Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Flooded Forest Map and Sub-Camp Locations | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Flooded Forest Maps and Materials banner

This is a guide and map for the Flooded Forest locale in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn what materials can be found here at each mining and gathering location, and the locations of all sub-camps and relic records!

Flooded Forest Map

Whole Map

Gathering Ore Farming Route

Endemic Life Maps

Other Endemic Life Permabuffers

Recommended for Ore Farming for Money

The Flooded Forest is a recommended map to farm ore for money. You can collect expensive ore like Novacrystal here, so farming money here during Expedition Tours will be profitable.

How to Farm Zenny (Money)

Flooded Forest Sub-Camps

Sub-Camp 1 Area 11

Unlock Conditions

Area 10 Sub-Camp
How to Unlock Clear the Request Flooded Forest Sub-Camp Security after discovering the sub-camp location
Quest Conditions Slay 8 Wroggi in the Flooded Forest

Camp Guide: How to Unlock Sub-Camps

Wroggi Locations in the Flooded Forest

Wroggi Locations
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - wroggi locations flooded forest

Wroggi Locations and Material Drops

Flooded Forest Relic Record Locations

Location Map

Flooded Forest Relic Record Locations

How to Find Flooded Forest Relic Records

Flooded Forest Buddy Recon Locations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Flooded Forest Buddy Recon Locations.png

How to Unlock

All Flooded Forest Buddy Recon Points are unlocked automatically as soon as the feature is available. Note that Buddy Recon is only available with the Sunbreak DLC.

Buddy Recon Locations Guide

Flooded Forest Shortcut

Shortcut From Main Camp to Area 13

On the left side of the main camp, on top of your tent, there's a shortcut that leads you directly to Area 13. There's also a Relic Record in the middle of the shortcut, so snatch it up if you haven't yet!
Jump to Relic Records in Flooded Forest

Use the Great Wirebug in the Base Camp

On the cliff on the right side of the Main, there are Jewel Lilies that you can put a Great Wirebug into. It will launch you directly in front of the shortcut, so make sure to use it to make it more convenient to head there!
How to Get and Use Great Wirebug

How to Enter the Flooded Forest Pyramid

Use a Great Wirebug

When scaling the pyramid, it's recommended to use the Great Wirebug located at the west side of the pyramid. It only launches you up to the middle part of the pyarmid, but at least you don't have to wallrun all the way up!

Bomb the Crumbling Wall

When you get to the very top, there's a crumbling wall that you can definitely open up with Barrel Bombs. You'll need to use two Barrel Bombs, but it's also possible to open it with one Large Barrel Bomb.

There's also a Relic Record in the room that you can enter from the south side of the pyramid, so don't forget to get it!

Jump to Relic Records in Flooded Forest

Quetzalcobra: Rare Endemic Life in the Pyramid

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - quetzalcobra
On the east side of the pyramid in the Flooded Forest, there's a room that you can enter where the Quetzalcobra randomly appears in during daytime.
How to Find Quetzalcobra

List of Flooded Forest Items and Materials

List of Account Items

List of All Account Items

List of Bones

List of All Bones

List of Fish

List of All Fish

List of Ore

List of All Ores

List of Other Materials

MH Rise - Antidote HerbAntidote Herb MH Rise - BitterbugBitterbug MH Rise - BlastnutBlastnut MH Rise - BlazenutBlazenut
MH Rise - DungDung MH Rise - ExciteshroomExciteshroom MH Rise - FelvineFelvine MH Rise - FlamenutFlamenut
MH Rise - FlashbugFlashbug MH Rise - FlowfernFlowfern MH Rise - GodbugGodbug MH Rise - HerbHerb
MH Rise - HoneyHoney MH Rise - IvyIvy MH Rise - LatchberryLatchberry MH Rise - MandragoraMandragora
MH Rise - NeedleberryNeedleberry MH Rise - NulberryNulberry MH Rise - ParashroomParashroom MH Rise - Sleep HerbSleep Herb
MH Rise - SmokenutSmokenut MH Rise - Snow HerbSnow Herb MH Rise - Spider WebSpider Web MH Rise - ThunderbugThunderbug
MH Rise - ToadstoolToadstool

List of Items and Materials

List of Flooded Forest Endemic Life

Antidobra.pngAntidobra Aurorturtle.pngAurorturtle Blastoad.pngBlastoad
Boulder Lizard.pngBoulder Lizard Butterflame.pngButterflame Clothfly.pngClothfly
Cutterfly.pngCutterfly Escuregot.pngEscuregot Felicicrow.pngFelicicrow
Fortune Owl.pngFortune Owl Gold Wirebug.pngGold Wirebug Golden Spiribug.pngGolden Spiribug
Great Wirebug.pngGreat Wirebug Green Spiribird.pngGreen Spiribird Lanternbug.pngLanternbug
Marionette Spider.pngMarionette Spider Mudbeetle.pngMudbeetle Orange Spiribird.pngOrange Spiribird
Paratoad.pngParatoad Peepersects.pngPeepersects Red Spiribird.pngRed Spiribird
Rock Lizard.pngRock Lizard Ruby Wirebug.pngRuby Wirebug Scale Lizard.pngScale Lizard
Sleeptoad.pngSleeptoad Snowbeetle.pngSnowbeetle Starburst Bug.pngStarburst Bug
Stinkmink.pngStinkmink Thunderbeetle.pngThunderbeetle Tricktoad.pngTricktoad
Vigorwasp.pngVigorwasp Wirebug.pngWirebug Yellow Spiribird.pngYellow Spiribird

List of Endemic Life

List of Flooded Forest Large Monsters

Almudron.pngAlmudron Anjanath.pngAnjanath Apex Arzuros.pngApex Arzuros
Apex Mizutsune.pngApex Mizutsune Apex Rathian.pngApex Rathian Apex Zinogre.pngApex Zinogre
Arzuros.pngArzuros Astalos.pngAstalos Bazelgeuse.pngBazelgeuse
Bishaten.pngBishaten Chameleos.pngChameleos Crimson Glow Valstrax.pngCrimson Glow Valstrax
Daimyo Hermitaur.pngDaimyo Hermitaur Garangolm.pngGarangolm Gore Magala.pngGore Magala
Great Wroggi.pngGreat Wroggi Jyuratodus.pngJyuratodus Kulu-Ya-Ku.pngKulu-Ya-Ku
Mizutsune.pngMizutsune Nargacuga.pngNargacuga Pukei-Pukei.pngPukei-Pukei
Rajang.pngRajang Rathian.pngRathian Royal Ludroth.pngRoyal Ludroth
Shogun Ceanataur.pngShogun Ceanataur Somnacanth.pngSomnacanth Tobi-Kadachi.pngTobi-Kadachi

List of Large Monsters

List of Flooded Forest Small Monsters

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Altaroth Small Monster IconAltaroth Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bnahabra Small Monster IconBnahabra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Bullfango Small Monster IconBullfango
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Felyne Small Monster IconFelyne Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Gajau Small Monster IconGajau Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Hermitaur Small Monster IconHermitaur
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Jagras Small Monster IconJagras Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Kelbi Small Monster IconKelbi Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Ludroth Small Monster IconLudroth
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Melynx Small Monster IconMelynx Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Remobra Small Monster IconRemobra Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Slagtoth Small Monster IconSlagtoth
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Wroggi Small Monster IconWroggi

List of Small Monsters

Flooded Forest Unique Features

Swampy and Submerged

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Swampy and Submerged

The Flooded Forest, true to its name, have areas which are submerged underwater. Because of this, a lot of aquatic monsters like the Somnacanth and Royal Ludroth can appear here.

Using the Endemic Life to Fight

MH Rise - Summon Giganha Using EZ Meat Bait

You can use the Giganha to your advantage. You can summon them with EZ Meat Bait that is only available in the Flooded Forest item box near main camp.

List of Endemic Life

Monster Hunter Rise Related Guides

MH Rise - Maps Locations Partial Banner

List of Maps and Locations

All Sunbreak Maps and Locations

Locales and Other Locations
MH Rise Sunbreak - Forlorn ArenaForlorn Arena MH Rise Sunbreak - CitadelThe Citadel
MH Rise Sunbreak - Elgado Outpost Icon BannerElgado Outpost MH Rise Sunbreak - The Jungle MapThe Jungle

All Base Game Maps and Locations

MH Rise - Shrine RuinsShrine Ruins MH Rise - Frost IslandsFrost Islands
MH Rise - Sandy PlainsSandy Plains MH Rise - Flooded ForestFlooded Forest
MH Rise - Lava CavernsLava Caverns
Other Locations
MH Rise - Kamura VillageKamura Village MH Rise - Infernal SpringsInfernal Springs


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