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Update 3.9: Weekly Event Quests, DLC, and Patch Notes | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monter Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Update 3.9 Banner

This is a guide for Update 3.9 and 3.9.1, the February/March Update of Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for the latest information on Update 3.9 including the release date, new event quest info, patch notes, new DLC, and how to download Update 3.9!

Release Dates

Update 3.9.1: March 10th, 2022

MH Rise - Switch Axe Defender Tree

This update is a short patch for the bug in the Switch Axe Defender Weapon Tree. Before this patch the Switch Axe Defender weapon tree is not providing the additional 30 point increase on Hunter's defense.

Update 3.9: February 24th, 2022

MH Rise - Guild Cross Armor Vs. Magnamalo

Update 3.9 was released on February 24, 2022. Along with it are freebies such as the Black Belt set (armor and layered armor), new Defender weapons, and the Veteran's Talisman!

MH Rise Title Updates & Roadmap

MH Rise Update Roadmap
Release Date Update Information
June 8
Update 16.0 Bonus Update
・Variant monster
Apr. 20
Update 15.0 Title Update 5
・Returning Elder Dragon
・Powered-up Monster
Feb. 7
Update 14.0 Title Update 4
・Returning Elder Dragon
・Powered-up monster
Nov. 24
Update 13.0 Title Update 3
・Variant monsters
・Powered-up monsters
Sept. 29
Update 12.0 Title Update 2
・Rare species monsters
・Subspecies monsters
・Powered-up monsters
Aug. 10
Update 11.0 Title Update 1
・Several new monsters
・Several new features
Jun. 30
Update 10.0 ・Access to Sunbreak content for those who purchased it
・Free Weapon balance changes for all players and other bug fixes
Feb. 24 2022 Update 3.9
(Switch & PC)
・Free New DLC
・Weekly event quests
・Content previously only on Switch made available on PC
Jan. 27 2022 Update 3.8
・Available for download
・Weekly event quests incoming
・Paid DLCs
Jan. 21 2022 USJ Collab
・MH Rise x Universal Studios Japan (USJ) Collab
Jan. 12, 2022 PC Release ・PC release on Steam
Dec. 20, 2021 Update 3.7 ・Available for download
・Weekly event quests incoming
・Special Buddies
・Paid DLCs
Nov. 25, 2021 Update 3.6 ・Weekly event quests
・Sega: Sonic 30th Anniversary Collab Event
Oct. 29, 2021 CAPCOM Collab 5 ・CAPCOM Collab 5: Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Collab Event
Oct. 28, 2021 Update 3.5 ・Weekly Event Quests
Guild Cross Armor Set (Oct. 29)
・Legacy Talisman (Oct. 29)
Oct. 1, 2021 Update 3.4 ・Weekly Event Quests
Sept. 24, 2021 CAPCOM Collab 4
Sunbreak Announced
・CAPCOM Collab 4: Megaman 11
Aug. 26, 2021 Update 3.3 ・CAPCOM Collab 3: Street Fighter
・Weekly Event Quests
Jul. 29, 2021 Update 3.2 ・CAPCOM Collab 2: Okami
・Weekly Event Quests
Jun. 24, 2021 Update 3.1 ・CAPCOM Collab 1: MH Stories 2
・Weekly Event Quests
May 27, 2021 Update 3.0 ・Several new monsters
・New ending
Apr. 28, 2021 Update 2.0 ・Several new monsters
・HR cap updated

Update 3.9: New Event Quests

More Event Quests Released Weekly!

MH Rise - Black Belt Set Vs. Nargacuga
It seems that we will be getting more weekly event quests for the end of February and the majority of March. These are released weekly every Friday, 12AM GMT+00 so stay tuned!

Quest Name Monster / Locale
MH Rise - Memories of That Day Quest Banner IconMemories of That Day
Released: March 25th

Locale: Red Stronghold
MH Rise - Rampage Rampaging Rajang Banner Icon.pngRampage: Rampaging Rajang
Released: March 18th

Locale: Red Stronghold
MH Rise - The Tiniest Snowbaron Quest Banner IconThe Tiniest Snowbaron!
Released: March 11th

Locale: Arena
MH Rise - Heart of Might Quest Banner IconHeart of Might
Released: March 4th

Locale: Infernal Springs
MH Rise - Zin and Yang Quest Banner IconZin and Yang
Released: Feb 25th

Locale: Arena

Event Quests List:
Schedule and Roadmap

Free Armor Set and Weapons DLC

Black Belt Armor Set

MH Rise - Black Belt Armor Set and Layered Armor

The Black Belt armor set will be available immediately after installing the update 3.9. This set boasts a 150 defense and a 180 on max upgrade!

This set will also be available as a layered armor.

Black Belt Armor Set Skills

Defender Weapons

MH Rise - New Defender Weapon Sets

All weapon classes will be able to have a new starter weapon tree that is way better than the Kamura weapon tree. According to the official site these weapons are for new players who would want to progress fast in early game.

Defender Weapons
MH Rise - Great Sword IconGreat Sword MH Rise - Long Sword IconLong Sword MH Rise - Sword & Shield IconSword and Shield
MH Rise - Dual Blades IconDual Blades MH Rise - Lance IconLance MH Rise - Gunlance IconGunlance
MH Rise - Hammer IconHammer MH Rise - Hunting Horn IconHunting Horn MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive MH Rise - Bow IconBow
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun

Veteran's Talisman

This taliman has Constitution at level 1 and Recovery Up at level 2. This is a decent starter talisman for those who would want a build that consumes a lot of stamina, such as a bows or insect glaives.

Free Talismans

Defender Weapons and Black Belt Set Video

All Trailers and Pre-Release Videos

New Paid DLC

MH Rise -  Update 3.9 Paid DLC

New DLC will be available at Steam Store and at the Nintendo eShop, starting February 24, 2022. This includes the Mood Swings and the Royal Pain voice packs, which brings us characters that are from the upcoming Sunbreak expansion DLC.

List of DLC and Prices

Coming to PC Steam

MH Rise - USJ Collab

Together with the announcement of Update 3.9 is another set of content release for the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise. Starting February 24th all PC players will now have access to the USJ Collab and various content previously only available on Switch.


Collab Quests

MH Rise - USJ - Arzuros Onslaught! Quest Banner Icon
USJ - Arzuros Onslaught!
MH Rise - USJ - Shrine Showdown! Quest Banner Icon.
USJ - Shrine Showdown!

Event Quests

MH Rise - Blazin Soul of a Warrior Banner Icon
Blazin' Soul of a Warrior
MH Rise - Advanced Born of Paradise Event Quest Icon
Advanced: Born of Paradise
MH Rise - Advanced Crimson Calamity Quest Banner Icon
Advanced: Crimson Calamity
MH Rise - Frost Bites Banner Icon
Frost Bites
MH Rise - Dastardly Vile Aknosom Trio Banner Icon
Dastardly Vile Aknosom Trio
MH Rise - Wrestling with Pain Quest Banner Icon
Wrestling With Pain
MH Rise - A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage Icon
A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage
MH Rise - Princesses Banquet Quest Banner Icon
Princesses' Banquet
MH Rise - Monster Maniacs Banner Icon
Monster Maniacs
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos Emergency Banner Icon
Apex Rathalos Emergency
MH Rise - Apex Diablos Emergency Quest Banner Icon
Apex Diablos Emergency
MH Rise - Apex Zinogre Emergency Banner Icon
Apex Zinogre Emergency

Special Equipment

Equipment Quest | Monster

Origin Layered Armor
A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage

Azure Age Armor Set
Azure Age Layered Armor
Azure Star Long Swords
Azure Era Bows
USJ - Shrine Showdown!

F Azure Era Equipment
F Azure Era Layered Armor
C Azure Era Equipment
C Azure Era Layered Armor
USJ - Arzuros Onslaught!

Orion Layered Armor
Frost Bites

Stickers, Pose Sets, and More!

MH Rise - Chocolate Sticker Set

Every sticker set and pose set that you can get as rewards from the event quests above will also be available on PC!

Kamura Pack 2: PC Big Hit Celebration

MH Rise - Kamura Pack 2 PC Big Hit Celebration

This pack is exclusive to the PC version only!

Mega Potion x50
Well-done Steak x30
Large Barrel Bomb x20
Mega Demondrug x10
Mega Armorskin x10

Free Rewards: How to Get Free Gifts

Patch: Ver. 3.9.1 Notes

MH Rise - Update 3.9.1 Partial Banner Template

PC and Nintendo Switch

Main Additions/Changes
  • New Event Quests will be available every week.
  • New DLC can be purchased from Nintendo eShop and Steam Store.
Bug Fixes/ Miscellaneous
  • Fixed a bug where there was no defense bonus for the Switch Axe Defender weapon.
  • Fixed various text bugs.
  • Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.

Sources: MH Rise official sites for Nintendo Switch and Steam.

Patch: Ver. 3.9 Notes

MH Rise - Update 3.9 Partial Banner

Nintendo Switch

Main Additions/Changes
  • New Event Quests will be available every week.
  • New DLC can be purchased from Nintendo eShop.
Bug Fixes/ Miscellaneous
  • When changing the direction of the Toadversary at the Training Area, the text usually turns yellow, but if the player changes another option after that, the "direction" text would sometimes turn back to white. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the "Utsushi Cut" hairstyle from being displayed properly when combined with certain head armor.
  • Fixed a bug preventing forelocks from being displayed properly when equipping the head armor of the Orion layered armor series.
  • Fixed a bug with the display of the Azure Age Sleeve on Body Type 2.
  • Fixed a bug causing the "Rampage Twinblades I" to be displayed in the opposite direction if the players uses a whetstone after equipping them.
  • Fixed a bug very briefly causing the player's upper body to turn in an unnatural direction when another player uses Wyvern's Fire during Multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug preventing other players from accessing certain facilities if the Host is disconnected because no controller inputs were made for a certain amount of time.
  • Fixed various text bugs.
  • Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.

Source: Monster Hunter Rise Official Site (Nintendo Switch)

PC Steam

Main Additions/Changes
  • Notifications regarding add-on content and such will now be shown on the Title Screen and at the Courier. You can turn this on/off by going to Options > Promotion.
  • New Event Quests will be available every week.
  • New DLC can be purchased from the Steam Store.
  • You can now configure your HDR Settings by going to Options > Display > Screen Mode.
  • To make use of HDR Mode, it is required to turn on the HDR Settings in Windows.
  • All Buddy armor used to have the same generic shadows, but we have added unique shadows for each individual piece of armor.
Bug Fixes/ Miscellaneous
  • Fixed a bug when creating a Palamute that causes a non-existent Voice Type 4 to be selected under specific circumstances, resulting in crashes and other issues.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing the settings of the targets to be different between the Host and the guests in the Training Area.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Host to be displayed with a Cohoot on their arm on the guest's screen if the Host cancels calling their Cohoot at the same time the guest enters the Lobby.
  • When changing the direction of the Toadversary at the Training Area, the text usually turns yellow, but if the player changes another option after that, the "direction" text would sometimes turn back to white. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug causing some monsters only to flinch instead of being downed when hit by a vent in the Lava Caverns, or by a Blastoad.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally preventing a monster's falling animation from being played to the end.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally preventing certain attacks, such as Sticky Ammo, from doing damage if they hit at the exact same time that the mud crust around Jyuratodus's neck is broken.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the player from being able to enter their tent if they change areas just when they start Wyvern Riding.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the Item Bar from being updated.
  • Fixed a bug very occasionally preventing some visual effects from being displayed in cutscenes when departing on the Serpent Goddess of Thunder quest while wearing Arthur's layered armor.
  • Fixed a bug causing the waist of the player character to look cut off when equipping certain leg armor in combination with the Sonic Jersey layered armor.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the player's Buddy from being displayed temporarily if the player joins a multiplayer session while their Buddy has been told to wait.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the jerky on the Buddy's nose from being displayed if the player joins a Lobby during the Give Treat animation.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing Palicoes to stop moving when performing the Giga Barrel Bombay.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing the display of the gunlance's remaining bullets to become incorrect when using the Ground Splitter.
  • Fixed a bug causing an unintended guard if the player is hit by a Palamute's body slam and blunt hit combo while guarding.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing the color of the insect glaive's glow to be different from the equipped Kinsect's.
  • Fixed a bug causing a time frame during which the player cannot dodge if they stop aiming with the bowgun.
  • Fixed a bug causing a discrepancy between the amount of ammo owned and the amount of ammo displayed for the bowgun under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug causing the 4th color of Type 1 clothing to differ between the thumbnail and the actual model.
  • Fixed a bug causing hair to clip through armor when combining certain hairstyles with certain pieces of armor.
  • Fixed a bug causing different numbers to be displayed for the same hairstyles on the Character Edit screen and the add-on content screen.
  • Fixed a bug causing clipping in the upper arm of the player character when combining certain armwear and waist armor.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing the player character and their Buddies to be displayed at the same time on the preview screen when selecting "Change Equipment".
  • Fixed a bug causing Buddies to be displayed in their old armor on the save file select screen if you change their armor by going through specific steps.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally causing elemental effects on Buddy weapons that do not have an element on them.
  • Fixed a bug occasionally preventing the recovery guide from being displayed when the player is hit with a restricting attack for the first time.
  • Fixed a bug causing issues with the consumption of crafting items under certain circumstances, when using items via the Radial Menu while the player's weapon is drawn.
  • Fixed a bug causing the player to always perform a running landing if they hit the ground with the Switch Axe in sword mode.
  • Fixed a bug when comboing from a backward dodge into a Forward Slash with the Charge Blade in sword mode.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the "Utsushi Cut" hairstyle from being displayed properly when combined with certain head armor.
  • Fixed a bug causing the "Rampage Twinblades I" to be displayed in the opposite direction if the players uses a whetstone after equipping them.
  • Fixed a bug very briefly causing the player's upper body to turn in an unnatural direction when another player uses Wyvern's Fire during Multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug causing Cohoots to disappear from other players' arms if you quick travel around the village during multiplayer.
  • Fixed a bug causing the color of the Prism Spiribird to appear incorrectly on the map's icon list.
  • Fixed a bug preventing other players from accessing certain facilities if the Host is disconnected because no controller inputs were made for a certain amount of time.
  • Fixed a bug causing the game to crash when viewing a Guild Card that includes corrupted image data.
  • Fixed various text bugs.
  • Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.

800MB is required to install this update for PC Steam

Source: Monster Hunter Rise Offical Site (Steam)

How to Download Update 3.9

MH Rise - Steam Game Needs Updating (Update Button)

Updating the game, whether on Switch or PC, is pretty straightforward! It will usually notify you if there's a new update available, especially on Steam.

How to Download Updates

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How to Transfer Save File --


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