Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Palamute Guide and Controls | Monster Hunter Rise

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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - Palamute Guide and Controls

For the first time in the Monster Hunter series, dogs can now be hunting companions! They are called Palamutes and are a new type of Buddy in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Read on to learn about Palamutes, how to ride and drift with them, their roles in battle, and their equipment.

Palamute Guides
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Palamute Guide BannerGeneral Palamute Guide Best Palamute Support Type and Equipped Moves BannerPalamute Gear and Tier List
MH Rise - List of Palamute Equipment BannerList of Palamute Equipment MH Rise - Palamute Builds and Best Equipment BannerBest Palamute Builds

Palamute Abilities


MH Rise - Palamute Riding

The most highlighted feature of the Palamute is the hunter's ability to ride it. It's highly similar to the Tailraiders in MHW, but the big difference is that Palamutes can be directly controlled. It even has a saddle ready for you to sit on, unlike the Tailriders!

MH Rise - Palamute Action Bar Let me Ride

Palamutes can be commanded to ride by accessing the Action Bar with the directional buttons and selecting 'Let me ride!' Similarly, you can press and hold the A Button or F on the keyboard to call your Palamute to ride, as long as neither of you is in combat.

Controls and Moves

Switch PC Action
Buttons A
Hold F
While Riding
Left Analog
Left Stick
MH Rise - W ButtonMH Rise - A ButtonMH Rise - S ButtonMH Rise - D Button
WASD Button
Button R
MH Rise - Shift Button Shift
Buttons X
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
While dashing
Buttons zL + Left Analog
zL + L
While dashing
MH Rise - Right Click
Right Click
Button zR
Buttons B
MH Rise - Space Button
While dashing
Buttons B
While dashing
MH Rise - Space Button
Jumping Dismount

How to Drift on a Palamute

Drift Speed Boost

By holding the zL button (Shift button on PC) while the Palamute is dashing, you'll enter the Drifting state. Tilt the control stick until a cloud of dust appears on the ground, then let go of zL (or Shift) to unleash a speed boost that will help cover ground faster than ever.

The direction you point the control stick isn't important, and it's not necessary to wait for a sharp corner to get a boost – simply tilting the control stick forward and using the drift to boost ahead on a straight path works just fine.

Benefits of Riding the Palamute

MH Rise - Palamute Riding Benefits
In addition to moving around with ease, here are some additional benefits to riding your Palamute:

  • Higher mobility
  • Jump without spending stamina
  • Easily climb vertical walls
  • Sharpen and use items while moving

Sniff 'Em Out!

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak introduces a new command for Palamutes! This lets you mark items or endemic life on the map so you can find them more easily. You can access this menu using the Action Bar.

Palamute Pouch

MH Rise Sunbreak - Palamute Pouch

Sunbreak also introduces the Palamute Pouch which gives you 8 additional item slots. If you can't carry more of an item, they'll automatically go here. This can be useful if you're doing mining runs for Zenny since you can carry twice your max capacity now!

Palamute Gear

MH Rise - Palamute Gear
Palamute Gear are special tools that determine the role of Palamutes. These enable Palamutes to use different attacks and abilities such as buffing or healing. These serve as the Palamutes' counterparts to the Palicoes' Equipped Moves but can be changed to your liking. Although their roles are more limited compared to Palicoes, the weapons and scrolls they use will surely aid your survivability in combat.

MH Rise - Palamute Gear Large Shuriken

More Gear can be unlocked as you fulfill Requests. These can be changed in the Buddy Board, and you can select up to two to use.

List of All Palamute Gear and
Best Palamute Gear Tier List

Palamute Equipped Skills

MH Rise - Palamute Equipped Skills
Like Palicoes, Palamutes also have access to Buddy Skills. You can equip or unequip your Palamutes' Buddy Skills from the Buddy Board, depending on what monster you're hunting!

For example, you might want the Negate Sleep skill when going up against Great Baggi, but it definitely won't be as useful against Magnamalo.

In the Sunbreak expansion, your Buddies will also be able to equip more skills and learn new skills!

Palico and Palamute Buddy Skills Guide

Palamute Equipment

Palamute Creation

Like the Hunters, you can customize your new Canyne companion. There are many presets to choose from, and you can even change their colors, voice, and more!

Character Creation Guide
Palamute Customization

Palamute Weapons and Armor

MH Rise - Palamute Armor

The Palamute can also equip armor and weapons to strengthen them in battle. Don't neglect to upgrade their equipment since the stat bonuses these provide will ensure your trusty partner can keep aiding you in battle!

MH Rise - List of Palamute Equipment BannerList of Palamute Equipment MH Rise - Palamute Builds and Best Equipment BannerBest Palamute Builds

Layered Armor

MH Rise - Palamute Layered Armor

Layered Armor is back from Monster Hunter World, but now, your Palicoes and Palamutes can be fashionable too! These are purely cosmetic, so your Buddies' stats won't be affected. You'll need scraps and Outfit Vouchers to make most Layered Armor.

List of Layered Armor

Meowcenaries and Argosy

Palamutes at the Meowcenaries

MH Rise - Meowcenaries Deploy
Not all Palamutes have to join you in battle. They can also go off on their own and gather items for you at the Meowcenaries alongside Palicoes! The higher their level is, the more unique items they can get for you whenever you deploy them.

Meowcenaries Guide

Palamutes at the Argosy

MH Rise - Gobul Submarines at the Argosy
Another option for Palamutes out of combat is working at the Argosy with Palicoes, gathering one specific item for you. The higher their level is, the more and better options they get for Buddy Bargaining, which is important for getting you more items!

Argosy and Trading Guide

How to Recruit Palamutes

Use the Buddy Scout at Buddy Plaza

The Buddy Scout allows players to recruit new Palicoes and Palamutes according to a host of specifications. It's possible to specify a Palamute of the appearance of your taste, and they can be freely renamed when they are recruited. This is a great tool for finding a Palamute with your ideal set of Skills!

Available Palamutes Change Every Quest

Each time you depart on a Quest, the recruitable Palamutes at the Buddy Scout will be refreshed. Even if you choose to return from or abandon the Quest without completing it, the Palamutes will refresh for a new set with different Skills, so rerolling for your ideal Palamute is not overly difficult.

Buddy Plaza Guide

How to Level Up Palamutes

Leave Buddies at the Buddy Dojo

MH Rise - Buddy Dojo

In addition to leveling up Palamutes and Palicoes by taking them on Quests with you, it's possible to passively level up Buddies by having them train at the Buddy Dojo.

While you're away on Quests, the training here will continue automatically, for a cost of 100 Points per training round or a single Lagniapple for a full 10 rounds.

Multiple Buddies can level up here at once, so be sure to keep your backup Palamutes and Palicoes training to keep them up to par for when you need them!

Buddy Dojo Guide | How to Train Buddies

What is a Palamute?

Your New Trusty Companion

MH Rise - Palamute Mount

The Palamute is your new Canyne companion in Monster Hunter Rise. They can be used as a mount that greatly speeds up exploring the Locales of Monster Hunter Rise. Palamutes can also provide aid in combat since they can heal you, attack Large Monsters, and distract them.

Palamute Behavior

Palamute Behavior is a way to adjust how your Buddy attacks. There are 3 tactics that your Palamute can do, all of which have a different function.

Basic Pincer Follow
The basic Palamute hunting style: stay within a hairsbreadth of danger and attack at close range. Palamutes work with the hunter to attack the monster in a pincer formation. Palamutes attack while remaining in close proximity to their hunter.

Play with the Palamute

MH Rise - Play with the Palamute

Yes, you can pet the dog in Monster Hunter Rise!
It's not just your Palamute though, you can also interact with your Palico! Actions range from handshakes to belly rubs!

Monster Hunter Rise - Palamute Action Bar Wait

You can pet them by selecting the 'Wait!' command from the Action Bar using the directional buttons. From there you can approach your Buddy and select the action you want!

Buddy Commands

MH Rise Sunbreak - Palamute Buddy Commands

You can press either the Y, X, or A buttons (E, Left Click, or Right Click on PC) to interact with your Buddies. Palicos and Palamutes have different interactions, so we suggest playing with both!

Sunbreak also adds the option to play fetch with your Buddies! Press R on the Switch or Shift on the PC to throw a ball for them.

Switch PC Action
Palamute Y E Give Treat
X MH Rise - Left ClickLeft Click Shake
A MH Rise - Right ClickRight Click Pet
R Shift Throw Ball
Palico Y E Play
X MH Rise - Left ClickLeft Click High Five
A MH Rise - Right ClickRight Click Pet
R Shift Throw Ball

Palamute Merchandise

Palamute Amiibo

MH Rise - Palamute Amiibo and Burning Armor Sealing Gull Series Layered Armor

If you want a cute Palamute on your desk or just want your Palamute to look cool in-game right off the bat, then getting the Palamute amiibo would be your best bet.

All Amiibos and How to Use Amiibos

Palamute Stuffed Toy

MH Rise - Palamute Stuffed Toy

Good news: there is a Palamute stuffed toy that you can hug and cry into every time you get carted by Mizutsune. Bad news: it's only available in Japan. So if you live in Japan, it might just be your lucky day!

Canyne Malzeno Palamute amiibo

MH Rise Sunbreak - Malzeno Palamute

This amiibo shows a Palamute donning the fearsome Canyne Malzeno armor. You can use it like the other amiibo, and it will also unlock a special Layered Armor for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak!

All Sunbreak Amiibo and Amiibo Unlocks

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Buddies Partial Banner

Buddy Plaza Guide

All Buddy Guides
Palico Guide Builds Best Types Equipment
Palamute Guide Builds Best Gear Equipment
Skills All Buddy Skills
Buddy Plaza Facilities
Buddy Dojo Guide and Training Guide
Argosy and Trading Guide


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