Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Builds and Best Armor for Each Weapon

★ All Title Updates now available for ALL PLATFORMS!
Title Update 4 | Title Update 5 | Bonus Update
┗ Check out all our Best Builds For Every Weapon!
┗ TU4 Monsters: Velkhana | Risen C.G. Valstrax
┗ TU5 Monsters: Amatsu | Risen Shagaru Magala
┗ Bonus Update Monster: Primordial Malzeno

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Builds and Best Equipment for Each Weapon

This is a list of all the build guides for each weapon type and for your buddies in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn the best weapon and armor of each type, with builds for Low Rank, High Rank, and Master Rank.

All Build Guides

Builds for Each Weapon

• Weapons marked withNEW have been updated.
• Weapons withUP have been reviewed and does not warrant an updated build from the Bonus Update.
All Weapon Build Guides
Great SwordGreat Sword
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Long SwordLong Sword
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Sword & ShieldSword & Shield
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Dual BladesDual Blades
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Hunting HornHunting Horn
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Switch AxeSwitch Axe
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Charge BladeCharge Blade
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Light BowgunLight Bowgun
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank
Heavy BowgunHeavy Bowgun
Low Rank | High Rank
Master Rank

Best Buddy Builds

Other Build Guides
General High Rank Builds and Best Equipment Buddy Equipment Builds
Palico | Palamute

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise and Sunbreak Banner.png

Monster Hunter Rise Logo.pngMonster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Logo.pngSunbreak DLC

All Monster Hunter Rise Guides

Hunting & Equipment
Monsters.pngMonsters Weapons.pngWeapons Armor Icon.pngArmor
Petalace Icon.pngPetalaces Layered Armor Icon.pngLayered Armor Quests.pngQuests
Talismans.pngTalismans Skills.pngSkills Dango Icon.pngDango
Decorations.pngDecorations Best Armor.pngBest Builds Buddies Icon.pngBuddies
Gathering & Exploring
Maps Icon (Main Links).pngMaps and Locations Materials.pngItems and Materials Endemic Life Icon.pngEndemic Life
Cohoot Icon.pngStory Walkthrough Updates.pngNews and Game Info Game Mechanics.pngGame Mechanics
Characters Icon.pngCharacters and Voice Actors Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards Spiribird Icon.pngTips & Tricks


18 Digitalyzer4 months

Where i can send a build? Contact me:

17 Anonymousover 1 year

hello there! thx for all the build you share, just wondering if lance is gonna get a Bonus Update build update?


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