Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

How to Unlock Talismans

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - How to Unlock Talismans Banner

This is a guide to Talismans in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) and the Sunbreak DLC. If you want to know more about how to unlock talismans and melding methods, as well as how to equip talismans, read on!

Talisman Guides
Melding Pot Kagero MerchantMelding Pot Guide Talisman BannerHow to Unlock MH Rise Sunbreak - Talisman Farming.pngTalisman Farming Free Talismans Banner,mode thumb Free Talismans

How to Unlock Talismans

Starting at ★5 Village or ★3 Gathering Hub

MH Rise - Village Quest

Once you reach ★5 Village or ★3 Gathering Hub, completing another quest will unlock the Melding Pot. As you continue through High Rank, you will unlock other types of Melding as well.

Melding Unlocked
Reflecting Pool.pngReflecting Pool
Reach ★5 Village or ★3 Gathering Hub
Reach HR 5 (★5 Gathering Hub)
Reach HR 7 (★7 Gathering Hub)
Wisp of Mystery.pngWisp of Mystery
Defeat Thunder Serpent Narwa in the ★7 Hub quest Serpent Goddess of Thunder
Defeat Thunder Serpent Narwa in the ★7 Hub quest Serpent Goddess of Thunder

Hunter Rank Farm Guide

Can You Upgrade Talismans?

MH Rise - Kagero with Melding Pot

In Monster Hunter Rise, you can no longer upgrade Talismans. This means you can't improve the level of the skills on a Talisman and must rely on the random selection of the Melding Pot.

How to Choose a Talisman

1. Use the Melding Pot at the Market

2. Choose your melding method

3. Deliver materials

4. Clear or fail a quest

5. Receive your Talismans

Use the Melding Pot at the Market

To get started making Talismans, you'll need to speak with Kagero at the Market or Maido at the Guild Store, then select the Melding Pot.

Choose Your Melding Method

Once you're in the Melding Pot menu, you'll need to decide which method of melding you want. Depending on the method, the success rate of earning the selected skill will differ, and you will unlock methods with higher chances of rare skills as you progress.

If you want to know which melding method is best and their success rates, as well as which skills to prioritize, check out our Melding Pot guide!

How to Use the Melding Pot

Deliver Materials

Once you've chosen skill, you will need to deliver a certain amount of materials. Depending on the method you chose the amount required will differ and each material has a different point value. Rarer materials will have a higher point value and vice-versa.

We cover the best ways on how to farm materials for Talismans in our Talisman Farming guide!

Talisman Farming:
How to Meld the Best Talismans

Multiple Talismans Can Be Chosen at Once

With points and materials delivered, you'll notice that you can choose more than 1 Talisman to be made.

Clear or Fail a Quest

MH Rise - Quest Complete

For a single melding to complete, you must first clear or fail a quest. Keep in mind that Expedition Tours will not count.

Dying in the Arena is Fastest

MH Rise - Arena Quest Counter

One of the quickest ways to accumulate Talismans is by entering an Arena Quest and dying. Unlike a regular quest, you can only be carted a single time in the Arena, making failure quick and easy. The equipment that comes with Bowguns tends to have the lowest defense, allowing you to take more damage faster. Speak with Utsushi in the Gathering Hub to accept Arena Quests.

Receive Your Talismans

Once you've cleared or failed a quest, return to the Melding Pot to get your newly melded Talismans. If the icons on the right under Orders Left are sparkling, that means your Talisman/s are ready to be collected. The Take Talismans button will also no longer be grayed out.

How to Equip Talismans

From the Item Box

Go to any Item Box and select Manage Equipment then Change Equipment. From there you should now have a slot for Talismans.

Will Not Appear if You Have No Talismans

If you don't have any Talismans in your Item Box, the option for Talismans will not appear under the Change Equipment screen.

If you pre-ordered the game then you should also have received a Novice Talisman that can be equipped from the start of the game.

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