Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Buddy Recon Locations Guide

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MH Rise Sunbreak Buddy Recon

This is a guide to the locations of each Buddy Recon Point in every Map of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn how to find all the Buddy Recon Points and how to use the Buddy Recon feature.

All Buddy Recon Locations

Unlockable Buddy Recon Locations

The majority of Buddy Recon Points are unlocked automatically together with the feature, but there are 6 Recon Points which must be found by the player on the Map. Click on the links on the table below to learn where to find them!

Locale Buddy Recon Point
Frost Islands Point 2
Lava Caverns Point 2
Jungle Point 1
Point 2
Citadel Point 1
Point 2

Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Locations

Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Locations
Shrine Ruins Point 1 Shrine Ruins Point 2

The first Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Point is at the top shrine of Area 5. You can also find the 1st Relic Record here. The second point is found near Area 13 by the bushes near the bridge to the 5th Relic Record.

Shrine Ruins Map and Sub-Camp Locations

Frost Islands Buddy Recon Locations

Frost Islands Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Frost Islands Buddy Recon Locations
Frost Islands Point 1 Frost Islands Point 2

The first Recon Point in the Frost Islands is found between Areas 5 and 7. Frost Islands Recon Point 2 is near the top of Area 9 and must be unlocked before it can be used. The 9th Relic Record can also be found right above this point.

Frost Islands Map and Sub-Camp Locations

How to Unlock Frost Islands Buddy Recon Point 2

MH Rise Sunbreak - Frost Islands Buddy Recon Point 2

The hardest of all the Buddy Recon Points to reach is here in the familiar Frost Islands. From the high plateau at the northmost point of Area 9, Wirebug up to find a mountain with a single side which can be climbed. From there, you'll find two platforms leading across the gap; Wirebug across, but be careful as you can't climb on the walls here normally. On the second platform, you'll find a shrine with the Buddy Recon Point inside, and Jewel Lilies on the far end.

Sandy Plains Buddy Recon Locations

Sandy Plains Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Sandy Plains Buddy Recon Locations
Sandy Plains Point 1 Sandy Plains Point 2

Sandy Plains Recon Point 1 is in Area 12. Checking behind the wall reveal the 10th Relic Record for this locale. The second Recon Point is by the Area 5 plateau. You'll find several Spiribirds and a Poisontoad nearby.

Sandy Plains Map and Sub-Camp Locations

Flooded Forest Buddy Recon Locations

Flooded Forest Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flooded Forest Buddy Recon Locations
Flooded Forest Point 1 Flooded Forest Point 2

The first Recon Point in the Flooded Forest is near the pyramid between Areas 2 and 3, giving quick access to these normally distant regions. The 5th Rampage Message is also nearby. The second point is at the top of the temple with a Shining Rhino in Area 10.

Flooded Forest Map and Sub-Camp Locations

Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Locations

Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Locations.png
Lava Caverns Point 1 Lava Caverns Point 2

Both Recon Points in the Lava Caverns are in the lower level of the locale. Recon Point 1 is by the fishing spot between Areas 7 and 8. Lava Caverns Recon Point 2 is in the narrow passage in Area 12 and must be unlocked first.

Lava Caverns Map and Sub-Camp Locations

How to Unlock Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Point 2

MH Rise Sunbreak - Lava Caverns Buddy Recon Point 2

In the long passageway on the lower level, Wirebug up the cliff on the left side to find the Buddy Recon Point in the tunnel.

Jungle Buddy Recon Locations

Jungle Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Buddy Recon Locations
Jungle Point 1 Jungle Point 2

Both Jungle Buddy Recon Points must be unlocked before they can be used for fast travel.

Jungle Map and Sub-Camp Location

How to Unlock Jungle Buddy Recon Point 1

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Buddy Recon Point 1

The first Buddy Recon Point in the Jungle is found in the top level of Area 7, near a large tree trunk. The 2nd Relic Record can also be found here.

How to Unlock Jungle Buddy Recon Point 2

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Buddy Recon Point 2

Another simple Recon Point, climb up the wall between Areas 2 and 9, and you'll find the Recon Point in no time.

Citadel Buddy Recon Locations

Citadel Buddy Recon Points
MH Rise Sunbreak - Citadel Buddy Recon Locations
Citadel Point 1 Citadel Point 2

Like the Jungle, both Citadel Buddy Recon Points must be found and unlocked before they become available for fast travel.

Citadel Map and Sub-Camp Location

How to Unlock Citadel Buddy Recon Point 1

MH Rise Sunbreak - Citadel Buddy Recon Point 1

Another fairly simple Recon Point, the first location in the Citadel is found on a high plateau near a broken roof between Areas 5 and 10.

How to Unlock Citadel Buddy Recon Point 2

MH Rise Sunbreak - Citadel Buddy Recon Point 2

The last Buddy Recon Point in the Citadel is a tricky one. Approach the icy wall from the south, and Wirebug all the way up to the top of Area 8, ignoring other passages and entrances into the wall. On top of the mountain, you'll find the spot near the southwest edge.

How to Use Buddy Recon

Set Up from Meowcenaries Menu

Between Quests, you'll need to set up Buddy Recon Points by assigning Buddies to each Map. Talk to Nagi the Buddy Agent in the Market Area of Elgado Outpost to access the Buddy Piazza. From there, select Meowcenaries to find the Buddy Recon option.

Select Buddy Recon in the Meowcenaries menu of Buddy Piazza.
Select each Map and choose which Recon Point you want to use for that Map, then assign a Buddy to it.

Assign a Buddy to Each Map

Unfortunately, you can only use one of the two Recon Points available on each Map at a time, so choose the one which you find more convenient and switch it out between Quests as you need. Since it's free to assign Buddies and switch Recon Points, go ahead and assign a Buddy to each Map from the start to make sure you always have as many Buddy Recon Points available for use as possible.

The one cost of assigning a Buddy is that it ties up the Buddy, so you can't bring them on Quests. On the upside, since the Level of the Buddy has no effect, you can send your low-level Buddies on Buddy Recon with no penalty, unlike the Argosy or Meowcenaries.

Fast Travel to Buddy Recon Location

MH Rise Sunbreak - Fast Travel to Location

When on a Map where you have Buddy Recon set up, you can fast travel to the Recon Point once per Quest. Note that Buddy Recon is active for all ranks too. Traveling to any Recon Point costs 100 Kamura Points, but it's a small price to pay for an extra fast travel point!

How to Farm Kamura Points

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