Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Flaming Espinas: Weakness and Drops

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Flaming Espinas Guide

This is a hunting guide for Flaming Espinas, a Large Monster in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Read on to learn what we know about Flaming Espinas' weakness, element, blights, and armor so far!

Flaming Espinas Guide Espinas IconEspinas Guide
Weapons IconFlaming Espinas Weapons Armor IconFlaming Espinas Armor

Flaming Espinas Weakness and Notes

Flaming Espinas
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Flaming Espinas Returning Monster
Type Flying Wyvern Previous Games MHF2, MHO
Threat Level 9/10 Rampage Type
Major Weakness Other Weakness
Blight / Elemental Damage Abnormal Status
An Espinas subspecies with a slightly more muted body color. The boldness of the standard Espinas remains: run-of-the-mill attacks won't rouse Flaming Espinas from their slumber. Their breath attack contains a powerful poison, and a dense acid that deteriorates armor. Take this attack head-on, and you won't stand a chance...

How to Unlock Flaming Espinas

Reach MR 10

MH Rise Sunbreak - What Sleeps in the Tower

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
What Sleeps in the Tower
Flaming Espinas Image Flaming Espinas
Unlock Conditions:
Reach MR10

To hunt Flaming Espinas after downloading Sunbreak's Title Update 2, you need to raise your MR to 10.

Speak to Doctor Tadori and to Chichae the Quest Damsel to unlock What Sleeps in the Tower.

MR Grinding Guide:
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast

Flaming Espinas Weakness and Resistance

Flaming Espinas Weapon Damage Breakdown

Part Sever Symbol (MH Rise).png Blunt Symbol (MH Rise).png Ammo Symbol (MH Rise).png
Head 30 30 20
Abdomen 30 30 25
Back 20 20 15
Wing 23 23 20
Leg 38 38 40
Tail 28 25 20
Overall 29 28 24

Flaming Espinas Elemental Weakness Breakdown

Part Fire Symbol (MH Rise).png Water Symbol (MH Rise).png Thunder Element (MH Rise).png Ice Element (MH Rise).png Dragon Element (MH Rise).png
Head 0 15 10 5 10
Abdomen 0 15 10 5 10
Back 0 10 5 0 5
Wing 0 10 10 0 5
Leg 0 15 10 5 10
Tail 0 10 5 0 5
Overall 0 13 9 3 8

Higher numbers indicate higher potential damage to the monster.

Flaming Espinas Hunting Tips

MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Hunting Tips

Beware when Flaming Espinas stand up and spread their wings; they'll begin building up power to unleash a massive fireball attack with a wide area of effect. When they start charging up, escape to a safe distance. The fireball's explosive effects lower defense, so bring along items like Adamant Seeds to give it a boost.

Status Effect Vulnerabilities

Poison Stun Paralysis Sleep
Blast Exhaust Fireblight Waterblight
★★ ★★
Thunderblight Iceblight

If an ailment has more stars it means that it has better effectiveness.

Item Vulnerabilities

Pitfall Trap Shock Trap Flash Bomb
Sonic Bomb Meat Effects Dung Bomb

◯ = Vulnerable; ✕ = Fully Resistant; ▲ = Situational

Kinsect Extracts

Monster Part Extract
Head Red Extract
Abdomen Orange Extract
Back Orange Extract
Wing White Extract
Leg White Extract
Tail Orange Extract

Red = Attack Increase, White = Movement Boost, Orange = Anti-knockback When Attacking

Kinsect Extract Guide

Espinas Subspecies

MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Subspecies

In Monster Hunter Frontier Season 2, Flaming Espinas did not have an official name. Back then, it was only called Espinas Subspecies or Brown Espinas. And now that it's appearing in Sunbreak in Title Update 2, it finally has an official name!

Espinas: Weakness and Drops

Flaming Espinas Locations and Quests

Flaming Espinas Habitat

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Forlorn Arena.pngForlorn Arena - - -
Citadel.pngCitadel 2 / 7 / 10 2 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 13 7

Flaming Espinas Quest Appearances

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Anomaly Quest A★7 Anomaly Research: Flaming Espinas
Event Quest M★6 Hazard: Legendary Strike
Hub Quest M★6 Advanced: Toxic Trio
Hub Quest M★6 Advanced: Espinaptime
Hub Quest M★6 Advanced: Eternal Flame
Support Survey M★6 Operation Flaming Espinas
Urgent Hub Quest M★6 What Sleeps in the Tower
No Quest in This Rank
No Quest in This Rank

How to Beat Flaming Espinas

Flaming Espinas Tips
Check Icon Will Always Start Off Sleeping

Check Icon Mind Its Attack Range

Check Icon Use Items to Remove Defense Debuff

Check Icon Stay Away from Smog

Will Always Start Off Sleeping

Flaming Espinas, much alike its normal variant, will always be asleep at the start of every hunt. Exploit this mechanic by maximizing the wake up slap multiplier (2x) and start strong.

We suggest using Mega Barrel Bombs or use your weapon's big damage attack to wake it up like the Great Sword's True Charged Slash or the Hunting Horn's Sonic Bloom Silkbind Attack.

Mind Its Attack Range

It may be easy to underestimate Flaming Espinas' attack range due to its size, but its fireball attacks and the explosion caused by these can reach far away. If you need to heal or use an item, make sure to create some distance away from the monster to be safe!

Use Items to Remove Defense Debuff

Flaming Espinas' fireball attack not only causes fireblight and poison, but can also deal Defense Down, which can put you in grave danger given how aggressive Flaming Espinas is.

If affected with Defense Down, you can use items such as Adamant Seed, Armorskin, or Mega Armorskin to remove the defense debuff.

Status Boost, Abnormal Status, and
Elemental Blight Guide

Stay Away from Smog

Flaming Espinas' fireball attacks will explode and leave a trail of smog which will inflict fireblight and poison if you pass through it. You might end up recovering from being poisoned only to get it again if you roll towards the smog cloud, so watch out where you roll!

Flaming Espinas Attacks and Moves

Name Description
Body Slam Flaming Espinas leaps upwards and smashes its body to the ground.
Tail Slam Flaming Espinas smashes its tail like a club.
Spin Attack Flaming Espinas spins around.
Horn Attacks Flaming Espinas can use its sturdy horns to launch hunters away.
Chomp to Tail Combo Espinas' signature snappy combo, now used by its flaming variant.
Explosive Fireball Attacks Flaming Espinas can launch fireballs inflict fireblight, poison, and Defense Down.
Fiery Swerving Chomp A new take on Espinas' chomp, now with flames!
Fiery Finale
Flaming Espinas charges its flaming breath and releases it in an all-consuming attack.

Body Slam

Body Slam Attack Information

Body Slam: Flaming Espinas jumps up and throws its entire weight towards a hunter twice. This attack is quick, but can be dodged with a quick Wirebug away from the area.

Tail Slam

Tail Slam Attack Information

Tail Slam: Flaming Espinas raises its spike-filled tail and slams it down to the ground. If you spot Flaming Espinas raising its tail, run away from it to avoid getting pounded!

Spin Attack

Spin Attack Information

Spin Attack: Flaming Espinas readies itself and quickly rotates twice. It will take a step back before executing this attack, which give hunters in the way a chance to escape.

Horn Attacks

Flaming Espinas can utilize its protruding horns to take a hurtful jab at any hunter standing in its way.

Horn Attack Variations

Horn Rush Flaming Espinas steels itself and runs towards its target, charging forward using its horn. Simply dodge sideways to avoid getting trampled!

Horn Drag: Flaming Espinas drags its horns on the ground in an attempt to pulverize its target. Similar to Horn Rush, dodge sideways to avoid this attack!

Chomp to Tail Combo

Chomp to Tail Combo Attack Information

Chomp to Tail Combo: Flaming Espinas attempts to bite a hunter and then swipes its poison-tipped tail. Anyone hit may get inflicted with fireblight or poison!

Explosive Fireball Attacks

Flaming Espinas' fireballs gets a fierce upgrade, with the attack causing fireblight, poison, and Defense Down.

The attack also causes four small explosions which travel forward. A trail of smoggy clouds will linger on the ground which can cause fireblight and poison to whoever passes through it!

Explosive Fireball Attack Variations

Single Fireball Attack: Flaming Espinas fires off a single fireball towards its target. As it will only spew one fireball, you can simply dodge sideways to avoid getting toasted.

Triple Fireball Attack: Flaming Espinas uses this attack more frequently. This attack follows a fork-like pattern in front of Flaming Espinas, which covers a wide area.

Run away from the affected area and wait for the smog to dissipate before engaging again.

Grand Fireball: A special attack which can be used as a follow up after Fiery Finale. Flaming Espinas soars up in the sky to charge its fire breath and hurtles it downwards, causing a big explosion.

Run away from the space in front of Flaming Espinas to avoid getting hit by this attack.

Fiery Swerving Chomp

Fiery Swerving Chomp Attack Information

Fiery Swerving Chomp: Flaming Espinas lunges at a target twice, attempting to bite it with its fiery mouth. Flaming Espinas will target anyone currently near it, so this attack can be avoided if you create some space between you and the monster.

Fiery Finale

Fiery Finale Attack Information

Fiery Finale: Flaming Espinas waddles around and charges up its fire breath inside its mouth before releasing it towards the ground to cause a massive explosion.

This attack can easily wipe out everyone caught inside the explosion, so it is best to stay far away from Flaming Espinas while it charges this move.

Flaming Espinas Materials and Drops

Master Rank Flaming Espinas Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Shard IconFlaming Espinas Shard [40% (Wing)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Dire Blood IconAfflicted Dire Blood [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Dire Dragon Blood IconAfflicted Dire Dragon Blood [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Dire Darkblood IconAfflicted Dire Darkblood [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Cortex IconFlaming Espinas Cortex [12% (Horn), 70% (Back)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Lash IconFlaming Espinas Lash [80% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Shard IconFlaming Espinas Shard [41% (Body), 12% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Dire Blood IconAfflicted Dire Blood [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Dire Dragon Blood IconAfflicted Dire Dragon Blood [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Dire Darkblood IconAfflicted Dire Darkblood [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Surspike IconFlaming Espinas Surspike [5% (Body), 5% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Mantle IconFlaming Espinas Mantle [2% (Body), 3% (Tail)]

Flaming Espinas Dropped Materials

Master Rank

Flaming Espinas Trailers

Exclusive Trailer

Flaming Espinas' appearance in Sunbreak was announced through his exclusive trailer, where it is fighting Teostra, Emperor of Flames, in the Forlorn Arena.

TGS 2022 Gameplay

Capcom shared with us a bigger sneak peak at Flaming Espinas' new moves with this video!

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Monsters Partial Banner
All Monster Guides

All Flaming Espinas Guides

All Flaming Espinas Related Articles
Flaming Espinas.pngFlaming Espinas Guide Weapons.pngFlaming Espinas Weapons Armor Icon.pngFlaming Espinas Armor

Sunbreak Monsters

Sunbreak Monster Lists
Sunbreak Monsters List Monster Subspecies List Sunbreak Small Monsters List

Large Monsters

Sunbreak Large Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo Hermitaur IconDaimyo Hermitaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten IconBlood Orange Bishaten MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm IconGarangolm MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth IconAurora Somnacanth
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur IconShogun Ceanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron IconLunagaron MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos IconAstalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Seregios IconSeregios
MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron IconMagma Almudron MH Rise Sunbreak - Gore Magala IconGore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Espinas IconEspinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki IconPyre Rakna-Kadaki
MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno IconMalzeno MH Rise Sunbreak - Shagaru Magala IconShagaru Magala

MR6+ Large Monsters

MR6+ Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gaismagorm IconGaismagorm
MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang IconFurious Rajang
MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo IconScorned Magnamalo

Title Update 1 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 1 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething Bazel IconSeething Bazelgeuse MH Rise Sunbreak - Silver Rathalos IconSilver Rathalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian IconGold Rathian MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Narga IconLucent Nargacuga

Title Update 2 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 2 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Monster Partial BannerFlaming Espinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Chameleos Monster Partial BannerRisen Chameleos MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune Monster Partial BannerViolet Mizutsune

Title Update 3 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 3 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Chaotic Gore Magala Monster Partial BannerChaotic Gore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Kushala Daora Monster Partial BannerRisen Kushala Daora MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Teostra Monster Partial BannerRisen Teostra

Title Update 4 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 4 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Velkhana IconVelkhana MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax IconRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Title Update 5 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 5 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak Amatsu BorderAmatsu Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala

Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi IconBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur IconCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat IconGowngoat
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur IconHermitaur MHRise Sunbreak - HornetaurHornetaur MHRise Sunbreak - PyrantulaPyrantula
MHRise Sunbreak - VespoidVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey IconVelociprey

Other Large Monsters

Other Large Monsters
MH Rise - Great Izuchi IconGreat Izuchi MH Rise - Arzuros IconArzuros MH Rise - Great Baggi IconGreat Baggi MH Rise - Lagombi IconLagombi
MH Rise - Aknosom IconAknosom MH Rise - Tetranadon IconTetranadon MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku MH Rise - Barroth IconBarroth
MH Rise - Great Wroggi IconGreat Wroggi MH Rise - Royal Ludroth IconRoyal Ludroth MH Rise - Khezu IconKhezu MH Rise - Bishaten IconBishaten
MH Rise - Somnacanth IconSomnacanth MH Rise - Barioth IconBarioth MH Rise - Rathian IconRathian MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi
MH Rise - Volvidon IconVolvidon MH Rise - Basarios IconBasarios MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei MH Rise - Magnamalo IconMagnamalo
MH Rise - Nargacuga IconNargacuga MH Rise - Zinogre IconZinogre MH Rise - Anjanath IconAnjanath MH Rise - Mizutsune IconMizutsune
MH Rise - Rathalos IconRathalos MH Rise - Almudron IconAlmudron MH Rise - Goss Harag IconGoss Harag MH Rise - Tigrex IconTigrex
MH Rise - Diablos IconDiablos MH Rise - Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus MH Rise - Rajang IconRajang MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki IconRakna-Kadaki
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse

Elder Dragons

Elder Dragons
MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother IconNarwa the Allmother
MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi IconWind Serpent Ibushi MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa IconThunder Serpent Narwa MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax IconCrimson Glow Valstrax
MH Rise - Chameleos IconChameleos MH Rise - Kushala Daora IconKushala Daora MH Rise - Teostra IconTeostra

Apex Monsters

Apex Monsters
MH Rise - Apex Arzuros IconApex Arzuros MH Rise - Apex Rathian IconApex Rathian MH Rise - Apex Mizutsune IconApex Mizutsune
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos IconApex Rathalos MH Rise - Apex Diablos IconApex Diablos MH Rise - Apex Zinogre IconApex Zinogre

Other Small Monsters

Small Monsters
MH Rise - Altaroth IconAltaroth MH Rise - Anteka IconAnteka MH Rise - Baggi IconBaggi MH Rise - Bnahabra IconBnahabra
MH Rise - Bombadgy IconBombadgy MH Rise - Bullfango IconBullfango MH Rise - Delex IconDelex MH Rise - Felyne IconFelyne
MH Rise - Gajau IconGajau MH Rise - Gargwa IconGargwa MH Rise - Izuchi IconIzuchi MH Rise - Jaggi IconJaggi
MH Rise - Jaggia IconJaggia MH Rise - Jagras IconJagras MH Rise - Kelbi IconKelbi MH Rise - Kestodon IconKestodon
MH Rise - Ludroth IconLudroth MH Rise - Melynx IconMelynx MH Rise - Popo IconPopo MH Rise - Rachnoid IconRachnoid
MH Rise - Remobra IconRemobra MH Rise - Rhenoplos IconRhenoplos MH Rise - Slagtoth IconSlagtoth MH Rise - Uroktor IconUroktor
MH Rise - Wroggi IconWroggi MH Rise - Zamite IconZamite

Small Monsters


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