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Arena Quest 02 - Barroth: How to Get S Rank | Monster Hunter Rise

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This is a comprehensive guide on the Arena Quest 02 found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on for a guide on how to beat Barroth in the Arena, how to get S Rank, armor and weapon loadouts, and more!

Arena Quest 02 Basic Information

Slay a Barroth
Barroth Icon.png
Locale Arena
Time Limit 50 min.
Available Weapons
Monster Hunter Rise - Sword and Shield Icon  Monster Hunter Rise - Lance Icon  Monster Hunter Rise - Hammer Icon  Monster Hunter Rise - Insect Glaive Icon  Monster Hunter Rise - Heavy Bowgun Icon 

Rank Clear Times

S Rank 4 min
A Rank 10 min
B Rank 50 min

Arena Quest 02 Rewards

Target Rewards
Quest Rewards
(Low Rank)
Item Name Drop Rate (#)
Monster Bone M 10%
Fertile Mud 10% (x2)
Barroth Scalp 10%
Barroth Claw 20%
Barroth Ridge 28%
Barroth Shell 14%
Barroth Tail 8%
Rewards Drop Rate
Pinnacle Coin -
Barroth Coin -

Weapon and Armor Sets

Loadout 1: Sword and Shield

Monster Hunter Rise (Arena Quest 02) - Loadout 1.png

Weapon Armor Items
Dirty Baron I Izuchi Helm
Izuchi Mail
Izuchi Braces
Izuchi Coil
Izuchi Greaves
Potion x10
Ration x10
Throwing Kunai
BBQ Spit
Switch Skills
Hard Basher Combo Advancing Slash Windmill

Loadout 2: Lance

Monster Hunter Rise (Arena Quest 02) - Loadout 2.png

Weapon Armor Items
Alacrantze I Wroggi Helm
Wroggi Mail
Wroggi Vambraces
Wroggi Coil
Wroggi Greaves
Potion x10
Ration x10
Throwing Kunai
BBQ Spit
Switch Skills
Anchor Rage Shield Charge Guard

Loadout 3: Hammer

Monster Hunter Rise (Arena Quest 02) - Loadout 3.png

Weapon Armor Items
Pumpking I Bone Helm
Bone Mail
Bone Vambraces
Bone Coil
Bone Greaves
Potion x10
Ration x10
Throwing Kunai
BBQ Spit
Switch Skills
Side Smash Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon Charge Switch: Strength

Loadout 4: Insect Glaive

Monster Hunter Rise (Arena Quest 02) - Loadout 4.png

Weapon Armor Items
Aknosom Pike I Aknosom Helm
Aknosom Mail
Aknosom Braces
Aknosom Coil
Aknosom Greaves
Potion x10
Ration x10
Throwing Kunai
BBQ Spit
Switch Skills
Leaping Slash Tornado Slash Recall Kinsect

Loadout 5: Heavy Bowgun

Monster Hunter Rise (Arena Quest 02) - Loadout 5.png

Weapon Armor Items
Iron Assault I Vaik Helm
Vaik Mail
Vaik Braces
Vaik Coil
Vaik Greaves
Potion x10
Ration x10
Normal Ammo 1
Throwing Kunai
BBQ Spit
Switch Skills
Melee Attack Counter Shot Mech-Wyvernsnipe
Heavy Bowgun Ammo
Normal Ammo 2 x99 Spread Ammo 1 x60 Shrapnel Ammo 1 x60
Shrapnel Ammo 2 x60 Sticky Ammo 1 x9 Poison Ammo 1 x12
Recover Ammo 1 x12 Armor Ammo x5 Slicing Ammo x30

S Rank Guide: Sword and Shield

Sword and Shield Tips

Aim for the Forelegs

Barroth's Forelegs have the best hit zone values, making it the perfect target for S Rank clears. Make sure you focus your attacks on these particular parts as much as possible.

Utilize Hard Basher Combos and Perfect Rush

Hard Basher Combos will make up most of your damage during S Rank clears since these combinations are the most efficient way to deal damage against Barroth. Perfect Rushes can also be used whenever Barroth is knocked down or shaking mud off its body for extra damage.

Use Windmill As Much As Possible

Windmill deals great damage in short bursts. Timing and positioning are key to maximizing this move as a poorly executed Windmill can eat away at your sharpness incredibly fast for little damage. Make sure that you perform this move whenever you're directly underneath Barroth for maximum damage.

S Rank Guide: Lance

Lance Tips

Focus on the Forelegs and Tail

Aim your attacks towards Barroth's forelegs and tail as these parts allows us to deal maximum damage throughout the hunt.

Maintain Anchor Rage's Buff

Anchor Rage's damage buff is crucial to achieving S Rank clears for Arena Quest 02. Use this move against Barroth's downward head slam or charge attack for maximum efficiency.

Ignore Your Dwindling Sharpness

Anchor Rage's damage buff is enough to carry you to an S Rank clear. Barroth's forelegs can be poked even on orange sharpness so keep thrusting that lance despite your dwindling sharpness!

S Rank Guide: Hammer

Hammer Tips

Focus on the Forelegs

Barroth's Forelegs are crucial for S Rank clears with Hammers as well. Focus your attacks on these parts to deal maximum damage.

Silkbind Attacks are Crucial

Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon and Impact Crater should be used as much as possible throughout the fight to achieve S Rank clears.

Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon lets you close the distance whenever Barroth charges away and can lead to a quick Wyvern Ride early on.

Impact Crater deals the most damage and should be used whenever Barroth is knocked down or shaking mud off. Make sure you aim this attack towards Barroth's forelegs.

Use Strength Charge Throughout the Fight

Charged attacks in Strength Charge Mode make up the most of your damage throughout the fight. Level 2 and 3 charge attacks on Barroth's forelegs for maximum damage.

S Rank Guide: Insect Glaive

Insect Glaive Tips

Maintain Your Triple Up Buff

Triple Up Buff improves your attack combinations and grants immunity to roars. It is absolutely paramount that you maintain this buff throughout the fight to achieve S Rank clears.

Use Tornado Slash Combos

Tornado Slash Combos deal the most damage in the least amount of time, making them your most efficient moves! Always make sure you aim these attacks towards Barroth's Forelegs for maximum damage.

Use Your Kinsect To Finish Combos

Slinging your Kinsect towards Barroth after performing combos lets you deal extra chip damage and shortens the recovery time from your attack combinations as well.

S Rank Guide: Heavy Bowgun

Heavy Bowgun Tips

Aim for the Forelegs and Tail

Barroth's forelegs and tail are the best parts to exploit for S Rank clears since we deal the most damage with our ammo on these parts.

Take Advantage of Wyvernheart

Wyvernheart is crucial for S Rank clears because it allows us to deal high damage whenever Barroth is incapacitated. Remember to aim for the forelegs and tail for maximum damage.

Counter Shot Barroth's Charge

We recommend utilizing Counter Shot on Barroth's charge attack. This provides us with an opportunity to Wyvern Ride Barroth which leads to a quick and easy knockdown. Make sure you fully charge the shot and aim at the tail for maximum damage.

Use Sticky Ammo to Knock Barroth Down

Our HBG loadout for Arena Quest 02 has nine rounds of Sticky Ammo 1. Landing all nine rounds on Barroth's head leads to a knockout which allows us to use Wyvernheart for free! It is recommended that you open up the fight this strategy to have a solid start.

Use Poison, Slicing, and Sharpnel Ammo

Poison, Slicing, and Shrapnel Ammo 2 are your best ammo types for achieveing S Rank clears in Arena Quest 02. Check the table below for tips on how to maximize each ammo type.

Ammo Type Optimal Usage
Poison Ammo I Poisoning Barroth results in solid damage over time throughout the fight while you use other ammo types.
The first status is applied after three shots, with more shots needed for every subsequent poison buildup afterward.
Slicing Ammo Slicing Ammo is your main ammo type for S Rank clears since these rounds can dish out the highest damage on a single monster part. It is important that you aim these rounds towards the forelegs or tail only.
Shrapnel Ammo 2 Use this ammo type once you've ran out of Slicing Ammo. The best way to utilize this ammo type is to aim at Barroth's hindlegs from critical range.

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