burst Lv.1 | Kushala Blessing Lv. 1

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Latent Power
Stamina Surge
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Dragon Conversion
Critical Boost
Element Exploit
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Intrepid Heart
Blood Rite
Protective Polish
Build Merits and Notes
This version of our Elemental Hunting Horns take advantage of the strong combination between Dragon Conversion and Furious. Vigor melding now makes it possible to get a talisman with one (1) or higher level of Furious, opening up options for armor pieces. Similar to TU4, these sets will still make use of healing horns due to the presence of Dereliction and Bloodlust in the build.
The main skills of the build are Dragon Conversion, Furious, and Dereliction which will require using the Red Scroll to boost elemental damage. Initially you would like to use the Blue Scroll to activate the Elemental Resistance Buildup (MH Rise Sunbreak Resistance Up Icon) from Dragon Conversion. After getting the buff, switch back to Red Scroll for the rest of the hunt. If ever you faint, repeat the process of activating the buff.

The use of Silkbind Shockwave Switch Skill is crucial for this build. Upon activation, your attacks will produce follow-up shockwaves for the next 45 seconds. These shockwaves can't crit but scale well with elemental damage! This skill also has super armor, so it's great for mitigating damage from monsters. Make sure to slot in Stun Resistance (except for horns with Stun Negated song) since super amor does not prevent stun. For the other slots, feel free to use any skills you're comfortable; however, we do recommend using Bead of Resonance to double the healing with Health Recovery songs get Attack Up buff for horns without Attack Up song.
For this build, take advantage of Super Recovery Dango Lvl 4 from Hide-and-Seek Dango to lessen the health drain of Dereliction and Bloodlust. Also, you can get Dango Thunder Res (Hi) Lv 3 and Dango Fire Res (Hi) Lv 1 from Spicejolt and Lava-hot Egg, respectively, to further increase the elemental attack gained from Dragon Conversion.
Armor augments are not necessary for this build. However, by aiming to get Furious and Dragon Conversion, you will be able to swap out certain armor pieces for better ones, notably the Chaotic/Nephilim Helm, Valstrax Braces - Epoch, and Virtue/Prudence Coil. These are slot efficient armors which will allow you to add more skills.

Dragon Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Grimm/Joie Hunting Horn Sharpness
310 0 -30% / 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 47
Blue Melody
Health Recovery (S)
Red Melody
Attack Up
Green Melody
Earplugs (L)
Armor Slots Skills
Valstrax Helm - EpochValstrax Helm - Epoch ④②ー
Valstrax Mail - EpochValstrax Mail - Epoch ④④ー
Valstrax Braces - EclipseValstrax Braces - Eclipse ④ーー
Valstrax Coil - Epoch Valstrax Coil - Epoch ④①①
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Dragonheart Lv.4; with ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill The build goes perfectly with the Valstrax Soul. When Dragonheart is active, you will be inflicted with the Dragonblight status increasing your dragon element attack by 20%.
Build Merits and Notes
This build highlights the destructive power of Dragon Conversion and Dragonheart. During the previous update, Dragonheart was a very difficult skill to fit into armor pieces. However, with the Vigor melding, it is now possible to get a talisman with four (4) levels of Dragonheart, making the skill more accessible than ever.
Since Dragon Conversion and Dereliction are included in the build, you will be required to utilize the Red Scroll to boost elemental damage. This set also assumes that you will have Dragonheart active at all times which means you will have to maintain your HP at 80% or less.

The Switch Skills to be used in this set are similar to the other Elemental Hunting Horn Builds above, mainly Silkbind Shockwave.
You can still take advantage of Super Recovery Dango Lvl 4 from Hide-and-Seek Dango to lessen the health drain of Dereliction and Bloodlust but take this into consideration when managing your HP.
With only the inclusion of Dragonheart, refer to the other Elemental Hunting Horn Builds to know what other Armor augments to aim for.
Note that this build will require you to be extremely good in HP management. Although Dragonheart gives higher stats compared to Furious, you will need to keep your HP under 80% at all times or you will lose a significant amount of damage. If you have trouble with the Dragonheart uptime, just use a build that utilizes Furious, similar to the other elemental hunting horn builds.

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TU4 Elemental Hunting Horns

Fire Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Horn of the Indomitable+Horn of the Indomitable+
Horn of the Indomitable+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 -15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 34
Blue Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Red Melody
Health Recovery (S)
Green Melody
Attack Up

Water Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Sublime Bell+Sublime Bell+
Sublime Bell+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
310 0 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 38
Blue Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Red Melody
Blight Negated
Green Melody
Stamina Use Reduced

Ice Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard FluteFlicker Blizzard Flute
Flicker Blizzard Flute Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 68
Blue Melody
Stamina Use Reduced
Red Melody
Health Regeneration
Green Melody
Stun Negated

Thunder Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Skytremor RumbleSkytremor Rumble
Skytremor Rumble Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 60
Blue Melody
Stun Negated
Red Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Green Melody
Health Regeneration

Dragon Elemental Hunting Horns

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Grimm/Joie Hunting Horn Sharpness
310 0 -30% / 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 47
Blue Melody
Health Recovery (S)
Red Melody
Attack Up
Green Melody
Earplugs (L)
Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Vicello Kvar BlackVicello Kvar Black
Vicello Kvar Black Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 38
Blue Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Red Melody
Stamina Use Reduced
Green Melody
Earplugs (L)

TU4 Elemental Hunting Horns Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Archfiend Armor CeratoArchfiend Armor Cerato ④②ー
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Valstrax Braces - EpochValstrax Braces - Epoch ④①①
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ②① slots or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Element Attack Lv.5
Resentment Lv.5 | Weakness Exploit Lv.3
Critical Boost Lv.3 | Speed Sharpening Lv.3
Protective Polish Lv.3 | Latent Power Lv.2
Critical Eye Lv.2 | Evade Extender Lv.2
Burst Lv.1 | Strife Lv.1
Dereliction Lv.1 | Horn Maestro Lv.1
Handicraft Lv.2 (Ice and Dragon only)
Kushala Blessing Lv.1/2 (Ice and Water only)
Teostra Blessing Lv.2 (Fire only)

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
Latent Power
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Element Exploit
Powder Mantle
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Stun Resistance
Intrepid Heart
Build Merits and Notes
This build offers an alternative to our elemental build by increasing DPS against monsters without very high elemental hitzones. Element is still included, as the additional damage remains useful with the right matchups.
When using this build, Silkbind Shockwave is mandatory for the extra elemental damage it can provide. Hunters should also stick to the Blue Scroll for this build to maximize raw damage and KO potential. Hunting Horns with healing songs remain our picks to manage Dereliction's health drain.
This build doesn't include armor augments. However, Bloodlust should be rolled on one piece if using the Grimm/Joie. Otherwise, the Vicello Kvar Black works as an alternative.

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TU3 Poison Buildup Boost Build

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
NamalsadirahNamalsadirah's Asterism
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Poison Image 17
Blue Melody
Sonic Wave
Red Melody
Attack Up
Green Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Chaotic Mail / Nephilim MailChaotic Mail / Nephilim Mail ③①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Risen Mizuha SleevesRisen Mizuha Sleeves ④②①
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Risen Mizuha GaitersRisen Mizuha Gaiters ④①①
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3, with ②① slots
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:

For damage, aim for any of the following:
Buildup Boost
Poison Attack
Status Trigger
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Stun Resistance
Build Merits and Notes
This Hunting Horn build utilizes the synergy between poison and Buildup Boost to dish out more raw damage when building up poison without the need for Dereliction.
To maximize the build's damage output, Critical Eye, Critical Boost, and Weakness Exploit are used in conjunction with the additional affinity from Maximum Might. Damage is further bolstered with Attack Boost and Foray, which benefits from the extended poison duration from Chameleos Blessing.
Protective Polish extends the weapon's purple sharpness, while Grinder (S) makes the most of the short white and purple sharpness of the weapon. While the build primarily focuses on dealing powerful crits on weakpoints, Powder Mantle is also included with the Risen Kaiser Horns, providing extra damage after dealing enough hits.

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Rooksearer Dereliction Raw

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Bazel Valdi RooksearerBazel Valdi Rooksearer
Bazel Valdi Rooksearer Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 -10%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blast Image 25
Blue Melody
Earplugs (S)
Red Melody
Attack Up
Green Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Armor Slots Skills
Risen Kaiser HornsRisen Kaiser Horns ③②ー
Risen Kaiser MailRisen Kaiser Mail ②②ー
Archfiend Armor EpineArchfiend Armor Epine ④ーー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ②① slots or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.

Build Merits and Augments

Weapon Augments
Armor Augments Armor Augments for this build are not necessary. However, feel free to add as you please once you get comfortable with your build! Generally, you'd want to get better skills and more slots for your armor.
Replaceable skills already on the armor:
For damage, aim for any of the following:
Buildup Boost
Attack Boost
Status Trigger
For comfort, aim for any of the following:
Stun Resistance
Protective Polish
Build Merits and Notes
This build uses Bazel Valdi Rooksearer to deal high raw and Blast damage with the help of Dereliction, which remains powerful and manageable with healing songs. Aside from Dereliction, the build uses Attack Boost, Critical Boost, and Resentment to increase the weapon's damage output. In addition, maxed Critical Eye, Weakness Exploit, and two points in Maximum Might allow the weapon to always land critical hits on weak spots. To round out the build, it also features Speed Sharpening, Handicraft and a point in Protective Polish to help maintain purple sharpness during the hunt.
When using this build, always swap to your Blue Scroll when the hunt begins as Dereliction will only provide increased attack and stun potency when on the Blue Scroll.
In addition, to further help mitigate the health drain from Dereliction, we recommend eating Gourmet Fish and the Hide-and-Seek Dango as they both provide health regeneration over time.

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Endgame MR Build: MR 6+

Dereliction Elemental Healing Horns

Fire Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Horn of the Indomitable+Horn of the Indomitable+
Horn of the Indomitable+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 -15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 34
Blue Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Red Melody
Health Recovery (S)
Green Melody
Attack Up
Weapon Augments

Water Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Sublime Bell+Sublime Bell+
Sublime Bell+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
310 0 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Water Image 38
Blue Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Red Melody
Blight Negated
Green Melody
Stamina Use Reduced
Weapon Augments

Ice Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Flicker Blizzard FluteFlicker Blizzard Flute
Flicker Blizzard Flute Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 68
Blue Melody
Stamina Use Reduced
Red Melody
Health Regeneration
Green Melody
Stun Negated
Weapon Augments

Thunder Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Skytremor RumbleSkytremor Rumble
Skytremor Rumble Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Thunder Image 60
Blue Melody
Stun Negated
Red Melody
Health Recovery (L)
Green Melody
Health Regeneration
Weapon Augments

Dragon Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Grimm/Joie Hunting Horn Sharpness
310 0 -30% / 15%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 47
Blue Melody
Health Recovery (S)
Red Melody
Attack Up
Green Melody
Earplugs (L)
Weapon Augments

Dereliction Elemental Healing Horns Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Chaotic Helm / Nephilim HelmChaotic Helm / Nephilim Helm ④②ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Arc Mail / Storge MailArc Mail / Storge Mail ②ーー
Archfiend Armor EpineArchfiend Armor Epine ④ーー
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 2
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3 with ②① slots or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Attack Boost Lv.6/Lv.7 | Element Attack Lv.5
Critical Eye Lv.4 | Resentment Lv.4
Dereliction Lv.3 | Burst Lv.3
Speed Sharpening Lv.3 | Strife Lv.2
Resuscitate Lv.2 | Evade Extender Lv.2
Element Exploit Lv.1 | Bloodlust Lv.1
Critical Element Lv.1 | Horn Maestro Lv.1
Teostra Blessing Lv.2 (Fire only)
Kushala Blessing Lv. 2 (Water/Ice only)
Spiribird's Call Lv.1 (Dragon Only)
Build Merits and Notes
Silkbind Shockwave works very well with elemental Hunting Horns as it effectively deals extra elemental damage on every hit. Our picks for Hunting Horns have healing songs to easily manage Dereliction's HP drain.
When using this build, use the Blue Scroll to boost raw attack and stun potential as most monsters don't have very high elemental hitzone values. Swap to the Red Scroll against monsters very weak to elements as Dereliction will provide more elemental damage. Teostra Blessing and Kushala Blessing can help boost elemental damage further once these become available later. In the meantime, other decorations may be slotted.
In addition to playing healing melodies often, the health drain from Dereliction can be mitigated by eating Gourmet Fish and the Hide-and-Seek Dango as they both provide health regeneration over time.

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Sharpness Regeneration Elemental Horns

Fire Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Kaktus SeeleKaktus Seele
Kaktus Seele Hunting Horn Sharpness
280 0 20%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Fire Image 42
Blue Melody
Attack Up
Red Melody
Sharpness Regeneration
Green Melody
Wind Pressure Negated
Weapon Augments

Ice Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Harmonic ResonanceHarmonic Resonance
Harmonic Resonance Hunting Horn Sharpness
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 25
Blue Melody
Elemental Attack Boost
Red Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Green Melody
Sharpness Regeneration
Weapon Augments

Dragon Elemental Hunting Horn

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
MagicianMagician's Allure
320 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Dragon Image 28
Blue Melody
Sharpness Regeneration
Red Melody
Earplugs (L)
Green Melody
Sharpness Loss Reduced
Weapon Augments

Sharpness Regeneration Elemental Horns Armor Setup

Armor Slots Skills
Chaotic Helm / Nephilim HelmChaotic Helm / Nephilim Helm ④②ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Chaotic Mail / Nephilim MailChaotic Mail / Nephilim Mail ③①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Golden LunebracesGolden Lunebraces ④②①
Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets Chaotic Faulds / Nephilim Tassets ③①①
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Resentment Lv. 2
Strife Lv. 1
Archfiend Armor ScerosArchfiend Armor Sceros ③②②
Resentment Lv. 1
Dereliction Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3 with ②① slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Attack Boost Lv.7 | Critical Eye Lv.6/Lv.7
Element Attack Lv.5 | Resentment Lv.3/Lv.5
Weakness Exploit Lv.3 | Stun Resistance Lv.3
Strife Lv.3 | Critical Boost Lv.3
Evade Extender Lv.2 | Horn Maestro Lv.1
Flinch Free Lv.1 | Burst Lv.1
Element Exploit Lv.1 | Peak Performance Lv.1
Dereliction Lv.1
Slugger Lv.2 (Fire only)
Build Merits and Notes
This build uses Hunting Horns with the Sharpness Regeneration melody to support allies and reduce reliance on sharpness skills. Unfortunately, not all elements have this song, so the only options are the horns above. The Allysyl Muse may be used as a raw alternative using a modified Fire set, but it's not as optimal due to the build's focus on elemental damage. The Fire set can also have its Resentment level lowered if Velkhana or the Furor Jewel+ 4 are not available yet.
As this is an elemental set, Silkbind Shockwave is mandatory for the extra damage. It's also recommended to mostly use the Blue Scroll for added raw attack and stun potential and only switching to the Red Scroll if a monster is very weak to the chosen element.
To help mitigate the health drain from Dereliction, we recommend eating Gourmet Fish and the Hide-and-Seek Dango as they both provide health regeneration over time. If you want to avoid using Dereliction, the legs can be swapped for the Malzeno Greaves, but you'll have to adjust the decorations accordingly and give up Flinch Free.

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Fine Kamura Flute Raw Climber

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Fine Kamura FluteFine Kamura Flute
Fine Kamura Flute Hunting Horn Sharpness
310 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blue Melody
Defense Up
Red Melody
Attack Up
Green Melody
Health Recovery (S) + Antidote
Armor Slots Skills
Kaiser Crown XKaiser Crown X ①①①
Archfiend Armor BauloArchfiend Armor Baulo ③②ー
Resentment Lv. 1
Burst Lv. 1
Kaiser Vambraces XKaiser Vambraces X ③ーー
Rathalos Coil X Rathalos Coil X ②ーー
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Attack Boost Lv.3 with ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Build Merits and Notes
This all-rounder build using the Fine Kamura Flute mixes damage and utility, making it a great set to go climbing with in Master Rank. For raw damage, it features maxed Attack Boost, Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, and a point in Burst. For utility, it also includes maxed Stun Resistance, Speed Sharpening, and Wirebug Whisperer.

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Master Rank Build (Mid Game): MR 3-6

Frostmoon Sharpness Regeneration

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Frostmoon Wailer+Frostmoon Wailer+
Frostmoon Wailer+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
300 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Ice Image 23
Blue Melody
Elemental Attack Boost
Red Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Green Melody
Sharpness Regeneration
Armor Slots Skills
Malzeno HelmMalzeno Helm ②②ー
Nargacuga Mail XNargacuga Mail X ③①ー
Malzeno BracesMalzeno Braces ④ーー
Squire Squire's Belt ③ーー
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill For damage, swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
When supporting a multiplayer party, use Maximum Volume.
Build Merits and Notes
This Hunting Horn build focuses on delivering high raw and Ice damage with the help of maxed Attack Boost, Ice Attack, Weakness Exploit, and Critical Boost. It also highlights the new Sharpness Regeneration Melody, which provides you and your allies' weapons with rapid sharpness restoration over time and allows you to stay on the offensive. To round the build out, it also includes Stun Resistance, Wirebug Whisperer, and Flinch Free for added utility.

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Teostra Agitator Raw

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
TeostraTeostra's Orphee+
300 0 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blast Image 45
Blue Melody
Health Regeneration
Red Melody
Health Recovery (S) + Antidote
Green Melody
Attack and Defense Up
Armor Slots Skills
Malzeno HelmMalzeno Helm ②②ー
Zinogre Mail XZinogre Mail X ①①①
Lunagaron BracesLunagaron Braces ②①ー
Espinas Bowels Espinas Bowels ③①ー
Utsushi True Greaves (H) / ChannelerUtsushi True Greaves (H) / Channeler's Hakama (Spring) ①①①
Agitator Lv. 1
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Evade Window Lv. 1
Talisman Attack Boost 3 with ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill For damage, swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
When supporting a multiplayer party, use Maximum Volume.
Build Merits and Notes
This build makes use of Teostra's Orphée+'s potential for high raw damage with its Attack and Defense Melody alongside Agitator, Attack Boost, Critical Boost, and Weakness Exploit. To help keep its sharpness up, Protective Polish and Speed Sharpening are also included in the build. To round the build out, maxed Wirebug Whisperer is added to help keep the Hunting Horn's powerful Silkbind skills available.

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Master Rank Build (Early Game): MR 1-2

Fortissimo+ Raw Slugger

Weapon ATK DEF Affinity
Fortissimo+ Hunting Horn Sharpness
230 20 0%
/ Status
Slots Rampage Slots
Blue Melody
Sonic Wave
Red Melody
Stamina Recovery Up
Green Melody
Attack Up
Armor Slots Skills
Anjanath Helm XAnjanath Helm X ③ーー
Attack Boost Lv. 1
Focus Lv. 1
Slugger Lv. 1
Ingot Mail XIngot Mail X ③①ー
Critical Eye Lv. 2
Windproof Lv. 2
Anjanath Vambraces XAnjanath Vambraces X ①ーー
Agitator Lv. 1
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Slugger Lv. 2
Anjanath Coil X Anjanath Coil X ④①①
Attack Boost Lv. 2
Ingot Greaves XIngot Greaves X ①①ー
Talisman Weakness Exploit 2 with ② slot or better
Rampage Decoration
Rampage Skill Swap between Wyvern Exploit, Anti-Aerial Species, Anti-Aquatic Species, or Fanged Exploit depending on the monster.
Build Merits and Notes
A well-rounded Hunting Horn build great for starting out in Sunbreak's Master Rank. This build focuses on dealing high stun and raw damage with Hunting Horn using Attack Boost, Slugger, Critical Boost, and Weakness Exploit. This build also offers some additional survivability with Stun Resistance and Defense Boost.

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Best Skills for Hunting Horn

Best Damage Skills

These skills make it possible to deal extra damage! Aim for these skills for maximum DPS to defeat those monsters easier and finish those quests faster!

Best Skills Explanation
Attack Boost
Increasing the Hunting Horn's base attack is one of the most efficient ways to increase DPS.
Weakness Exploit
Increased affinity when hitting enemy weakspots. This is perfect for Hunting Horns because they should always prioritize the head.
Element Attack
Sunbreak featured buffs for elemental damage, making elemental builds viable. Be sure to max out this skill to get the most out of its potential.
Fire | Water | Ice | Thunder | Dragon
Critical Boost
Amplifies critical damage by 30%/35%/40% per level, working well with Weakness Exploit.
Power up with this skill, which can activate with the Hunting Horn's continuous combos. Max it out as much as possible but a single point is enough to deal impactful damage.
Using the Red Scroll will increase element values while using the Blue Scroll increases attack values, improving overall damage. This skill is basically a free buff for the weapon since you can manage the health drain by using Hunting Horns with healing songs! For additional elemental damage, pair this skill with Strife from the Chaotic Gore Magala Armor Set.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Element Exploit
This skill is ideal to have on elemental builds because of the Hunting Horn's effectiveness in targeting weakspots, making sure you pull off significant damage every time you hit them!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Powder Mantle
This skill from the Risen Teostra Armor provides the Hunting Horn with additional blast damage every time it activates, contributing greatly to DPS.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Overcome the Frenzy Virus to power up with this skill; best paired with Coalescence.
Available in Sunbreak Base Game
Blood Awakening
At Lv.2 of this skill, its maximum boost is comparable to Lv.1 Dereliction, making it a safer alternative without the health drain. Best paired with Blood Rite to heal outside of afflicted monster hunts.
Available in Sunbreak Bonus Update
Boosts 10 raw attack for 20 seconds whenever most melodies are played. Easy to slot in and also boosts allied hunters.
Available in Sunbreak Bonus Update
Increased stun rate is a valuable skill for Hunting Horn in both solo and multiplayer. Slot this skill only when you can!

Best Comfort Skills

These are skills that make managing weapon mechanics a lot easier. Damage is only part of the equation - taking time to slot in comfort skills that increase consistency & comfort will also increase overall DPS!

Best Skills Explanation
Horn Maestro
This skill improves the Hunting Horn's performance speed and shockwave damage using just 1 skill slot.
Protective Polish
An amazing skill that synergizes with Speed Sharpening. Make the most of your re-sharpens by negating sharpness loss for a significant amount of time with this skill.
Speed Sharpening
With Hunting Horn chewing through sharpness, having increased sharpening speed means you can return to the fray faster!
Evade Extender
Improves the Hunting Horn's ability to dodge out of harm's way and reposition.
Three levels of this skill prevent most roars, tremors, and winds from interrupting attacks. The Cornerstone Jewel is a level 1 decoration, so slot it in whenever possible!
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 1
Wirebug Whisperer
This skill will allow you to access more of your silkbind attacks. Consider this skill if your playstyle involves using Bead of Resonance.
Wind Mantle
This skill from the Risen Kushala Armor will recharge your Wirebugs faster, allowing you to do more silkbind attacks with the Hunting Horn. As with Wirebug Whisperer, consider this skill if your playstyle involves using Bead of Resonance.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 3
Flinch Free
No singer or musician likes interruptions. Don't let allies cancel those melodies!
Intrepid Heart
Whenever the gauge above your health bar is full, this skill can be useful in preventing monster attacks from interrupting your combos.
Available in Sunbreak Free Title Update 2

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Builds Partial Banner

All Builds and Best Equipment

• Weapons marked withNEW have been updated.
• Weapons withUP have been reviewed and does not warrant an updated build from the Bonus Update.
All Weapon Build Guides
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Other Builds

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General High Rank Builds and Best Equipment Buddy Equipment Builds
Palico | Palamute


21 Anonymousover 1 year

Hi, regarding Ice, is there a decoration missing from the list for Blood Awakening Elemental Horns? It says [except Ice] for Element Exploit+ 4, and under Ice Only skills, it says Handicraft Lv2. Is it safe to assume the Ice build swaps Element Exploit+ 4 for Handicraft+ 4?

20 Sunbreak Walkthrough Team@Game8over 1 year

Hi, Anon! We've already updated the build with more appropriate decorations.


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