Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Shrine Ruins Map and Sub-Camp Locations | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Shrine Ruins Map banner

This is a guide and map for the Shrine Ruins locale in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn what materials can be found here at each mining and gathering location, and the locations of all sub-camps and relic records!

Shrine Ruins Map

Shrine Ruins Gathering Map

Other Maps

Endemic Life Map Spiribirds (Permabuffers) Map

Shrine Ruins Sub-Camp

Sub-Camp 1 Area 10

Unlock Conditions

Area 10 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Shrine Ruins Sub-Camp Security after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Slay 8 Izuchis in the Shrine Ruins

Camp Guide: How to Unlock Sub-Camps

Shrine Ruins Relic Records Locations

Relic Records Locations Map

Shrine Ruins Relic Records Locations

Locations are numbered by the Notebook entries.

How to Find Shrine Ruins Relic Records

Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Locations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Locations

How to Unlock

All Shrine Ruins Buddy Recon Points are unlocked automatically as soon as the feature is available. Note that Buddy Recon is only available with the Sunbreak DLC.

Buddy Recon Locations Guide

Rare Endemic Life Locations

Snow-faced Fox

MH Rise - Snow-faced Fox

The Snow-faced Fox is a rare endemic life that can be found in the Shrine Ruins. To document its existence within your hunting notes, you will have to take a picture of it. Making the mistake of attacking the Snow-faced Fox scares it away.

Snow-faced Fox Location

MH Rise - Snow-faced Fox Location in the Shrine Ruins

How to Find Snow-faced Fox

Shrine Ruins Exploration Tips

Fastest Permabuffer Collection Route

Though usually, it depends on the position of the monster you are Hunting, you can choose to take either route to your liking. Areas 1, 3, and 4 are the closest to each other, making the permabuffs there easier to collect. The Permabuffers in areas 9 to 13 are harder to reach so getting them is not all that necessary.

Secret Routes

Base Camp to Area 2

MH Rise - Base Camp to Area 2 Secret Route
This Secret Route is easier to find as it is really close to the base camp. Just head left after entering the area until you are in a small clump of bamboo trees. Go past the bamboo trees and the secret route is there.

Area 8 to Area 3

MH Rise - Area 8 to Area 3 Secret Route
This Secret Route is harder to find. You can find it close to the abandoned buildings, near the lowest part of the central mountain near Area 8. You can also reach area 8 by entering through here in Area 3.

Reaching the Highest Point

Finding Great Wirebugs

You need three wirebugs to do this. You can find Great Wirebugs in Jewel Lillies indicated on the map. Both of these will let you fly high up and reach another wirebug which you can combine for greater altitudes. Getting high up eventually lands you on either a cliff face or on top of an abandoned house. If you land on the house, jump to the other side and you will find vines. If you are on a pathway, just walk to your left. There, you can find the same vines. Proceed to climb the vines until you reach a clear area.

Scaling the Cliff Face

MH Rise - Scaling the Cliff Face

This part is a bit tedious but once you are in the clearing, you can see a house sitting on top of 2 large rocks. Get on top of the house, be careful of slipping. Once on top, you can see a house on top of the mountain. You can reach this by carefully scaling the wall beside it, testing your Wirebug abilities.

The Highest Point

MH Rise - The Highest Point in the Shrine Ruins

Once you successfully scaled the wall, you can now revel in the fact that you conquered a hard task and marvel at the beauty of the locale. There is not much explains why there is a house here, but it may be integral to the story later on.

List of Shrine Ruins Items and Materials

List of Account Items

List of All Account Items

List of Bones

List of All Bones

List of Fish

List of All Fish

List of Ore

List of All Ores

List of Other Materials

MH Rise - Adamant SeedAdamant Seed MH Rise - Antidote HerbAntidote Herb MH Rise - BitterbugBitterbug MH Rise - BlastnutBlastnut
MH Rise - Blue MushroomBlue Mushroom MH Rise - BomberryBomberry MH Rise - Dragonstrike NutDragonstrike Nut MH Rise - DungDung
MH Rise - ExciteshroomExciteshroom MH Rise - FelvineFelvine MH Rise - Fire HerbFire Herb MH Rise - FlamenutFlamenut
MH Rise - FlashbugFlashbug MH Rise - FlowfernFlowfern MH Rise - GodbugGodbug MH Rise - HerbHerb
MH Rise - HoneyHoney MH Rise - HuskberryHuskberry MH Rise - IvyIvy MH Rise - LatchberryLatchberry
MH Rise - MandragoraMandragora MH Rise - Might SeedMight Seed MH Rise - NeedleberryNeedleberry MH Rise - NitroshroomNitroshroom
MH Rise - NulberryNulberry MH Rise - ParashroomParashroom MH Rise - SlashberrySlashberry MH Rise - Sleep HerbSleep Herb
MH Rise - Spider WebSpider Web MH Rise - ThunderbugThunderbug MH Rise - ToadstoolToadstool

List of Items and Materials

List of Shrine Ruins Endemic Life

Antidobra.pngAntidobra Blastoad.pngBlastoad Boulder Lizard.pngBoulder Lizard
Brewhare.pngBrewhare Butterflame.pngButterflame Clothfly.pngClothfly
Cutterfly.pngCutterfly Escuregot.pngEscuregot Felicicrow.pngFelicicrow
Firebeetle.pngFirebeetle Flashfly.pngFlashfly Fortune Owl.pngFortune Owl
Gold Wirebug.pngGold Wirebug Golden Spiribug.pngGolden Spiribug Great Wirebug.pngGreat Wirebug
Green Spiribird.pngGreen Spiribird Marionette Spider.pngMarionette Spider Mudbeetle.pngMudbeetle
Orange Spiribird.pngOrange Spiribird Peepersects.pngPeepersects Poisontoad.pngPoisontoad
Puppet Spider.pngPuppet Spider Red Spiribird.pngRed Spiribird Rock Lizard.pngRock Lizard
Ruby Wirebug.pngRuby Wirebug Scale Lizard.pngScale Lizard Snowbeetle.pngSnowbeetle
Starburst Bug.pngStarburst Bug Stinkmink.pngStinkmink Thunderbeetle.pngThunderbeetle
Trapbugs.pngTrapbugs Vigorwasp.pngVigorwasp Wailnard.pngWailnard
Wirebug.pngWirebug Yellow Spiribird.pngYellow Spiribird

List of Endemic Life

List of Shrine Ruins Large Monsters

Aknosom.pngAknosom Almudron.pngAlmudron Anjanath.pngAnjanath
Apex Arzuros.pngApex Arzuros Apex Mizutsune.pngApex Mizutsune Apex Rathalos.pngApex Rathalos
Apex Rathian.pngApex Rathian Apex Zinogre.pngApex Zinogre Arzuros.pngArzuros
Astalos.pngAstalos Bazelgeuse.pngBazelgeuse Bishaten.pngBishaten
Blood Orange Bishaten.pngBlood Orange Bishaten Chameleos.pngChameleos Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax
Daimyo Hermitaur.pngDaimyo Hermitaur Espinas.pngEspinas Gore Magala.pngGore Magala
Great Izuchi.pngGreat Izuchi Great Wroggi.pngGreat Wroggi Kulu-Ya-Ku.pngKulu-Ya-Ku
Lunagaron.pngLunagaron Magnamalo.pngMagnamalo Mizutsune.pngMizutsune
Nargacuga.pngNargacuga Pukei-Pukei.pngPukei-Pukei Rajang.pngRajang
Rathalos.pngRathalos Rathian.pngRathian Seregios.pngSeregios
Tetranadon.pngTetranadon Tobi-Kadachi.pngTobi-Kadachi Zinogre.pngZinogre

List of All Monsters

List of Shrine Ruins Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Altaroth Small Monster IconAltaroth Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bnahabra Small Monster IconBnahabra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bombadgy Small Monster IconBombadgy
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bullfango Small Monster IconBullfango Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Felyne Small Monster IconFelyne Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Gajau Small Monster IconGajau
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Gargwa Small Monster IconGargwa Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Hermitaur Small Monster IconHermitaur Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Izuchi Small Monster IconIzuchi
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Jagras Small Monster IconJagras Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Kelbi Small Monster IconKelbi Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Melynx Small Monster IconMelynx
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Remobra Small Monster IconRemobra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Wroggi Small Monster IconWroggi

List of Small Monsters

Shrine Ruins Unique Features

Tall Places and Tight Spaces

MH Rise - Tall Places and Tight Spaces

The Shrine Ruins is filled with large mountains and structures that you can climb on top of, especially the mountains in Area 5. As well as tight spaces which have various narrow entrypoints. When hunting, it’s more ideal to initiate fights and lead monsters in open spaces.

Wirebug Practice Zone

MH Rise - Wirebug Practice Zone

Apart from Kamura Village, the Shrine Ruins is the first place you can visit once you boot up the game. Added to this, the layout of the Shrine Ruins is made to feel like a practice zone for using Wirebugs due to its high places.

How to Use Wirebugs

Abandoned Shrines Explained

MH Rise - Abandoned Shrines Explained

Littered about the Shrine Ruins are dilapidated buildings which look like they have been abandoned for a long time. These moss-covered remnants of the past seem to be linked to the Rampage, an infamous reoccurring event that has devastated Kamura Village since ancient times.

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Maps Locations Partial Banner

List of Maps and Locations

All Sunbreak Maps and Locations

Locales and Other Locations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

All Base Game Maps and Locations

MH Rise - Shrine RuinsShrine Ruins MH Rise - Frost IslandsFrost Islands
MH Rise - Sandy PlainsSandy Plains MH Rise - Flooded ForestFlooded Forest
MH Rise - Lava CavernsLava Caverns
Other Locations
MH Rise - Kamura VillageKamura Village MH Rise - Infernal SpringsInfernal Springs


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