Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Ammo and Phials

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This is a list of all ammo and phials in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check the links below for more information on each ammo and phial that can be found in the game!

List of All Ammo and Phials

Item Effects / How to Get
Ammo that induces increased defense. Use on allies!
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Adamant Seed
Bow coating that induces blast.
Crafted using Materials.
Empty Phial + Fire Herb
Ammo that fragments into three parts on impact.
Crafted using Materials.
Ammo that fragments into four parts on impact.
Crafted using Materials.
Cluster Bomb 1 + Gunpowder Lv2
Ammo that fragments into five parts on impact.
Crafted using Materials.
Cluster Bomb 1 + Gunpowder Lv3
Ammo that induces increased attack. Use on allies!
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Might Seed
Ammo that is good against monster weak to dragon.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Dragonfell Berry
Ammo that depletes monster stamina.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Exciteshroom
Enhanced ammo that depletes monster stamina..
Crafted using Materials.
Exhaust Ammo 1 + Catalyst
Bow coating that depletes monster stamina.
Crafted using Materials.
Empty Phial + Exciteshroom
Ammo that is good against monster weak to fire.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Fire Herb
Ammo that is good against monster weak to ice.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Snow Herb
Serves as the crafting base fo other ammo types.
Default ammo for bowguns.
Upgraded Bowgun ammo.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv2
Upgraded Bowgun ammo.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv3
Bow coating that induces paralysis.
Crafted using Materials.
Empty Phial + Parashroom
Ammo that deals paralysis.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Parashroom
Enhanced ammo that deals paralysis.
Crafted using Materials.
Paralysis Ammo 1 + Catalyst
Ammo that passes through and damages monsters.
Crafted using Materials.
Ammo that passes through and damages monsters.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv2
Ammo that passes through and damages monsters.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv3
Piercing ammo that is good against monsters weak to dragon.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Dragonfell Berry
Piercing ammo that is good against monsters weak to fire.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Fire Herb
Piercing ammo that is good against monsters weak to ice.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Snow Herb
Piercing ammo that is good against monsters weak to thunder.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Thunderbug
Piercing ammo that is good against monsters weak to water.
Crafted using Materials.
Pierce Ammo 1 + Flowfern
Ammo that deals poison.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Toadstool
Enhanced ammo that deals poison.
Crafted using Materials.
Poison Ammo 1 + Catalyst
Bow coating that induces poison.
Crafted using Materials.
Empty Phial + Toadstool
Bow coating that increases bow damage.
Crafted using Materials.
Empty Phial + Nitroshroom
Recovers ally health on impact.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Potion
Greatly recovers ally health on impact.
Crafted using Materials.
Recover Ammo 1 + Catalyst
Ammo that covers a wide area.
Crafted using Materials.
Ammo that covers a wide area.
Crafted using Materials.
Shrapnel Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv2
Ammo that covers a wide area.
Crafted using Materials.
Shrapnel Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv3
Ammo that induces sleep.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Sleep Herb
Enhanced ammo that induces sleep.
Crafted using Materials.
Sleep Ammo 1 + Catalyst
Bow coating that puts monsters to sleep.
Crafted using Materials.
Empty Phial + Sleep Herb
Ammo that deals sever damage.
Crafted using Materials.
Ammo that deals high damage on close range.
Crafted using Materials.
Ammo that deals high damage on close range.
Crafted using Materials.
Spread Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv2
Ammo that deals high damage on close range.
Crafted using Materials.
Spread Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv3
Ammo that pierces and sticks to a monster.
Crafted using Materials.
Ammo that pierces and sticks to a monster.
Crafted using Materials.
Sticky Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv2
Ammo that pierces and sticks to a monster.
Crafted using Materials.
Sticky Ammo 1 + Gunpowder Lv3
Ammo that is good against monster weak to thunder.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Thunderbug
Acts like Tranq Bombs, capturing trapped monsters.
Bought at Market or crafted.
Tranq Bomb + Normal Ammo 1
Ammo that is good against monster weak to water.
Crafted using Materials.
Normal Ammo 1 + Flowfern
Ammo that has effects like Wyvern Fire.
Crafted using Materials.
Dragonstrike Nut

How to Use Ammo and Phials

Ammo is Used for Bowguns

Status Ammo MH Rise.png

Ammo is the lifeblood of the Bowguns. Their ammo is what makes Bowguns the powerful weapons they are now! Bowguns also has limited support for every ammo so make sure to check that information per Bowgun!

Two Types of Bowguns
Light Bowgun Heavy Bowgun

Coatings are Used for Bows

Coatings give the arrows of the Bow special effects like adding Paralysis, Poison, and just a flat out increase in Power. Like Bowguns, each Bow has different compatible coatings so make sure to check that information per Bow!

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Links

MH Rise Sunbreak - Items and Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton


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