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How to Unlock High Rank | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - How to Unlock High Rank
This is a guide on how to unlock High Rank in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Keep reading to find out what you need to do in the game to access the higher level content!

How to Unlock High Rank

Clear up to ★4 in the Gathering Hub

In order to reach High Rank, you'll need to complete quests in the Gathering Hub up to ★4.

Village Quests have no High Rank equivalent. You'll either need to complete all of the Key Quests from ★1~★3 in the Gathering Hub or continue doing Village Quests until you unlock Special License Test Quests, to unlock High Rank.

How to Unlock the Special License Quest

Quest Unlock Conditions
Special License Quest 1 Clear 3 ★4 Village Key Quests
(If at ★1 Hub Quests)
Special License Quest 2 Clear 3 ★5 Village Key Quests
(If at ★2 Hub Quests)
Special License Quest 3 Reach ★6 Village Quests
(If at ★3 Hub Quests)

What Can You Do at High Rank?

""Unlock High Rank Armor Forging

""More Rampage Quests Unlock

""Unlock Decoration Crafting

""Unlock the Third Switch Skill

""Increases Your Buddy's Level Cap

""Break Hunter Rank Caps

""The Real Game Starts

Unlock High Rank Armor Forging

As you unlock more High Rank quests, High Rank gear will also become available. Equipment will have slots and you'll have a wider variety of equipment to choose from.

More Rampage Quests Unlock

You will also have more Rampage Quests to choose from. This time around Apex monsters can appear, dropping Apex materials that will allow you to create special Rampage Weapons with up to 3 Rampage Skill Slots as well as being able to change their color.

What are Apex Monsters?

Unlock Decoration Crafting

Upon reaching High Rank you will also be able to start making Decorations. There won't be many amazing Decorations available right away, but as you progress through High Rank quests you'll be able to create better ones.

List of Decorations and How to Unlock

Unlock the Third Switch Skill

You will also begin unlocking the final switch skill for all weapon types. Speak with Utsushi in the Gathering Hub to receive a quest to unlock them. Keep in mind that you will receive a quest at each ★ up to 6 that will unlock a different set of weapon's switch skills.

How to Unlock Switch Skills

Quest Level Weapon Type
Gathering Hub ★4 ・Sword and Shield
・Hunting Horn
・Switch Axe
・Light Bowgun
Gathering Hub ★5 ・Great Sword
・Charge Blade
・Heavy Bowgun
Gathering Hub★6 ・Long Sword
・Dual Blades
・Insect Glaive

Switch Skills Guide

Increases Your Buddy's Level Cap

Once you reach High Rank, you'll be able to level up your buddies past 20. This will also increase their efficiency as Meowcenaries or on the Argosy.

Buddy Plaza Guide

Break Hunter Rank Caps

There's a ton of content hiddden behind certain hunter ranks! When you reach a certain hunter rank, you will be asked to complete a quest before you can level up further.

Hunter Rank Farm Guide

The Real Game Starts

MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei Kicking Attacks

As in all Monster Hunter games, once you reach High Rank things really start to pick up. Starting here you'll be able to start forging a wider variety of equipment as well. With the release of version 2.0, new and stronger monsters will be added to the game. By this time you should at least have a proper build set and weapons to face the monsters headed your way.

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Monster Hunter Related Links

MH Rise Sunbreak - Story Walkthrough Partial Banner

Sunbreak Walkthrough
How to Unlock Master Rank
Sunbreak Endgame Guide
Base Game Walkthrough
How to Unlock High Rank
Base Game Endgame Guide
How to Break Hunter Rank Caps
Game Length


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