Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak | How to Climb Walls: Wall Running Guide

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How to Climb Walls.png

This guide will show you how to climb over walls and ledges in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR). See how to go over small ledges, ivy walls, how to perform a Wall Run after using a Wiredash, skills, and items to support Wall Running.

How to Climb Walls

In Monster Hunter: Rise, there are several ways in which walls or steep terrain can be climbed. This depends on the wall's height and whether it has ivy or not.

Climbing walls via Wall Running will naturally deplete stamina. It is recommended that you perform a Wiredash with Wirebugs to efficiently scale the wall.

Climbing Normal Walls

Climb Ledges.gif

In a hunt, walls can be climbed relatively pain free by simply sprinting towards the wall. As long as your buttons are held down, you will start climbing them.

Short walls or steep terrain, such as the one shown above, can easily be climbed over without costing too much stamina. Running out of stamina while Wall Running will cause you to drop from the wall.

Scaling Ivy Walls

Climbing Ivy Walls

Walls which have Ivy (or any similar climbing objects such as vines and ropes) are useful for getting up to higher areas as they allow you to hang on them during the climb. Walking in the direction of the ivy wall will lead your character to grab onto it.

After grabbing it, hold forward to climb upward, while left and right can be used to adjust your positioning. Additionally, you can hold the sprint button to climb much faster than normal, although it will use stamina.

Keep in mind that ivy walls can be scaled with palamutes as well, and as mentioned above, you can hold down the sprint button while doing so to climb even faster.

Use Wiredash for High Walls

Climbing Walls

MH Rise - Middle Click or MH Rise - Right Click
Hold Middle Mouse (Melee)
Hold Right Click (Ranged)
Aim Wirebug
MH Rise - M4 Click or MH Rise - Left Click
MB4 (Melee)
Left Click (Ranged)
Use Wiredash
PS4 - L2 Button.png
Hold L2
Aim Wirebug
PS4 - R2 Button.png
Use Wiredash
Hold ZL
Aim Wirebug
Use Wiredash
XBOX - Left Trigger.png
Hold LT
Aim Wirebug
XBOX - Right Trigger.png
Use Wiredash

Wirebug controls on PC change depending on whether the weapon type you are using ranged or not.

For taller walls that have no vines on them, you will need to make use of a Wiredash in order to climb them.

To do so, aim your Wirebug and fire it at the spot you are aiming at. After latching on to the wall, hold down the sprint button to initiate Wall Runnnig, which will allow you to reach the top.

Aim Your Wiredash Carefully

Wall Running can only continue until your Stamina is exhausted, so it is important that you aim your reticle as close to the top ledge of the wall as possible, as it will be easier to do a wall run to reach the top.

If your stamina runs out before you reach the edge, you will jump off, at which point you can initiate a second wiredash and finish the climb if you are quick enough.

How to Use Wirebugs

Wall Action Controls

Wall Actions

Controls Action
MH Rise - W Button
Hold W (Forward)
PS4 -  Left Stick.png
Hold Left Stick (Forward)
Wall Traversal
NSW - Left Analog
Hold Left Stick (Forward)
XBOX - Left Stick.png
Hold Left Stick (Forward)
MH Rise - Shift Button + MH Rise - W Button
Shift + W
PS4 - R1 Button.png + PS4 -  Left Stick.png
R1 + Left Stick
Wall Run
NSW - R + NSW - Left Analog
R + Left Stick
XBOX - Right Bumper.png + XBOX - Left Stick.png
RB + Left Stick
MH Rise - Space Button + MH Rise - S Button
Space + S
PS4 - X Button.png + PS4 -  Left Stick.png
X + Left Stick
Wall Jump
NSW - B + NSW - Left Analog
B + Left Stick
XBOX - A Button.png + XBOX - Left Stick.png
A + Left Stick
MH Rise - Left Click
Left Click
PS4 - Triangle Button.png
Jumping Attack
XBOX - Y Button.png
MH Rise - Space Button
PS4 - X Button.png
Drop Down
XBOX - A Button.png

How to Improve Climbing Stamina

Wall Running Skills

Skills Explanation
Wall Running Reduces stamina consumption when wall running. At Lv. 3, increases attack power when you initiate a wall run.
Wall-Runner (Boost) Wirebug Gauge recovers faster while wall running.
Marathon Runner Slows down stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain stamina (such as dashing). This stacks with Wall Running.

Listed above are skills that are often used for managing stamina while Wall Running (this includes climbing ivy, vines, and ropes). These can be used to your advantage during a hunt!

There are skills that provide temporary infinite stamina (such as Furious and Heaven-Sent), which halt stamina use during climbs. However, they are not usually used for scaling terrain and are better suited for combat.

Also, look out for stamina use reduction skills like Latent Power and hunting horn Melodies that have situational use in helping with wall scaling.

List of Armor Skills

Items for Improving Stamina

Items Effect
MH Rise - Ancient PotionAncient Potion Fully restores your health and stamina.
MH Rise - Dash JuiceDash Juice Gives back a small amount of stamina and reduces stamina loss for a short period of time.
MH Rise - Energy DrinkEnergy Drink Boosts stamina and prevents sleep.
MH Rise - RationRation Restores a small amount of stamina.
MH Rise - EZ RationEZ Ration Restores a small amount of stamina. (Supply Item)
MH Rise - Well-Done SteakWell-Done Steak Food that fully restores stamina.
MH Rise - Rare SteakRare Steak Consume to fill a portion of the red portion of the stamina bar.

Look out for items that can improve your stamina usage and maximum capacity. This can help if you need the extra boost in climbing lots of steep terrain!

How to Raise Max Stamina

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