Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

How to Find Flooded Forest Relic Records

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MH Rise - Flooded Forest Relic Records

This is a guide to finding all the Relic Records and Old Messages in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) in the Flooded Forest map, and rewards for collecting them all!

Base Game Relic Records
Shrine Ruins Frost Islands Sandy Plains
Flooded Forest Lava Caverns Rampage
Sunbreak Relic Records
Jungle Citadel

Flooded Forest Relic Record Locations

Location Map

Flooded Forest Relic Record Locations

※The red numbers correlate to their order in the Notebook.

Flooded Forest Map and Sub-Camp Locations

Relic Records Detailed Walkthrough

Flooded Forest Relic Records (Click to jump!)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

1: Climb the Wall Next to the Main Camp

Location Directions

The first Relic Record can be found just up the wall near the Main Camp. As soon as you load into the area, turn to your left and climb the wall with your Wirebugs to reach the location.

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2: On a Tree Above the Path Between Areas 4 and 9

Location Directions

The second Relic Record can be found along the path between Areas 4 and 9, in a tree above you. As you won't be able to climb up from below, you'll need to head to the hill in Area 8 and make your way over to the tree from there.

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3: In a Room on the Pyramid

Location Opening

Flooded Forest Relic Record 3 can be found inside the Pyramid to the southeast end of the map. Climb up the Pyramid and head to its south side where you'll come upon two different openings. You want to take the upper opening to find the Relic Record.

Make sure to make use of your Wirebugs when heading down the Pyramid.

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4: Hidden in a Patch of Sending Sprigs Between Areas 10 and 11

The fourth Relic Record can be found in a patch of Sending Sprigs between areas 10 and 11. This is the only patch of Sending Sprigs in the area so you'll have no trouble finding it.

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5: In a Hole on a Wall in the West Side of Area 14

Location Directions

The fifth Relic Record can be found on the western side of Area 14 inside a hole on a wall. It can be a bit hard to notice so walk along the wall until you spot it.

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6: Jump Into a Hole to the East of Area 12

Location Directions

The sixth Relic Record can be found in a cave accessed from a cliffside in Area 12. Once you reach the opening just wiredash your way inside.

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7: On a Cliff Above the Sub-Camp

Location Directions

The seventh Relic Record can be found above the Sub Camp on the cliff. Due to the height, you won't be able to climb up directly. Instead, go to the cliff on the opposite side wiredash from there.

The Relic Record is down one level from the top of the mountain so look down before dropping.

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8: In a Room at the Top of the Pyramid

Location Breakable Wall

The eighth Relic Record can be found close to where you found the second. From the top of the Pyramid drop down to the left side where you'll see a wall that can be broken. Similar to the snowman in Frost Islands, you'll need to use a Barrel Bomb or a Gunlance's Wyrmstake Cannon to take the wall down. With that done, go inside to get the Relic Record.

The Pyramid can be scaled using Wirebugs.

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9: Between Area 13 and the Main Camp

Great Wirebug Directions

The ninth Relic Record can be found along with the shortcut from the Main Camp to Area 13. You'll need to climb up from the Main Camp so head to the south cliffside where there are some Jewel Lillies to deploy a Great Wirebug.

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10: On a Cliff Near the Waterfall in Area 7

Location Directions

Flooded Forest Relic Record 10 can be found on top of a cliff to the far north of the map. To get there, you'll need to head to the waterfall in Area 12 and cross over the platforms sticking out of it. Getting to the first platform may require an extra Wirebug if you can't quite make it across so pick one up in advance if you're worried.

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Flooded Forest Rampage Message Locations

Location Map

Flooded Forest Rampage Message Locations

※The red numbers correlate to their order in the Notebook.

The Flooded Forest has the fifth and sixth Rampage Messages in the game. The rest can be found in the other locales. Check our guide below to know where to find them all!

How to Find Rampage Message Relic Records

Detailed Walkthrough

5: Just Below the Great Wirebug in Flooded Forest Area 2

The fifth Rampage Message can be found in Flooded Forest Area 2, just below the Great Wirebug location in the ruins. If you have the Sunbreak DLC, you can quickly reach this area with the 1st Buddy Recon Point.

6: In the Southeast Part Flooded Forest Area 7

Location Directions

The sixth Rampage Message can be found through an opening in a cliff in Flooded Forest Area 7. Once you arrive at the cliff simply Wiredash up into the opening.

List of Rewards

Bishaten and Somnacanth Carvings

5 Records 10 Records
Bishaten Carving Somnacanth Carving

Collecting Flooded Forest Relic Records will award you with two carvings which you'll need to complete the Sturdy Padlock award. Finding all the relics and Rampage Messages in this locale will bring you closer to getting the Antique Bookmark achievement!

How to Unlock All Guild Card Awards

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