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Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills (Ramp-Up Skills) | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Best Rampage Skills and List of Rampage Skills
This is a list of all available Rampage Skills (Ramp-Up Skills) in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Here we have a list of all Rampage Skills, the effects of all Ramp-Up skills, and the best rampage skills!

Other Rampage Guides
Rampage Guide: How to Get S-Rank Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills
How to Unlock Rampage Weapons What is the Rampage?

What Are Rampage Skills?

Bonus Stats for Weapons

Rampage Skills can be treated the same as add-ons for bowguns in Monster Hunter. They can be added to your chosen weapon by spending items known as Defender Tickets. These Defender Tickets are obtained in Rampage Quests but they come in massive quantities and are pretty easy to obtain.

List of Defender Tickets

Defender Ticket 1 ImageDefender Ticket 1 Defender Ticket 2 ImageDefender Ticket 2 Defender Ticket 3 ImageDefender Ticket 3 Defender Ticket 4 ImageDefender Ticket 4
Defender Ticket 5 ImageDefender Ticket 5 Defender Ticket 6 ImageDefender Ticket 6 Defender Ticket 7 ImageDefender Ticket 7 Defender Ticket 8 ImageDefender Ticket 8
Defender Ticket 9 ImageDefender Ticket 9

Rampage Weapons have more slots

MH Rise - Crafting Rampage Weapons

While Rampage weapons have a weaker base form than other weapons, they instead, have more Rampage Skill slots which makes them highly customizable for your needs. Want a pure raw damage bow? Rampage Bow may suit you! Want a Hunting Horn with high damage and offensive melodies? Rampage Agitato may be what you're looking for! Make sure to take a closer look at Rampage weapons before disregarding them as bad weapons!

How to Unlock Rampage Weapons

How to Equip Rampage Skills

Ramping Up Weapons
1 Black Smith Steelworks
Head to the Blacksmith.
2 Ramp up Skill
Choose Ramp-Up Weapons then choose Set Rampage Skills
Select the weapon you wish to upgrade.
Choose the Ramp-Up Skill you wish to have.
Spend the necessary Zenny and Defender Tickets to complete the process.

How to Rollback Ramp-Up Upgrades

Rampage Skill Rollback

Rolling back your changes is easy. After ramping up your weapon with a different Rampage Skill, your weapon will have a 4th choice (for melee normal weapons) that shows your previous Rampage Skill! You can choose to revert your current Rampage Skill to the previous one. Take note that this will still consume materials.

Rampage Skill List

Ramp-Up Skill Effect
Affinity Boost I Affinity +4%
Affinity Boost II Affinity +6%
Affinity Boost III Affinity +8%
Affinity Boost IV Affinity +10%
Anti-Aerial Species Increases damage to flying monsters.
Anti-Aquatic Species Increases damage to aquatic monsters.
Attack Boost I Attack +4
Attack Boost II Attack +6
Attack Boost III Attack +8
Attack Boost IV Attack + 10
Blast Boost I Blast buildup +3
Blast Boost II Blast buildup +5
Blast Boost III Blast buildup +7
Bloody Heart During Bloodblight, attack will increase in accordance with vitality recovered by attacking. Effect ends when Bloodblight ends.
Boost Equipped Coating Coating element +10
Brutal Strike Has a chance to increase damage with a negative affinity attack.
Buddy Rally Increases Palico and Palamute attack power and defense.
Chameleos Soul Landing a hit will yield a small chance of boosting Health, Stamina, Attack, or Defense.
Charge Up Increases your power to induce stun when you hit a monster with a charged attack.
Cluster Effect I Enables loading of Cluster Bombs 1 & 2, and increases ammo capacity.
Cluster Effect II Enables loading of all Cluster Bombs, and increases ammo capacity.
Coating Switch Boost Coating element + 10
Defense Boost I Defense Bonus +10
Defense Boost II Defense Bonus +20
Defense Boost III Defense Bonus +30
Defense Grinder I Sharpness is unaffected when guarding.
Defense Grinder II Sharpness is slightly restored when guarding.
Demon Rage When hitting monsters in Demon Mode, stamina consumption caused by Demon Mode will be nullified for a very short while.
Dragon Boost I Dragon element attack power +4
Dragon Boost II Dragon element attack power +6
Dragon Boost III Dragon element attack power +8
Dragon Exploit Increases damage to Dragon type monsters.
Dulling Strike Has a chance to increase attack power when sharpness gauge is green or lower.
Element Exploit Increases damage when exploiting a foe's elemental weakness.
Fanged Exploit Increases Damage to Fanged Beasts.
Fire Boost I Fire element attack power +4
Fire Boost II Fire element attack power +6
Fire Boost III Fire element attack power +8
Fireblight Exploit Increases damage to monsters afflicted with fireblight.
Guard Bash Deals blunt damage to a monster when blocking an attack with the Guard Switch Skill without taking too much knockback.
Hellion Mode Attacking in Demon Mode turns every attack into a critical hit, but also doubles sharpness degredation.
Ibushi Soul Enhances weapon functionality with each piece of Narwa armor you equip.
Ice Boost I Ice element attack power +4
Ice Boost II Ice element attack power +6
Ice Boost III Ice element attack power +8
Ice Boost IV Ice element attack power +10
Iceblight Exploit Increases damage when exploiting a foe's elemental weakness.
Kinsect Level Boost I Raises Kinsect Level by 1.
Kinsect Level Boost II Raises Kinsect Level to Level 5.
Kinsect Level Boost III Raises Kinsect Level to Level 6, but reduces Attack by 10.
Kinsect Supercharge Increases Kinsect damage at the expense of extra stamina consumption.
Kushala Daora Soul Affinity gradually increases when continuously landing hits on foes.
Lasting Arc Shot Prolongs the bow's arc shot effect.
Magnamalo Soul Increases attack when afflicted by hellfire status.
Master Rider Increases damage inflicted by Wyvern Riding, and increases the Wyvern Riding Timer.
Maximum Volume Increase a performance's range of effect once it is activated.
Narwa Soul Enhances weapon functionality with each piece of Ibushi armor you equip.
Normal Effect I Enables loading of Level 2 Ammo, and increases ammo capacity.
Normal Effect II Enables loading of all levels of ammo, and increases ammo capacity.
Paralysis Boost I Paralysis buildup +2
Paralysis Boost II Paralysis buildup +4
Paralysis Boost III Paralysis buildup +6
Paralysis Coating Boost Strengthens Paralysis Coating if coatings can be applied to weapon.
Phial Switch Boost Grants special effects to phials when executing morph attacks.
Pierce Effect I Enables loading of Pierce Ammo 1 & 2, and increases Ammo capacity.
Pierce Effect II Enables loading of all Pierce Ammo, and increases Ammo capacity
Poison Boost I Poison buildup +3
Poison Boost II Poison buildup +5
Poison Boost III Poison buildup +7
Poison Coating Boost Strengthens Poison Coating if coatings can be applied to weapon.
Self-Improvement Attack and defense increase as time passes while on a quest. (The maximum is reached after 20 minutes.)
Shrapnel Effect I Enables loading of all Shrapnel Ammo, and increases ammo capacity.
Shrapnel Effect II Enables loading of all Shrapnel Ammo, and increases ammo capacity.
Silkbind Boost Increases damage dealt using Silkbind attacks.
Sleep Boost I Sleep buildup +2
Sleep Boost II Sleep buildup +4
Sleep Boost III Sleep buildup +6
Sleep Coating Boost Strengthens Sleep Coating if coatings can be applied to weapon.
Small Monster Exploit Increases damage to small monsters.
Spiribird Doubled Occasionally increases the effect of Spiribirds.
Spread Effect I Enables loading of Spread Ammo 1 & 2, and increases ammo capacity.
Spread Effect II Enables loading of all Spread Ammo, and increases ammo capacity.
Sticky Effect I Enables loading of Sticky Ammo 1 & 2, and increases ammo capacity.
Teostra Soul Increases damage dealt by blast explosions.
Thunder Boost I Thunder element attack power +4
Thunder Boost II Thunder element attack power +6
Thunder Boost III Thunder element attack power +8
Thunderblight Exploit Increases damage to monsters afflicted with thunderblight.
Valstrax Soul Increases Dragon element attack by 20% when afflicted with dragonblight.
Water Boost I Water element attack power +4
Water Boost II Water element attack power +6
Water Boost III Water element attack power +8
Water Boost IV Water element attack power +10
Waterblight Exploit Increases damage to monsters afflicted with waterblight.
Wirebug Wrangler Extends the duration you can keep a Wirebug by 30 seconds.
Wyrmstake Boost Raises the Wyrmstake Cannon's damage level by 1.
Wyvern Exploit Increases damage to Bird, Flying, Brute, Piscine, and Fanged Wyverns, as well as Leviathans.

Rampage Weapon Exclusive Skills

Below are all the Rampage Skills that are exclusive to rampage weapons. These Rampage Skills can only be equipped by weapons that belong to the Rampage Weapon category. To easily identify what are Rampage Weapons, they usually have more Ramp-Up skill slots than normal weapons but their base form is weaker compared to other weapons.

Ramp-Up Skill Effect
Add: Normal Ammo I Expands weapon ammo capacity for normal ammo.
Add: Normal Ammo II Expands weapon ammo capacity for normal ammo.
Affinity Surge Affinity +20%, Attack -10
Arc Shot: Affinity Changes shot type to Affinity.
Arc Shot: Anti-shock Changes shot type to Brace.
Arc Shot: Recovery Changes shot type to Recovery.
Attack Melody I Enables attack-focused performances.
Attack Melody II Enables attack-focused performances.
Attack Surge Attack +20, Affinity -30%
Blast I Sets weapon element to Blast and adds +10 to its value.
Blast II Sets weapon element to Blast and adds +15 to its value, but reduces attack by 10.
Close-range Coating Boost Strengthens Close-range Coating but reduces Attack by 5.
Defensive Melody I Enables defense-focused performances.
Defensive Melody II Enables defense-focused performances.
Dragon Effect I Enables loading of Dragon Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Dragon Effect II Enables loading of Dragon Ammo and Piercing Dragon Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Dragon I Sets weapon element to Dragon and adds + 10 to its value.
Dragon II Sets weapon element to Dragon and adds + 15 to its value.
Dragon III Sets weapon element to Dragon and adds + 20 to its value, but reduces attack by 5.
Elemental Boost I Weapon Element + 5
Elemental Boost II Weapon Element + 7
Elemental Surge Weapon Element + 10, Attack -15
Exhaust Effect I Enables loading of Poison, Recovery, Demon, and Armor ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Fire Effect I Enables loading of Flaming Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Fire Effect II Enables loading of Water Ammo and Piercing Fire Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Fire I Sets weapon element to Fire and adds + 10 to its value.
Fire II Sets weapon element to Fire and adds + 15 to its value.
Fire III Sets weapon element to Fire and adds + 20 to its value, but reduces attack by 5.
Firing: Charge Modifies arrow Charge Level for Charged Attacks.
Firing: Pierce Modifies weapon for Pierce-Based Charged Attacks.
Firing: Rapid Modifies weapon for Rapid-Based Charged Attacks.
Firing: Spread Modifies weapon for Spread-Based Charged Attacks.
Healing Melody I Enables healing-focused performances.
Healing Melody II Enables healing-focused performances.
Ice Effect I Enables loading of Freeze Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Ice Effect II Enables loading of Freeze Ammo and Piercing Ice Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Ice I Sets weapon element to Ice and adds + 10 to its value.
Ice II Sets weapon element to Ice and adds + 15 to its value.
Ice III Sets weapon element to Ice and adds + 20 to its value, but reduces attack by 5.
Non-elemental Boost + attack if the Ramped-Up weapon has no element.
Paralysis Effect I Enables loading of Paralysis Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Paralysis I Sets weapon element to Paralysis and adds +10 to its value.
Paralysis II Sets weapon element to Paralysis and adds +15 to its value, but reduces Attack by 10.
Phial: Dragon I Changes equipped phial to a Dragon Phial, and adds +20 to the phial's element.
Phial: Dragon II Changes equipped phial to a Dragon Phial, and adds +25 to the phial's element.
Phial: Element Changes equipped phial to an element phial.
Phial: Exhaust I Changes equipped phial to an Exhaust Phial, and adds +20 to the phial's element.
Phial: Exhaust II Changes equipped phial to an Exhaust Phial, and adds +30 to the phial's element.
Phial: Paralysis I Changes equipped phial to a Paralysis Phial, and adds +15 to the phial's element.
Phial: Paralysis II Changes equipped phial to a Paralysis Phial, and adds +20 to the phial's element.
Phial: Poison I Changes equipped phial to a Poison Phial, and adds +25 to the phial's element.
Phial: Poison II Changes equipped phial to a Poison Phial, and adds +20 to the phial's element.
Poison Effect I Enables loading of Poison, Recovery, Demon, and Armor Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Poison I Sets weapon element to Poison and adds +10 to its value.
Poison II Sets weapon element to Poison and adds +20 to its value, but reduces Attack by 10.
Rapid Fire (Normal) Allows rapid fire of loadable Normal Ammo 1 & 2.
Rapid Fire (Piercing) Allows rapid fire of loadable Pierce Ammo 1 & 2.
Rapid Fire (Shrapnel) Allows rapid fire of loadable Shrapnel Ammo 1 & 2.
Rapid Fire (Spread) Allows rapid fire of loadable Spread Ammo 1 & 2.
Rapid Fire (Sticky) Allows rapid fire of loadable Stick Ammo 1.
Recoil Down Boost Decrease recoil by 1.
Recoil Down Surge Decreases recoil by 2 but increases deviation by 1.
Reload Speed Boost Increase reload speed by 1.
Reload Speed Surge Increases reload speed by 2 but also increases recoil by 1.
Resilient Melody I Enables nullify status ailments-focused performances.
Resilient Melody II Enables nullify status ailments-focused performances.
Secondary: Dragon I Sets a non-Dragon weapon's sub element to Dragon and adds +10 to its value.
Secondary: Dragon II Sets a non-Dragon weapon's sub element to Dragon and adds +20 to its value, as well as +5 to the primary element.
Secondary: Fire I Sets a non-Fire weapon's sub element to Fire and adds +10 to its value.
Secondary: Fire II Sets a non-Fire weapon's sub element to Fire and adds +20 to its value, as well as +5 to the primary element.
Secondary: Ice I Sets a non-Ice weapon's sub element to Ice and adds +10 to its value.
Secondary: Ice II Sets a non-Ice weapon's sub element to Ice and adds +20 to its value, as well as +5 to the primary element.
Secondary: Thunder I Sets a non-Thunder weapon's sub element to Thunder and adds +10 to its value.
Secondary: Thunder II Sets a non-Thunder weapon's sub element to Thunder and adds +20 to its value, as well as +5 to the primary element.
Secondary: Water I Sets a non-Water weapon's sub element to Water and adds +10 to its value.
Secondary: Water II Sets a non-Water weapon's sub element to Water and adds +20 to its value, as well as +5 to the primary element.
Sharpness Type I Modifies the sharpness of Ramped-Up weapons.
Sharpness Type II Modifies the sharpness of Ramped-Up weapons.
Sharpness Type III Modifies the sharpness of Ramped-Up weapons, but reduces Attack by 10.
Shelling: Long I Sets shelling type to Long and shelling level to Level 3.
Shelling: Long II Sets shelling type to Long and shelling level to Level 4.
Shelling: Normal I Sets shelling type to Normal and shelling level to Level 3.
Shelling: Normal II Sets shelling type to Normal and shelling level to Level 4.
Shelling: Wide I Sets shelling type to Wide and shelling level to Level 3.
Shelling: Wide II Sets shelling type to Wide and shelling level to Level 4.
Sleep Effect I Enables loading of Sleep Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Sleep I Sets weapon element to Sleep and adds +10 to its value.
Sleep II Sets weapon element to Sleep and adds +12 to its value, but reduces Attack by 10.
Special: Wyvernheart Changes special ammo to Wyvernheart.
Special: Wyvernsnipe Changes special ammo to Wyvernsnipe.
Steadiness Boost Decreases deviation by 1.
Steadiness Surge Decreases deviation by 2 but also decreases reload speed by 1.
Sticky/Cluster Effect I Enables loading of Sticky Ammo and Cluster bombs, and changes ammo capacity.
Thunder Effect I Enables loading of Thunder Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Thunder Effect II Enables loading of Thunder Ammo and Piercing Thunder Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Thunder I Sets weapon element to Thunder and adds + 10 to its value.
Thunder II Sets weapon element to Thunder and adds + 15 to its value.
Thunder III Sets weapon element to Thunder and adds + 20 to its value, but reduces attack by 5.
Use Blast Coating Allows you to apply Blast Coatings.
Use Exhaust Coating Allows you to apply Exhaust Coatings. and grants +10 Attack.
Use Para Coating I Allows you to apply Paralysis Coatings.
Use Poison Coating I Allows you to apply Poison Coatings.
Use Power Coating Allows you to apply Power Coatings.
Use Sleep Coating I Allows you to apply Sleep Coatings.
Water Effect I Enables loading of Water Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Water Effect II Enables loading of Water Ammo and Piercing Water Ammo, and changes ammo capacity.
Water I Sets weapon element to Water and adds + 10 to its value.
Water II Sets weapon element to Water and adds + 15 to its value.
Water III Sets weapon element to Water adds + 20 to its value, but reduces attack by 5.

Best Rampage Skills

Ramp-Up Skill Effect
Affinity Boost II Handy for some builds to hit max Affinity. Mostly worth it from level 2 and higher.
Attack Boost IV More damage is always welcome. It grants the most value at level 4, lower levels of Attack Boosts are outshined by some Ramp- Up skills.
Defense Grinder II One of the best QoL skill for the Great Sword. Get it if you don't wish for maximum damage output builds.
Dulling Strike Not really one of the best skills but it greatly synergizes with low sharpness builds.
Element Exploit The reason why elemental builds can still work. Always go for Elemental Exploit Ramp-Up skill if you wish to go for elemental damage.
Hellion Mode Exclusive to the Raging Claws, it allows the Dual Blades to critically strike while in Demon Mode at the cost of double sharpness loss.
Silkbind Boost Not all weapons can maximize this skill but for those who does, this is one of the most efficient Ramp-Up skill in the game.
Teostra Soul A ramp-up skill that makes blast builds viable. It increases the damage of blast procs by 20% and is a near necessity for blast builds.

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