Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Anomaly Quest Guide: How to Unlock 9 Star Anomaly Quests

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Quests Banner

This is a guide to Anomaly Quests in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn how to unlock all Anomaly Quests, including the latest 9 Star Anomaly Quests, with a full Quest list, Afflicted Monsters, rewards, and more!

Anomaly Quest Guides
MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Quests Banner Anomaly Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monsters Afflicted Monsters List

How to Unlock Anomaly Quests
(A1★ - A9★)

A9★ Quests Unlock at Anomaly Research Level 241

MH Rise Sunbreak - A9 Anomaly Quests

You can take on the latest Risen Elder Dragons in A9★ Anomaly Quests after you've reached Anomaly Research Level 241! Speak with Bahari and he will provide the quests to Chichae afterwards. Beware as these monsters appear stronger than usual!

A9★ Anomaly Investigations Unlock at Lv 131

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax and Risen Shagaru Magala will begin appearing as target monsters for investigations starting Research Level 131. You can also use Join Requests to hunt them once you've reached this level.

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Release Date and Monsters

A8★ Quests Unlock at Anomaly Research Level 211

MH Rise Sunbreak - A8 Anomaly Quests

A8 Quests will unlock once you reach Anomaly Research Level 211! Simple talk to Bahari the Scientist then Chichae would have the quests available for taking!

A8★ Anomaly Investigations Unlock at Lv 111

If you're looking to hunt A8 monsters like Chaotic Gore Magala, and Risen Elder Dragons in anomaly hunts, the ability to fight them via Join Requests will unlock as soon as you hit Research Level 111.

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Release Date and New Features

A7★ Quests Unlock at Anomaly Research Lv 181

MHRise Sunbreak - A7 Quests Unlock at Level 181

A7★ Quests are unlocked once you reach Anomaly Research Lv 181. Simply talk to Bahari the Scientist after the quest that leveled you up to 181. Chichae should have the quests available for you afterwards!

A7★ Anomaly Investigations Unlock at Lv 91

If you're having an itch to hunt the new A7★ monsters the soonest, the ability to fight them via Join Requests will unlock as soon as you hit Research Level 91.

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Release Date and Monsters

Unlock A6★ Quests at Anomaly Research Lv 111

A6★ Quests are unlocked once you reach Anomaly Research Lv 111. Along with this, new Afflicted Materials have been added in the game.

Similar to A5★ Quests back in Title Update 1, you need to keep doing Anomaly Investigations to reach Anomaly Research Lv 111. Once you do, you can hunt the new afflicted monsters below!

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Release Date and Monsters

Unlock A5★ Quests at Anomaly Research Lv 81

In order to unlock 5 star Anomaly Quests (A5★), you will need to grind your Anomaly Research Level until you reach Lv. 81. By then, they should appear under the Anomaly Quests tab at the Quest Counter.
Free Title Update 1
Release Date and Monsters

Unlock A1-A4★ Quests by Completing the MR Cap Urgent Quests

After completing the Final Boss of Sunbreak, the Master Rank cap will be unlocked up to MR10. Upon reaching MR10, you'll encounter an Urgent Quest with an Afflicted Arzuros. Clearing this Quest will unlock the Anomaly Quests lists. Higher ranked quests will unlock as you increase your MR.
Urgent Quests Guide and List of Urgent Quests

List of Anomaly Quests and Afflicted Monsters

A9★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Crimson Glow Valstrax
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 241
Anomaly Research: Shagaru Magala
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 241

A8★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Chaotic Gore Magala
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 211
Anomaly Research: Chameleos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 211
Anomaly Research: Kushala Daora
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 211
Anomaly Research: Teostra
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 211

A7★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Furious Rajang
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 181
Anomaly Research: Scorned Magnamalo
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 181
Anomaly Research: Seething Bazelgeuse
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 181
Anomaly Research: Gold Rathian
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 181
Anomaly Research: Silver Rathalos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 181
Anomaly Research: Flaming Espinas
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 181

A6★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Espinas
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 111
Anomaly Research: Gore Magala
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 111
Anomaly Research: Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 111
Anomaly Research: Rajang
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 111
Anomaly Research: Bazelgeuse
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Anomaly Research Lv. 111

A5★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Lunagaron
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Mizutsune
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Diablos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Rathalos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Astalos
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Zinogre
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Seregios
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Magma Almudron
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level
Anomaly Research: Tigrex
Unlock Conditions:
Reach Lv. 81 Anomaly Research Level

A4★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Garangolm
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Aurora Somnacanth
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Goss Harag
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Magnamalo
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Rakna-Kadaki
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Nargacuga
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Barioth
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50
Anomaly Research: Almudron
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 50

A3★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Blood Orange Bishaten
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Tobi-Kadachi
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Rathian
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Somnacanth
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Jyuratodus
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Anjanath
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Pukei-Pukei
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30
Anomaly Research: Shogun Ceanataur
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 30

A2★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Aknosom
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Tetranadon
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Royal Ludroth
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Daimyo Hermitaur
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Barroth
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Basarios
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Bishaten
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20
Anomaly Research: Khezu
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 20

A1★ Anomaly Quests

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Anomaly Research: Arzuros
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Anomaly Research: Great Izuchi
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Anomaly Research: Great Baggi
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Anomaly Research: Great Wroggi
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Anomaly Research: Volvidon
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Anomaly Research: Kulu-Ya-Ku
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10
Anomaly Research: Lagombi
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR 10

Anomaly Quest Rewards

Anomaly Tickets

MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Ticket

Upon completing a set number of Anomaly Quests, Bahari the Scientist will give you an Anomaly Ticket. This item is one of the essential Materials for crafting Rarity 10 Weapons, so be sure to talk with Bahari as soon you see a new speech bubble.

Afflicted Materials

Afflicted Materials can be found as Carves and Drops from Afflicted Monsters or as Quest Rewards. The Afflicted Materials are not exclusive to any specific Afflicted Monster, but can each be obtained from a specific subset of Afflicted Monsters.

Afflicted Materials can be used in many ways: reach Rarity 10 weapons, Qurious Crafting, and endgame Decorations. Anomaly Quests are unique from investigations in that they have a MR 10 requirement, making them the only way to get Afflicted Materials without grinding research levels.
List of All Afflicted Materials

Used to Reach Rarity 10

Almost all Rarity 10 Weapons require Afflicted Materials from Afflicted Monsters, alongside Anomaly Tickets.
Sunbreak Weapons List: All Weapon Guides

Used for Qurious Crafting (Augmenting)

All Afflicted Materials can be used to augment your weapons and armor at the Smithy. You can put in many types of improvements which boost your stats and decoration slots.
Qurious Crafting:
Weapon and Armor Augments

Used for Decorations

A bunch of endgame decorations, such as Phoenix Jewel 2 and Cornerstone Jewel 1, can only be unlocked and crafted once you obtain certain Afflicted Materials.
Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - List of Quests

Quest Types and List of Quests

All Quest Guides by Type

Quest Types
MH Rise - Village Quests BannerVillage Quests MH Rise - Urgent Quests BannerUrgent Quests
MH Rise - Gathering Hub Quests BannerGathering Hub Quests
Base Game | Sunbreak
MH Rise - Arena Quests BannerArena Quests
MH Rise - Side Quests BannerSide Quests MH Rise - Requests BannerRequests
MH Rise - Event Quests BannerEvent Quests
MH Rise - Collab Quests BannerCollaboration Quests
MH Rise - Challenge QuestsChallenge Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Anomaly Quests BannerAnomaly Quests
MH Rise Sunbreak - Follower Quests and RewardsFollower Quests MH Rise Sunbreak - Support Survey Quests and RewardsSupport Surveys


2 Anonymousover 2 years

I see they corrected their article now lol

1 Anonymousover 2 years

There's a LOOOOT of missing quests in this article: Here's the true list: A1: -Arzuros -Izuchi -Baggi -Wroggi -Volvidon -Kulu Ya Ku -Lagombi A2: -Aknosom -Tetranodon -Ludroth -Hermitaur -Barroth -Basarios -Bishaten -Khezu -BO Bishaten -Tobi-Kadachi -Rathian -Somnacanth -Anjanath -Pukei-Pukei -Ceanataur A4: -Garangolm -Auroracanth -Goss Harag -Magnamalo -Rakna-Kadaki -Nargacuga -Barioth -Almudron


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