Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak | How to Unlock All Master Rank Weapons

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MH Rise Sunbreak - How to Unlock All Master Rank Weapons

There are plenty of new Master Rank Weapons to forge and upgrade to in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn what key material is needed to unlock each weapon and all conditions to make them appear at the Smithy.

How to Unlock Weapon Trees
Monster Hunter Rise LogoHow to Unlock Weapon Trees Sunbreak LogoHow to Unlock All Master Rank Weapons

How to Unlock All Master Rank Weapons

Master Rank Weapons start at Rarity 8 and are generally unlocked at the Smithy in the following ways.

  • Obtain a Key Material for the Weapon
  • Kill or Capture the Monster related to the upgrade
  • Reach a certain MR level
  • Complete specific Requests or Quests

The specific conditions can be difficult to pin down, so if there are any we listed that still didn't unlock the item for you, or any Weapons we haven't listed yet, be sure to let us know in the comments so we can improve our information.

Sunbreak Weapons List: All Weapon Trees

Weapons Unlocked with Key Materials

How to Unlock Rarity 10 Weapons

MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Rarity 10 Weapons

Most Rarity 10 weapons can be unlocked for upgrading upon obtaining the required Afflicted Materials. For weapons with multiple Afflicted Material requirements, the ones from higher ranked quests such as Afflicted Claws and Fangs need to be obtained first before the weapon will appear.

Sunbreak Afflicted Materials

How to Unlock Antique Machina Weapons

Antique Machina Weapons Key Material
How to Get

Anomaly Quests:

Anomaly Quests:

Antique Machina Weapons are made entirely with Afflicted Materials. After getting an Afflicted Claw or Afflicted Fang from A4★ Anomaly Quests, the weapons above will be available for forging.

Meowcenaries and Argosy Weapon Upgrades

Key Items Weapons Unlocked
Meowcenaries Materials
Chaos Trees
Great Sword
Hunting Horn
Edel Tree
Death Stench Trees
Long Sword
Insect Glaive
Switch Axe
Mosgharl Trees
Heavy Bowgun
Jelly Trees
Heavy Bowgun
Dual Blades
Argosy Materials
Shell-Studded Trees
Great Sword
Sword & Shield
Switch Axe
Magia Trees
Hunting Horn
Insect Glaive
Spio Trees
Hunting Horn
Melahoa Tree
Vaik Tree
Charge Blade
Makluva Tree
Light Bowgun
Aelucanth Trees
Dual Blades
Charge Blade

Much like unlocking their base weapons for forging, the upgrades for these weapons require the Master Rank counterparts of the key materials.

Weapons Unlocked by MR Level

MR Cap Unlocked Rarity 10 Weapons
MR 10 • Most Rarity 10 Weapons
MR 20 Ibushi Weapons
MR 30 Narwa Weapons
Rajang Weapons
MR 50 Furious Rajang Weapons
Shagaru Magala Weapons
MR 70 Crimson Glow Valstrax Weapons
Kushala Daora Weapons
Teostra Weapons
Chameleos Weapons
MR 100 Malzeno Weapons
Scorned Magnamalo Weapons

In Sunbreak, nearly all weapons can be upgraded all the way to Rarity 10, with the exception of Defender, Rampage, and Event Weapons. However, some of these upgrades require you to beat certain monsters at the different MR caps first. You'll need the materials from those monsters to fully upgrade these weapons. Note that Risen Elder Dragons do NOT have any weapons.

Weapons Unlocked with Requests

Weapon Upgrade Request How to Get
Not a Mer-Made-Up Story! Clear Aurora Somnacanth Urgent Quest and catch a Speartuna
Researcher's Request Clear Astalos Urgent Quest and Folding Inspiration
A Fine, Fire Breathing Buddy Reach MR 2 and clear Boom-Boom, Bombadgy!
Combo Wizardy Clear Anjanath Urgent Quest and Hinami's New Inventory
Red Hell Hunter's Hint Clear Espinas Urgent Quest
Edgy Arrows Reach MR 5
Elder Dragon Delights Reach MR 5 and clear Nab-a-Los!
Not a Mer-Made-Up Story! Clear Aurora Somnacanth Urgent Quest and catch a Speartuna
Black Hell Hunter's Hint Clear Shagaru Magala Urgent Quest and An Egg-cellent Idea?
Ultimate Upgrade Reach MR 3 and clear Kagero's Trial
Elder Dragon Delights Reach MR 5 and clear Nab-a-Los!
Good Guts for Gunlances Clear Anjanath Urgent Quest
Hand-Me-Down Trial Clear Shagaru Magala Urgent Quest
Twisted Elixir Reach MR 5 and clear Gift for a Greenhorn
No YOU Get 'Em! Clear Aurora Somnacanth Urgent Quest and The Radiant Rhino
Sprout Search Reach MR 2 and clear A Token of Gratitude
Amber Brilliance Clear Aurora Somnacanth Urgent Quest and Big Brushes for Big Goals
Lagombi in the Moonlight Clear Anjanath Urgent Quest
Prized Mushroom Picker Clear Tetranadon Urgent Quest and ArZZZZzzzzuros
Chevalier's Sleepy Solution Clear Tetranadon Urgent Quest
Cool Coal Discovery! Reach MR 4

Unlike the base game, there are no Requests that reward a new weapon design. Instead, you'll be able to unlock the upgrades of these special weapons. Since these are all upgrades, you'll also need the design for their base form before you can receive the request.

How to Unlock Weapon Trees

Weapons Unlocked with Quests (Royal Order Weapons)

Weapon Quest How to Get
Burning Air, Trembling Earth Receive the Quest from Galleus as his first Follower Quest
The Flame that Burns Within Receive the Quest from Fugen as his first Follower Quest
An Audience With the Queen Receive the Quest from Fiorayne as her first Follower Quest
An Ace Idea! Receive the Quest from Utsushi as his first Follower Quest
Cherry Blossoms in Battle Receive the Quest from Minoto as her first Follower Quest
Dust off Those Hunting Boots Receive the Quest from Arlow as his second Follower Quest
Enshrined Resentment Receive the Quest from Arlow as his first Follower Quest
Breaking the Ice Receive the Quest from Utsushi as his second Follower Quest
Fire Vs. Fire Receive the Quest from Galleus as his second Follower Quest
Basarios Buzzkill Receive the Quest from Jae as his second Follower Quest
A Muddy Revival Receive the Quest from Rondine as her second Follower Quest
A Tough Lesson Receive the Quest from Luchika as her second Follower Quest
Fruit Vs. Firearms Receive the Quest from Luchika as her first Follower Quest
Not Your Average Picnic Receive the Quest from Hinoa as her first Follower Quest
Tempering the Fierce Speak with Fugen after clearing the Aurora Somnacanth Urgent Quest

You'll need to complete Follower Quests to unlock the Royal Order Weapons. Note that the first quest of some Followers will only be given after clearing certain Urgent Quests, and you'll have to complete a Follower's second quest for some of the weapons. For more details about when these quests will become available, check our page on Follower Quests!

Follower Collab Quests and Rewards

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Sunbreak Monsters

Large Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos Partial BannerAstalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth IconAurora Somnacanth MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten Partial BannerBlood Orange Bishaten
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo HermitaurDaimyo Hermitaur MH Rise Sunbreak - EspinasEspinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang Partial BannerFurious Rajang
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gaismagorm Monster Partial Banner.pngGaismagorm MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm Partial BannerGarangolm MH Rise Sunbreak - Gore Magala Partial BannerGore Magala
MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Nargacuga Monster Partial BannerLucent Nargacuga MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron Monster Partial BannerLunagaron MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron IconMagma Almudron
MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno Monster Partial BannerMalzeno MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-KadakiPyre Rakna-Kadaki MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo Partial BannerScorned Magnamalo
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething Bazelgeuse Partial BannerSeething Bazelgeuse MHRise Sunbreak - Seregios IconSeregios MH Rise Sunbreak - Shagaru Magala Partial BannerShagaru Magala
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur Partial BannerShogun Ceanataur
Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi Partial BannerBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Partial BannerCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat Partial BannerGowngoat
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur Partial BannerHermitaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Hornetaur Partial BannerHornetaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyrantula Partial BannerPyrantula
MH Rise Sunbreak - Vespoid Partial BannerVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey Partial BannerVelociprey

List of Sunbreak Monsters

Sunbreak Locations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

List of Maps and Locations

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MH Rise Sunbreak - How to PreloadHow to Preload MH Rise Sunbreak - Is There a Demo Banner without titleDemo Guide and Monsters MH Rise Sunbreak - How to Unlock Master RankHow to Unlock Master Rank
MH Rise Sunbreak - Things to Do Before Sunbreak Top BannerThings To Do Before Sunbreak MH Rise Sunbreak - Update 10.0 Icon BannerUpdate 10.0 Patch Notes & Summary

Sunbreak Product Info

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10 Anonymous8 months

Anyone know how to get the Aasklauen (final gore db) weapons?

9 Anonymousalmost 2 years

How do you unlock Ophelia's Grace. I looked it up and I have all of the materials but it's still ????. I have rarity 10 unlocked for all except this weapon...why?


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