Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Jungle Map and Sub-Camp Location

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MH Rise Sunbreak - New Jungle Map

This is a guide and map for the Jungle locale in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn where to find the Sub-Camp in the Jungle, endemic life, small monsters, permabuffers, and more below!

Jungle Map

Jungle Gathering Map

Upper Level Lower Level

Other Maps

Other Endemic Life (Upper Level) Other Endemic Life (Lower Level)
Permabuffers (Upper Level) Permabuffers (Lower Level)
Jewel Lillies/Great Wirebugs (Upper Level) Jewel Lillies/Great Wirebugs (Lower Level)

List of Endemic Life

Jungle Sub-Camp

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Sub-Camp Map
Sub-Camp 1 Area 8

How to Get to the Jungle Sub-Camp

Video Explanation

Follow the Golden Spiribugs Up the Wall

Sunbreak Jungle Sub Camp Follow the Golden Spiribugs.png
There is a spot for a sub-camp in Area 8! To reach it, go to the area indicated on the map (near the beach in Area 3) and use your Wirebugs to follow the Golden Spiribugs to reach the hole in the cliff. Walk a little further, and you should find a spot for a sub-camp!

There are also many useful exits in this sub-camp, so this should be a good spot to start out for a variety of hunts!

Sunbreak Sub-Camp Locations Guide

Unlock Conditions

Area 8 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Jungle Sub-Camp Security after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Slay 8 Hermitaur in the Jungle

Jungle Relic Records Locations

Jungle Relic Records Locations

Locations are numbered by the Notebook entries.

How to Find All Jungle Relic Records

Jungle Buddy Recon Locations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Buddy Recon Locations

How to Unlock

  1. The first Buddy Recon Point in the Jungle is found in the top level of the area, near a large tree trunk.
  2. Another simple Recon Point, climb up the wall pictured in the map and you'll find the second Recon Point in no time.

Buddy Recon Locations Guide

Jungle Farming Routes

Ore Mining Route

Upper Level Lower Level

Route Video

Bonepile Route

Upper Level Lower Level

Route Video

Jungle Environmental Traps


There are three boulders suspended in the forested part of Area 1. These boulders can be used to deal additional damage and knock down monsters.

Drop Boulders With The Throwing Kunai

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Boulder Drop

Aim at a boulder with zL (or Middle Click on PC), then throw a Kunai at the rock with Y (or E on PC). This should cause the boulder to fall directly on the monster.

Knock Down Monsters With More Boulders

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Boulder Drop Knock Down
Drop another boulder on the monster to knock it down! There are three boulders in the area, so you can use the third one to knock it down again!

Jungle Exploration Tips and Secrets

Access the Secret Island

Step 1: Go To The Plateau in Area 1

Go to Area 1 of the Jungle and look for this specific elevated area noted above. You might need to use a Wirebug upwards and wall climb to access the top of the plateau.

Step 2: Find the Group of Boulders

Look for a suspiciously placed group of boulders on that plateau. These are your targets.

Step 3: Blast Them Using Barrel Bombs

Blow up the boulders using barrel bombs. You can simply detonate it with a Barrel Bomb or blow up a larger barrel bomb by throwing a kunai at it.

Step 4: Ride the Great Wirebug Inside

MH Rise Sunbreak - Ride Three Great Wirebugs

After picking up the lone Exciteshroom inside, place a Great Wirebug on the Jewel Lily pedestal and ride it. Take note, you have to ride three different Great Wirebugs while making this jump. To make it easy for you, just spam the interact button!

Step 5: Arrive at the Secret Island

MH Rise Sunbreak - Ride to the Secret Island
At the end of the ride, you will see a small island not indicated in the Jungle map.

The island has a single white mining outcrop, an Aurorturtle, and a Sparkleshell Snail, which can give the Golden Snail account item.

Step 6: Use the Great Wirebug to Return To Main Island

MH Rise - Use the Great Wirebug to Go Back to the Main Island

Finally, put a Great Wirebug on the Jewel Lily pedestal to zoom back to the main island. You will arrive at the borders of Areas 3 and 4.

Secret Routes

Secret Tunnel

MHRise Sunbreak - Jungle - Secret Tunnel
The secret tunnel can be found on the upper level of the map. It is a curved, thin cliff in the middle of two paths on the right half of the map. If you look at the top part of the cliff, there should be a hole. You can easily use 2 Wirebugs to get up there!
Wirebug Moves and Controls

Secret Brewhare

Rock Location Brewhare Location

There is a Brewhare hidden behind some rocks near the peak of the cliff in Area 1. You can simply detonate the rocks with a Barrel Bomb.

Great Wirebug Locations

Upper Level Lower Level

There are 12 Great Wirebugs that can be placed around the Jungle, including a single Jewel Lily in the lower level to quickly move back up and another in Area 1 that can be accessed after blowing up some rocks.

There are other Great Wirebugs already present on the map, such as those en route to the Secret Island and one on the island itself.

List of Jungle Items and Materials

List of Account Items

MH Rise - Pearl SnailPearl Snail MH Rise - Premium Wyvern EggPremium Wyvern Egg MH Rise - Jungle MushroomJungle Mushroom MH Rise - Prime FernPrime Fern
MH Rise - Prized MushroomPrized Mushroom MH Rise - Golden SnailGolden Snail MH Rise - Wildwood FernWildwood Fern

List of All Account Items

List of Bones

MH Rise - Overgrown StiffboneOvergrown Stiffbone MH Rise - Massive Monster BoneMassive Monster Bone MH Rise - Dragonbone ArtifactDragonbone Artifact

List of All Bones

List of Fish

MH Rise - PopfishPopfish MH Rise - ScatterfishScatterfish MH Rise - FlamefinFlamefin MH Rise - Great FlamefinGreat Flamefin
MH Rise - SushifishSushifish MH Rise - Great WhetfishGreat Whetfish MH Rise - WhetfishWhetfish MH Rise - GoldenfryGoldenfry
MH Rise - SpeartunaSpeartuna MH Rise - BrocadefishBrocadefish MH Rise - King BrocadefishKing Brocadefish MH Rise - Gastronome TunaGastronome Tuna
MH Rise - Great Gastronome TunaGreat Gastronome Tuna MH Rise - Supreme BrocadefishSupreme Brocadefish

List of All Fish

List of Ore

MH Rise - Carbalite OreCarbalite Ore MH Rise - Sapphiron OreSapphiron Ore MH Rise - Eltalite OreEltalite Ore MH Rise - Ultimas CrystalUltimas Crystal

List of All Ores

List of Other Materials

MH Rise - Adamant SeedAdamant Seed MH Rise - Antidote HerbAntidote Herb MH Rise - BitterbugBitterbug MH Rise - BlastnutBlastnut
MH Rise - BlazenutBlazenut MH Rise - Blue MushroomBlue Mushroom MH Rise - BomberryBomberry MH Rise - Dragonfell BerryDragonfell Berry
MH Rise - Dragonstrike NutDragonstrike Nut MH Rise - DungDung MH Rise - ExciteshroomExciteshroom MH Rise - FelvineFelvine
MH Rise - Fire HerbFire Herb MH Rise - FlamenutFlamenut MH Rise - FlashbugFlashbug MH Rise - FlowfernFlowfern
MH Rise - Gloamgrass BudGloamgrass Bud MH Rise - GodbugGodbug MH Rise - HerbHerb MH Rise - HoneyHoney
MH Rise - HuskberryHuskberry MH Rise - IvyIvy MH Rise - LatchberryLatchberry MH Rise - MandragoraMandragora
MH Rise - Might SeedMight Seed MH Rise - NeedleberryNeedleberry MH Rise - NitroshroomNitroshroom MH Rise - NulberryNulberry
MH Rise - ParashroomParashroom MH Rise - SlashberrySlashberry MH Rise - Sleep HerbSleep Herb MH Rise - SmokenutSmokenut
MH Rise - Snow HerbSnow Herb MH Rise - Spider WebSpider Web MH Rise - Sunscorned GrassSunscorned Grass MH Rise - ThunderbugThunderbug
MH Rise - ToadstoolToadstool

List of Items and Materials

List of Jungle Endemic Life

Antidobra.pngAntidobra Aurorturtle.pngAurorturtle Blastoad.pngBlastoad
Brewhare.pngBrewhare Butterflame.pngButterflame Clothfly.pngClothfly
Cutterfly.pngCutterfly Escuregot.pngEscuregot Felicicrow.pngFelicicrow
Firebeetle.pngFirebeetle Fortune Owl.pngFortune Owl Gold Wirebug.pngGold Wirebug
Golden Spiribug.pngGolden Spiribug Great Wirebug.pngGreat Wirebug Green Spiribird.pngGreen Spiribird
Gustcrab.pngGustcrab Lanternbug.pngLanternbug Marionette Spider.pngMarionette Spider
Mudbeetle.pngMudbeetle Orange Spiribird.pngOrange Spiribird Paratoad.pngParatoad
Peepersects.pngPeepersects Poisontoad.pngPoisontoad Puppet Spider.pngPuppet Spider
Red Spiribird.pngRed Spiribird Ruby Wirebug.pngRuby Wirebug Sleeptoad.pngSleeptoad
Slicercrab.pngSlicercrab Snowbeetle.pngSnowbeetle Spearsquid.pngSpearsquid
Starburst Bug.pngStarburst Bug Stinkmink.pngStinkmink Thunderbeetle.pngThunderbeetle
Trapbugs.pngTrapbugs Vigorwasp.pngVigorwasp Wirebug.pngWirebug
Yellow Spiribird.pngYellow Spiribird

List of Endemic Life

List of Jungle Large Monsters

Aknosom.pngAknosom Anjanath.pngAnjanath Apex Rathian.pngApex Rathian
Astalos.pngAstalos Bazelgeuse.pngBazelgeuse Bishaten.pngBishaten
Chameleos.pngChameleos Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax Daimyo Hermitaur.pngDaimyo Hermitaur
Espinas.pngEspinas Furious Rajang.pngFurious Rajang Gold Rathian.pngGold Rathian
Gore Magala.pngGore Magala Great Wroggi.pngGreat Wroggi Kulu-Ya-Ku.pngKulu-Ya-Ku
Kushala Daora.pngKushala Daora Lunagaron.pngLunagaron Mizutsune.pngMizutsune
Nargacuga.pngNargacuga Rajang.pngRajang Rathian.pngRathian
Royal Ludroth.pngRoyal Ludroth Seething Bazelgeuse.pngSeething Bazelgeuse Tetranadon.pngTetranadon
Tobi-Kadachi.pngTobi-Kadachi Zinogre.pngZinogre

List of All Monsters

List of Jungle Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Altaroth Small Monster IconAltaroth Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bullfango Small Monster IconBullfango Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Felyne Small Monster IconFelyne
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Gargwa Small Monster IconGargwa Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Hermitaur Small Monster IconHermitaur Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Hornetaur Small Monster IconHornetaur
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Kelbi Small Monster IconKelbi Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Ludroth Small Monster IconLudroth Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Melynx Small Monster IconMelynx
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Velociprey Small Monster IconVelociprey Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Vespoid Small Monster IconVespoid Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Wroggi Small Monster IconWroggi

List of Small Monsters

What is the Jungle?

MH Rise Sunbreak - Silkbind through the Jungle

The Jungle is a locale found within the Sunbreak expansion. The Jungle has a variety of areas to explore! There is a lot of upward space to use Wirebugs and cliffs to climb!

MH Rise Sunbreak - drop down pits in the Jungle

Hunters can find pits on the map to drop in and discover new places!

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Cavernous Area

Found around the Jungle are thick cavernous areas with monsters waiting inside.

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle Coastal Area

There are a lot of coastal areas in this locale where you can fish and explore!
Fishing Guide: How to Fish

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Links

MH Rise - Maps Locations Partial Banner

List of Maps and Locations

All Sunbreak Maps and Locations

Locales and Other Locations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

All Base Game Maps and Locations

MH Rise - Shrine RuinsShrine Ruins MH Rise - Frost IslandsFrost Islands
MH Rise - Sandy PlainsSandy Plains MH Rise - Flooded ForestFlooded Forest
MH Rise - Lava CavernsLava Caverns
Other Locations
MH Rise - Kamura VillageKamura Village MH Rise - Infernal SpringsInfernal Springs


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