Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Lava Caverns Map and Sub-Camp Locations | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Lava Caverns banner

This is a guide and map for the Lava Caverns locale in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn what materials can be found here at each mining and gathering location, and the locations of all sub-camps and relic records!

Lava Caverns Map

Gathering Map

Upper Level Lower Level

Endemic Life Maps

Other Endemic Life (Upper Level) Other Endemic Life (Lower Level)
Permabuffers (Upper Level) Permabuffers (Lower Level)

List of Endemic Life

Lava Caverns Sub-Camps

Sub-Camp 1 Area 10
Sub-Camp 2 Area 6

Unlock Conditions

Area 10 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Lava Cavern Sub-Camp Security after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Slay 8 Uroktor in the Lava Caverns
Area 6 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Lava Cavern Sub-Camp Materials after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Deliver the following items:
Tetranadon Hide x1
Monster Bone L x2

Camp Guide: How to Unlock Sub-Camps

Uroktor Locations in Lava Caverns

Uroktor Locations

Uroktor Locations and Material Drops

Lava Caverns Relic Record Locations

Lava Caverns Relic Record Locations

How to Find Lava Caverns Relic Records

Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Locations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Locations.png

How to Unlock

  1. Unlocked automatically.
  2. In the long passageway on the lower level, wirebug up the cliff on the left side to find the Buddy Recon Point in the tunnel.

Note that Buddy Recon is only available with the Sunbreak DLC.

Buddy Recon Locations Guide

Lava Cavern Shortcuts

Use Great Wirebugs To Travel Between Area 7 and Area 10

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - great wirebugs that travel between area 7 and area 10
In Area 7 and Area 10, there are Jewel Lilies that you can place Great Wirebugs in. These Great Wirebugs are incredibly convenient for going back and forth between Area 7 and Area 10 quickly, so place them down when you can!
How to Get and Use Great Wirebug

Utilize Upwelling Wind To Go Upwards

Appearance Upwelling Wind Locations

In the Lava Caverns, you can use Upwelling Wind to propel you from underground up to the upper level, similar to the Gustcrabs in the Sandy Plains. These make it much easier to navigate between the upper and lower levels.

Lava Cavern Secret Northeast Section

Video Guide

(1) Enter the Small Opening in the Wall

The mining outcrops in the northeast section of the lower level in Lava Caverns are quite confusing to reach, but it's definitely rewarding with six mining outcrops in this area!

So first of all, head northeast! You should find a small hole in the wall there. Crawl under it. There should be a blue mining outcrop in the area once you crawl out.

(2) Look Up and Find Another Small Opening

Next, you will have to look up and find another small opening in the walls above you. Use your Wirebugs and wallrun up there.

(3) Utilize Wirebugs to Get All the Mining Outcrops

When you go through the opening, there should be two blue mining outcrops and three white mining outcrops. You'll need to use Wirebugs to get to them.

If you're interested, there's also a Relic Record in this area close to one of the mining outcrops.

Lava Cavern Environmental Traps

Use Water and Lava Vents

Water Vent (Areas 6 & 7) Lava Vent (Areas 12, 13, & 14)
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - vent (water area to inflict water blight) Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - vent (lava to inflict fireblight)

In the Lava Caverns, there are environmental traps called Vents in Area 6 and Area 12. If you launch a monster against a vent, you can inflict either waterblight or fireblight on the monster (depending on the vent).

Launch Monster Into Vents

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - launch monster into vent while riding it.gif
The vent only activates when you launch a monster against it by aiming at it and pressing Y while riding the monster. It's difficult to use unless the monster is already in the area, but if you can make them come there, be sure to use it for some additional damage!
Wyvern Riding | How to Mount and Ride Monsters

Rare Endemic Life in Lava Caverns


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - hellbill
Hellbill is the rare endemic life in the Lava Caverns. It's located at the top of Area 11, at the crater of the volcano. Take a picture of it to register it in your Hunter's Notes!
How to Find Hellbill

List of Lava Caverns Items and Materials

List of Account Items

List of All Account Items

List of Bones

List of All Bones

List of Fish

List of All Fish

List of Ore

List of All Ores

List of Other Materials

MH Rise - Adamant SeedAdamant Seed MH Rise - Antidote HerbAntidote Herb MH Rise - BlastnutBlastnut MH Rise - BlazenutBlazenut
MH Rise - BomberryBomberry MH Rise - Dragonfell BerryDragonfell Berry MH Rise - DungDung MH Rise - FelvineFelvine
MH Rise - Fire HerbFire Herb MH Rise - FlamenutFlamenut MH Rise - FlowfernFlowfern MH Rise - Gloamgrass BudGloamgrass Bud
MH Rise - GodbugGodbug MH Rise - HerbHerb MH Rise - HoneyHoney MH Rise - HuskberryHuskberry
MH Rise - LatchberryLatchberry MH Rise - MandragoraMandragora MH Rise - Might SeedMight Seed MH Rise - NitroshroomNitroshroom
MH Rise - NulberryNulberry MH Rise - Spider WebSpider Web MH Rise - Sunscorned GrassSunscorned Grass MH Rise - ThunderbugThunderbug

List of Items and Materials

List of Lava Caverns Endemic Life

Antidobra.pngAntidobra Aurorturtle.pngAurorturtle Blastoad.pngBlastoad
Boulder Lizard.pngBoulder Lizard Butterflame.pngButterflame Clothfly.pngClothfly
Cutterfly.pngCutterfly Echobat.pngEchobat Felicicrow.pngFelicicrow
Firebeetle.pngFirebeetle Fortune Owl.pngFortune Owl Gold Wirebug.pngGold Wirebug
Golden Spiribug.pngGolden Spiribug Great Wirebug.pngGreat Wirebug Green Spiribird.pngGreen Spiribird
Gustcrab.pngGustcrab Lanternbug.pngLanternbug Marionette Spider.pngMarionette Spider
Mudbeetle.pngMudbeetle Orange Spiribird.pngOrange Spiribird Paratoad.pngParatoad
Peepersects.pngPeepersects Puppet Spider.pngPuppet Spider Red Spiribird.pngRed Spiribird
Rock Lizard.pngRock Lizard Ruby Wirebug.pngRuby Wirebug Scale Lizard.pngScale Lizard
Starburst Bug.pngStarburst Bug Stinkmink.pngStinkmink Thunderbeetle.pngThunderbeetle
Tricktoad.pngTricktoad Vigorwasp.pngVigorwasp Wirebug.pngWirebug
Yellow Spiribird.pngYellow Spiribird

List of Endemic Life

List of Lava Caverns Large Monsters

Anjanath.pngAnjanath Apex Rathalos.pngApex Rathalos Apex Rathian.pngApex Rathian
Basarios.pngBasarios Bazelgeuse.pngBazelgeuse Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax
Great Wroggi.pngGreat Wroggi Khezu.pngKhezu Kulu-Ya-Ku.pngKulu-Ya-Ku
Magma Almudron.pngMagma Almudron Magnamalo.pngMagnamalo Pyre Rakna-Kadaki.pngPyre Rakna-Kadaki
Rajang.pngRajang Rakna-Kadaki.pngRakna-Kadaki Rathalos.pngRathalos
Rathian.pngRathian Royal Ludroth.pngRoyal Ludroth Shogun Ceanataur.pngShogun Ceanataur
Somnacanth.pngSomnacanth Teostra.pngTeostra Tetranadon.pngTetranadon
Tigrex.pngTigrex Volvidon.pngVolvidon

List of Large Monsters

List of Lava Caverns Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Altaroth Small Monster IconAltaroth Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bnahabra Small Monster IconBnahabra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Ceanataur Small Monster IconCeanataur
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Felyne Small Monster IconFelyne Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Gajau Small Monster IconGajau Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Ludroth Small Monster IconLudroth
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Melynx Small Monster IconMelynx Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Pyrantula Small Monster IconPyrantula Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Rachnoid Small Monster IconRachnoid
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Remobra Small Monster IconRemobra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Rhenoplos Small Monster IconRhenoplos Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Slagtoth Small Monster IconSlagtoth
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Uroktor Small Monster IconUroktor Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Wroggi Small Monster IconWroggi

List of Small Monsters

Lava Caverns Unique Features

Free Flowing Lava

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Lava in Lava Caverns

The Lava Caverns seem like a dangerous area to visit as there is lava falling from the roof of the cavern and ground covered in magma. There are also vents in the map, which you can launch monsters against to do extra damage and inflict either waterblight or fireblight.

Monster Grave Site

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Monster Grave Site in Lava Caverns

Aside from the obvious monster skeleton sticking out, this image also shows massive monster rib cages and algae-like growth around the stalactites. This could mean that this area can either be harmful to the monsters or this is where the monsters come to die.

Unique Water System

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Lava Caverns Unique Water System

The Lava Caverns map has an area where cool and pure water can be found beside flowing lava.

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Maps Locations Partial Banner

List of Maps and Locations

All Sunbreak Maps and Locations

Locales and Other Locations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

All Base Game Maps and Locations

MH Rise - Shrine RuinsShrine Ruins MH Rise - Frost IslandsFrost Islands
MH Rise - Sandy PlainsSandy Plains MH Rise - Flooded ForestFlooded Forest
MH Rise - Lava CavernsLava Caverns
Other Locations
MH Rise - Kamura VillageKamura Village MH Rise - Infernal SpringsInfernal Springs


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