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This is Game8's Discussion Board for Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). The Discussion Board is a forum for discussing Monster Hunter Rise in general. Share your review of the game and theorize about the story and characters with other fans of the game!

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Submissions: 74
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74 Anonymous12 monthsReport

It sounds like you're experiencing some frustrating moments with your shield-based weapons. Dealing with attacks slipping through your defenses despite raising your shield or using iframes can be really annoying. Have you tried adjusting your timing or positioning to see if that helps? Sometimes it can be a matter of fine-tuning your approach

73 Anonymous12 monthsReport

dreadscape gaming. Aside from a couple of builds, his endgame builds are your builds.

72 Jackabout 1 yearReport

What’s a good charge blade build?

62 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

The build guides in this page don't help at all, they don't have the correct information about anything, they told me to craft a tenderizer gem when the same set they told me to wear has already weakness exploit and the gem is no longer necessary, told me to craft a hard element jewel +4 and a single element jewel when clearly crafting a +3 and a +2 will give the full lv5 bonus for that element, I suggest you guys fix all the guides and actually play the game to check your informations

61 Raelle over 2 yearsReport

Defender long barrel..wroggi x set,thunderous talisman, Decorations (quickload 1,Evasion 4,Forceshot 3,Absorber1,Evasion 4)Normal shot 2,and Pierce 1(fast rapid fire dps and huge clips)currently at M☆2...and looking for the next decent light bowgun...all others have been junk compared to it

60 Sunbreak Walkthrough Team@Game8over 2 yearsReport

Hey, Dog28! Thank you for sharing this. We're currently investigating the matter.

59 Dog28over 2 yearsReport

It appears the majority of the videos have been taken down and replaced. SnS, CB, SWA, and DB are the only ones that remain.

58 Dog28over 2 yearsReport

dreadscape gaming. Outside of a couple of builds his endgame builds are your builds.

57 Sunbreak Walkthrough Team@Game8over 2 yearsReport

Good day, DOG28! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. May we have the name of the Youtube creator's channel so we can look into this?

55 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

if they don't ask then i'm asking now out of curiosity haha

54 DOG28over 2 yearsReport

Well if they don’t care then there is no point in a name then other wise they can ask me for it.

53 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

sheeeeeesh prolly should give them the creators name

52 DOG28over 2 yearsReport

Not sure if the YouTube creator is affiliated with this page or not but if he isn’t someone is palgierizing your articles.

50 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

MHR's hitboxes are pretty tight for the most part, I have more clips of questionable close misses than questionable far hits. Definitely don't think this game is worthy of hitbox complaints but I might be biased having recent memories of plesioth's legendary hip.

49 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

I've had several occasions like this, I'll roll aside from an attack that I can see go right past me on screen, such as Raka's double swipe, and still take a hit. Or Magnamalo's tail coming down a couple feet away from me and getting hit by it when the tail wasn't even close to touching. The character's hit box is pretty large apparently.

48 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

My trouble is even when playing weapons with shields, such as charge blade or lance, I go to raise my shield and still get hit from a full on attack. Not even an unblockable, like Teostra's explosion, just normal attacks. Got my shield pressed and still go tumbling. And other times, the wirebug dash iframe of charge blade, I'll use it and still get hit, regardless of the "iframe" and other times Ill use it and phase right through attacks. Last second guard/gp and iframes aren't working.

47 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Seems perfectly realistic to me actually, every human that the monster sees is an enemy and it's because we all are (the game's called monster hunter after all)... this isn't harvest moon.

46 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

great! best of luck on the arena quest!

44 Zypheralmost 4 yearsReport

It was totally that, thank you!!

43 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

To be fair whether you no life the game or work 8+ hours a day a lot of us have years of experience in Monster Hunter, experience which translates from game to game relatively unchanged. Practice and get better, your job doesn't prevent you from doing that it only changes the amount of time it takes for you to reach the "I got good" point. MH is all about experience, knowledge, and practice, there isn't any shortcut or words we can tell you that can help with your lack of dodging skills.

42 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

have you tried completing both the volvidon and basarios high rank quests? might be that

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