Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Palamute Gear and Best Palamute Gear Tier List

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak - List of All Palamute Gear and Best Palamute Gear Tier List

This is Game8's Tier List for the best Palamute Gear in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and a complete list of all Palamute gear. Find out which we think is the best Palamute Gear, and how to get each of them!

Palamute Guides
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Palamute Guide BannerGeneral Palamute Guide Best Palamute Support Type and Equipped Moves BannerPalamute Gear and Tier List
MH Rise - List of Palamute Equipment BannerList of Palamute Equipment MH Rise - Palamute Builds and Best Equipment BannerBest Palamute Builds

Palamute Gear Tier List

S Rank Icon Heal Blade Scroll, Diversion Scroll, Palamute Silkbinder
A Rank Icon Throwarm Scroll, Heavy Strike Scroll, Guarding Parasol, Dual Bladed Chain
B Rank Icon Steel Fang, Stoutcore Fang, Large Shuriken
C Rank Icon Ghillie Scroll, Healing Scroll, Rocksteady Scroll

S Tier

Heal Blade Scroll

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Heal Blade
The Heal Blade Scroll has a chance to trigger a healing effect per attack.

The Heal Blade scroll takes one of the top spots because the Palamute attacks pretty often so having a move that heals everyone around, including you, triggered on the attack, is a reliable way to get heals. The only problem is that this is activated on the attack so you can't do this on will. However, if you combine this with a Palamute whose behavior is set to follow, you can get healed reliably often.

Diversion Scroll

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Diversion
The Diversion Scroll attracts the monsters towards the Palamute.

This scroll, on the other hand, works best if a Palamute's behavior is set to Pincer. It attracts the monster to them instead of you, which can give you some much-needed breathing room to attack or heal up or whatnot.

Palamute Silkbinder

MH Rise Sunbreak - Palamute Silkbinder

The Palamute Silkbinder deals mounting damage to monsters.

This Palamute Gear was introduced in the Sunbreak expansion DLC and is one of the best options for your Palamutes once you get it. Your Palamutes will fire arrows that deal mounting damage whenever you perform mounting or Silkbind Attacks as well. This makes it easier to initiate Wyvern Riding. It also has an effect where it will bind the monster in place as if it had been toppled after Wyvern Riding.

A Tier

Throwarm Scroll

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Throwarm Scroll
The Throwarm scroll is the last Palamute gear you get but it's a pretty decent ranged combat choice, especially when the scroll activates and deals double damage per kunai.

Heavy Strike Scroll

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Heavy Strike Scroll
The Heavy Strike scroll increases your Palamute's attack sometimes, which is useful for chipping away the health of monsters. Ultimately, since it only affects the Palamute, its use is limited.

Guarding Parasol

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Guarding Parasol

The Guarding Parasol is one of the better weapons of the Palamute as it offers both offensive and defensive capability.

Dual Bladed Chain

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Dual Bladed Chain

Dual Bladed Chain, while being the starting gear, is a dependable piece of gear as well, due to its ability to cause a lot of damage when the chains swing around, especially against big monsters.

B Tier

Steel Fang

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Steel Fang

The Steel Fang is a weapon that when used to attack monsters, attracts them to the attacking Canyne. Not as reliable as the Diversion Scroll but useful nonetheless.

Stoutcore Fang

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Stoutcore Fang
The Stoutcore Fang acts similar to the starting Steel Fang, but it is ranged and will cause more damage when you hit where the bitten spot. Unfortunately, it's hard to see where the fangs attached in-game, so it's hard to make the most of this gear's perk.

Large Shuriken

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Large Shuriken
The Large Shuriken is a decent ranged weapon but there's nothing special about it. Not useless, but there are better alternatives.

C Tier

Ghillie Scroll

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Ghillie Scroll
This scroll hides the Palamute's presence.

Ghillie Scroll focuses on the survivability of the Palamute, which doesn't seem to be that important. More importantly, if the Palamute isn't targetable, it will make it more likely for the monster to target you, so this takes the bottom of the list.

Healing Scroll

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Healing Scroll
This is a scroll that heals Canynes over time.

Like the Ghillie Scroll, the healing scroll focuses on the survivability of the Canyne, which our team has not yet seen the use for. It's better to choose other scrolls.

Rocksteady Scroll

MH Rise - Rocksteady Scroll
This scroll lessens the staggering of the Palamute on hit.

Again, like the previous two, this only affects the Palamute, who without the scrolls, already have decent survivability and damage output. There are better scrolls to choose from.

Do you agree with our tier list? Comment down below what you think, and answer our poll to tell us what your favorite Palamute Gear is!

Dual-Bladed Chain 9
Steel Fang 2
Stoutcore Fang 8
Guarding Parasol 81
Large Shuriken 5
Healing Scroll 0
Heal Blade Scroll 58
Diversion Scroll 4
Ghillie Scroll 2
Throwarm Scroll 3
Heavy Strike Scroll 2
Rocksteady Scroll 2

Palamute Gear List and How to Unlock Them

Palamute Weapons

Palamute Gear Description
How to Get
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Guarding Parasol
Guarding Parasol
An iron-layered umbrella shield for Canynes, apable of both attacking and defending
Deals damage and blocks damage.
Deliver Palamute Gear Materials Request
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Dual Bladed Chain
Dual Bladed Chain
Gear with scythes on both sides of the chain. Swinging it around can land multiple hits.
Does multiple damage through swinging blows.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Steel Fang
Steel Fang
Steel fangs with which to bite down on a monster, thereby attracting its attention
Attracts the attention of Large Monsters.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Stoutcore Fang
Stoutcore Fang
Can detach from its wearer and chomp on autopilot. Attacks the bitten spot to deal more damage.
Creates a weakspot on a Large Monster.
Pala-marketing Support Request
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Large Shuriken
Large Shuriken
A massive shuriken thrown with full-body force, and capable of making mincemeat of monsters.
Does piercing damage to monsters.
Palamute Gear Mass Production Request
MH Rise Sunbreak - Palamute Silkbinder
Palamute Silkbinder
Palamute Gear that auto-shoots arrows with Wirebug qualities. Makes strong combos with Silkbind possible.
Deals mounting damage to monsters.
Palamute Gear Power Up Request

Palamute Scrolls

Palamute Scroll Description
How to Get
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Heal Blade
Heal Blade Scroll
A scroll activated on attack, healing all in its vicinity. Its effects last for a limited time.
Healing to all allies in a small area per attack.
How to Train Your Palamute Request
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Diversion
Diversion Scroll
A scroll with a unique scented salve that lures monsters. Its effect lasts for a limited time.
Catches the attention of an attacking Large Monster.
How to Train Your Palamute Request
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Throwarm Scroll
Throwarm Scroll
A scroll with an explosive salve for weapons like kunai. Its effects lasts for a limited time.
Buffs ranged Palamute attacks.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Heavy Strike Scroll
Heavy Strike Scroll
A scroll with salve that raises attack and chance to stagger. Its effects last for a limited time.
ATK Boost and buffs enemy stagger chance.
Master Palamute Trainer Request
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Ghillie Scroll
Ghillie Scroll
A scroll with a salve that hides the Palamute's presence. Its effect lasts for a limited time.
Renders the Palamute unoticeable for a short period of time.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Healing Scroll
Healing Scroll
A scroll with salve that gradually heals Canynes. Its effects last for a limited time.
Gives Palamutes small health regeneration for a short time.
MH Rise - Rocksteady Scroll
Rocksteady Scroll
A scroll with salve that lessens the effect of staggering when hit. Its effect lasts for a limited time.
Steadies the palamute and reduces risk of stagger.
Master Palamute Trainer Request
MH Rise - Blitz Scroll
Blitz Scroll
A scroll with salve that raises Palamute's attack speed. Its effects lasts for a limited time.
Increases Palamute attack speed.
Palamute Equipment Crash Course
MH Rise - Flurry Strike Scroll
Flurry Strike Scroll
A scroll with salve that raises affinity with each combo hit. Its effects lasts for a limited time.
Increases affinity with each attack.
Palamute Equipment Entrepreneurship

Palamute Gear Recommendations

Equipment Tier Level
Short Description
MH Rise Sunbreak - Palamute Silkbinder
Palamute Silkbinder
Tier Level: S
Suitable for weapons that deal plenty of mounting damage or heavily use Silkbind Attacks. This can help bind the monster in place and deals mounting damage itself.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Heal Blade
Heal Blade Scroll
Tier Level: S
Best for those with close-ranged weapon builds. During active period, when a Palamute attacks the surrounding allies get healed with every hit.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Diversion
Diversion Scroll
Tier Level: S
For ranged weapon builds this is scroll provides an opportunity to attack monsters without attracting their attention.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Guarding Parasol
Guarding Parasol
Tier Level: A
Using this Palamute Gear increases the chance of your Palamutes to guard coming attacks.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Steel Fang
Steel Fang
Tier Level: B
There is a chance that Palamute will cling on to a monster when using the Steel Fang. This will attract large monsters, giving you opportunity to attack.
MH Rise - Palamute Gear Healing Scroll
Healing Scroll
Tier Level: C
While active, Palamute heals itself gradually. You can also benefit from this scroll when you ride your Palamute while it is active.

Palamute Silkbinder

MH Rise Sunbreak - Palamute Silkbinder

The Palamute Silkbinder is used by your Palamutes whenever you deal mounting damage either through aerial or Silkbind Attacks. This Gear also deals mounting damage, making it easier to initiate Wyvern Riding. Once your Palamute hits it enough times, it can bind the monster too.

Heal Blade Scroll

MH Rise - Heal Blade Scroll

When the Heal Blade Scroll is activated, go near your Palamute to recover your health. This is perfect for close-range builds that attack side by side with their Palamutes. Attacking while onboard your Palamute will also recover your health as well.

Diversion Scroll

MH Rise - Diversion Scroll

When a Palamute activates this scroll, large monsters will drive its attention to your Palamute. Use this chance to deal with heavy attacks on your target monster. It is recommended for players with ranged weapon builds.

Guarding Parasol

MH Rise - Guarding Parasol

Equipping a Guarding Parasol will increase the chances of a Palamute guard against monster attacks. This will increase the chances of survival of your Palamutes, having them participate longer in battles.

Steel Fang

MH Rise - Steel Fangs

It looks like the monster is trying to shake the fangs off.

Equipping Steel Fangs will allow Palamutes to bite monsters and draw their attention on rare occasions. As long as its drawing the monster's attention, the hunter will be able to attack without getting its attention, giving him the chance to more damage.

Healing Scroll

MH Rise - Healing Scroll

When a Palamute activates this scroll, its health will gradually recover. Riding your Palamute while this scroll is active will also recover your health. It is a recommended scroll for Palamutes because it will increase its chances of surviving battles with large monsters.

How to Unlock Palamute Gear (Request)

Talk to Canyne Master Inukai

MH Rise - How to Unlock Palamute Gear
You can talk to Canyne Master Inukai near the red bridge, right before Hinoa. You have to complete certain requests for him to unlock corresponding gear, just like any other request you receive in-game. They usually require you to bring him materials, though one of them just asks you to level up a Palamute to Level 15.

To learn more about requests, check our page on requests down below!

Requests Guide and List of Requests

How to Change Palamute Gear

Change Palamute Gear at the Buddy Board

MH Rise - Buddy Board

You can change Palamute Gear at every Buddy Board and Camp in the game.

The Buddy Board is located in front of Steelworks, inside Buddy Plaza, inside Your Room, Training Area, and in the Hub Prep Area.

Make sure to update their equipment appropriately before each hunt!

Builds and Best Equipment for Palamutes

Match Palamute Gear with Palamute Skills

Only a few selected Skills can be equipped by your Palamutes. These are skills that can be equipped depending on your Buddy's Skill Memory.

Palamute Skills Explanation
These are skills that are permanently activated during hunts.
Skills varies from Buddy to Buddy.
You can only input skills that fit within your Buddy's Skill Memory.
Skill Memory Slots increase as your Palamutes level up.
As of yet there are only 5 maximum slots available for Skill Memory.

Palico and Palamute Buddy Skills Guide

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Buddies Partial Banner

Buddy Plaza Guide

All Buddy Guides
Palico Guide Builds Best Types Equipment
Palamute Guide Builds Best Gear Equipment
Skills All Buddy Skills
Buddy Plaza Facilities
Buddy Dojo Guide and Training Guide
Argosy and Trading Guide


16 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Outdated unfortunately as Silkbinder got hard nerfed to do 50% less damage. If you want Palamutes to deal damage you have to forfeit utility of the gun for elemental damage with Dual Chains with Blitz scroll. If you still want a Palamute for Raw you run Shuriken with Throwarm.

7 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Not going to say anymore, this was a low effort article. I doubt he did any real research outside of just playing the game. I also doubt he made is evaluations playing mission solo, multiplayer is the worst way to research these things cause their effectiveness outside of support gets drowned out. that's why parasol and healing blade are so popular. Don't listen to tier lists people, TRY OUT IDEAS


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