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Sunbreak | How to Use Wirebugs: Moves and Controls

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - How to Use Wirebugs: Wirebug Moves and Controls Banner

This a guide on how to use Wirebugs in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to learn about Wirebug skills, moves and controls including Wirefall and how to hang, Silkbind attacks, and more!

What are Wirebugs?

New Tool for New Actions

MH Rise - Using Wirebugs in Kamura

Wirebugs are an exciting new tool introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. The Wirebugs give additional mobility to the player as well as give way to doing more actions such as dashing, dodging, and more!

Wirebug Charges

MH Rise - Wirebuge Gauge

Using Wirebugs consumes a gauge which can be seen on the lower center portion of your screen. The amount of gauge consumed varies per action. The same goes for the recovery duration, which automatically recovers on its own over time.

You will have two Wirebugs with you at all times. It is possible to temporarily increase the number of usable Wirebugs, up to four, by catching Wirebugs in the field and by equipping the Frenzied Bloodlust skill.

Reach New Heights

MH Rise - Great Wirebugs

You can find Jewel Lillies in the wild where you can place Great Wirebugs! With Great Wirebugs, you can shoot yourself upward at a long distance and reach very high places.

How to Get and Use Great Wirebugs

Start Wyvern Riding!

MH Rise - Wyvern Riding

Wirebugs are crucial for Wyvern Riding as it determines how long you ride a wyvern and each attack consumes a Wirebug gauge. Mastering this skill will make hunts easier for you!

How to Mount and Ride Monsters

Wirebug Skills

Skill Effect
Wirebug Whisperer Improves your handling of Wirebugs.
Redirection Perform a perfectly-timed Switch Skill Swap just as a monster attacks to reduce the damage and negate damage reactions.
Wall-Runner (Boost) Wirebug Gauge recovers faster while wall running.
Wind Mantle Using Silkbind attacks boosts Wirebug Gauge recovery. Landing continuous attacks increases the effect. Wears off when you sheathe your weapon.
Frenzied Bloodlust Temporarily gain an additional Wirebug when overcoming the Frenzy. The effect duration decreases drastically when your weapon is sheathed.

Wirebug Whisperer and Wind Mantle can speed up the cooldown of the Wirebug gauge. Redirection can immediately recover half a gauge when used at the right time. Frenzied Bloodlust is also notable for allowing you to hold up to 4 Wirebugs at a time. There's also a Wirebug Wrangler rampage skill that can extend how long you can hold an extra Wirebug.

How to Use Wirebugs

Wiredash Action

MH Rise - Wiredash

With Weapons Sheathed


Sends you upward diagonally, which helps avoid ground attacks.
Buttons zL + NSW - X
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - M5 Click PC

Sends you forward to where your hunter is facing, which allows for fast repositioning.
Buttons zL + NSW - A
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - B Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - M4 Click PC

Fires a Wirebug in the direction of your reticle which propels you forward with greater precision than the previous moves.
Buttons zL + NSW - zR
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R2 Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Right Trigger
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - M4 Click
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - Left Click

With Weapons Sheathed In Mid-air


Keeps you airborne and allows you to travel the direction your hunter is facing.
Buttons zL + NSW - X
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Y Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - M5 Click PC

Sends you downward diagonally and can help keep you grounded
Buttons zL + NSW - A
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - B Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - M4 Click PC

Wirefall Action

MH Rise - Wirefall
Allows you to reposition while you are knocked over.
Buttons zL + NSW - B
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - X Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - A Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Space Button
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - Space Button

Wall Run Action

MH Rise - Wall Run
Wiredash towards a wall and do a Wall Run at the cost of your stamina. You can do other actions while Wallrunning such as attacking.
Buttons zL + NSW - X or NSW - A
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button or PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Y Button or XBOX - B Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click or MH Rise - Right Click
MH Rise - Right Click PC + MH Rise - M4 Click PC or MH Rise - M5 Click PC

Silkbind Attack

MH Rise - Sakura Slash

For Melee Weapons

These inputs can trigger different Silkbind attacks depending on your Switch Skills.
Buttons zL + NSW - X or NSW - A
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - Triangle Button or PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Left Trigger + XBOX - Y Button or XBOX - B Button
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click or MH Rise - Right Click

For Ranged Weapons

These inputs can trigger different Silkbind attacks depending on your Switch Skills.
NSW - R + NSW - X or NSW - A
PS4 - R1 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button or PS4 - Circle Button
XBOX - Right Bumper.png + XBOX - Y Button or XBOX - B Button
MH Rise - Shift Button + MH Rise - M5 Click or MH Rise - M4 Click

List of Silkbind Attacks and How to Use

Hang Mid-air / Midair Stop

MH Rise - Hang Midair with Wirebug
Pressing the first of the following buttons while airborne will make you hang in the air. Then, you can either evade in a chosen direction to jump or drop straight down.
Buttons AthenLeft Analog + Buttons B
PS4 - Circle Button then PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - X Button
XBOX - B Button then PS4 - Left Stick + PS4 - A Button
MH Rise - Right Clickthen
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button+ MH Rise - Space Button
MH Rise - M4 Clickthen
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button+ MH Rise - Space Button

You can only hang mid-air for about 6 or 7 seconds, unless you eat for Dango Flyer, so plan out your move within this time frame! You can also throw bombs and kunai while hanging in mid-air.

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1 Racleabout 3 years

Mid-air hang works differently with ranged weapons, at least on pc. I'm bow main and was _very_ confused about this. Release aim, press MB4 to hang in Mid-air (or V if you're in village, which is odd). Right click doesn't work.


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