Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Somnacanth: Weakness and Drops

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Somnacanth Guide

This is a hunting guide for Somnacanth, a Large Monster in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Read on to learn Somnacanth's weaknesses, forgeable weapons and armor, drops, and attack patterns for Master Rank!

Somnacanth Guide Aurora Somnacanth IconAurora Somnacanth Guide
Weapons IconSomnacanth Weapons Armor IconSomnacanth Armor

Somnacanth Weakness and Notes

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Somnacanth New Monster
Type Leviathan
Threat Level 5/10 Rampage Type
Major Weakness Other Weakness
Blight / Elemental Damage Abnormal Status
A formidable aquatic serpent that crests on moonlit nights--likely why it has often been mistaken for a mermaid. It expels an intoxicating sleep powder from its neck gills and tail, knocking out prey before it can resist. Some Somnacanth sightings tell of this species making use of unusual shells, so exercise caution if catch one swimming towards you with a shell in its claws.

How to Unlock Somnacanth

Complete Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins in Master Rank

MH Rise Sunbreak - MR 2 Somnacanth Quest

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Somnacanth Sleep Aid (Key Quest)
Somnacanth Image Somnacanth
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins"

MR Somnacanth is unlocked by completing the Urgent Quest Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins and reaching MR 2 in the Sunbreak expansion.

MR Grinding Guide:
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast

Complete A Bewitching Dance in High Rank

MH Rise Sunbreak - HR 6 Somnacanth Quest

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
A Somniferous Elegy
(Key Quest)
Somnacanth Image Somnacanth
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Bewitching Dance"

High Rank Somnacanth is unlocked by completing the Urgent Quest A Bewitching Dance and reaching HR 6.

Hunter Rank Farm Guide:
How to Get from HR 7 to HR 100 Fast

Reach HR 3 in Low Rank

MH Rise Sunbreak - HR 3 Somnacanth Quest

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
Beckoning Slumber
(Key Quest)
Somnacanth Image Somnacanth
Unlock Conditions:
Clear ★5 Village Special License Test 2

Low Rank Somnacanth is unlocked by completing the ★5 Village Special License Test 2 and reaching HR 3.

Somnacanth Weakness and Resistance

MH Rise - Slash Damage MH Rise - Blunt Damage MH Rise - Bullet Damage MH Rise - Fire Damage
45 45 32 10
MH Rise - Water Damage MH Rise - Thunder Damage MH Rise - Ice Damage MH Rise - Dragon Damage
0 21 0 0

Bold are the recommended Weapon Type and Elemental Damage.

Somnacanth Weapon Damage Breakdown

Part Sever Symbol (MH Rise).png Blunt Symbol (MH Rise).png Ammo Symbol (MH Rise).png
Head 65 55 45
Head Fin 40 40 20
Neck 70 70 60
Foreleg 45 45 35
Abdomen 30 40 20
Back 25 25 15
Hind Leg 25 30 25
Tail 60 55 35
Overall 45 45 32

Somnacanth Elemental Weakness Breakdown

Part Fire Symbol (MH Rise).png Water Symbol (MH Rise).png Thunder Element (MH Rise).png Ice Element (MH Rise).png Dragon Element (MH Rise).png
Head 15 0 25 0 0
Head Fin 0 0 15 0 0
Neck 15 0 25 0 0
Foreleg 5 0 15 0 0
Abdomen 10 0 15 0 0
Back 10 0 15 0 0
Hind Leg 10 0 25 0 0
Tail 15 0 30 0 0
Overall 10 0 21 0 0

Higher numbers indicate higher potential damage to the monster.

Somnacanth Hunting Tips

MH Rise - Somnacanth

While in the water, it can move about as it pleases, but it doesn't fare so well on land. Draw it out to the shore for an easy hunt. If you're caught in a cloud of its sleep powder, it's lights out; use Wirebug to leap away from it and position for a counter attack.

Status Effect Vulnerabilities

Poison Stun Paralysis Sleep
Blast Exhaust Fireblight Waterblight
Thunderblight Iceblight

If an ailment has more stars it means that it has better effectiveness.

Item Vulnerabilities

Pitfall Trap Shock Trap Flash Bomb
Sonic Bomb Meat Effects Dung Bomb

◯ = Vulnerable; ✕ = Fully Resistant; ▲ = Situational

Kinsect Extracts

Monster Part Extract
Head Red Extract
Head Fin Red Extract
Neck Red Extract
Foreleg White Extract
Abdomen Red Extract
Back Red Extract
Hind Leg White Extract
Tail Orange Extract

Red = Attack Increase, White = Movement Boost, Orange = Anti-knockback When Attacking

Kinsect Extract Guide

Somnacanth Locations and Quests

Somnacanth Known Habitat

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Frost Islands.pngFrost Islands 8 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 12 10
Flooded Forest.pngFlooded Forest 6 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 14 14
Lava Caverns.pngLava Caverns 2 2 / 3 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 6
Infernal Springs.pngInfernal Springs - - -

Somnacanth Quest Appearances

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Anomaly Quest A★3 Anomaly Research: Somnacanth
Hub Quest M★2 Somnacanth Sleep Aid
(Key Quest)
Hub Quest M★2 BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz Pt. 2
Follower Quest M★3 Sisters Sally Forth
Hub Quest M★3 A Tale of Two Titans
(Key Quest)
Hub Quest M★3 Freedom from a Frigid Future!
Support Survey M★3 Operation Cold Case
Event Quest M★4 A Mysterious Purr-esent
Support Survey M★4 Operation Frozen Rescue
Event Quest M★6 Premarital Socks
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Event Quest ★6 Troubled Waters
Hub Quest ★6 Invoke the Insect Glaive
Hub Quest ★6 A Somniferous Elegy
(Key Quest)
Challenge Quest ★7 Challenge Quest 06
Event Quest ★7 I Can't Do What Somnacan
Event Quest ★7 Princesses' Banquet
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Hub Quest ★3 Beckoning Slumber
(Key Quest)
Village Quest ★4 Infernal Lacrimosa
(Key Quest)
Village Quest ★5 BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz
Village Quest ★5 The Secret Ingredient

How to Beat Somnacanth

Somnacanth Tips
Check Icon Bring Energy Drinks and Deodorant

Check Icon Keep Somnacanth Out of the Water

Check Icon Stay Behind Somnacanth

Check Icon Use Sonic Bombs to Interrupt Somnacanth

Bring Energy Drinks and Deodorant

MH Rise - Bring Energy Drinks and Deodorant

Somnacanth inflicts Sleep with its gaseous breath and can also cause Blastblight with its Shell Attacks. Negate these potentially deadly effects by bringing Energy Drinks and Deodorant!

Investing in Sleep Resistance is also worth considering when hunting Somnacanth.

Keep Somnacanth Out of the Water

MH Rise - Keep Somnacanth Out of the Water

Some of Somnacanth's attacks only occur when it swims belly up in water. Its Shell Attacks and Breath Attacks in this state can easily disable hunters for a few seconds, allowing Somnacanth to deal easy damage.

To prevent Somnacanth from using these attacks, lure it to land using a Stinkmink or Wyvern Ride the monster towards dry areas.

Stay Behind Somnacanth

MH Rise Sunbreak - Stay Behind Somnacanth

Somnacanth often leaves its rear exposed whenever it stands upright on its tail for Slam Attacks or Breath Attacks. Stick close to its back whenever it performs these attacks to avoid getting hit and take advantage of the opening to deal massive damage to Somnacanth.

Use Sonic Bombs to Interrupt Somnacanth

MH Rise Sunbreak - Use Sonic Bombs to Interrupt Somnacanth

When Somnacanth begins channeling its Sleeping Mist Nova, you can prevent it from occurring by throwing Sonic Bombs toward its face. Doing this leaves it vulnerable for a short while and allows you to continue your offense against Somnacanth.

Somnacanth Master Rank Attack Patterns

In addition to its attacks in Low and High Rank quests, Somnacanth uses the following new attack in Master Rank.

Name Description
Quick Sweeping Sleep Breath Somnacanth quickly sweeps its sleep breath across the ground, causing a sleeping mist to linger.

Quick Sweeping Sleep Breath

Quick Sweeping Sleep Breath Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Quick Sweeping Sleep Breath
Quick Sweeping Sleep Breath: Somnacanth rears its head back before quickly sweeping its sleep breath across the ground, causing a sleeping mist to linger in front of it.

This attack covers a wide area in front of Somnacanth, so be mindful of your positioning when moving past the sleeping mist.

Somnacanth General Attack Patterns

Somnacanth uses the following attacks in Low and High Rank quests.

Name Description
Sleeping Breath Attacks Somnacanth has a variety of breath attacks that inflict Sleep on contact. This attack has several variations.
Body Slam Attacks Somnacanth leaps up from the ground to slam its body on top of the hunter. This attack has several variations.
Sweeping Attacks Somnacanth can use its forelegs or massive head fin to perform sweeping attacks. This attack has several variations.
Shell Attacks Somnacanth breaks open shells it picks up from beneath the water to inflict different status effects. This attack has several variations.
Forward Rush Somnacanth rapidly rushes forward with a quick lunge, knocking away hunters on contact.
Twin Swipes Somnacanth lunges forward with two quick foreleg swipes.
Fin Barrage Somnacanth whips its head around, flinging a barrage of its sharp head fins towards the hunter.
Sleeping Mist Nova Somnacanth begins channeling sleeping mist within its tail before sending it out as a massive nova, inflicting Sleep on hunters caught in its path.

Sleeping Breath Attacks

Somnacanth has a variety of breath attacks that inflict Sleep on contact.

Sleeping Breath Attack Variations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Frontal Sleep Breath
Frontal Sleep Breath: Somnacanth spews its sleeping breath in a straight line forward. You can easily avoid this attack by running or evading perpendicular to Somnacanth's head before it comes out.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Sweeping Sleep Breath
Sweeping Sleep Breath: Somnacanth lets out its sleeping breath toward its left or right side before slowly sweeping it across to the other side.

Somnacanth holds the sleeping breath in its initial direction for a short period before sweeping it across, so take this time to move behind Somnacanth to avoid getting hit.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Circular Sleeping Mist
Circular Sleeping Mist: While laying on its back, Somnacanth rapidly lets out sleeping mist as it circles the player, trapping them in a sleep-inducing ring. It often follows this attack up with a Red Shell Explosion that inflicts Blastblight.

Avoid being caught in this attack by Wiredashing away before Somnacanth envelops you or by Wiredashing upward and outside the ring.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Retreating Sleeping Mist
Retreating Sleeping Mist: While laying on its back, Somnacanth rapidly lets out sleeping mist as it retreats from the player. It often follows this attack up with a Yellow Shell Explosion that blinds the hunter.

Carefully manuever through or away from the lingering mist to avoid being inflicted with Sleep.

Body Slam Attacks

Somnacanth often leaps up from the ground to slam its body on top of the hunter, dealing heavy damage on impact.

Body Slam Attack Variations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Clapping Body Slam
Clapping Body Slam: Somnacanth claps its forelegs thrice before slamming its body on top of the hunter, dealing moderate damage and knocking them away on impact. This attack has the shortest reach among all of Somnacanth's body slams.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Leaping Body Slam
Leaping Body Slam: Somnacanth takes two strides forward before leaping into the air and slamming its body on top of the hunter.

The initial strides do not deal any damage on contact, so take the time to reposition away from the path of the body slam to avoid getting hit.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Wild Front Flip
Wild Front Flip: Somnacanth wildly spins around on its tail before rapidly flipping forwards to slam its body on top of the hunter.

This attack comes out quickly and covers a surprising amount of distance, so prepare to dodge at the last moment or dive-evade to avoid getting hit.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Whirling Body Slam
Whirling Body Slam: Somnacanth whirls through the air, forcefully slamming its body on top of the hunter as it lands and dealing heavy damage on impact.

Despite coming from a relatively stationary stance, this attack can cover a long distance so prepare to evade this attack even when far away from Somnacanth.

Sweeping Attacks

Somnacanth can use its forelegs or massive head fin to perform sweeping attacks that knock away any hunters that get too close.

Sweeping Attack Variations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Foreleg Sweep
Foreleg Sweep: Somnacanth quickly sweeps one of its forelegs across the ground, reaching a wide area in front of it.

While this attack deals light damage on contact, Somnacanth usually follows it up with another foreleg sweep or one of its other attacks, so prepare to evade again when this attack occurs.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Head Fin Sweep
Head Fin Sweep: Somnacanth rears its head backward before sweeping its massive head fin across the ground, knocking away any hunter in front of it and dealing moderate damage on impact.

This attack leaves Somnacanth vulnerable for a few seconds, so quickly close the distance after it occurs to take advantage of this opening.

Shell Attacks

Somnacanth occasionally swims around on its back and picks up shells from beneath the water. The monster breaks these shells open after picking them up, causing explosions that inflict different status effects depending on the color of the shell.

Shell Attack Variations
MH Rise - Somnacanth Red Shell Explosion
Red Shell Explosion: Somnacanth breaks a red shell open, causing a large explosion that deals heavy damage and inflicts Blastblight.
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Yellow Shell Explosion
Yellow Shell Explosion: Somnacanth breaks a yellow shell open, causing a large conic blast of light that inflicts blindness.

Forward Rush

Forward Rush Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Forward Rush
Forward Rush: Somnacanth rapidly rushes forward with a quick lunge, knocking away hunters on contact as it repositions to a different location.

This attack turns Somnacanth's entire body into a hitbox, so stay away from its body until the move finishes to avoid getting hit.

Twin Swipes

Twin Swipes Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Twin Swipes
Twin Swipes: Somnacanth lunges forward with two quick foreleg swipes, dealing light damage on hit. You can easily avoid this attack by moving away from Somnacanth's front as it moves forward.

Fin Barrage

Fin Barrage Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Fin Barrage
Fin Barrage: Somnacanth whips its head around, flinging a barrage of its sharp head fins towards the hunter. These fins linger on the ground, dealing moderate damage and causing hunters to trip on contact.

Sleeping Mist Nova

Sleeping Mist Nova Attack Information
MH Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Sleeping Mist Nova
Sleeping Mist Nova: Somnacanth stands upright and begins singing, channeling sleeping mist within its tail. After its performance, Somnacanth lets out a massive sleeping nova, inflicting Sleep on any hunters caught in its path.

To avoid this attack, Wiredash above the sleeping mist and close the distance with Somnacanth.

Somnacanth Materials and Drops

Master Rank Somnacanth Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Shard IconSomnacanth Shard [97% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Wild Fin IconSomnacanth Wild Fin [80% (Fins)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Dreamtalon IconSomnacanth Dreamtalon [80% (Arms)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Shell IconAfflicted Shell [40% (Anomaly Quests)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Carapace IconAfflicted Carapace [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Cortex IconAfflicted Cortex [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somna Dream Powder IconSomna Dream Powder [17% (Fins)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Large Wyvern Gem IconLarge Wyvern Gem [3% (Tail), 3% (Fins)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Shard IconSomnacanth Shard [43% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Shell IconAfflicted Shell [40% (Anomaly Quests)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Carapace IconAfflicted Carapace [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Cortex IconAfflicted Cortex [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Cortex IconSomnacanth Cortex [32% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somna Dream Powder IconSomna Dream Powder [14% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Wild Fin IconSomnacanth Wild Fin [10% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Large Wyvern Gem IconLarge Wyvern Gem [1% (Body)]

High Rank Somnacanth Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Fin+ IconSomnacanth Fin+ [80% (Head Fin)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Claw+ IconSomnacanth Claw+ [80% (Arm x2)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Scale+ IconSomnacanth Scale+ [20% (Arm), 97% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Sedative IconSomnacanth Sedative [17% (Head Fin)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Wyvern Gem IconWyvern Gem [3% (Head Fin), 3% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Scale+ IconSomnacanth Scale+ [43% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Shell+ IconSomnacanth Shell+ [32% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Sedative IconSomnacanth Sedative [14% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Fin+ IconSomnacanth Fin+ [10% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Wyvern Gem IconWyvern Gem [1% (Body)]

Low Rank Somnacanth Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Claw IconSomnacanth Claw [80% (Arm x2)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Fin IconSomnacanth Fin [80% (Head Fin)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Dust IconSomnacanth Dust [20% (Head Fin)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Scale IconSomnacanth Scale [20% (Arm), 100% (Tail)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Scale IconSomnacanth Scale [43% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Shell IconSomnacanth Shell [33% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Dust IconSomnacanth Dust [14% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Somnacanth Fin IconSomnacanth Fin [10% (Body)]

Somnacanth Dropped Materials

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank

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Sunbreak Monsters

Sunbreak Monster Lists
Sunbreak Monsters List Monster Subspecies List Sunbreak Small Monsters List

Large Monsters

Sunbreak Large Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo Hermitaur IconDaimyo Hermitaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten IconBlood Orange Bishaten MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm IconGarangolm MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth IconAurora Somnacanth
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur IconShogun Ceanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron IconLunagaron MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos IconAstalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Seregios IconSeregios
MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron IconMagma Almudron MH Rise Sunbreak - Gore Magala IconGore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Espinas IconEspinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki IconPyre Rakna-Kadaki
MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno IconMalzeno MH Rise Sunbreak - Shagaru Magala IconShagaru Magala

MR6+ Large Monsters

MR6+ Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gaismagorm IconGaismagorm
MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang IconFurious Rajang
MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo IconScorned Magnamalo

Title Update 1 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 1 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething Bazel IconSeething Bazelgeuse MH Rise Sunbreak - Silver Rathalos IconSilver Rathalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian IconGold Rathian MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Narga IconLucent Nargacuga

Title Update 2 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 2 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Monster Partial BannerFlaming Espinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Chameleos Monster Partial BannerRisen Chameleos MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune Monster Partial BannerViolet Mizutsune

Title Update 3 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 3 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Chaotic Gore Magala Monster Partial BannerChaotic Gore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Kushala Daora Monster Partial BannerRisen Kushala Daora MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Teostra Monster Partial BannerRisen Teostra

Title Update 4 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 4 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Velkhana IconVelkhana MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax IconRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Title Update 5 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 5 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak Amatsu BorderAmatsu Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala

Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi IconBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur IconCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat IconGowngoat
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur IconHermitaur MHRise Sunbreak - HornetaurHornetaur MHRise Sunbreak - PyrantulaPyrantula
MHRise Sunbreak - VespoidVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey IconVelociprey

Other Large Monsters

Other Large Monsters
MH Rise - Great Izuchi IconGreat Izuchi MH Rise - Arzuros IconArzuros MH Rise - Great Baggi IconGreat Baggi MH Rise - Lagombi IconLagombi
MH Rise - Aknosom IconAknosom MH Rise - Tetranadon IconTetranadon MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku MH Rise - Barroth IconBarroth
MH Rise - Great Wroggi IconGreat Wroggi MH Rise - Royal Ludroth IconRoyal Ludroth MH Rise - Khezu IconKhezu MH Rise - Bishaten IconBishaten
MH Rise - Somnacanth IconSomnacanth MH Rise - Barioth IconBarioth MH Rise - Rathian IconRathian MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi
MH Rise - Volvidon IconVolvidon MH Rise - Basarios IconBasarios MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei MH Rise - Magnamalo IconMagnamalo
MH Rise - Nargacuga IconNargacuga MH Rise - Zinogre IconZinogre MH Rise - Anjanath IconAnjanath MH Rise - Mizutsune IconMizutsune
MH Rise - Rathalos IconRathalos MH Rise - Almudron IconAlmudron MH Rise - Goss Harag IconGoss Harag MH Rise - Tigrex IconTigrex
MH Rise - Diablos IconDiablos MH Rise - Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus MH Rise - Rajang IconRajang MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki IconRakna-Kadaki
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse

Elder Dragons

Elder Dragons
MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother IconNarwa the Allmother
MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi IconWind Serpent Ibushi MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa IconThunder Serpent Narwa MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax IconCrimson Glow Valstrax
MH Rise - Chameleos IconChameleos MH Rise - Kushala Daora IconKushala Daora MH Rise - Teostra IconTeostra

Apex Monsters

Apex Monsters
MH Rise - Apex Arzuros IconApex Arzuros MH Rise - Apex Rathian IconApex Rathian MH Rise - Apex Mizutsune IconApex Mizutsune
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos IconApex Rathalos MH Rise - Apex Diablos IconApex Diablos MH Rise - Apex Zinogre IconApex Zinogre

Other Small Monsters

Small Monsters
MH Rise - Altaroth IconAltaroth MH Rise - Anteka IconAnteka MH Rise - Baggi IconBaggi MH Rise - Bnahabra IconBnahabra
MH Rise - Bombadgy IconBombadgy MH Rise - Bullfango IconBullfango MH Rise - Delex IconDelex MH Rise - Felyne IconFelyne
MH Rise - Gajau IconGajau MH Rise - Gargwa IconGargwa MH Rise - Izuchi IconIzuchi MH Rise - Jaggi IconJaggi
MH Rise - Jaggia IconJaggia MH Rise - Jagras IconJagras MH Rise - Kelbi IconKelbi MH Rise - Kestodon IconKestodon
MH Rise - Ludroth IconLudroth MH Rise - Melynx IconMelynx MH Rise - Popo IconPopo MH Rise - Rachnoid IconRachnoid
MH Rise - Remobra IconRemobra MH Rise - Rhenoplos IconRhenoplos MH Rise - Slagtoth IconSlagtoth MH Rise - Uroktor IconUroktor
MH Rise - Wroggi IconWroggi MH Rise - Zamite IconZamite

Small Monsters


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