Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Maps and Locations

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - List of Maps and Locations banner

This is a list of all Maps and Locations in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Check here for info on new maps, returning maps, and how to use and navigate the in map menu and HUD.

Confirmed Maps and Locations in Sunbreak DLC

Elgado Outpost

MH Rise - Elgado Outpost

The new base of operations for the Sunbreak expansion will take place in Rondine's homeland! From Kamura, we will travel to Elgado Outpost and conduct our business there. There are familiar facilities such as the Tea Shop, the Smithy, and the Market, and there's the new Command Post unique to Elgado.

Elgado Outpost

The Citadel

MH Rise Sunbreak - The Citadel

The new locale we will be hunting monsters in is called The Citadel! It includes forests, mountains, and ruined castles. We can't wait to explore it and discover new endemic life!

The Citadel

The Jungle

MH Rise Sunbreak - Jungle locale

The Jungle was first introduced in Monster Hunter 2, and now both veteran and new players alike will get to explore this area! Don't let your guard down, there are a lot of dangerous new monsters lurking like Espinas, Pyre Rakna-Kadaki, and more!
The Jungle

Forlorn Arena

MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn Arena

The iconic Forlorn Arena will make a return in the first title update for Sunbreak! This locale hosts powerful monsters and rare species such as Lucent Nargacuga. We're looking forward to what other monsters we can hunt here!

Forlorn Arena

Maps and Locations in Monster Hunter Rise

Kamura Village

MH Rise - Kamura Village

Kamura Village is the home base for hunters in Monster Hunter Rise.

It is confirmed that you can ride Palamutes, use Wirebugs, and execute attacks inside the village premises—similar to a regular map. Because of this, it could be possible that an endgame battle will take place in Kamura Village!

Kamura Village

Shrine Ruins

MH Rise - Shrine Ruins

This is one of the first confirmed maps in Monster Hunter Rise. The map is full of ruins and abandoned buildings where civilization used to take place. It is possible that the people of Kamura Village used to live here until the Rampage.

Shrine Ruins Maps and Materials

Frost Islands

MH Rise - Frost Islands

The Frost Islands used to be the nest of a giant dragon. Countless hunters have tried to slay it but failed. Now it is the home of massive dragon bones and a wrecked Dragonship.

Frost Islands

Lava Caverns

MH Rise - Lava Caverns

The Lava Caverns is a large cave system where a gradual flow of lava falls adjacent to a crystalline body of water.

Lava Caverns

Flooded Forest

MH Rise - Flooded Forest

The Flooded Forest is a returning map that last appeared in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The overall atmosphere is very gloomy with huge open areas littered with bodies of water. The iconic pyramid from past games and could be interesting to traverse using wirebugs!

Flooded Forest Map

Sandy Plains

MH Rise - Sandy Plains

The Sandy Plains is also a returning map that was last seen in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. This map is a vast landmass of sand and hot sun but during the night, the moonlight allows a cool breeze to sweep through the plains.

Sandy Plains

Map and Location Features

Hidden Exploration

MH Rise - Map Exploration

In MHRise, when entering a previously unexplored map, the map seems to be covered in a fog of war. It is not yet confirmed if you need to fully explore the map to reveal its entirety.

Seamless Map Movement

MH Rise - Seamless Map

Like in Monster Hunter World, the map in Monster Hunter Rise is a one, continuous map. There is no loading time between areas like in past portable games.

Find Campsites to Set Up Sub-Camps for Fast Travel

MH Rise - How to Unlock Sub-Camps step 1

Campsites for Sub-Camps are found across each of the game's maps. Once unlocked, they open up new Fast Travel points accessible to the player.

After finding a Campsite, you'll need to return to Kamura Village after the Quest and complete a Request to make the new Sub-Camp available.

How to Unlock Sub-Camps

You Can Ride Palamutes!

The newly introduced Palamute companion can be ridden throughout the map for faster movement. This goes very well with the huge seamless map!

How to Ride Palamutes

Omnidirectional Movement Using the Wirebugs

MH Rise - Omnidirectional Movement and Vertical Traversal through the Wirebug

You can move up, down, left, or right using Wirebugs. This new movement option allows the hunter to seamlessly run up vertical walls and across valleys without worrying about vertical height.

How to Use Wirebugs

Know the Location of Monsters

The location of monsters is shown on the map initially. When you encounter it the first time, the mark changes to the icon of that monster.

Also, all the monsters present on the map during the session appears at the upper right corner of the screen!

List of Monsters

Know the Location of Collectibles and Materials

By zooming in on the map, you can see the location of all materials and collectibles.

List of Items and Materials

Endemic Life is Present

Endemic Life, which is first introduced in Monster Hunter World, is present in Monster Hunter Rise. These creatures provide buffs to the hunter or can be used as items.

List of Endemic Life

How to Open the Map

Method 1: Press and Hold the Minus ( - ) Button

The default control for opening the map is by pressing and holding the minus ( - ) button. You may change this to just pressing it once by going to ''Options → Controls → (-) Controls'' and choosing Type 2. The control details are found in the lower-left text box!

List of Settings | Best Settings to Choose

Method 2: Open with the Action Bar

You may also quickly access the Detailed Map shuffling through the Action Bar using the directional buttons!

Method 3: Open via the Start Menu

Lastly, you can open the Detailed Map by going to the Start Menu and pressing the Y button. This one takes two steps so we do not recommend using this!

Display Endemic Life and Materials on the Map

Choose Specific Endemic Life or Materials

MH Rise - Choose Endemic Life or Material Icons

Open the Detailed Map then use the L or R Button to choose which endemic life or materials you want to display! Furthermore, you can press the X button to display specific endemic life or materials only!

Detailed Map Always Shows Icons

After choosing which icons to display, the Detailed Map (and the detailed map alone) will display these icons. Depending on your settings, your HUD could display the Detailed Map by default or you need to hold the L Button to show it.

Map Display Settings

Map HUD Display Options

General Map Detailed Map

You may change between displaying the General or Detailed Map on your HUD during hunts. Just go to the Start Menu then look for ''Options → Game Settings → HUD Map Type''.

Depending on which you choose, the opposite will set when you hold the L button.

Removing Map Display from HUD

Map ON Map OFF

If you do not want the map to appear in your HUD, go to the Start Menu then look for ''Options → Game Settings → HUD Settings → Uncheck Map''.

Settings if L Button will Change Map Type Display

Toggle ON Toggle OFF

You can also change if you want the Map Type to shift between General and Detailed when pressing the L Button. To do this, go to the Start Menu then look for ''Options → Game Settings → HUD Map Toggle Type''.

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise and Sunbreak Banner.png

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Characters Icon.pngCharacters and Voice Actors Discussion Board.pngMessage Boards Spiribird Icon.pngTips & Tricks


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