Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Gunlance Guide: Combos, Controls and Moveset

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Gunlance Guide Banner

This is a guide to the Gunlance, a weapon in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (MH Rise). Read on to learn about new Gunlance controls and combos, how to use Gunlance shelling, Gunlance's Blast Dash as well as details on Gunlance Switch Skills.

All Gunlance Guides
Gunlance 1Trees & Full List Gunlance 2How to Use Gunlance 3Best Builds

Gunlance Balance Changes

Update 15.0

Gunlance Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 15.0)
・Increased the power of the the Gunlance's Wyrmstake Cannon (Normal, Long, Wide).
・Increased the power of the Gunlance's shelling (Wide only).

Update 13.0

Gunlance Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 13.0)
・Fixed an issue where the forward movement of Bullet Barrage would cause Large Barrel Bombs and Mega Barrel Bombs to explode at unintended times.
・Fixed an issue with the timing of chaining a Lunging Upthrust into a Quick Reload and finally an Overhead Smash, where using the button assigned for an Overhead Smash would mistakenly chain into a Shelling instead.

・Ground Splitter: Effect duration increased, Wirebug Gauge recovery speed increased.
・Hail Cutter: Wirebug Gauge cost changed to 1; Wirebug recovery speed changed to Medium.
・Ground Splitter: Fixed an inconsistency between the player animation and the duration of the blowback negation and damage reduction effectys would occur after successfully hitting a monster with Ground Splitter.

Ground Splitter effect duration and wirebug gauge recovered speed have been buffed.

Hail Cutter has also become more efficient with its Wirebug Gauge cost changed to 1. With these changes in mind, we are expecting to see more optimal plays for the gunlance.

Update 10.0

Gunlance Balance Changes and Fixes
(Update 10.0)
・Hail Cutter: Wirebug Gauge recovers more quickly, and Wyvern's Fire cooldown reduction has been increased.

・Shelling levels 4 and 5 have been adjusted.
・[Normal Type (Levels 4 and 5)]
・ Shelling (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Shelling (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased
・ Charged Shelling (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Charged Shelling (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Wyvern's Fire (Level 4): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling slightly increased
・ Wyvern's Fire (Level 5): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Burst Fire (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Burst Fire (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased

・[Long Type (Levels 4 and 5)]
・ Shelling (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Shelling (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased
・ Wyvern's Fire (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased; Elemental scaling slightly increased
・ Wyvern's Fire (Level 5): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Burst Fire (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Burst Fire (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased

・[Wide Type (Levels 4 and 5)]
・ Shelling (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Shelling (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased
・ Charged Shelling (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased
・ Strong Charged Shelling (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Strong Charged Shelling (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased
・ Wyvern's Fire (Level 4): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling slightly increased
・ Wyvern's Fire (Level 5): Attack power increased; Elemental scaling increased
・ Burst Fire (Level 4): Attack power slightly increased
・ Burst Fire (Level 5): Attack power slightly increased

・Fixed a bug where the delay was set too short between performing a sidestep after a large backstep.
・Guard Edge: Fixed a bug where sometimes you could not perform a Guard Edge immediately after stopping moving while guarding.
・Wyvern's Fire: Fixed a bug where the aftereffects of Wyvern's Fire would appear displaced on certain types of Gunlances.
・Wyvern's Fire: Fixed a bug where the explosion from Wyvern's Fire would sometimes not properly register a sloped surface when using Wyvern's Fire on a slope.
・Wyvern's Fire: Fixed a bug where you could not combo into Wyvern's Fire after chaining an Overhead Smash into a sidestep.

Gunlance was fun to use in MHRise so it's great that it got really great buffs across the board, mostly to keep up with the damage needed to dispose of MR monsters! What more, the cooldown for the Wyvern Fire and Wirebug cooldown after using Hail Cutter were shortened - making these already staple moves an even greater pick.

Gunlance is very comfortable to use in Sunbreak!

Weapon Changes in Sunbreak

Gunlance New Sunbreak Attacks and Moves

Official Gunlance Preview Video

Silkbind Attack: Bullet Barrage

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gunlance Bullet Barrage Silkbind Attack

The hunter uses a Wirebug to close in on the monster, then it unleashes everything loaded in the Gunlance! Note that a full reload will be done first if any of the ammunition (including Wyvern's Fire cooldown) is not ready before performing the attack, so time it properly!

The reload and blast dash also cannot be stopped by roars or enemy attacks.

Switch Skill: Erupting Cannon

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gunlance Erupting Cannon Switch Skill

This Switch Skill fires an exploding stake at the target. The Gunlance heats up after the explosion, indicated by a blue flame, and enhances all slashing attacks for a limited time. This will likely switch with the Wyrmstake Cannon.

Silkbind Attack: Reverse Blast

MHRise Sunbreak - Reverse Blast

Not introduced in any trailer, Reverse Blast is an additional Silkbind Attack added to the Sunbreak Expansion. The reverse of Blast Dash, you use the thrust from your Gunlance to increase the gap between you and the monster. Use this when you're in a pinch and need to retreat.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Release Date and New Monsters

How Good is the Gunlance?

Tier List Ranking

MHRise Ranking Sunbreak Ranking
A Rank Icon
(S - A - B)
3 Level Tier
S Rank Icon
(SS - S - A)
3 Level Tier

The Gunlance received really great weapon improvements in the Sunbreak expansion. Bullet Barrage gave it a big burst damage option that unloads all its ammo in one, single attack.

However, this over-reliance on Switch Skills and Wirebugs stunded this weapon's effectiveness. It also do not benefit from the elemental burst meta we have today.

Weapon Tier List

Gunlance Strengths

MH Rise - Gunlance Strengths

Check IconShelling neglects monster armor

Check IconPhysical attacks are strong too

Check IconLong reach and can aim high places

Check IconOne of the best with guarding

Shelling Neglects Monster Armor

Shelling attacks ignore monster armor so Gunlance players revolve their playstyle around it. This is mostly where the Gunlance shows its full potential!

Physical Attacks Are Equally Strong!

Though shelling is where the power lies, Gunlance's physical attacks are not too shabby either! Depending on the situation, you can build your Gunlance for poking only!

Long Reach and High Aim

Like the Lance, the Gunlance also has a long reach and can aim high. This enables the hunter to reach the high heads of Anjanath or hit flying enemies like Rathalos!

Gunlances Can Guard!

The Gunlance is also top tier when it comes to guarding! It is possible to bombard enemies with shelling while guarding to keep this in mind!

Gunlance Weaknesses

MH Rise - Gunlance Weaknesses

Check IconShelling consumes sharpness

Check IconVery poor mobility

Check IconWyvern's Fire and Shelling Ammo needs proper management

Shelling Consumes Sharpness

Unfortunately, shelling rapidly consumes sharpness. Remember to use Guard Edge or sharpen during the fight! We suggest putting in the skills Razor Sharp or Protective Polish to slow down sharpness degradation. If not, just opt with Speed Sharpening so you can sharpen in less time.

Very Poor Mobility

When unsheathed, the Gunlance reduces the hunter to a crawl. Sheath your weapon or build your Gunlance for Evade Extend to reposition effectively! Blast Dash can be used to mitigate this but you will not have access to Charged Shelling anymore.

Wyvern's Fire and Shell Ammo Needs Proper Management

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Wyvern

In addition to managing sharpness, Gunlance users must also manage the Gunlance's Wyvern's Fire and Shelling ammo. This requires a steady presence of mind whenever you play!

Gunlance Controls

Controls Action
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Lateral Thrust
XBOX - Y Button.png
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS4 - Circle Button.png
XBOX - B Button.png
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS4 - Circle Button.png
Charged Shelling
XBOX - B Button.png
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Triangle + Circle
Rising Slash
NSW - X + NSW - A

X + A
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

Y + B
After Rising Slash,
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
After Rising Slash,
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Overhead Smash
After Rising Slash,
After Rising Slash,
XBOX - Y Button.png
After Overhead Smash,
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
After Overhead Smash,
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Wide Sweep
After Overhead Smash,
After Overhead Smash,
XBOX - Y Button.png
MH Rise - M4 Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png
XBOX - Right Trigger.png
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click

MB4 + Left Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

R2 + Triangle
Guard Thrust
NSW - ZR + NSW - X

zR + X
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

RT + Y
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

R2 + Circle
NSW - ZR + NSW - A

zR + A
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

RT + B
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

R2 + Circle
Quick Reload
NSW - ZR + NSW - A

zR + A
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

RT + B
MH Rise - Space Button Space
PS4 - X Button.png X
XBOX - A Button.pngA
After Overhead Smash,
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
After Hail Cutter,
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
After Overhead Smash,
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
After Hail Cutter,
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
Burst Fire
After Overhead Smash,
After Hail Cutter,
After Overhead Smash,
XBOX - B Button.png B
After Hail Cutter,
XBOX - B Button.png B
After Wide Sweep, MH Rise - Left Click or MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click or Right Click
After 2 Shelling,
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
After Burst Fire,
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
After Guard Edge,
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click (x2)
X or A
After Wide Sweep, PS4 - Triangle Button.png or PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle or Circle
After 2 Shelling,
PS4 - Circle Button.png
After Burst Fire,
PS4 - Circle Button.png
After Guard Edge,
PS4 - Circle Button.png
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png (x2)
Triangle or Circle
Wyrmstake Cannon
After Wide Sweep, NSW - X or NSW - A
X or A
After 2 Shelling,
After Burst Fire,
After Guard Edge,
NSW - X + NSW - A (x2)
X or A
After Wide Sweep, XBOX - Y Button.png or XBOX - B Button.png
Y or B
After 2 Shelling,
XBOX - B Button.png
After Burst Fire,
XBOX - B Button.png
After Guard Edge,
XBOX - B Button.png
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png (x2)
Y or B
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click

MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Triangle + Circle
Wyvern's Fire
NSW - ZR + NSW - X + NSW - A

zR + X + A
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png

RT + Y + B
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Hail Cutter
NSW - ZL + NSW - X

zL + X
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Guard Edge

zL + A
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Useful Combos

Basic Combo
Lunging Upthrust Mid Thrust I Mid Thrust II Shelling
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - X
Left Stick + X
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button +
MH Rise - Left ClickDirectional Button + Left Click
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Left Stick + Triangle
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
Left Stick + Y
XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - B Button.png B
Burst Fire Combo
Rising Slash Overhead Smash Burst Fire
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click + Right Click
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B
XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - B Button.png B
Strong Combo
Rising Slash Overhead Smash Wide Sweep Wyvern's Fire
NSW - X + NSW - A
X + A
NSW - ZR + NSW - X + NSW - A
zR + X + A
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Left Click + Right Click
MH Rise - Left Click Left Click MH Rise - Left Click Left Click
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
Triangle + Circle
PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle PS4 - Triangle Button.png Triangle
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Triangle + Circle
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
Y + B
XBOX - Y Button.png Y XBOX - Y Button.png Y
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + Y + B

Gunlance Silkbind Attacks

Bullet Barrage

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gunlance Bullet Barrage

Switch Controls

zL + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y

The hunter uses a Wirebug and the Gunlance to launch themselves forward and sets off an explosion that unloads everything the Gunlance has loaded. The reload and blast dash also cannot be stopped by roars or enemy attacks.

A fully loaded Gunlance will perform the action quickly. Note that shells, Wyrmstake Cannon, and Wyvern's Fire will be reloaded first before the move is executed if any of them are not fully loaded or ready. When using Bullet Barrage, make sure that you are in a safe position before using it as it has a relatively long windup time.

This move costs two Wirebug charges and has a medium recovery speed.

Hail Cutter

MH Rise - Gunlance Hail Cutter

Switch Controls

zL + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y

Hail Cutter is a Silkbind Attack that launches the hunter airborne while reloading the Gunlance. The move finishes with a downward slam where you may opt to use Burst Fire or Wyvern Fire with a shortened charge time!

Guard Edge

MH Rise - Gunlance Guard Edge

Switch Controls
NSW - ZL + NSW - A

zL + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png

LT + B

Guard Edge is a Silkbind Attack that acts like a counter-guard but restores sharpness. Considering how Gunlance shelling eats up sharpness at a rapid rate, this is a great addition to Gunlance's arsenal!

Ground Splitter

MH Rise - GL Ground Splitter

Switch Controls

zL + X
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click

Middle Click + Left Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png

L2 + Triangle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png

LT + Y

Ground Splitter is a Switch Skill switchable with Hail Cutter. The hunter will drag the Gunlance on the ground while moving forward and strike with an upward slash. It also temporarily boosts the damage for shells, Wyrmstake Shots, and Wyvern's Fire.

Reverse Blast

MHRise Sunbreak - Reverse Blast

Switch Controls

zL + B
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Space Button

Middle Click + Space
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - X Button.png

L2 + X
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - A Button.png

LT + A

The reverse of Blast Dash where you use the thrust from your Gunlance to increase the gap between you and the monster. Use this when you're in a pinch and need to retreat.

Gunlance Switch Skills

Switch Skills are unlocked with different conditions as you progress in the game. Base game MHRise provides Hunters with three (3) slots of Switch Skills, with the Sunbreak expansion adding two (2) more.

Note: Skills in red are exclusive to the Sunbreak expansion.

Skill Slot Switch Skill Choices
1 ・ Charged Shelling
・ Blast Dash
2 ・ Quick Reload
・ Guard Reload
3 ・ Wyrmstake Cannon
Erupting Cannon
4 ・ Hail Cutter
・ Ground Splitter
Bullet Barrage
5 ・ Guard Edge
Reverse Blast

Switch Skills Guide: How to Unlock Switch Skills

Blast Dash

MH Rise - GL Blast Dash

Switched With
Charged Shelling
Uses recoil to travel far. Aims the Gunlance backwards then launches forward to close in the target. It is possible to use Blast Dash again while hurtling!
Hold NSW - A (A) and release when charged.
Can be performed in midair using
NSW - ZR + NSW - A
zR + A
Hold MH Rise - Right Click (Right Click) and release when charged.
Can be performed in midair using
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
Hold PS4 - Circle Button.png (Circle) and release when charged.
Can be performed in midair using
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
Hold XBOX - B Button.png (B) and release when charged.
Can be performed in midair using
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + B

Blast Dash propels your hunter using the force of the Gunlance artillery. It does not have any damaging potential but is useful for closing out the distance between you and the monster. Blast Dash can be used up to three times.

Ground Splitter

MH Rise - GL Ground Splitter

Switched With
Hail Cutter
Scrapes the ground while slashing upwards. Increases shell, Wyrmstake Shot, and Wyvern Fire damage temporarily.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Slow
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

Ground Splitter drags your Gunlance on the ground, heating the tip while increasing the damage of shelling and Wyvern's Fire for a short time. Change into this Switch Skill as soon as you unlock it!

Guard Reload

MH Rise - GL Guard Reload

Switched With
Quick Reload
Has a Guard at the start of the reload. Reloads both the shells and the Wyrmstake Cannon but only reloads less shells than normal Reload.
NSW - ZR + NSW - A
zR + A
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
XBOX - Right Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + B

In Guard Reload, your artillery rounds are reduced to 3 but reloading is now guarded. This will also reload your Wyrmstake Cannon.

Erupting Cannon

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gunlance Erupting Cannon Switch Skill

Switched With
Wyrmstake Cannon
The Gunlance fires an exploding stake onto your target. When using this, the tip of the Gunlance heats up and slashing attacks are enhances for a certain period.
NSW - A after firing two shells or after a Burst Fire
NSW - X after a Wide Sweep
NSW - Left Analog + NSW - A after Charged Shelling

MH Rise - Right Click after firing two shells or after a Burst Fire
MH Rise - Left Click after a Wide Sweep
MH Rise - S Button + MH Rise - Right Click after Charged Shelling

PS4 - Circle Button.png after firing two shells or after a Burst Fire
PS4 - Triangle Button.png after a Wide Sweep
PS4 -  Left Stick.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png after Charged Shelling

XBOX - B Button.png after firing two shells or after a Burst Fire
XBOX - Y Button.png after a Wide Sweep
XBOX - Left Stick.png + XBOX - B Button.png after Charged Shelling

Replaces the consistent tick damage of Wyrmstake Cannon with a huge, single burst damage attack. Useful for breaking parts of the monster since it's a big, single point damage.

Bullet Barrage

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gunlance Bullet Barrage

Switched With
Hail Cutter
Uses a Wirebug to Blast dash toward your target, and unleashing all your ammo in one go. Shells, Wyrmstake Cannon, and Wyvern're will automatically be reloaded first before performing the attack so a windup animation is needed.
Can also be used after firing in midair.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Medium
Wirebug Cost: 2
NSW - ZL + NSW - X
zL + X
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Left Click
Middle Click + Left Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png
L2 + Triangle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - Y Button.png
LT + Y

A quick burst damage move that Hunters can use to drop a big boom on monsters! It even has a small blast dash at the start to close the gap with the monster! Use this whenever you see an opening!

Reverse Blast

MHRise Sunbreak - Reverse Blast

Switched With
Guard Edge
A rapid, backward evasive maneuver using a Wirebug to stop. If no shells are loaded, a quick reload will happen so be careful. Can be followed up with a Burst Fire.
Wirebug Gauge Recovery Speed: Fast
Wirebug Cost: 1
NSW - ZL + NSW - A
zL + A
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click
Middle Click + Right Click
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + Circle
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png
LT + B

The reverse of Blast Dash where you use the thrust from your Gunlance to increase the gap between you and the monster. Use this when you're in a pinch and need to retreat.

Gunlance Attacks and Moves

Charged Shelling

MH Rise - Gunlance Charged Shelling

Switch Controls Hold,
PC Controls Hold,
MH Rise - Right Click Right Click
PS Controls Hold,
PS4 - Circle Button.png Circle
Xbox Controls Hold,
XBOX - B Button.png B

Charged Selling is an old Gunlance attack that allows you to increase a shell's damage by charging your shots. It's extremely effective for long-type Gunlance ammo due to its inherently high damage output.

Unlike the Unload Burst, charged shelling only consumes 1 ammo at the cost of dealing less damage.

Change Direction of Attack

MH Rise - Gunlance Changing Charged Shelling Direction

While charging, the direction of the Gunlance's shot can be changed by moving the joystick up or down or with W or S. Charged Shelling can be shot forward, at a 45° angle, or directly above the user.

Wyrmstake Cannon

MH Rise - Gunlance Wyvernstake Cannon

After 2 Shelling,
NSW - A, MH Rise - Right Click, PS4 - Circle Button.png, or XBOX - B Button.png
A, Right Click, Circle, or B
After a Shelling,
↓ + NSW - A, MH Rise - Right Click, PS4 - Circle Button.png, or XBOX - B Button.png
Down + A, Right Click, Circle, or B
After a Burst Fire,
NSW - A, MH Rise - Right Click, PS4 - Circle Button.png, or XBOX - B Button.png
A, Right Click, Circle, or B
After a Guard Edge,
NSW - A, MH Rise - Right Click, PS4 - Circle Button.png, or XBOX - B Button.png
A, Right Click, Circle, or B
After a Wide Sweep,
NSW - A, MH Rise - Right Click, PS4 - Circle Button.png, or XBOX - B Button.png
A, Right Click, Circle, or B
NSW - X + NSW - A (x2)
X + A

MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click (x2)
Left Click + Right Click

PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png (x2)
Triangle + Circle

XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png (x2)
Y + B

The Wyrmstake Cannon uses a large metallic stake or harpoon-like ammo which deals a massive amount of damage when fired. Accompanied by this cannon are two attacks which in turn makes the combo a devastating blow to any enemy monster.

There are multiple ways to achieve this combo so practice what feels comfortable the most to you.

Remember to Reload your Wrymstake Cannon Using Normal / Guard Reloading

With Ammo Without Ammo
Switch Controls
zR + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 ClickMH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - R2 Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Right Trigger.pngXBOX - B Button.png
RT + B

Reloading your Wrymstake Cannon is different from reloading the ammo in your Gunlance. Always keep in mind that you cannot successfully perform a Wyrmstake Cannon combo if your Gunlance is empty.

Reload them using Normal Reload or Guard Reload, Quick Reload will not reload the Wyrmstake Cannon.

Wyvern Fire

MH Rise - Gunlance Wyvern Fire

Switch Controls
NSW - ZR + NSW - X + NSW - A
zR + X + A
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 ClickMH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Left Click + Right Click
PS Controls
PS4 - R2 Button.png + PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png
R2 + Triangle + Circle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Right Trigger.pngXBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.png
RT + Y + B

The Gunlance is charged and unleashes an explosive shot after a few seconds. You can adjust the Gunlance's aim while winding up the attack.

Wyvern Fire will force you to stay in place until the weapon is fired and also has a long cooldown, so it is better to use this move when the monster is down.

Block Attacks When Using Wyvern Fire

MH Rise - Gunlance Wyvern Fire Block

While the Wyvern Fire isn't a new move to the Gunlance, it has received a new feature wherein it can guard the user against attacks while the Gunlance is charging the move.

Burst Fire

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Burst Fire

Switch Controls
After Using Overhead Smash,
PC Controls
After Using Overhead Smash,
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
PS Controls
After Using Overhead Smash,
PS4 - Circle Button.png
Xbox Controls
After Using Overhead Smash,
XBOX - B Button.png

The Burst Fire is a returning move in Monster Hunter Rise! Burst Fire is a move that quickly fires all the current shells you have and is a great move to use for Gunlances with normal ammo types due to its massive amount of ammunition.

Recommended Combos for the Gunlance

Full Firepower Combo

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Full Firepower Combo

Switch Controls

PC Controls
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Right Click

Left Click + Right ClickLeft Click Righ ClicktLeft ClickRight Click
PS Controls
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.png

Triangle + CircleTriangleCircleTriangleCircle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - B Button.png


This combo utilizes all of the high damage moves of the Gunlance but leaves you open to counterattacks. Only use this combo when the monster is down.

Wyrmstake Cannon + Guard Edge Combo

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Wyrmstake Cannon + Guard Edge Combo

Switch Controls
zL + AA
PC Controls
MH Rise - M4 Click + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Right Click
MB4 + Right ClickRight Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.png
L2 + CircleCircle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - B Button.png

With this combo, you can start prepping the Wyrmstake Cannon when the monster roars as that is your opening. Quickly transferring into guard edge can help block against the attack after the roar which then leaves the monster open for you to blast them with your readied Wyrmstake Cannon.

Guard Edge Burst Fire Combo

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Full Blast End in Guard Edge Combo

Switch Controls

zL + AXA
PC Controls
MH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Right Click

Middle Click + Right ClickLeft ClickRight Click
PS Controls
PS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.png

L2 + CircleTriangleCircle
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - B Button.png


This combo allows you to enter into a Guard Edge and then transfer into a Burst Fire. You can also integrate movements for repositioning yourself while slamming down attacks.

Infinite Burst Fire Combo

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Infinite Full Burst Combo

Switch Controls
NSW - X + NSW - ANSW - XNSW - ANSW - XNSW - ZR + NSW - A → ....

X + AXAXzL + A → ...
PC Controls
MH Rise - Left Click + MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - Left ClickMH Rise - Middle Click + MH Rise - Right Click → ....

Left Click + Right ClickLeft ClickRight ClickLeft ClickMiddle Click + Right Click → ...
PS Controls
PS4 - Triangle Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - Circle Button.pngPS4 - Triangle Button.pngPS4 - L2 Button.png + PS4 - Circle Button.png → ....

Triangle + CircleTriangleCircleTriangleL2 + Circle → ...
Xbox Controls
XBOX - Y Button.png + XBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - B Button.pngXBOX - Y Button.pngXBOX - Left Trigger.png + XBOX - B Button.png → ....

Y + BYBYL2 + B → ...

A full combo that bombards the target with endless Burst Fires using Ammo Up and Reload Speed and goes well with Normal Shelling Gunlances.

Fast Wyrmstake Cannon Combo from Charged Shelling

Monster Hunter Rise - Gunlance Fastest Wyrmstake Cannon Combo

Switch Controls
Hold NSW - A → ↓ + NSW - A

Hold ADown + A
PC Controls
Hold MH Rise - Right ClickMH Rise - S Button + MH Rise - Right Click

Hold Right ClickS + Right Click
PS Controls
Hold PS4 - Circle Button.png → ↓ + PS4 - Circle Button.png

Hold CircleDown + Circle
Xbox Controls
Hold XBOX - B Button.png → ↓ + XBOX - B Button.png

Hold BDown + B

This combo enables your Wyrmstake Cannon to execute faster if shot from Charged Shelling. Combine this with the Switch Skill Guard Reload and you will have an infinite combo.

Tips on How to Use the Gunlance

Deal a Lot of Damage With Wyvern Fire!

MH Rise - Gunlance Deal Damage With Wyvern Fire

Wyvern Fire is the most powerful attack the Gunlance can deliver. Make sure it hits the monster so it would not be wasted!

Shelling Bypasses Monster Armor

MH Rise - Gunlance Shelling Bypasses Monster Armor

Shelling bypasses monster armor so you may bombard any part of the body regardless of the toughness!

Use Guard Edge to Recover Sharpness

MH Rise - Gunlance Use Guard Edge

Guard Edge is a great addition to Gunlance's arsenal. This is very useful considering that shelling rapidly decreases Gunlance sharpness! You may also use armor skills like Handicraft or Speed Sharpening to mitigate the rapid sharpness decrease.

Always Lodge a Wyrmstake Cannon Into Monsters

MH Rise - Gunlance Use Wyrmstake Cannon

The Wyrmstake Cannon is Gunlance's main DPS improving skill. It almost doubles your damage so always make sure that the monster has a Wyrmstake cannon in it and keep firing on it with shells!

Don't Hesitate To Use Traps

MH Rise - Gunlance Use Traps
Traps are a valuable item in Monster Hunter games. It allows you to ensnare a monster and potentially capture it when its HP is low. With Gunlance's bursty nature, a single opening can prove fatal to monsters, and using traps is a surefire way to get that opening.

List of All Traps and Bombs | Monster Hunter Rise

Know Your Shelling Types

The Gunlance's playstyle, while fixed into the DPS tank role, will vary greatly depending on their weapon's shelling type.

AmmoBest Movesets and Playstyles
Normal Most Ammo capacity, gets high damage from Burst Fire due to ammo quantity.
Spread Least ammo capacity, benefits greatly from a poke, fire, quick reload style of play.
Long Medium ammo capacity, has the highest shelling damage and can benefit the most from Wyrmstake Cannon and Shelling only playstlyle.

Master the Three Types of Reload

Reload Slow Reload Speed
Bullets and Wyrmstake are both reloaded
Quick Reload Fast Reload Speed
Only the bullets are reloaded
Guard Reload
Switch Skill
Can Guard while reloading
Fast Reload Speed that includes the Wyrmstake but reloads only 3 bullets

It is important to know when to use these types of reloading. Wyrmstake Cannon is very powerful but it is cumbersome to reload. A great Gunlance player knows if the situation calls for Reload or Quick Reload.

The Switch Skill Guard Reload is the middle ground but you don't unlock it until the Hub ★6 so it's a long way to go. By that time, you should have mastered both Reload and Quick Reload.

Switch Skills Guide: How to Unlock Switch Skills

Wyvern Fire Can Flinch Allies

Be careful when using the Wyvern Fire if your teammates are nearby. The explosion can flinch them and will disrupt their combo. Maintain proper decorum and use Wyvern Fire only when there isn't an ally nearby or let them know if you will use it so they can back off.

Gunlance Known Bugs and Fixes

Update 3.5 Bug Fixes

MH Rise - Update 3.5 Partial Banner

There are a couple of bugs related to the Gunlance that Update 3.5 that are now fixed!

  1. First is when Gunlance players jump off a ledge while dodging, it occasionally prevented them from using the Aerial Burst (called Aerial Shelling in-game).
  2. The second is a cosmestic bug related to Rampage Gunlances. Its appearance used to change whenever the Gunlance player changes the shelling type and performs a Wyrmstake Cannon attack.

Update 3.5: Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection Collaboration, DLC, and Patch Notes

Changes from MHW: Iceborne

Check IconWyvern Fire can be shot while guarding

Check IconWyvern Fire cooldown is shown (below the Wyrmstake Cannon icon)

Check IconBurst Fire now possible from the start of a combo

Check IconSpread Shelling has the stun values

Wyvern Fire Cooldown is Shown Under the Wyrmstake Cannon Icon

MH Rise - Gunlance Wyvern Fire Meter Appears Now

The cooldown for the Wyvern Fire is now displayed with an orange meter below the Wyrmstake Cannon icon. You can now see (at a glance) if Wyvern Fire is ready!

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

MH Rise - Weapons Partial Banner

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MH Rise - Weapons Page BannerWeapons and Weapon Types MH Rise - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Type Tier List MH Rise - Builds for Each WeaponBuilds for Each Weapon Type

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Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Gunlance Icon Gunlance
Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree
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Guide | Weapon Tree | Melodies
MH Rise - Switch Axe IconSwitch Axe
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Charge Blade IconCharge Blade
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Insect Glaive IconInsect Glaive
Guide | Weapon Tree | Kinsects

Ranged Weapon Guides

Ranged Weapons
MH Rise - Light Bowgun IconLight Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Heavy Bowgun IconHeavy Bowgun
Guide | Weapon Tree
MH Rise - Bow IconBow
Guide | Weapon Tree


12 Anonymous5 months

Is the stuff in the "Always Lodge a Wyrmstake Cannon Into Monsters" section really up to date for Rise? Isn't that just describing a mechanic from World that didn't make it into Rise?

3 Anonymous@Game8almost 3 years

Hi Anon! You're correct, this was an oversight on our end. We've edited the article according to your suggestion. Thank you!


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