Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Lance Tree: List of All Lances

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List of Lances.png

This is a list of all Lances in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Read on to know all about the Lances, their damage, sharpness, elements, status effects, affinities, and available slots.

All Lance Guides
Lance 1Trees & Full List Lance 2How to Use Lance 3Best Builds

All Lance Trees

Defender Tree

 ┗Champion Lance Attack Icon150
  ┗Champion Lance II Attack Icon190
   ┗Champion Lance III Attack Icon210
    ┗Guardian Lance Attack Icon230

Kamura Tree

  ┣Kamura Spear III Attack Icon90
  ┃┣Kamura Spear IV Attack Icon140
  ┃┃┗Kamura Spear V Attack Icon150
  ┃┃ ┗Kamura Ninja Spear Attack Icon190
  ┃┃  ┗Kamura Warrior Spear Attack Icon250
  ┃┃   ┣Kamura Warrior Spear+ Attack Icon290
  ┃┃   ┃┗Fine Kamura Spear Attack Icon330
  ┃┃   ┗Duke's Impaler Attack Icon320 Dragon Icon39
  ┃┃    ┗Mastlayer Attack Icon330 Dragon Icon41
  ┃┣Goss Lance I Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon10
  ┃┃┗Goss Lance II Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon12
  ┃┃ ┗Abominable Lance Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon14
  ┃┃  ┗Abominable Spear Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon16
  ┃┃   ┗Abominable Spear+ Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon18
  ┃┃    ┗Abominable Spike Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-15% Ice Icon20
  ┃┣Hana Mo Hana Nare I Attack Icon120 Affinity Icon10% Water Icon14
  ┃┃┗Hana Mo Hana Nare II Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon10% Water Icon20
  ┃┃ ┗Kimi Ga Kiru Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon28
  ┃┃  ┗Kimi Ga Kiru+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon37
  ┃┃   ┣Kimi Ga Kiru Kasa Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon41
  ┃┃   ┃ ┗Kimi Ga Kiru Kasa+ Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon15% Water Icon44
  ┃┃   ┗Pure Spear Osaki Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon10% Water Icon19
  ┃┗Naag Serpentblade I Attack Icon80 Affinity Icon5% Poison Icon26
  ┃ ┗Naag Serpentblade II Attack Icon100 Affinity Icon10% Poison Icon31
  ┃  ┗Devta Serpentblade Attack Icon130 Affinity Icon10% Poison Icon41
  ┃   ┗Devta Serpentblade+ Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon10% Poison Icon42
  ┃    ┗Ouroboros Serpentblade Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon10% Poison Icon43
  ┣Distention I Attack Icon110 Water Icon12
  ┃┗Distention II Attack Icon160 Water Icon16
  ┃ ┗Croaker Attack Icon200 Water Icon18
  ┃  ┗Croaker+ Attack Icon260 Water Icon23
  ┃   ┗Peeper Attack Icon270 Water Icon25
  ┃    ┗Peeper+ Attack Icon340 Water Icon28
  ┣Wind Thief Lance I Attack Icon70 Affinity Icon10%
  ┃┗Wind Thief Lance II Attack Icon100 Affinity Icon15%
  ┃ ┗Gale Lance Attack Icon140 Affinity Icon15%
  ┃  ┗Gale Lance+ Attack Icon240 Affinity Icon15%
  ┃   ┗Great Gale Lance Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon15%
  ┗Sharktooth Spear I Attack Icon80 Ice Icon17
   ┗Sharktooth Spear II Attack Icon110 Ice Icon22
    ┗Razortooth Spear Attack Icon150 Ice Icon29
     ┗Razortooth Spear+ Attack Icon240 Ice Icon40
      ┗Spinetooth Spear Attack Icon330 Ice Icon55

Primordial Tree

Silver Stabber Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon0% Dragon Icon50

Ore Tree

 ┣Iron Lance II Attack Icon100
 ┃┣Millennial Lance Attack Icon120
 ┃┃┣Paladin Lance I Attack Icon140
 ┃┃┃┣Paladin Lance II Attack Icon170
 ┃┃┃┃┗Rampart Attack Icon190
 ┃┃┃┃ ┗Rampart+ Attack Icon260
 ┃┃┃┃  ┗Watchtower Attack Icon300
 ┃┃┃┃   ┗Watchtower+ Attack Icon350
 ┃┃┃┗Babel Spear I Attack Icon160
 ┃┃┃ ┣Babel Spear II Attack Icon190
 ┃┃┃ ┃┗Elder Babel Spear Attack Icon200
 ┃┃┃ ┃ ┗Elder Babel Spear+ Attack Icon240
 ┃┃┃ ┃  ┣Lost Babel Attack Icon290
 ┃┃┃ ┃  ┃┗Lost Babel+ Attack Icon330
 ┃┃┃ ┃  ┗Frostmoon Spirilance Attack Icon300 Ice Icon26
 ┃┃┃ ┃   ┗Frostmoon Spirilance+ Attack Icon310 Ice Icon29
 ┃┃┃ ┃    ┗Lunarcry Attack Icon330 Ice Icon32
 ┃┃┃ ┗Venom Lance I Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-15% Poison Icon14
 ┃┃┃  ┗Venom Lance II Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon-15% Poison Icon20
 ┃┃┃   ┗Basarios Venom Spear Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-15% Poison Icon23
 ┃┃┃    ┗Basarios Venom Spear+ Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon-15% Poison Icon25
 ┃┃┃     ┗Basalt Venom Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-15% Poison Icon29
 ┃┃┣Hidden Stinger I Attack Icon110 Affinity Icon30%
 ┃┃┃┗Hidden Stinger II Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon30%
 ┃┃┃ ┗Night Rains Black Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon35%
 ┃┃┃  ┗Purple Darklance Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon35%
 ┃┃┃   ┣Purple Darklance+ Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon35%
 ┃┃┃   ┃┗Avidya Lance Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon35%
 ┃┃┃   ┗Duhbe's Asterism Attack Icon340 Poison Icon15
 ┃┃┗Growling Wyvern I Attack Icon120 Dragon Icon15
 ┃┃ ┗Growling Wyvern II Attack Icon180 Dragon Icon15
 ┃┃  ┗Roaring Wyvern Attack Icon210 Dragon Icon15
 ┃┃   ┗Roaring Wyvern+ Attack Icon260 Dragon Icon37
 ┃┃    ┗Raging Wyvern Attack Icon290 Dragon Icon45
 ┃┃     ┗Raging Wyvern+ Attack Icon330 Dragon Icon54
 ┃┣Kadachi Lance I Attack Icon100 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon13
 ┃┃┗Kadachi Lance II Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon15% Thunder Icon18
 ┃┃ ┗Shockspear Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon15% Thunder Icon20
 ┃┃  ┗Shockspear+ Attack Icon240 Affinity Icon15% Thunder Icon27
 ┃┃   ┗Thunderlance Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon15% Thunder Icon30
 ┃┃    ┗Thunderlance+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon15% Thunder Icon35
 ┃┣Aknosom Lance I Attack Icon100 Fire Icon11
 ┃┃┗Aknosom Lance II Attack Icon110 Fire Icon14
 ┃┃ ┗Aknosom Lance III Attack Icon150 Fire Icon19
 ┃┃  ┗Dawnbreaker Lance Attack Icon210 Fire Icon24
 ┃┃   ┗Dawnmoon Lance Attack Icon240 Fire Icon38
 ┃┃    ┗Dawnmoon Lance+ Attack Icon260 Fire Icon43
 ┃┃     ┗Dawnmoon Piercer Attack Icon330 Fire Icon57
 ┃┗Rugged Lance I Attack Icon120 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃ ┣Rugged Lance II Attack Icon150 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃ ┃┣Barroth Carver Attack Icon200 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃ ┃┃┗Niter Spear Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃ ┃┃ ┗Niter Spear+ Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃ ┃┃  ┗Barroth Borer Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃ ┃┗Drill Lance I Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon8
 ┃ ┃ ┗Drill Lance II Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon11
 ┃ ┃  ┗Gigadrill Lance Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon15
 ┃ ┃   ┗Gigadrill Lance+ Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon17
 ┃ ┃    ┣Exadrill Lance Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon20
 ┃ ┃    ┃┗Exadrill Lance+ Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon10% Thunder Icon23
 ┃ ┃    ┗Veil of Lightning Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon20% Thunder Icon21
 ┃ ┃     ┗Veil of Lightning+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon20% Thunder Icon25
 ┃ ┃      ┗Verdant Lightning Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon20% Thunder Icon28
 ┃ ┗Volvi Stroke I Attack Icon90 Paralysis Icon19
 ┃  ┗Volvi Stroke II Attack Icon140 Paralysis Icon23
 ┃   ┗Volvi Sweep Attack Icon160 Paralysis Icon27
 ┃    ┗Volvi Sweep+ Attack Icon240 Paralysis Icon28
 ┃     ┗Volvi Swindler Attack Icon260 Paralysis Icon29
 ┃      ┗Volvi Swindler Attack Icon320 Paralysis Icon30
 ┗Heat Lance I Attack Icon90 Affinity Icon-10% Fire Icon9
  ┗Heat Lance II Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon-10% Fire Icon12
   ┗Heatstinger Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-10% Fire Icon17
    ┗Heatstinger+ Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon-10% Fire Icon25
     ┗Heat Impaler Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-10% Fire Icon31

Bone Tree

 ┣Hard Bone Lance Attack Icon110
 ┃┣Longhorn Spear I Attack Icon120
 ┃┃┣Longtusk Spear Attack Icon150
 ┃┃┃┗Barbarian Tusk I Attack Icon180
 ┃┃┃ ┗Barbarian Fang Attack Icon200
 ┃┃┃  ┣Harbah Lance Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10%
 ┃┃┃  ┃┗Harbah Lance+ Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon10%
 ┃┃┃  ┃ ┗Turbulent Lance Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon10%
 ┃┃┃  ┣Bone Claw Lance Attack Icon240 Water Icon32
 ┃┃┃  ┃┣Bone Claw Lance+ Attack Icon290 Water Icon33
 ┃┃┃  ┃┃┗Red Lord Lance Attack Icon330 Water Icon34
 ┃┃┃  ┃┗Ceanataur Stinger Attack Icon290 Water Icon14
 ┃┃┃  ┃ ┗Ceanataur Stinger+ Attack Icon310 Water Icon16
 ┃┃┃  ┃  ┗Ceanataur Piercer Attack Icon320 Water Icon19
 ┃┃┃  ┗Tiger Stinger I Attack Icon210 Affinity Icon-20%
 ┃┃┃   ┗Tiger Stinger II Attack Icon220 Affinity Icon-15%
 ┃┃┃    ┗Tigrex Lance Attack Icon230 Affinity Icon-15%
 ┃┃┃     ┗Tigrex Lance+ Attack Icon330 Affinity Icon-15%
 ┃┃┃      ┗Great Tigrex Lance Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon-15%
 ┃┃┃       ┗Great Tigrex Lance+ Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-15%
 ┃┃┣Tusk Lance I Attack Icon80 Affinity Icon30% Ice Icon15
 ┃┃┃┗Tusk Lance II Attack Icon160 Affinity Icon35% Ice Icon24
 ┃┃┃ ┗Sabertooth Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon40% Ice Icon26
 ┃┃┃  ┗Frosttooth Attack Icon260 Affinity Icon40% Ice Icon31
 ┃┃┃   ┗Frosttooth+ Attack Icon280 Affinity Icon40% Ice Icon32
 ┃┃┃    ┗Ivory Ice Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon40% Ice Icon34
 ┃┃┗Pukei Spear I Attack Icon110 Poison Icon16
 ┃┃ ┣Pukei Spear II Attack Icon170 Poison Icon24
 ┃┃ ┃┗Datura Spear Attack Icon190 Poison Icon27
 ┃┃ ┃ ┗Datura Spear+ Attack Icon250 Poison Icon35
 ┃┃ ┃  ┗Datura Stellaspear Attack Icon280 Poison Icon42
 ┃┃ ┃   ┗Datura Stellaspear+ Attack Icon320 Poison Icon50
 ┃┃ ┗Red Tail I Attack Icon100 Fire Icon29
 ┃┃  ┗Red Tail II Attack Icon180 Fire Icon34
 ┃┃   ┗Spear of Prominence Attack Icon190 Fire Icon37
 ┃┃    ┣Spear of Prominence+ Attack Icon310 Fire Icon44
 ┃┃    ┃┣Lejeu Prominence Attack Icon330 Fire Icon46
 ┃┃    ┃┗Silver Prominence Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon35% Fire Icon52
 ┃┃    ┗Rosenranze Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon17
 ┃┃     ┣Rosenranze+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon19
 ┃┃     ┃ ┗Rosenbegierde Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon20% Fire Icon21
 ┃┃     ┗Kaktus Begierde Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon15% Fire Icon48
 ┃┣Spiral Lance I Attack Icon90 Water Icon16
 ┃┃┗Spiral Lance II Attack Icon130 Water Icon25
 ┃┃ ┗Spiral Splash Attack Icon160 Water Icon31
 ┃┃  ┗Spiral Splash+ Attack Icon240 Water Icon35
 ┃┃   ┣Spiral Vortex Attack Icon290 Water Icon41
 ┃┃   ┃┗Spiral Vortex+ Attack Icon330 Water Icon56
 ┃┃   ┗Golm Tower Attack Icon310
 ┃┃    ┗Golm Tower+ Attack Icon330
 ┃┃     ┗Gorkotos Attack Icon360
 ┃┣Ploshasta I Attack Icon110 Affinity Icon-10%
 ┃┃┣Ploshasta II Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon-10%
 ┃┃┃┗Rhenohasta Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon-10%
 ┃┃┃ ┗Rhenohasta+ Attack Icon270 Affinity Icon-10%
 ┃┃┃  ┗Rhenoplos Spear Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-10%
 ┃┃┗Diablos Lance I Attack Icon170 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃ ┗Diablos Lance II Attack Icon240 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃  ┗Diablos Spear Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃   ┗Diablos Spear+ Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃    ┗Cera Creos Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┃     ┗Cera Creos+ Attack Icon370 Affinity Icon-30%
 ┃┗Kulu Spear IAttack Icon100 Affinity Icon15%
 ┃ ┗Kulu Spear IIAttack Icon110 Affinity Icon15%
 ┃  ┣Kulu SkewerAttack Icon160 Affinity Icon25%
 ┃  ┃┗Kulu Skewer+Attack Icon250 Affinity Icon25%
 ┃  ┃ ┗Kulu Katolos SpearAttack Icon320 Affinity Icon25%
 ┃  ┗Usurper's Coming IAttack Icon120 Thunder Icon16
 ┃   ┗Usurper's Coming IIAttack Icon194 Thunder Icon21
 ┃    ┗Despot's CacophonyAttack Icon200Thunder Icon29
 ┃     ┗Despot's Cacophony+Attack Icon310Thunder Icon39
 ┃      ┗Oppressor's GenesisAttack Icon320Thunder Icon52
 ┗Azure Crest IAttack Icon70 Sleep Icon9
  ┗Azure Crest IIAttack Icon100 Sleep Icon14
   ┗Azure Crest IIIAttack Icon140 Sleep Icon24
    ┗Great AzureAttack Icon180 Sleep Icon29
     ┗Great Azure+Attack Icon240 Sleep Icon31
      ┗Bandera AzulAttack Icon320 Sleep Icon33

Magnamalo Tree

 ┗Sinister Spear II Attack Icon140 Blast Icon13
  ┗Sinister Shadespear Attack Icon200 Blast Icon19
   ┗Sinister Shadespear+ Attack Icon290 Blast Icon21
    ┗Mighty Soulscreamer Attack Icon310 Blast Icon23
     ┗Devil's Deliverance Attack Icon330 Blast Icon35

Gore Magala Tree

Eiferschild Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon20% Dragon Icon17
 ┣Eiferschild+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon20% Dragon Icon23
 ┃┗Zornesschild Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon20% Dragon Icon27
 ┗L'Égide Attack Icon290 Affinity Icon35% Dragon Icon36
 ┃┗Le Paladin Attack Icon300 Affinity Icon35% Dragon Icon41
 ┗Luzifer/Sage Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon-30% / 15% Dragon Icon45

Rajang Tree

 ┗Demon Lance IIAttack Icon210 Thunder Icon7
  ┗Great Demon LanceAttack Icon220 Thunder Icon10
   ┗Great Demon Lance+Attack Icon330 Thunder Icon22
    ┗Raging Demon LanceAttack Icon340 Thunder Icon28

Furious Rajang Tree

Ibushi Tree

  ┗Abyssal Gale Lance Attack Icon210 Dragon Icon11
   ┗Skybore Twister Attack Icon340 Dragon Icon18

Narwa Tree

 ┗Abyssal Storm Lance Attack Icon190 Thunder Icon38
  ┗Skybore Discharge Attack Icon310 Thunder Icon71

Bazelgeuse Tree

Rookslayer Lance IAttack Icon200 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon10
 ┗Rookslayer Lance IIAttack Icon210 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon12
  ┗Bazel Myniad LanceAttack Icon220 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon15
   ┗Bazel Myniad QueentakerAttack Icon330 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon17
    ┗Bazel Rocket RooksearerAttack Icon350 Affinity Icon-10% Blast Icon20

Kushala Daora Tree

Icesteel Spear I Attack Icon180 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon30
 ┗Daora's Fang Attack Icon190 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon36
  ┗Daora's Fang+ Attack Icon310 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon44
   ┗Daora's Regulus Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon10% Ice Icon46

Teostra Tree

 ┗Teostra's Roar Attack Icon200 Blast Icon32
  ┗Teostra's Roar+ Attack Icon320 Blast Icon45
   ┗Teostra's Fire Attack Icon340 Blast Icon55

Valstrax Tree

 ┗Reddnaught SpearAttack Icon180 Dragon Icon35
  ┗Crimson SharpwingAttack Icon340 Dragon Icon42

Gaismagorm Tree

Abyssal Icicle Attack Icon350 Affinity Icon-20% Dragon Icon15

Velkhana Tree

Knightly Ectis Attack Icon340 Affinity Icon0% Ice Icon28

Amatsu Tree

Ominous Cloud Attack Icon360 Affinity Icon-25% Water Icon48

Hornetaur Tree

Dark Lance Attack Icon230 Paralysis Icon10
 ┗Dark Lance+ Attack Icon280 Paralysis Icon11
  ┗Dark Spear Attack Icon320 Paralysis Icon13

Chaos Tree

Plegis Needle I Attack Icon100 Paralysis Icon10
 ┗Plegis Needle II Attack Icon150 Paralysis Icon15
  ┗Mighty Plegis Attack Icon190 Paralysis Icon18
   ┗Mighty Plegis+ Attack Icon260 Paralysis Icon19
    ┗Mycetic Stupor Attack Icon370 Paralysis Icon20

Spio Tree

Alacrantze I Attack Icon90 Poison Icon18
 ┗Alacrantze II Attack Icon130 Poison Icon22
  ┗Alacrantze III Attack Icon160 Poison Icon25
   ┗Scorpion Lance Attack Icon170 Poison Icon29
    ┗Scorpion Lance+ Attack Icon270 Poison Icon30
     ┗Hadrurus Lance Attack Icon340 Poison Icon37

Melahoa Tree

Fragrance I Attack Icon90 Sleep Icon13
 ┗Fragrance II Attack Icon140 Sleep Icon17
  ┗Classy Fragrance Attack Icon160 Sleep Icon20
   ┗Classy Fragrance+ Attack Icon260 Sleep Icon21
    ┗Elegant Fragrance Attack Icon340 Sleep Icon22

Royal Order Tree

 ┗Royal Order's Guard+ Attack Icon320 Affinity Icon10%

Antique Machina Tree

Rampage Tree

  ┗Rampage Spear IIIAttack Icon 180
   ┗Rampage Spear IVAttack Icon 190
    ┗Rampage Spear VAttack Icon 200
     ┗Rampage Spear SAttack Icon 210

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