Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

New Monsters List: List of All New Monsters

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monsters List Page Banner

This is a list of all the new monsters in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. Read on for info on all new monsters to the series and monsters upcoming in free title updates and the Sunbreak DLC.

All New Monsters List

New Sunbreak Monsters

MH Rise - MalzenoMalzeno MH Rise - LunagaronLunagaron MH Rise - GarangolmGarangolm
MH Rise - Blood Orange BishatenBlood Orange Bishaten MH Rise - Aurora SomnacanthAurora Somnacanth MH Rise - Magma AlmudronMagma Almudron
MH Rise - Pyre Rakna-KadakiPyre Rakna-Kadaki MH Rise - GaismagormGaismagorm MH Rise - Scorned MagnamaloScorned Magnamalo
MH Rise - Violet MizutsuneViolet Mizutsune MH Rise - Risen ChameleosRisen Chameleos MH Rise - Risen Kushala DaoraRisen Kushala Daora
MH Rise - Risen TeostraRisen Teostra MH Rise - Risen Crimson Glow ValstraxRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax MH Rise - Risen Shagaru MagalaRisen Shagaru Magala
MH Rise - Primordial MalzenoPrimordial Malzeno

List of Sunbreak Monsters

New Elder Dragons

MH Rise - Thunder Serpent NarwaThunder Serpent Narwa MH Rise - Wind Serpent IbushiWind Serpent Ibushi MH Rise - Crimson Glow ValstraxCrimson Glow Valstrax
MH Rise - Narwa the AllmotherNarwa the Allmother

List of Elder Dragons

Apex Monsters

MH Rise - Apex ArzurosApex Arzuros MH Rise - Apex RathianApex Rathian MH Rise - Apex MizutsuneApex Mizutsune
MH Rise - Apex RathalosApex Rathalos MH Rise - Apex DiablosApex Diablos MH Rise - Apex ZinogreApex Zinogre

List of Apex Monsters

Other New Large Monsters

MH Rise - AknosomAknosom MH Rise - AlmudronAlmudron MH Rise - BishatenBishaten
MH Rise - Goss HaragGoss Harag MH Rise - Great IzuchiGreat Izuchi MH Rise - MagnamaloMagnamalo
MH Rise - Rakna-KadakiRakna-Kadaki MH Rise - SomnacanthSomnacanth MH Rise - TetranadonTetranadon

List of All Monsters

New Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bombadgy IconBombadgy Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Izuchi IconIzuchi Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Rachnoid IconRachnoid

Small Monsters List

New Large Monsters List

Primordial Malzeno

MH Rise Sunbreak - Primordial Malzeno

This variant of Malzeno is its state before being affected by the Qurio. It uses its wings and tail elegantly to fight like a knight, but its behavior can be affected once the Qurio are involved. This monster unlocks at MR10.

Primordial Malzeno: Basic Information

Risen Shagaru Magala

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Risen Shagaru Magala

All Risen Shagaru Magala Related Articles
Risen Shagaru Magala.pngRisen Shagaru Magala Guide Armor Icon.pngRisen Shagaru Magala Armor

Risen Shagaru Magala are an even more ferocious Shagaru Magala that has overcome the affliction. It uses the power of the Frenzy and the Risen state to bring destruction. Its quest unlocks at MR 180.

Risen Shagaru Magala: Weakness and Drops

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax

MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Hunting

All Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Related Articles
Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax Guide Armor Icon.pngRisen Crimson Glow Valstrax Armor

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, an Elder Dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters more fiercely than the regular Crimson Glow Valstrax. Its quest is unlocked at MR160.

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax
Weakness and Drops

Risen Kushala Daora

MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Kushala Daora Swiping Wind Claws

All Risen Kushala Daora Related Articles
Risen Kushala Daora.pngRisen Kushala Daora Guide Armor Icon.pngRisen Kushala Daora Armor

Risen Kushala Daora, an Elder Dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters more fiercely than the regular Kushala Daora. Its quest is unlocked at MR120.

Risen Kushala Daora: Weakness and Drops

Risen Teostra

Risen Teostra Flamethrower

All Risen Teostra Related Articles
Risen Teostra.pngRisen Teostra Guide Armor Icon.pngRisen Teostra Armor

Risen Teostra, an Elder Dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters more fiercely than the regular Teostra. Its quest is unlocked at MR140.

Risen Teostra: Weakness and Drops

Risen Chameleos

MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Chameleos

All Risen Chameleos Related Articles
Risen Chameleos.pngRisen Chameleos Guide Armor Icon.pngRisen Chameleos Armor

The Risen Chameleos, an elder dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters with even more ferocious force compared to the base Chameleos. Not much is known about this monster other than the fact that it is unlocked at MR110.

Risen Chameleos: Weakness and Drops

Violet Mizutsune

MH Rise Sunbreak - Violet Mizutsune

All Violet Mizutsune Related Articles
Violet Mizutsune.pngViolet Mizutsune Guide Weapons.pngViolet Mizutsune Weapons Armor Icon.pngViolet Mizutsune Armor

Violet Mizutsune is the new fiery subspecies of a regular Mizutsune that will appear in Sunbreak's Title Update 2. This new monster can utilize flaming attacks, and its normal variant's bubble and jet moves now produce fire that can engulf the field!

Sunbreak Violet Mizutsune: Weakness and Drops

Scorned Magnamalo

MH Rise Sunbreak - Scorned Magnamalo

All Scorned Magnamalo Related Articles
Scorned Magnamalo.pngScorned Magnamalo Guide Weapons.pngScorned Magnamalo Weapons Armor Icon.pngScorned Magnamalo Armor

For those who miss the deadly Magnamalo from the original Monster Hunter Rise Demo, Scorned Magnamalo is back to up the ante once again. Magnamalo now has blades attached to both of its forelegs, and is constantly covered in Hellfire.

Scorned Magnamalo: Weakness and Drops

Pyre Rakna-Kadaki

MH Rise Sunbreak -  Pyre Rakna Kadaki

All Pyre Rakna-Kadaki Related Articles
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki.pngPyre Rakna-Kadaki Guide Weapons.pngPyre Rakna-Kadaki Weapons Armor Icon.pngPyre Rakna-Kadaki Armor

They came out with a subspecies for one of the new monsters in MH Rise: Pyre Rakna-Kadaki. We imagine this one hurts a lot more than the regular Rakna-Kadaki!

Pyre Rakna-Kadaki: Weakness and Drops

Aurora Somnacanth

MH Rise Sunbreak - Aurora Somnacanth

All Aurora Somnacanth Related Articles
Aurora Somnacanth.pngAurora Somnacanth Guide Weapons.pngAurora Somnacanth Weapons Armor Icon.pngAurora Somnacanth Armor

An icy new Somnacanth subspecies has appeared in Sunbreak! Unlike the normal Somnacanth, the Aurora Somnacanth blasts cold air to freeze its surroundings. It will even use the ice to slide around the battlefield!

Aurora Somnacanth: Weakness and Drops

Magma Almudron

MH Rise Sunbreak - Magma Almudron

All Magma Almudron Related Articles
Magma Almudron.pngMagma Almudron Guide Weapons.pngMagma Almudron Weapons Armor Icon.pngMagma Almudron Armor

The Water Leviathan Almudron has been revealed to have a new subspecies in Sunbreak, the Magma Almudron. This monster is seen withstanding the intensity of lava and is shown to be living in the Lava Caverns, adopting a red glow when in a special heated state.

Magma Almudron: Weakness and Drops


MH Rise Sunbreak - Garangolm

All Garangolm Related Articles
Garangolm.pngGarangolm Guide Weapons.pngGarangolm Weapons Armor Icon.pngGarangolm Armor

Garangolm is a fanged beast first introduced in the Sunbreak expansion. This new monster resides in the woodlands of Citadel. It uses its huge body to attack. When enraged, it covers its right arm in magma and the other arm in moss, making it attack with both water and fire elements.

Garangolm is one of the Three Lords you need to hunt to prevent the calamity falling over Elgado and the Citadel.

Garangolm: Weakness and Drops

Blood Orange Bishaten

MH Rise Sunbreak - Blood Orange Bishaten

All Blood Orange Bishaten Related Articles
Blood Orange Bishaten.pngBlood Orange Bishaten Guide Weapons.pngBlood Orange Bishaten Weapons Armor Icon.pngBlood Orange Bishaten Armor

A new feisty subspecies of Bishaten has been found in the new locale that will be available in Sunbreak. The Blood Orange Bishaten looks almost the same as the Bishaten we know but instead of fruits it will throw exploding pinecones at you!

Blood Orange Bishaten: Weakness and Drops


MH Rise Sunbreak - Lunagaron

All Lunagaron Related Articles
Lunagaron.pngLunagaron Guide Weapons.pngLunagaron Weapons Armor Icon.pngLunagaron Armor

Welcome the icy version of Odogaron, Lunagaron, into the fold! With Lunagaron's introduction, we hope that we'll be seeing Odogaron in Sunbreak as well. We wonder if it will still have the same bleed effect, except now it also deals ice damage?

Lunagaron is also one of the Three Lords.

Lunagaron: Weakness and Drops


MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno

All Malzeno Related Articles
Malzeno.pngMalzeno Guide Weapons.pngMalzeno Weapons Armor Icon.pngMalzeno Armor

The new Elder Dragon Malzeno will join Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak as its flagship monster that has the ability to drain the life essence of its enemies.

Malzeno is also one of the Three Lords.

Malzeno: Weakness and Drops

Crimson Glow Valstrax

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Crimson Glow Valstrax Banner

All Crimson Glow Valstrax Related Articles
Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax Guide Weapons.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax Weapons Armor Icon.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax Armor

A new variant of the Jet Dragon will arrive in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) called Crimson Glow Valstrax. This particular variant is overflowing with Dragon energy than the normal Valstrax hence the red coloration.

How to Beat Crimson Glow Valstrax

Apex Zinogre

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Apex Zinogre Banner

Apex Zinogre will appear in MH Rise in Update 3.0 together with Crimson Glow Valstrax.

How to Beat Apex Zinogre

Narwa the Allmother

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Narwa the Allmother Image

With the release of Update 3.0, players above HR50 are presented with a new quest that requires them to slay Narwa the Allmother!

How to Beat Narwa the Allmother


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Flagship Monster Magnamalo

All Magnamalo Related Articles
Magnamalo.pngMagnamalo Guide Weapons.pngMagnamalo Weapons Armor Icon.pngMagnamalo Armor

Magnamalo is the flagship Monster in Monster Hunter Rise and serves as one of the story bosses. Magnamalo is an explosively aggressive monster that utilizes ghost-like Hellfire alongside its fearsome claws and tail. Its appearance strongly resembles samurai armor.

How to Beat Magnamalo


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Somnacanth

All Somnacanth Related Articles
Somnacanth.pngSomnacanth Guide Weapons.pngSomnacanth Weapons Armor Icon.pngSomnacanth Armor

Inspired by the Japanese version of a mermaid, Somnacanth is a monster capable of inflicting multiple status ailments on unprepared hunters. Sleep, Stun, and Waterblight are but a few status effects in this new monster's arsenal.

How to Beat Somnacanth


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Bishaten

All Bishaten Related Articles
Bishaten.pngBishaten Guide Weapons.pngBishaten Weapons Armor Icon.pngBishaten Armor

Bishaten flips, bounces, and rolls its way around the field before launching a volley of fruit at unaware hunters. It was also inspired by a mischievous yokai, namely Tengu.

How to Beat Bishaten


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Aknosom

All Aknosom Related Articles
Aknosom.pngAknosom Guide Weapons.pngAknosom Weapons Armor Icon.pngAknosom Armor

Aknosom will remain stationary on one foot will lauching mortar like fireballs into the air before sweeping nearby hunters away with its large wings. This new monster was inspired by the infamous umbrella-like yokai, kasa-obake.
How to Beat Aknosom

Great Izuchi

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Great Izuchi

All Great Izuchi Related Articles
Great Izuchi.pngGreat Izuchi Guide Weapons.pngGreat Izuchi Weapons Armor Icon.pngGreat Izuchi Armor

The Great Izuchi is a stronger and larger variant of the Izuchis in the wild. It is inspired by a weasel-like yokai that also likes to work in threes and has a sharp tail, the Kamaitachi.
How to Beat Great Izuchi


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Tetranadon

All Tetranadon Related Articles
Tetranadon.pngTetranadon Guide Weapons.pngTetranadon Weapons Armor Icon.pngTetranadon Armor

The Tetranodon is a giant Amphibian. Due to its size, it moves slowly but its attacks can hit a wide range. It can eat to expand its body which makes it slower but causing it to hit a wider range when it attacks. It is inspired by the well-known Kappa, a yokai who also has distinct amphibian features.
How to Beat Tetranodon

Goss Harag

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Goss Harag

All Goss Harag Related Articles
Goss Harag.pngGoss Harag Guide Weapons.pngGoss Harag Weapons Armor Icon.pngGoss Harag Armor

Goss Harag, native to the Frost Islands, is a Fanged Beast that uses its icy breath to create a weapon and as a weapon in itself. Inspired by the yokai Namahage, both of them reside in snowy climates, wear oni masks, and use knives as their weapon.
How to Beat Goss Harag


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Almudron

All Almudron Related Articles
Almudron.pngAlmudron Guide Weapons.pngAlmudron Weapons Armor Icon.pngAlmudron Armor

Almudron is like a mud-based cousin of Mizutsune. This monster attacks with its long body and slows down the hunter with blasts of mud. It is inspired by the yokai Onamazu, a giant catfish that lives underground. It can easily cause earthquakes when it moves around.
How to Beat Almudron


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - New Monster Rakna-Kadaki

All Rakna-Kadaki Related Articles
Rakna-Kadaki.pngRakna-Kadaki Guide Weapons.pngRakna-Kadaki Weapons Armor Icon.pngRakna-Kadaki Armor

Rakna-Kadaki is a neopteron that inhabits the Lava Caverns. Don't let its size fool you, Rakna-Kadaki is suprisingly mobile for a giant fire-breathing spider! Much like its inspiration, the spider-bride yokai Jorogumo, it commands smaller fire-breathing spiders called the Rachnoid.
How to Beat Rakna-Kadaki

New Small Monsters List


The fluffy new Small Monster shown in the trailers is now confirmed to be called the Gowngoat! They don't seem to be an aggressive bunch so try hunting them in moderation.
Gowngoat: Basic Information


In addition to the Gowngoat, the small, Goblin-like monsters are now confirmed to be called the Boggi! They are aggressive and will attack hunters traversing The Citadel so be careful!
Boggi: Basic Information


The swift and vicious Velociprey are back in Sunbreak! These small bird wyverns are known to hunt in packs and can be encountered at the Jungle locale.
Velociprey Basic Information


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bombadgy
Bombadgy is one of the new small monsters confirmed to be in MH Rise. It releases explosive gas when threatened. Be careful, and use it against large monsters!
Bombadgy: Locations and Drops


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Great Izuchi with Izuchis
Izuchi come in packs, and will usually be alongside a Great Izuchi. Don't underestimate these little Izuchis; they can give you a hard one-two punch if you aren't paying attention!
Izuchi: Locations and Drops


Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Rachnoid with Rakna-Kadaki
The juvenile form of Rakna-Kadaki. These small neopterons breath fire if hunters get too close, so be careful!
Rachnoid: Locations and Drops

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Monsters Partial Banner
List of All Monsters

MH Rise Sunbreak - Monsters List BannerSunbreak Monsters List MH Rise Sunbreak - Monster Subspecies BannerMonster Subspecies List
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster VariantsMonster Variant List MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Monsters Afflicted Monsters List
MHRise Sunbreak - Risen Elder DragonsRisen Elder Dragons List MH Rise Sunbreak - List of Small MonstersSunbreak Small Monsters List
MH Rise - New Monsters List Page BannerNew Monsters List MH Rise - Returning Monsters List Page BannerReturning Monsters List
MH Rise - Small Monsters Page BannerSmall Monsters List MH Rise - Apex Monster BannerApex Monsters List
MH Rise - Elder Dragons Page BannerElder Dragons List MH Rise - Weakness Chart Page BannerMonster Weakness Chart


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