Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Afflicted Materials: How to Get and Uses

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak - Afflicted Materials

This is a guide on Afflicted Materials and how to get them in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Learn which monsters drop each Afflicted Material, what they are used for, the best monster to hunt for each Afflicted Material, and how to farm them.

Title Update 5 New Afflicted Materials

New TU5 Afflicted Materials
MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen SlogboneRisen Slogbone MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Dragon BloodRisen Dragon Blood
MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Dragon PurebloodRisen Dragon Pureblood MH Rise Sunbreak - Risen Dragon ThickbloodRisen Dragon Thickblood

Free Title Update 5 (TU5)
Release Date and Monsters

Afflicted Materials in Anomaly Investigations

How to Use the Search Tool
• Select either Material or Monster in the drop down list to choose which category to search for.
• Type in the Material or Monster you want to search and press Enter. For better searches, make sure dashes are taken into account eg. Kulu-Ya-Ku, Rakna-Kadaki, etc.
• Hit Reset whenever you change category in the drop down list!

Afflicted Material Afflicted Monster Investig. Level
MH Rise - Afflicted Claw Afflicted Claw
MH Rise - Afflicted Fang Afflicted Fang
MH Rise - Afflicted Bone Afflicted Bone 1–30
MH Rise - Afflicted Pelt Afflicted Pelt 1–30
MH Rise - Afflicted Blood Afflicted Blood 11–30
MH Rise - Afflicted Monster Bone Afflicted Monster Bone 11–30
MH Rise - Afflicted Scale Afflicted Scale 21–30
MH Rise - Afflicted Shell Afflicted Shell 21–30
MH Rise - Afflicted Hide+ Afflicted Hide+ 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Hardbone Afflicted Hardbone 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Claw+ Afflicted Claw+ 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Carapace Afflicted Carapace 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Dragon Blood Afflicted Dragon Blood 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Scale+ Afflicted Scale+ 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Fang+ Afflicted Fang+ 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Monster Hardbone Afflicted Monster Hardbone 31–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Horn Afflicted Dire Horn 51–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Scale Afflicted Dire Scale 51–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Bone Afflicted Dire Bone 51–100
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Shell Afflicted Dire Shell 71-110
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Claw Afflicted Dire Claw 71-110
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Fang Afflicted Dire Fang 91-140
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Blood Afflicted Dire Blood 91-140
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Wing Afflicted Dire Wing 91-140
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Scale+ Afflicted Dire Scale+ 101-160
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Horn+ Afflicted Dire Horn+ 101-160
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Hardbone Afflicted Dire Hardbone 101-160
MH Rise - Afflicted Hardclaw Afflicted Hardclaw 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Shard Afflicted Shard 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Cortex Afflicted Cortex 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Monster Slogbone Afflicted Monster Slogbone 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Slogbone Afflicted Slogbone 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Pure Blood Afflicted Pure Blood 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Hardfang Afflicted Hardfang 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Thickhide Afflicted Thickhide 101-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Claw+ Afflicted Dire Claw+ 111-180
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Carapace Afflicted Dire Carapace 111-180
MH Rise - Risen Dragonbone Risen Dragonbone 111-160
MH Rise - Risen Dragon Blood Risen Dragon Blood 131-200
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Wing+ Afflicted Dire Wing+ 141-200
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Fang+ Afflicted Dire Fang+ 141-200
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Dragon Blood Afflicted Dire Dragon Blood 141-200
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Shard Afflicted Dire Shard 161-300
MH Rise - Risen Dragonbone+ Risen Dragonbone+ 161-220
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Hardhorn Afflicted Dire Hardhorn 161-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Slogbone Afflicted Dire Slogbone 161-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Cortex Afflicted Dire Cortex 181-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Hardclaw Afflicted Dire Hardclaw 181-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Darkblood Afflicted Dire Darkblood 201-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Fellwing Afflicted Dire Fellwing 201-300
MH Rise - Afflicted Dire Hardfang Afflicted Dire Hardfang 201-300
MH Rise - Risen Dragon Pureblood Risen Dragon Pureblood 201-240
MH Rise - Risen Slogbone Risen Slogbone 221-300
MH Rise - Risen Dragon Thickblood Risen Dragon Thickblood 241-300

Afflicted Materials in Anomaly Quests

Click to Jump
▼A1★ ▼A2★ ▼A3★
▼A4★ ▼A5★ ▼A6★
▼A7★ ▼A8★ ▼A9★

A1★ Afflicted Materials

A1★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at MR 10
Afflicted Materials

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A2★ Afflicted Materials

A2★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at MR 20
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A3★ Afflicted Materials

A3★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at MR 30
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A4★ Afflicted Materials

A4★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at MR 50
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A5★ Afflicted Materials

A5★ Afflicted Materials and Afflicted Monsters were added in Sunbreak Title Update 1.

A5★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at Anomaly Research Lv. 81
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A6★ Afflicted Materials

A6★ Afflicted Materials and Afflicted Monsters were added in Sunbreak Title Update 2.

A6★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at Anomaly Research Lv. 111
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A7★ Afflicted Materials

A7★ Afflicted Materials and Afflicted Monsters were added in Sunbreak Title Update 3.

A7★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at Anomaly Research Lv. 181
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A8★ Afflicted Materials

A8★ Afflicted Materials and Afflicted Monsters were added in Sunbreak Title Update 4.

A8★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at Anomaly Research Lv. 211
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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A9★ Afflicted Materials

A9★ Afflicted Materials and Afflicted Monsters were added in Sunbreak Title Update 5.

A9★ Anomaly Quests
Unlocked at Anomaly Research Lv. 241
Afflicted Materials Monsters

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How to Get Afflicted Materials

Hunt Monsters in Anomaly Quests and Anomaly Investigations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Hunt Afflicted Monsters for Afflicted Materials

After defeating the Final Boss of Sunbreak, Anomaly Quests will be unlocked starting from the Urgent Quest of MR10. Players can receive Afflicted Materials as Carves or as Quest Rewards from Anomaly Quests.

You can also get Afflicted Materials by doing Anomaly Investigations that came with the Free Title Update 1. For every broken part and every carve (body or tail), you will have a 40% chance to get Afflicted Materials.

Buy Tier 1 Materials from Anomaly Research Lab

As of Title Update 2, you can now buy Tier 1 Afflicted Materials from Bahari at the Anomaly Research Lab. They become available once their Tier 3 equivalents become obtainable in Investigations. The first set unlocks at Anomaly Research Level 101.

Item for Exchange Investigation Coins
10 Investigation Coins Icon
10 Investigation Coins Icon
20 Investigation Coins Icon
20 Investigation Coins Icon
30 Investigation Coins Icon
30 Investigation Coins Icon
40 Investigation Coins Icon
40 Investigation Coins Icon
100 Investigation Coins Icon
100 Investigation Coins Icon
100 Investigation Coins Icon
150 Investigation Coins Icon
150 Investigation Coins Icon
200 Investigation Coins Icon
200 Investigation Coins Icon
200 Investigation Coins Icon
400 Investigation Coins Icon
500 Investigation Coins Icon

Anomaly Research Lab Guide

How to Farm Afflicted Materials

Click to Jump
▼A1★ ▼A2★ ▼A3★
▼A4★ ▼A5★ ▼A6★
▼A7★ ▼A8★ ▼A9★
▼Breakable Monster Parts▼

Best Monsters to Farm Afflicted Materials

The table below lists the best monsters to hunt for specific Afflicted Materials.

It is recommended to use Light Bowguns when hunting Afflicted Monsters to create some distance between you and a monster which lessens the risk of being hit with a powerful move while dealing damage from far away.

A1★ Afflicted Materials

A1★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 1-30) MH Rise - Arzuros Large Monster IconArzuros Spread Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)
(Lv. 1-30) MH Rise - Great Wroggi Large Monster IconGreat Wroggi Ice Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)

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A2★ Afflicted Materials

A2★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 11-30) MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon Thunder Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)
(Lv. 11-30) MH Rise - Royal Ludroth Large Monster IconRoyal Ludroth Fire Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)

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A3★ Afflicted Materials

A3★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 21-30) MH Rise - Somnacanth Large Monster IconSomnacanth Thunder Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)
(Lv. 21-30) MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath Pierce Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)

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A4★ Afflicted Materials

A4★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations while those with only A4★ beneath are commonly found in Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
A4★ MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga Thunder Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)
A4★ MH Rise - Almudron Large Monster IconAlmudron Fire Build
(Lv. 31-100)
(Lv. 101-300)

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A5★ Afflicted Materials

A5★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 51-100) MH Rise - Magma Almudron Large Monster IconMagma Almudron Water Build
(Lv. 101-160)
(Lv. 161-300)
(Lv. 51-100) MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos Ice Build
(Lv. 101-160)
(Lv. 161-300)
(Lv. 51-100) MH Rise - Mizutsune Large Monster IconMizutsune Thunder Build
(Lv 101-120)
(Lv. 161-300)

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A6★ Afflicted Materials

A6★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 71-110) MH Rise - Gore Magala Large Monster IconGore Magala Fire Build
(Lv. 111-180)
(Lv. 181-300)
(Lv. 71-110) MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang Spread Build
Ice Build
(Lv. 111-180)
(Lv. 181-300)

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A7★ Afflicted Materials

A7★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 91-140) MH Rise - Gold Rathian Large Monster IconGold Rathian Spread Build
(Lv. 141-200)
(Lv. 201-300)
(Lv. 91-140) MH Rise - Seething Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconSeething Bazelgeuse Ice Build
(Lv. 141-200)
(Lv. 201-300)
(Lv. 91-140) MH Rise - Furious Rajang Large Monster IconFurious Rajang Spread Build
Ice Build
(Lv. 141-200)
(Lv. 201-300)

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A8★ Afflicted Materials

A8★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 111-160) MH Rise - Risen Chameleos Large Monster IconRisen Chameleos Fire Build
(Lv. 161-220)
(Lv. 221-300)

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A9★ Afflicted Materials

A9★ Afflicted Materials with red text below are found in Anomaly Investigations and not Anomaly Quests.

Material Preferred Monster Build
(Lv. 131-200) MH Rise - Risen Shagaru Magala Large Monster IconRisen Shagaru Magala Fire Build
(Lv. 201-240)
(Lv. 241-300)

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Aim to Break Monster Parts

If you can break a part of a monster's body and finish the quest, you can obtain Afflicted Materials as a reward for breaking said parts. For every broken part and every carve (body or tail), you will have a 40% chance to get Afflicted Materials.

Aim to break as many body parts as you can to stack up bonus rewards at the end of the hunt. Cutting the monster's tail will also net you an extra carve where you may get an extra material!

Monster Breakable Parts
MH Rise - Arzuros Large Monster IconArzuros Arms
MH Rise - Great Wroggi Large Monster IconGreat Wroggi Head
MH Rise - Tetranadon Large Monster IconTetranadon Beak, Torso, Arms, Carapace, Plate
MH Rise - Royal Ludroth Large Monster IconRoyal Ludroth Head, Mane
MH Rise - Somnacanth Large Monster IconSomnacanth Head Fin, Arms, Tail
MH Rise - Anjanath Large Monster IconAnjanath Legs, Head, Tail
MH Rise - Almudron Large Monster IconAlmudron Head, Torso, Forelegs, Tail
MH Rise - Nargacuga Large Monster IconNargacuga Head, Cutwings, Tail
MH Rise - Diablos Large Monster IconDiablos Both Horns, Back
MH Rise - Mizutsune Large Monster IconMizutsune Right Claw, Left Claw, Dorsal Fin, Head, Tail
MH Rise - Magma Almudron Large Monster IconMagma Almudron Head, Torso, Forelegs, Tail
MH Rise - Gore Magala Large Monster IconGore Magala Antenna, Wings, Head, Wingarm, Tail
MH Rise - Rajang Large Monster IconRajang Horns, Arms, Tail
MH Rise - Gold Rathian Large Monster IconGold Rathian Head, Wing, Back, Tail
MH Rise - Seething Bazelgeuse Large Monster IconSeething Bazelgeuse Head, Wing, Back, Tail
MH Rise - Furious Rajang Large Monster IconFurious Rajang Horns, Arms
MH Rise - Risen Chameleos Large Monster IconRisen Chameleos Horn, Wing, Tail
MH Rise - Risen Shagaru Magala Large Monster IconRisen Shagaru Magala Horn, Wingarm, Wing, Tail

How to Break Monster Parts

Prioritize Faster Clears in Higher Levels

MH Rise Sunbreak - Gold Rathian
It is better to prioritize faster clears or hunts in higher Investigation Levels because breaking every part will take up a lot of time. Monsters in higher levels will have higher part health, and can cost you a lot of time in an already long fight.

Eat Dango Weakener Before Hunts

As Afflicted Monsters boast more health than their normal counterparts, it is recommended to choose the Spud-luck Dango and use Hopping Skewers to raise it to Level 4 when eating your meal before hunts.

The Dango Skill Dango Weakener, which is obtained from Spud-luck, can reduce the health of the monster that you will be hunting and can make farming for Afflicted materials easier and faster. Note that this works best for Anomaly Quests as monsters in Anomaly Investigations seem to have fixed health per level.

Dango Guide

How to Use Afflicted Materials

Used to Reach Rarity 10

MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Rarity 10 Weapons
Almost all Rarity 10 Weapons require Afflicted Materials from Afflicted Monsters, alongside Anomaly Tickets.
Sunbreak Weapons List: All Weapon Guides

Used for Qurious Crafting (Augmenting)

MH Rise Sunbreak - Enable Augmentation
All Afflicted Materials can be used to augment your weapons and armor at the Smithy. You can put in many types of improvements which boost your stats and decoration slots.
Qurious Crafting:
Weapon and Armor Augments

Used for Decorations

MH Rise Sunbreak - Phoenix Jewel 2
A bunch of endgame decorations, such as Phoenix Jewel 2 and Attack Jewel+ 4, can only be unlocked and crafted once you obtain certain Afflicted Materials.
Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations

Used for Qurious Melding

MH Rise Sunbreak - Qurious Melding

Introduced in Title Update 5, Qurious Melding is a new way of creating talismans with Afflicted Materials. The skills and slots from these charms are much more potent compared to the regular melding methods, allowing skills like Dereliction or Berserk to be rolled!

How to Use the Melding Pot

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise Sunbreak - Items and Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton


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