Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Shogun Ceanataur: Weakness and Drops

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Shogun Ceanataur Guide

This is a hunting guide for Shogun Ceanataur, a Large Monster in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Read on to learn Shogun Ceanataur's weaknesses, forgeable weapons, forgeable armor, drops, and attack patterns for Master Rank!

Shogun Ceanataur Guide
Weapons IconShogun Ceanataur Weapons Armor IconShogun Ceanataur Armor

Shogun Ceanataur Weakness and Notes

Shogun Ceanataur
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Shogun Ceanataur Returning Monster
Type Carapaceon Previous Games MH2, MHF2, MHFU, MHGen, MHGU
Threat Level 6/10 Rampage Type
Major Weakness Other Weakness
Blight / Elemental Damage Abnormal Status
These large Carapaceons can be found around volcanoes and in the Flooded Forest. Shogun Ceanataur wield long, developed claws that are usually folded away, but unfurl into terrifying blades when enraged. Shogun Ceanataur, like the Daimyo Hermitaur, are also known to use wyvern skulls as shells. Specimens that do, have been observed using water a jet-like attack.

How to Unlock Shogun Ceanataur

Complete A Rocky Rampage and Reach MR 3

MH Rise Sunbreak - My Ceanataur Gently Weeps

Quest Name Monster/Unlock
My Ceanataur Gently Weeps (Key Quest)
Shogun Ceanataur Image Shogun Ceanataur
Unlock Conditions:
Finish the Quest "A Rocky Rampage"

Shogun Ceanataur is unlocked by completing the Urgent Quest A Rocky Rampage and reaching MR 3 in the Sunbreak expansion.

MR Grinding Guide:
How to Get from MR 6 to MR 100 Fast

Shogun Ceanataur Weakness and Resistance

Shogun Ceanataur Weapon Damage Breakdown

Part Sever Symbol (MH Rise).png Blunt Symbol (MH Rise).png Ammo Symbol (MH Rise).png
Head 50 45 45
Torso 35 35 25
Shell 25 45 25
Right Claw 25 30 15
Right Leg 35 30 30
Left Claw 25 30 15
Left Leg 35 30 30
Overall 30 34 24

Shogun Ceanataur Elemental Weakness Breakdown

Part Fire Symbol (MH Rise).png Water Symbol (MH Rise).png Thunder Element (MH Rise).png Ice Element (MH Rise).png Dragon Element (MH Rise).png
Head 10 10 35 20 0
Torso 15 5 20 10 0
Shell 20 5 25 10 0
Right Claw 35 5 20 10 0
Right Leg 15 5 15 10 0
Left Claw 35 35 20 10 0
Left Leg 15 15 15 10 0
Overall 23 12 20 10 0

Higher numbers indicate higher potential damage to the monster.

Shogun Ceanataur Hunting Tips

MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur Hunting Tips

Shogun Ceanataur change up the way they fight depending on the shell they wear. Breaking the shell exposes the weak point, so focus your attention there. However, Shogun Ceanataur wield claws that can attack a wide area. Prioritize breaking the claws to reduce their threat.

Status Effect Vulnerabilities

Poison Stun Paralysis Sleep
Blast Exhaust Fireblight Waterblight
★★ ★★
Thunderblight Iceblight

If an ailment has more stars it means that it has better effectiveness.

Item Vulnerabilities

Pitfall Trap Shock Trap Flash Bomb
Sonic Bomb Meat Effects Dung Bomb

◯ = Vulnerable; ✕ = Fully Resistant; ▲ = Situational

Kinsect Extracts

Monster Part Extract
Head Red Extract
Torso Red Extract
Shell Orange Extract
Right Claw Red Extract
Right Leg White Extract
Left Claw Red Extract
Left Leg White Extract

Red = Attack Increase, White = Movement Boost, Orange = Anti-knockback When Attacking

Kinsect Extract Guide

Shogun Ceanataur Locations and Quests

Shogun Ceanataur Habitat

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Area
Flooded Forest.pngFlooded Forest 9 / 10 / 13 1 / 6 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 11
Lava Caverns.pngLava Caverns 5 / 8 / 14 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 10

Shogun Ceanataur Quest Appearances

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Anomaly Quest A★3 Anomaly Research: Shogun Ceanataur
Hub Quest M★3 Rock, Paper, Pincers
(Key Quest)
Hub Quest M★3 My Ceanataur Gently Weeps
(Key Quest)
Support Survey M★3 Operation Shogun Ceanataur
Follower Quest M★4 Flooded Forest Feast
Hub Quest M★4 Pincers Versus Pyro
(Key Quest)
Hub Quest M★4 Jade Membrane, Sapphire Claws
Support Survey M★4 Flooded Forest Probe
Event Quest M★5 Punches and Pincers
Hub Quest M★6 Advanced: Edge of Madness
Support Survey M★6 Monkey-Crab Turf War
No Quest in This Rank
No Quest in This Rank

How to Beat Shogun Ceanataur

Heal Bleeding by Crouching or Eating Sushifish

Shogun Ceanataur - Heal Bleeding by Crouching or Eating Sushifish

Shogun Ceanataur primarily inflicts the bleed status when it attacks with its long, sharp claws. Bleed fills out a meter that if kept uncheck, will deal extra damage on the next received attack.

Heal the bleed status by crouching for a short time or eating Sushifish.

Sushifish Location: How to Get and Uses

Heal Waterblight with Nulberry

Shogun Ceanataur - Heal Waterblight with Nulberry

Aside from Bleed, Shogun Ceanataur also inflicts Waterblight by ejecting a jet of water from its back. Take some Nulberries to cure Waterblight.

Nulberry Location: How to Get and Effects

Stay Aggressive to Topple Shogun Ceanataur

Shogun Ceanataur - Go Aggressive to Topple The Monster

It is very easy to topple Shogun Ceanataur so always go into the offensive to maximize the time it is down. It won't come easy though, as the monster will also go all out on you!

Attack After the Claw Impaling Move

Shogun Ceanataur - Attack After the Claw Impaling Move

This one attack where Shogun Ceanataur impales its claws on the ground will leave it open for successive attacks. Evade this move then switch into the offensive as Shogun Ceanataur tries hard to pull its claws from the ground!

Break the Shell for Another Weakpoint

Shogun Ceanataur - Break Shogun Ceanataur Shell for Another Weakpoint

Your attacks may not be as effective as they should when hitting the shell on its back but hit it enough and it will break - exposing a weak point that you can exploit afterwards!

It burrows on the ground after a while though and it will re-emerge with a brand new shell so try to be super aggressive before that!

Shogun Ceanataur Attacks and Moves

Name Description
Clawblade Swipes A quick but wide-reaching claw swipe attacks.
Burrowing Strike Shogun Ceanataur burrows deep then re-emerges blades first from the ground.
Impaling Claw Strike A strong downward arm strike that pierces even the earth. Shogun Ceanataur's arms get stuck on the ground due to sheer force.
Water Jet A powerful stream of water from Shogun Ceanataur's back.
Advancing Cross Chop A fast adn wide cross chop attack that inflicts Bleed.
Sharpening Strike Shogun Ceanataur hones its claws then strikes with mighty force.

Clawblade Swipes

Shogun Ceanatur will use its long, sharp claws to inflict pain and make Hunters bleed. Know what some of the most common moves look like so you would know how to deal with them.

Clawblade Swipes Attack Variations
Shogun Ceanataur - Sideways Claw Swipe
Sideways Claw Swipe: Shogun Ceanataur will move sideways and approach a target then unloads a swipe attack.

This move is very easy to telegraph as the monster will move first before striking. Reposition accordingly to avoid this attack.
Shogun Ceanataur - Half Moon Claw Strikes
Half-Moon Claw Swipes: A quick 180 degree attack that punishes Hunters that stays on its back for a long time. This move always come in two's so careful not Wirefalling back to the monster until the second one's done.

Always expect this attack to come whenever you're attacking Shogun Ceanataur's back. It's quick and very hard to evade so try counterattacking instead.

Burrowing Strike

Burrowing Strike Attack Information
Shogun Ceanataur - Burrowing Strike
Burrowing Strike: Shogun Ceanataur will burrow itself from the ground and try to reemerge claw-first while targeting the Hunter.

Time your evades properly to when it is about to emerge from the ground.

Impaling Claw Strike

Impaling Claw Strike Attack Information
Shogun Ceanataur - Impaling Claw Strike
Impaling Claw Strike: A strong downward strike with its sharp claws. This will often leave Shogun Ceanataur exposed to attack while trying to get its claws out of the ground.

Evade this move properly then you'll have a short window of opportunity to attack. Don't waste it!

Water Jet

Water Jet Attack Information
Shogun Ceanataur - Water Jet
Water Jet: Shogun Ceanataur blasts a jet of water from its back targeting Hunters that are far away. It will then sweep from right to left, leaving no area safe.

Shogun Ceanataur only does this move when it has a wyvern shell on its back. Destroy its shell and this attack would cease.

Also, when you see it charging for a water jet attack, move towards Shogun Ceanataur's side - it's the only place it can't hit.

Advancing Cross Chop

Advancing Cross Chop Attack Information
Shogun Ceanataur - Advancing Cross Chop
Advancing Cross Chop: A fast, forward cross chop using its sharp claws.

This has a huge hitbox so try performing an emergency evade or counterattacking to mitigate the damage.

Sharpening Strike

Sharpening Strike Attack Information
Shogun Ceanataur - Sharpening Strike
Sharpening Strike: A powerful downward strike after honing its own claws.

The move is quick but has a really obvious tell: the sharpning motion. Evade at all costs using emergency evade or counterattack if you're feeling it.

Shogun Ceanataur Materials and Drops

Master Rank Shogun Ceanataur Materials

Broken Parts
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Heavy Wyvern Scalp IconHeavy Wyvern Scalp [100% (Shell), 70% (Shell)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Cortex IconCeanataur Cortex [70% (Shell), 10% (Shell)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Hardclaw IconCeanataur Hardclaw [70% (Claw x2), 30% (Claw x1)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Shell IconAfflicted Shell [40% (Anomaly Quests)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Carapace IconAfflicted Carapace [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Cortex IconAfflicted Cortex [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Solid Bone IconSolid Bone [30% (Shell)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Slogbone IconMonster Slogbone [20% (Shell)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Cortex IconCeanataur Cortex [41% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Shell IconAfflicted Shell [40% (Anomaly Quests)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Carapace IconAfflicted Carapace [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Cortex IconAfflicted Cortex [40% (Anomaly Investigations)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Heavy Ceanataur Leg IconHeavy Ceanataur Leg [32% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Hardclaw IconCeanataur Hardclaw [17% (Body)]
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Fine Black Pearl IconFine Black Pearl [10% (Body)]

Shogun Ceanataur Dropped Materials

Master Rank

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Cortex IconCeanataur Cortex [80% x1, 20% x2]

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise Sunbreak - Monsters Partial Banner
All Monster Guides

All Shogun Ceanataur Guides

All Shogun Ceanataur Related Articles
Shogun Ceanataur.pngShogun Ceanataur Guide Weapons.pngShogun Ceanataur Weapons Armor Icon.pngShogun Ceanataur Armor

Sunbreak Monsters

Sunbreak Monster Lists
Sunbreak Monsters List Monster Subspecies List Sunbreak Small Monsters List

Large Monsters

Sunbreak Large Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Daimyo Hermitaur IconDaimyo Hermitaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten IconBlood Orange Bishaten MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm IconGarangolm MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth IconAurora Somnacanth
MH Rise Sunbreak - Shogun Ceanataur IconShogun Ceanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron IconLunagaron MH Rise Sunbreak - Astalos IconAstalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Seregios IconSeregios
MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron IconMagma Almudron MH Rise Sunbreak - Gore Magala IconGore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Espinas IconEspinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyre Rakna-Kadaki IconPyre Rakna-Kadaki
MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno IconMalzeno MH Rise Sunbreak - Shagaru Magala IconShagaru Magala

MR6+ Large Monsters

MR6+ Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Gaismagorm IconGaismagorm
MH Rise Sunbreak - Furious Rajang IconFurious Rajang
MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo IconScorned Magnamalo

Title Update 1 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 1 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Seething Bazel IconSeething Bazelgeuse MH Rise Sunbreak - Silver Rathalos IconSilver Rathalos MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian IconGold Rathian MH Rise Sunbreak - Lucent Narga IconLucent Nargacuga

Title Update 2 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 2 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Flaming Espinas Monster Partial BannerFlaming Espinas MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Chameleos Monster Partial BannerRisen Chameleos MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune Monster Partial BannerViolet Mizutsune

Title Update 3 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 3 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Chaotic Gore Magala Monster Partial BannerChaotic Gore Magala MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Kushala Daora Monster Partial BannerRisen Kushala Daora MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Teostra Monster Partial BannerRisen Teostra

Title Update 4 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 4 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Velkhana IconVelkhana MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax IconRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Title Update 5 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 5 Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak Amatsu BorderAmatsu Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala

Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi IconBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur IconCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat IconGowngoat
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur IconHermitaur MHRise Sunbreak - HornetaurHornetaur MHRise Sunbreak - PyrantulaPyrantula
MHRise Sunbreak - VespoidVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey IconVelociprey

Other Large Monsters

Other Large Monsters
MH Rise - Great Izuchi IconGreat Izuchi MH Rise - Arzuros IconArzuros MH Rise - Great Baggi IconGreat Baggi MH Rise - Lagombi IconLagombi
MH Rise - Aknosom IconAknosom MH Rise - Tetranadon IconTetranadon MH Rise - Kulu-Ya-Ku IconKulu-Ya-Ku MH Rise - Barroth IconBarroth
MH Rise - Great Wroggi IconGreat Wroggi MH Rise - Royal Ludroth IconRoyal Ludroth MH Rise - Khezu IconKhezu MH Rise - Bishaten IconBishaten
MH Rise - Somnacanth IconSomnacanth MH Rise - Barioth IconBarioth MH Rise - Rathian IconRathian MH Rise - Tobi-Kadachi IconTobi-Kadachi
MH Rise - Volvidon IconVolvidon MH Rise - Basarios IconBasarios MH Rise - Pukei-Pukei IconPukei-Pukei MH Rise - Magnamalo IconMagnamalo
MH Rise - Nargacuga IconNargacuga MH Rise - Zinogre IconZinogre MH Rise - Anjanath IconAnjanath MH Rise - Mizutsune IconMizutsune
MH Rise - Rathalos IconRathalos MH Rise - Almudron IconAlmudron MH Rise - Goss Harag IconGoss Harag MH Rise - Tigrex IconTigrex
MH Rise - Diablos IconDiablos MH Rise - Jyuratodus IconJyuratodus MH Rise - Rajang IconRajang MH Rise - Rakna-Kadaki IconRakna-Kadaki
MH Rise - Bazelgeuse IconBazelgeuse

Elder Dragons

Elder Dragons
MH Rise - Narwa the Allmother IconNarwa the Allmother
MH Rise - Wind Serpent Ibushi IconWind Serpent Ibushi MH Rise - Thunder Serpent Narwa IconThunder Serpent Narwa MH Rise - Crimson Glow Valstrax IconCrimson Glow Valstrax
MH Rise - Chameleos IconChameleos MH Rise - Kushala Daora IconKushala Daora MH Rise - Teostra IconTeostra

Apex Monsters

Apex Monsters
MH Rise - Apex Arzuros IconApex Arzuros MH Rise - Apex Rathian IconApex Rathian MH Rise - Apex Mizutsune IconApex Mizutsune
MH Rise - Apex Rathalos IconApex Rathalos MH Rise - Apex Diablos IconApex Diablos MH Rise - Apex Zinogre IconApex Zinogre

Other Small Monsters

Small Monsters
MH Rise - Altaroth IconAltaroth MH Rise - Anteka IconAnteka MH Rise - Baggi IconBaggi MH Rise - Bnahabra IconBnahabra
MH Rise - Bombadgy IconBombadgy MH Rise - Bullfango IconBullfango MH Rise - Delex IconDelex MH Rise - Felyne IconFelyne
MH Rise - Gajau IconGajau MH Rise - Gargwa IconGargwa MH Rise - Izuchi IconIzuchi MH Rise - Jaggi IconJaggi
MH Rise - Jaggia IconJaggia MH Rise - Jagras IconJagras MH Rise - Kelbi IconKelbi MH Rise - Kestodon IconKestodon
MH Rise - Ludroth IconLudroth MH Rise - Melynx IconMelynx MH Rise - Popo IconPopo MH Rise - Rachnoid IconRachnoid
MH Rise - Remobra IconRemobra MH Rise - Rhenoplos IconRhenoplos MH Rise - Slagtoth IconSlagtoth MH Rise - Uroktor IconUroktor
MH Rise - Wroggi IconWroggi MH Rise - Zamite IconZamite

Small Monsters


1 Anonymousover 3 years

These articles need to be proof read! mistakes everywhere!


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